From iris.proofmode Require Export classes.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Import bi.
Section bi_instances.
Context {PROP : bi}.
Implicit Types P Q R : PROP.
(* IntoInternalEq *)
Global Instance into_internal_eq_internal_eq {A : ofeT} (x y : A) :
@IntoInternalEq PROP A (x ≡ y) x y.
Proof. by rewrite /IntoInternalEq. Qed.
Global Instance into_internal_eq_bare {A : ofeT} (x y : A) P :
IntoInternalEq P x y → IntoInternalEq (■ P) x y.
Proof. rewrite /IntoInternalEq=> ->. by rewrite bare_elim. Qed.
Global Instance into_internal_eq_sink {A : ofeT} (x y : A) P :
IntoInternalEq P x y → IntoInternalEq (▲ P) x y.
Proof. rewrite /IntoInternalEq=> ->. by rewrite sink_internal_eq. Qed.
Global Instance into_internal_eq_persistently {A : ofeT} (x y : A) P :
IntoInternalEq P x y → IntoInternalEq (□ P) x y.
Proof. rewrite /IntoInternalEq=> ->. by rewrite persistently_elim. Qed.
(* FromBare *)
Global Instance from_bare_affine P : Affine P → FromBare P P.
Proof. intros. by rewrite /FromBare bare_elim. Qed.
Global Instance from_bare_default P : FromBare (■ P) P | 100.
Proof. by rewrite /FromBare. Qed.
(* FromAssumption *)
Global Instance from_assumption_exact p P : FromAssumption p P P | 0.
Proof. by rewrite /FromAssumption /= bare_persistently_if_elim. Qed.
Global Instance from_assumption_persistently_r P Q :
FromAssumption true P Q → FromAssumption true P (□ Q).
rewrite /FromAssumption /= =><-.
by rewrite -{1}bare_persistently_idemp bare_elim.
Global Instance from_assumption_bare_r P Q :
FromAssumption true P Q → FromAssumption true P (■ Q).
Proof. rewrite /FromAssumption /= =><-. by rewrite bare_idemp. Qed.
Global Instance from_assumption_sink_r p P Q :
FromAssumption p P Q → FromAssumption p P (▲ Q).
Proof. rewrite /FromAssumption /= =><-. apply sink_intro. Qed.
Global Instance from_assumption_bare_persistently_l p P Q :
FromAssumption true P Q → FromAssumption p (⬕ P) Q.
Proof. rewrite /FromAssumption /= =><-. by rewrite bare_persistently_if_elim. Qed.
Global Instance from_assumption_persistently_l_true P Q :
FromAssumption true P Q → FromAssumption true (□ P) Q.
Proof. rewrite /FromAssumption /= =><-. by rewrite persistently_idemp. Qed.
Global Instance from_assumption_persistently_l_false `{AffineBI PROP} P Q :
FromAssumption true P Q → FromAssumption false (□ P) Q.
Proof. rewrite /FromAssumption /= =><-. by rewrite affine_bare. Qed.
Global Instance from_assumption_bare_l_true p P Q :
FromAssumption p P Q → FromAssumption p (■ P) Q.
Proof. rewrite /FromAssumption /= =><-. by rewrite bare_elim. Qed.
Global Instance from_assumption_forall {A} p (Φ : A → PROP) Q x :
FromAssumption p (Φ x) Q → FromAssumption p (∀ x, Φ x) Q.
Proof. rewrite /FromAssumption=> <-. by rewrite forall_elim. Qed.
(* IntoPure *)
Global Instance into_pure_pure φ : @IntoPure PROP ⌜φ⌝ φ.
Proof. by rewrite /IntoPure. Qed.
Global Instance into_pure_eq {A : ofeT} (a b : A) :
Discrete a → @IntoPure M (a ≡ b) (a ≡ b).
Proof. intros. by rewrite /IntoPure discrete_eq. Qed.
Proof. rewrite /IntoPure pure_and. by intros -> ->. Qed.
Proof. rewrite /IntoPure pure_or. by intros -> ->. Qed.
Global Instance into_pure_pure_impl (φ1 φ2 : Prop) P1 P2 :
Proof. rewrite /FromPure /IntoPure pure_impl. by intros -> ->. Qed.
Global Instance into_pure_exist {A} (Φ : A → PROP) (φ : A → Prop) :
(∀ x, IntoPure (Φ x) (φ x)) → IntoPure (∃ x, Φ x) (∃ x, φ x).
Proof. rewrite /IntoPure=>Hx. rewrite pure_exist. by setoid_rewrite Hx. Qed.
Global Instance into_pure_forall {A} (Φ : A → PROP) (φ : A → Prop) :
(∀ x, IntoPure (Φ x) (φ x)) → IntoPure (∀ x, Φ x) (∀ x, φ x).
Proof. rewrite /IntoPure=>Hx. rewrite -pure_forall_2. by setoid_rewrite Hx. Qed.
Global Instance into_pure_pure_sep (φ1 φ2 : Prop) P1 P2 :
IntoPure P1 φ1 → IntoPure P2 φ2 → IntoPure (P1 ∗ P2) (φ1 ∧ φ2).
Proof. rewrite /IntoPure=> -> ->. by rewrite sep_and pure_and. Qed.
Global Instance into_pure_pure_wand (φ1 φ2 : Prop) P1 P2 :
Proof. rewrite /FromPure /IntoPure=> <- ->. by rewrite pure_impl impl_wand_2. Qed.
Global Instance into_pure_bare P φ : IntoPure P φ → IntoPure (■ P) φ.
Proof. rewrite /IntoPure=> ->. apply bare_elim. Qed.
Global Instance into_pure_sink P φ : IntoPure P φ → IntoPure (▲ P) φ.
Proof. rewrite /IntoPure=> ->. by rewrite sink_pure. Qed.
Global Instance into_pure_persistently P φ : IntoPure P φ → IntoPure (□ P) φ.
Proof. rewrite /IntoPure=> ->. apply: persistently_elim. Qed.
(* FromPure *)
Global Instance from_pure_pure φ : @FromPure PROP ⌜φ⌝ φ.
Proof. by rewrite /FromPure. Qed.
Global Instance from_pure_internal_eq {A : ofeT} (a b : A) :
@FromPure PROP (a ≡ b) (a ≡ b).
Proof. by rewrite /FromPure pure_internal_eq. Qed.
FromPure P1 φ1 → FromPure P2 φ2 → FromPure (P1 ∧ P2) (φ1 ∧ φ2).
Proof. rewrite /FromPure pure_and. by intros -> ->. Qed.
FromPure P1 φ1 → FromPure P2 φ2 → FromPure (P1 ∨ P2) (φ1 ∨ φ2).
Proof. rewrite /FromPure pure_or. by intros -> ->. Qed.
Global Instance from_pure_pure_impl (φ1 φ2 : Prop) P1 P2 :
IntoPure P1 φ1 → FromPure P2 φ2 → FromPure (P1 → P2) (φ1 → φ2).
Proof. rewrite /FromPure /IntoPure pure_impl. by intros -> ->. Qed.
Global Instance from_pure_exist {A} (Φ : A → PROP) (φ : A → Prop) :
(∀ x, FromPure (Φ x) (φ x)) → FromPure (∃ x, Φ x) (∃ x, φ x).
Proof. rewrite /FromPure=>Hx. rewrite pure_exist. by setoid_rewrite Hx. Qed.
Global Instance from_pure_forall {A} (Φ : A → PROP) (φ : A → Prop) :
(∀ x, FromPure (Φ x) (φ x)) → FromPure (∀ x, Φ x) (∀ x, φ x).
Proof. rewrite /FromPure=>Hx. rewrite pure_forall. by setoid_rewrite Hx. Qed.
Global Instance from_pure_pure_sep (φ1 φ2 : Prop) P1 P2 :
FromPure P1 φ1 → FromPure P2 φ2 → FromPure (P1 ∗ P2) (φ1 ∧ φ2).
Proof. rewrite /FromPure=> <- <-. by rewrite pure_and persistent_and_sep_1. Qed.
Global Instance from_pure_pure_wand (φ1 φ2 : Prop) P1 P2 :
IntoPure P1 φ1 → FromPure P2 φ2 → FromPure (P1 -∗ P2) (φ1 → φ2).
rewrite /FromPure /IntoPure=> -> <-.
by rewrite pure_wand_forall pure_impl pure_impl_forall.
Global Instance from_pure_persistently P φ : FromPure P φ → FromPure (□ P) φ.
Proof. rewrite /FromPure=> <-. by rewrite persistently_pure. Qed.
Global Instance from_pure_sink P φ : FromPure P φ → FromPure (▲ P) φ.
Proof. rewrite /FromPure=> <-. by rewrite sink_pure. Qed.
(* IntoPersistent *)
Global Instance into_persistent_persistently p P Q :
IntoPersistent true P Q → IntoPersistent p (□ P) Q | 0.
rewrite /IntoPersistent /= => ->.
destruct p; simpl; auto using persistently_idemp_1.
Global Instance into_persistent_bare p P Q :
IntoPersistent p P Q → IntoPersistent p (■ P) Q | 0.
Proof. rewrite /IntoPersistent /= => <-. by rewrite bare_elim. Qed.
Global Instance into_persistent_here P : IntoPersistent true P P | 1.
Global Instance into_persistent_persistent P :
Persistent P → IntoPersistent false P P | 100.
Proof. intros. by rewrite /IntoPersistent. Qed.
Global Instance from_persistent_here P : FromPersistent false false P P | 1.
Global Instance from_persistent_persistently a P Q :
FromPersistent a false P Q → FromPersistent false true (□ P) Q | 0.
rewrite /FromPersistent /= => <-. by destruct a; rewrite /= ?persistently_bare.
Global Instance from_persistent_bare a p P Q :
FromPersistent a p P Q → FromPersistent true p (■ P) Q | 0.
Proof. rewrite /FromPersistent /= => <-. destruct a; by rewrite /= ?bare_idemp. Qed.
(* IntoWand *)
Global Instance into_wand_wand p q P Q P' :
FromAssumption q P P' → IntoWand p q (P' -∗ Q) P Q.
rewrite /FromAssumption /IntoWand=> HP. by rewrite HP bare_persistently_if_elim.
Global Instance into_wand_impl_false_false `{!AffineBI PROP} P Q P' :
FromAssumption false P P' → IntoWand false false (P' → Q) P Q.
rewrite /FromAssumption /IntoWand /= => ->. apply wand_intro_r.
by rewrite sep_and impl_elim_l.
Global Instance into_wand_impl_false_true P Q P' :
Absorbing P' → FromAssumption true P P' →
rewrite /IntoWand /FromAssumption /= => ? HP. apply wand_intro_l.
by rewrite -persistently_and_bare_sep_l persistently_elim impl_elim_r.
Global Instance into_wand_impl_true_false P Q P' :
Affine P' → FromAssumption false P P' →
rewrite /FromAssumption /IntoWand /= => ? HP. apply wand_intro_r.
rewrite -persistently_and_bare_sep_l HP -{2}(affine_bare P') -bare_and_lr.
Global Instance into_wand_impl_true_true P Q P' :
FromAssumption true P P' → IntoWand true true (P' → Q) P Q.
rewrite /FromAssumption /IntoWand /= => <-. apply wand_intro_l.
rewrite -{1}(bare_persistently_idemp P) -and_sep_bare_persistently.
by rewrite -bare_persistently_and impl_elim_r bare_persistently_elim.
Global Instance into_wand_and_l p q R1 R2 P' Q' :
IntoWand p q R1 P' Q' → IntoWand p q (R1 ∧ R2) P' Q'.
Proof. rewrite /IntoWand=> ?. by rewrite /bi_wand_iff and_elim_l. Qed.
Global Instance into_wand_and_r p q R1 R2 P' Q' :
IntoWand p q R2 Q' P' → IntoWand p q (R1 ∧ R2) Q' P'.
Proof. rewrite /IntoWand=> ?. by rewrite /bi_wand_iff and_elim_r. Qed.
Global Instance into_wand_forall {A} p q (Φ : A → PROP) P Q x :
IntoWand p q (Φ x) P Q → IntoWand p q (∀ x, Φ x) P Q.
Proof. rewrite /IntoWand=> <-. by rewrite (forall_elim x). Qed.
Global Instance into_wand_persistently_true q R P Q :
IntoWand true q R P Q → IntoWand true q (□ R) P Q.
Proof. by rewrite /IntoWand /= persistently_idemp. Qed.
Global Instance into_wand_persistently_false `{!AffineBI PROP} q R P Q :
IntoWand false q R P Q → IntoWand false q (□ R) P Q.
Proof. by rewrite /IntoWand persistently_elim. Qed.
Global Instance into_wand_bare_persistently p q R P Q :
IntoWand p q R P Q → IntoWand p q (⬕ R) P Q.
Proof. by rewrite /IntoWand bare_persistently_elim. Qed.
(* FromAnd *)
Global Instance from_and_and P1 P2 : FromAnd (P1 ∧ P2) P1 P2 | 100.
Proof. by rewrite /FromAnd. Qed.
Global Instance from_and_sep_persistent_l P1 P1' P2 :
FromBare P1 P1' → Persistent P1' → FromAnd (P1 ∗ P2) P1' P2 | 9.
rewrite /FromBare /FromAnd=> <- ?. by rewrite persistent_and_bare_sep_l_1.
Global Instance from_and_sep_persistent_r P1 P2 P2' :
FromBare P2 P2' → Persistent P2' → FromAnd (P1 ∗ P2) P1 P2' | 10.
rewrite /FromBare /FromAnd=> <- ?. by rewrite persistent_and_bare_sep_r_1.
Global Instance from_and_sep_persistent P1 P2 :
Persistent P1 → Persistent P2 → FromAnd (P1 ∗ P2) P1 P2 | 11.
rewrite /FromBare /FromAnd. intros ??. by rewrite -persistent_and_sep_1.
Global Instance from_and_pure φ ψ : @FromAnd PROP ⌜φ ∧ ψ⌝ ⌜φ⌝ ⌜ψ⌝.
Proof. by rewrite /FromAnd pure_and. Qed.
Global Instance from_and_persistently P Q1 Q2 :
FromAnd P Q1 Q2 → FromAnd (□ P) (□ Q1) (□ Q2).
Proof. rewrite /FromAnd=> <-. by rewrite persistently_and. Qed.
Global Instance from_and_persistently_sep P Q1 Q2 :
FromSep P Q1 Q2 → FromAnd (□ P) (□ Q1) (□ Q2) | 11.
Proof. rewrite /FromAnd=> <-. by rewrite -persistently_and persistently_and_sep. Qed.
Global Instance from_and_big_sepL_cons_persistent {A} (Φ : nat → A → PROP) x l :
Persistent (Φ 0 x) →
FromAnd ([∗ list] k ↦ y ∈ x :: l, Φ k y) (Φ 0 x) ([∗ list] k ↦ y ∈ l, Φ (S k) y).
Proof. intros. by rewrite /FromAnd big_opL_cons persistent_and_sep_1. Qed.
Global Instance from_and_big_sepL_app_persistent {A} (Φ : nat → A → PROP) l1 l2 :
(∀ k y, Persistent (Φ k y)) →
FromAnd ([∗ list] k ↦ y ∈ l1 ++ l2, Φ k y)
([∗ list] k ↦ y ∈ l1, Φ k y) ([∗ list] k ↦ y ∈ l2, Φ (length l1 + k) y).
Proof. intros. by rewrite /FromAnd big_opL_app persistent_and_sep_1. Qed.
(* FromSep *)
Global Instance from_sep_sep P1 P2 : FromSep (P1 ∗ P2) P1 P2 | 100.
Proof. by rewrite /FromSep. Qed.
Global Instance from_sep_and P1 P2 :
TCOr (TCAnd (Affine P1) (Affine P2)) (TCAnd (Absorbing P1) (Absorbing P2)) →
FromSep (P1 ∧ P2) P1 P2 | 101.
Proof. intros. by rewrite /FromSep sep_and. Qed.
Global Instance from_sep_pure φ ψ : @FromSep PROP ⌜φ ∧ ψ⌝ ⌜φ⌝ ⌜ψ⌝.
Proof. by rewrite /FromSep pure_and sep_and. Qed.
Global Instance from_sep_bare P Q1 Q2 :
FromSep P Q1 Q2 → FromSep (■ P) (■ Q1) (■ Q2).
Proof. rewrite /FromSep=> <-. by rewrite bare_sep_2. Qed.
Global Instance from_sep_sink P Q1 Q2 :
FromSep P Q1 Q2 → FromSep (▲ P) (▲ Q1) (▲ Q2).
Proof. rewrite /FromSep=> <-. by rewrite sink_sep. Qed.
Global Instance from_sep_persistently P Q1 Q2 :
FromSep P Q1 Q2 → FromSep (□ P) (□ Q1) (□ Q2).
Proof. rewrite /FromSep=> <-. by rewrite persistently_sep_2. Qed.
Global Instance from_sep_big_sepL_cons {A} (Φ : nat → A → PROP) x l :
FromSep ([∗ list] k ↦ y ∈ x :: l, Φ k y) (Φ 0 x) ([∗ list] k ↦ y ∈ l, Φ (S k) y).
Proof. by rewrite /FromSep big_sepL_cons. Qed.
Global Instance from_sep_big_sepL_app {A} (Φ : nat → A → PROP) l1 l2 :
FromSep ([∗ list] k ↦ y ∈ l1 ++ l2, Φ k y)
([∗ list] k ↦ y ∈ l1, Φ k y) ([∗ list] k ↦ y ∈ l2, Φ (length l1 + k) y).
Proof. by rewrite /FromSep big_opL_app. Qed.
Global Instance into_and_and p P Q : IntoAnd p (P ∧ Q) P Q | 10.
Proof. by rewrite /IntoAnd bare_persistently_if_and. Qed.
Global Instance into_and_and_affine_l P Q Q' :
Affine P → FromBare Q' Q → IntoAnd false (P ∧ Q) P Q'.
intros. rewrite /IntoAnd /=.
by rewrite -(affine_bare P) bare_and_l bare_and (from_bare Q').
Global Instance into_and_and_affine_r P P' Q :
Affine Q → FromBare P' P → IntoAnd false (P ∧ Q) P' Q.
intros. rewrite /IntoAnd /=.
by rewrite -(affine_bare Q) bare_and_r bare_and (from_bare P').
Global Instance into_and_sep `{PositiveBI PROP} P Q : IntoAnd true (P ∗ Q) P Q.
Proof. by rewrite /IntoAnd /= persistently_sep -and_sep_persistently persistently_and. Qed.
Global Instance into_and_pure p φ ψ : @IntoAnd PROP p ⌜φ ∧ ψ⌝ ⌜φ⌝ ⌜ψ⌝.
Proof. by rewrite /IntoAnd pure_and bare_persistently_if_and. Qed.
Global Instance into_and_bare p P Q1 Q2 :
IntoAnd p P Q1 Q2 → IntoAnd p (■ P) (■ Q1) (■ Q2).
rewrite /IntoAnd. destruct p; simpl.
- by rewrite -bare_and !persistently_bare.
- intros ->. by rewrite bare_and.
Global Instance into_and_persistently p P Q1 Q2 :
IntoAnd p P Q1 Q2 → IntoAnd p (□ P) (□ Q1) (□ Q2).
rewrite /IntoAnd /=. destruct p; simpl.
- by rewrite -persistently_and !persistently_idemp.
- intros ->. by rewrite persistently_and.
Global Instance into_sep_sep P Q : IntoSep (P ∗ Q) P Q.
Proof. by rewrite /IntoSep. Qed.
Inductive AndIntoSep : PROP → PROP → PROP → PROP → Prop :=
| and_into_sep_affine P Q Q' : Affine P → FromBare Q' Q → AndIntoSep P P Q Q'
| and_into_sep P Q : AndIntoSep P (■ P)%I Q Q.
Existing Class AndIntoSep.
Global Existing Instance and_into_sep_affine | 0.
Global Existing Instance and_into_sep | 2.
Global Instance into_sep_and_persistent_l P P' Q Q' :
Persistent P → AndIntoSep P P' Q Q' → IntoSep (P ∧ Q) P' Q'.
destruct 2 as [P Q Q'|P Q]; rewrite /IntoSep.
- rewrite -(from_bare Q') -(affine_bare P) bare_and_lr.
by rewrite persistent_and_bare_sep_l_1.
- by rewrite persistent_and_bare_sep_l_1.
Global Instance into_sep_and_persistent_r P P' Q Q' :
Persistent Q → AndIntoSep Q Q' P P' → IntoSep (P ∧ Q) P' Q'.
destruct 2 as [Q P P'|Q P]; rewrite /IntoSep.
- rewrite -(from_bare P') -(affine_bare Q) -bare_and_lr.
by rewrite persistent_and_bare_sep_r_1.
- by rewrite persistent_and_bare_sep_r_1.
Global Instance into_sep_pure φ ψ : @IntoSep PROP ⌜φ ∧ ψ⌝ ⌜φ⌝ ⌜ψ⌝.
Proof. by rewrite /IntoSep pure_and persistent_and_sep_1. Qed.
(* FIXME: This instance is kind of strange, it just gets rid of the ■. Also, it
overlaps with `into_sep_bare_later`, and hence has lower precedence. *)
Global Instance into_sep_bare P Q1 Q2 :
IntoSep P Q1 Q2 → IntoSep (■ P) Q1 Q2 | 20.
Proof. rewrite /IntoSep /= => ->. by rewrite bare_elim. Qed.
Global Instance into_sep_persistently `{PositiveBI PROP} P Q1 Q2 :
IntoSep P Q1 Q2 → IntoSep (□ P) (□ Q1) (□ Q2).
Proof. rewrite /IntoSep /= => ->. by rewrite persistently_sep. Qed.
Robbert Krebbers
(* We use [IsCons] and [IsApp] to make sure that [frame_big_sepL_cons] and
[frame_big_sepL_app] cannot be applied repeatedly often when having
[ [∗ list] k ↦ x ∈ ?e, Φ k x] with [?e] an evar. *)
Global Instance into_sep_big_sepL_cons {A} (Φ : nat → A → PROP) l x l' :
IntoSep ([∗ list] k ↦ y ∈ l, Φ k y)
(Φ 0 x) ([∗ list] k ↦ y ∈ l', Φ (S k) y).
Proof. rewrite /IsCons=>->. by rewrite /IntoSep big_sepL_cons. Qed.
Global Instance into_sep_big_sepL_app {A} (Φ : nat → A → PROP) l l1 l2 :
IntoSep ([∗ list] k ↦ y ∈ l, Φ k y)
([∗ list] k ↦ y ∈ l1, Φ k y) ([∗ list] k ↦ y ∈ l2, Φ (length l1 + k) y).
Proof. rewrite /IsApp=>->. by rewrite /IntoSep big_sepL_app. Qed.
(* FromOr *)
Global Instance from_or_or P1 P2 : FromOr (P1 ∨ P2) P1 P2.
Proof. by rewrite /FromOr. Qed.
Global Instance from_or_pure φ ψ : @FromOr PROP ⌜φ ∨ ψ⌝ ⌜φ⌝ ⌜ψ⌝.
Proof. by rewrite /FromOr pure_or. Qed.
Global Instance from_or_bare P Q1 Q2 :
FromOr P Q1 Q2 → FromOr (■ P) (■ Q1) (■ Q2).
Proof. rewrite /FromOr=> <-. by rewrite bare_or. Qed.
Global Instance from_or_sink P Q1 Q2 :
FromOr P Q1 Q2 → FromOr (▲ P) (▲ Q1) (▲ Q2).
Proof. rewrite /FromOr=> <-. by rewrite sink_or. Qed.
Global Instance from_or_persistently P Q1 Q2 :
FromOr P Q1 Q2 → FromOr (□ P) (□ Q1) (□ Q2).
Proof. rewrite /FromOr=> <-. by rewrite persistently_or. Qed.
(* IntoOr *)
Global Instance into_or_or P Q : IntoOr (P ∨ Q) P Q.
Proof. by rewrite /IntoOr. Qed.
Global Instance into_or_pure φ ψ : @IntoOr PROP ⌜φ ∨ ψ⌝ ⌜φ⌝ ⌜ψ⌝.
Proof. by rewrite /IntoOr pure_or. Qed.
Global Instance into_or_bare P Q1 Q2 :
IntoOr P Q1 Q2 → IntoOr (■ P) (■ Q1) (■ Q2).
Proof. rewrite /IntoOr=>->. by rewrite bare_or. Qed.
Global Instance into_or_sink P Q1 Q2 :
IntoOr P Q1 Q2 → IntoOr (▲ P) (▲ Q1) (▲ Q2).
Proof. rewrite /IntoOr=>->. by rewrite sink_or. Qed.
Global Instance into_or_persistently P Q1 Q2 :
IntoOr P Q1 Q2 → IntoOr (□ P) (□ Q1) (□ Q2).
Proof. rewrite /IntoOr=>->. by rewrite persistently_or. Qed.
(* FromExist *)
Global Instance from_exist_exist {A} (Φ : A → PROP): FromExist (∃ a, Φ a) Φ.
Proof. by rewrite /FromExist. Qed.
Global Instance from_exist_pure {A} (φ : A → Prop) :
@FromExist PROP A ⌜∃ x, φ x⌝ (λ a, ⌜φ a⌝)%I.
Proof. by rewrite /FromExist pure_exist. Qed.
Global Instance from_exist_bare {A} P (Φ : A → PROP) :
FromExist P Φ → FromExist (■ P) (λ a, ■ (Φ a))%I.
Proof. rewrite /FromExist=> <-. by rewrite bare_exist. Qed.
Global Instance from_exist_sink {A} P (Φ : A → PROP) :
FromExist P Φ → FromExist (▲ P) (λ a, ▲ (Φ a))%I.
Proof. rewrite /FromExist=> <-. by rewrite sink_exist. Qed.
Global Instance from_exist_persistently {A} P (Φ : A → PROP) :
FromExist P Φ → FromExist (□ P) (λ a, □ (Φ a))%I.
Proof. rewrite /FromExist=> <-. by rewrite persistently_exist. Qed.
(* IntoExist *)
Global Instance into_exist_exist {A} (Φ : A → PROP) : IntoExist (∃ a, Φ a) Φ.
Proof. by rewrite /IntoExist. Qed.
Global Instance into_exist_pure {A} (φ : A → Prop) :
@IntoExist PROP A ⌜∃ x, φ x⌝ (λ a, ⌜φ a⌝)%I.
Proof. by rewrite /IntoExist pure_exist. Qed.
Global Instance into_exist_bare {A} P (Φ : A → PROP) :
IntoExist P Φ → IntoExist (■ P) (λ a, ■ (Φ a))%I.
Proof. rewrite /IntoExist=> HP. by rewrite HP bare_exist. Qed.
Global Instance into_exist_and_pure P Q φ :
IntoPureT P φ → IntoExist (P ∧ Q) (λ _ : φ, Q).
intros (φ'&->&?). rewrite /IntoExist (into_pure P).
apply pure_elim_l=> Hφ. by rewrite -(exist_intro Hφ).
Global Instance into_exist_sep_pure P Q φ :
TCOr (Affine P) (Absorbing Q) → IntoPureT P φ → IntoExist (P ∗ Q) (λ _ : φ, Q).
intros ? (φ'&->&?). rewrite /IntoExist.
eapply (pure_elim φ'); [by rewrite (into_pure P); apply sep_elim_l, _|]=>?.
rewrite -exist_intro //. apply sep_elim_r, _.
Global Instance into_exist_sink {A} P (Φ : A → PROP) :
IntoExist P Φ → IntoExist (▲ P) (λ a, ▲ (Φ a))%I.
Proof. rewrite /IntoExist=> HP. by rewrite HP sink_exist. Qed.
Global Instance into_exist_persistently {A} P (Φ : A → PROP) :
IntoExist P Φ → IntoExist (□ P) (λ a, □ (Φ a))%I.
Proof. rewrite /IntoExist=> HP. by rewrite HP persistently_exist. Qed.
(* IntoForall *)
Global Instance into_forall_forall {A} (Φ : A → PROP) : IntoForall (∀ a, Φ a) Φ.
Proof. by rewrite /IntoForall. Qed.
Global Instance into_forall_bare {A} P (Φ : A → PROP) :
IntoForall P Φ → IntoForall (■ P) (λ a, ■ (Φ a))%I.
Proof. rewrite /IntoForall=> HP. by rewrite HP bare_forall. Qed.
Global Instance into_forall_persistently {A} P (Φ : A → PROP) :
IntoForall P Φ → IntoForall (□ P) (λ a, □ (Φ a))%I.
Proof. rewrite /IntoForall=> HP. by rewrite HP persistently_forall. Qed.
(* FromForall *)
Global Instance from_forall_forall {A} (Φ : A → PROP) :
FromForall (∀ x, Φ x)%I Φ.
Proof. by rewrite /FromForall. Qed.
Global Instance from_forall_pure {A} (φ : A → Prop) :
@FromForall PROP A (⌜∀ a : A, φ a⌝)%I (λ a, ⌜ φ a ⌝)%I.
Proof. by rewrite /FromForall pure_forall. Qed.
Global Instance from_forall_impl_pure P Q φ :
IntoPureT P φ → FromForall (P → Q)%I (λ _ : φ, Q)%I.
intros (φ'&->&?). by rewrite /FromForall -pure_impl_forall (into_pure P).
Global Instance from_forall_wand_pure P Q φ :
TCOr (Affine P) (Absorbing Q) → IntoPureT P φ →
FromForall (P -∗ Q)%I (λ _ : φ, Q)%I.
intros [|] (φ'&->&?); rewrite /FromForall; apply wand_intro_r.
- rewrite -(affine_bare P) (into_pure P) -persistent_and_bare_sep_r.
apply pure_elim_r=>?. by rewrite forall_elim.
- by rewrite (into_pure P) -pure_wand_forall wand_elim_l.
Global Instance from_forall_persistently {A} P (Φ : A → PROP) :
FromForall P Φ → FromForall (□ P)%I (λ a, □ (Φ a))%I.
Proof. rewrite /FromForall=> <-. by rewrite persistently_forall. Qed.
(* ElimModal *)
Global Instance elim_modal_wand P P' Q Q' R :
ElimModal P P' Q Q' → ElimModal P P' (R -∗ Q) (R -∗ Q').
rewrite /ElimModal=> H. apply wand_intro_r.
by rewrite wand_curry -assoc (comm _ P') -wand_curry wand_elim_l.
Global Instance forall_modal_wand {A} P P' (Φ Ψ : A → PROP) :
(∀ x, ElimModal P P' (Φ x) (Ψ x)) → ElimModal P P' (∀ x, Φ x) (∀ x, Ψ x).
rewrite /ElimModal=> H. apply forall_intro=> a. by rewrite (forall_elim a).
Global Instance elim_modal_sink P Q : Absorbing Q → ElimModal (▲ P) P Q Q.
rewrite /ElimModal=> H. by rewrite sink_sep_l wand_elim_r absorbing_sink.
(* Frame *)
Global Instance frame_here_absorbing p R : Absorbing R → Frame p R R True | 0.
Proof. intros. by rewrite /Frame bare_persistently_if_elim sep_elim_l. Qed.
Global Instance frame_here p R : Frame p R R emp | 1.
Proof. intros. by rewrite /Frame bare_persistently_if_elim sep_elim_l. Qed.
Global Instance frame_bare_here_absorbing p R : Absorbing R → Frame p (■ R) R True | 0.
Proof. intros. by rewrite /Frame bare_persistently_if_elim bare_elim sep_elim_l. Qed.
Global Instance frame_bare_here p R : Frame p (■ R) R emp | 1.
Proof. intros. by rewrite /Frame bare_persistently_if_elim bare_elim sep_elim_l. Qed.
Global Instance frame_here_pure p φ Q : FromPure Q φ → Frame p ⌜φ⌝ Q True.
rewrite /FromPure /Frame=> <-. by rewrite bare_persistently_if_elim sep_elim_l.
Class MakeSep (P Q PQ : PROP) := make_sep : P ∗ Q ⊣⊢ PQ.
Arguments MakeSep _%I _%I _%I.
Global Instance make_sep_emp_l P : MakeSep emp P P.
Proof. by rewrite /MakeSep left_id. Qed.
Global Instance make_sep_emp_r P : MakeSep P emp P.
Proof. by rewrite /MakeSep right_id. Qed.
Global Instance make_sep_true_l P : Absorbing P → MakeSep True P P.
Proof. intros. by rewrite /MakeSep True_sep. Qed.
Global Instance make_and_emp_l_sink P : MakeSep True P (▲ P) | 10.
Proof. intros. by rewrite /MakeSep. Qed.
Global Instance make_sep_true_r P : Absorbing P → MakeSep P True P.
Proof. intros. by rewrite /MakeSep sep_True. Qed.
Global Instance make_and_emp_r_sink P : MakeSep P True (▲ P) | 10.
Proof. intros. by rewrite /MakeSep comm. Qed.
Global Instance make_sep_default P Q : MakeSep P Q (P ∗ Q) | 100.
Global Instance frame_sep_persistent_l R P1 P2 Q1 Q2 Q' :
Frame true R P1 Q1 → MaybeFrame true R P2 Q2 → MakeSep Q1 Q2 Q' →
Frame true R (P1 ∗ P2) Q' | 9.
rewrite /Frame /MaybeFrame /MakeSep /= => <- <- <-.
rewrite {1}(bare_persistently_sep_dup R). solve_sep_entails.
Global Instance frame_sep_l R P1 P2 Q Q' :
Frame false R P1 Q → MakeSep Q P2 Q' → Frame false R (P1 ∗ P2) Q' | 9.
Proof. rewrite /Frame /MakeSep => <- <-. by rewrite assoc. Qed.
Global Instance frame_sep_r p R P1 P2 Q Q' :
Frame p R P2 Q → MakeSep P1 Q Q' → Frame p R (P1 ∗ P2) Q' | 10.
Proof. rewrite /Frame /MakeSep => <- <-. by rewrite assoc -(comm _ P1) assoc. Qed.
Global Instance frame_big_sepL_cons {A} p (Φ : nat → A → PROP) R Q l x l' :
IsCons l x l' →
Frame p R (Φ 0 x ∗ [∗ list] k ↦ y ∈ l', Φ (S k) y) Q →
Frame p R ([∗ list] k ↦ y ∈ l, Φ k y) Q.
Proof. rewrite /IsCons=>->. by rewrite /Frame big_sepL_cons. Qed.
Global Instance frame_big_sepL_app {A} p (Φ : nat → A → PROP) R Q l l1 l2 :
Frame p R (([∗ list] k ↦ y ∈ l1, Φ k y) ∗
[∗ list] k ↦ y ∈ l2, Φ (length l1 + k) y) Q →
Frame p R ([∗ list] k ↦ y ∈ l, Φ k y) Q.
Proof. rewrite /IsApp=>->. by rewrite /Frame big_opL_app. Qed.
Class MakeAnd (P Q PQ : PROP) := make_and : P ∧ Q ⊣⊢ PQ.
Arguments MakeAnd _%I _%I _%I.
Global Instance make_and_true_l P : MakeAnd True P P.
Proof. by rewrite /MakeAnd left_id. Qed.
Global Instance make_and_true_r P : MakeAnd P True P.
Proof. by rewrite /MakeAnd right_id. Qed.
Global Instance make_and_emp_l P : Affine P → MakeAnd emp P P.
Proof. intros. by rewrite /MakeAnd emp_and. Qed.
Global Instance make_and_emp_l_bare P : MakeAnd emp P (■ P) | 10.
Proof. intros. by rewrite /MakeAnd. Qed.
Global Instance make_and_emp_r P : Affine P → MakeAnd P emp P.
Proof. intros. by rewrite /MakeAnd and_emp. Qed.
Global Instance make_and_emp_r_bare P : MakeAnd P emp (■ P) | 10.
Proof. intros. by rewrite /MakeAnd comm. Qed.
Global Instance make_and_default P Q : MakeAnd P Q (P ∧ Q) | 100.
Proof. by rewrite /MakeAnd. Qed.
Global Instance frame_and_l p R P1 P2 Q1 Q2 Q :
Frame p R P1 Q1 → MaybeFrame p R P2 Q2 →
MakeAnd Q1 Q2 Q → Frame p R (P1 ∧ P2) Q | 9.
rewrite /Frame /MakeAnd => <- <- <- /=.
auto using and_intro, and_elim_l, and_elim_r, sep_mono.
Global Instance frame_and_persistent_r R P1 P2 Q2 Q :
Frame true R P2 Q2 →
MakeAnd P1 Q2 Q → Frame true R (P1 ∧ P2) Q | 10.
rewrite /Frame /MakeAnd => <- <- /=. rewrite -!persistently_and_bare_sep_l.
auto using and_intro, and_elim_l', and_elim_r'.
Global Instance frame_and_r R P1 P2 Q2 Q :
TCOr (Affine R) (Absorbing P1) →
Frame false R P2 Q2 →
MakeAnd P1 Q2 Q → Frame false R (P1 ∧ P2) Q | 10.
rewrite /Frame /MakeAnd=> ? <- <- /=. apply and_intro.
- by rewrite and_elim_l sep_elim_r.
- by rewrite and_elim_r.
Class MakeOr (P Q PQ : PROP) := make_or : P ∨ Q ⊣⊢ PQ.
Arguments MakeOr _%I _%I _%I.
Global Instance make_or_true_l P : MakeOr True P True.
Proof. by rewrite /MakeOr left_absorb. Qed.
Global Instance make_or_true_r P : MakeOr P True True.
Proof. by rewrite /MakeOr right_absorb. Qed.
Global Instance make_or_emp_l P : Affine P → MakeOr emp P emp.
Proof. intros. by rewrite /MakeOr emp_or. Qed.
Global Instance make_or_emp_r P : Affine P → MakeOr P emp emp.
Proof. intros. by rewrite /MakeOr or_emp. Qed.
Global Instance make_or_default P Q : MakeOr P Q (P ∨ Q) | 100.
Global Instance frame_or_persistent_l R P1 P2 Q1 Q2 Q :
Frame true R P1 Q1 → MaybeFrame true R P2 Q2 → MakeOr Q1 Q2 Q →
Frame true R (P1 ∨ P2) Q | 9.
Proof. rewrite /Frame /MakeOr => <- <- <-. by rewrite -sep_or_l. Qed.
Global Instance frame_or_persistent_r R P1 P2 Q1 Q2 Q :
MaybeFrame true R P2 Q2 → MakeOr P1 Q2 Q →
Frame true R (P1 ∨ P2) Q | 10.
rewrite /Frame /MaybeFrame /MakeOr => <- <- /=.
by rewrite sep_or_l sep_elim_r.
Global Instance frame_or R P1 P2 Q1 Q2 Q :
Frame false R P1 Q1 → Frame false R P2 Q2 → MakeOr Q1 Q2 Q →
Frame false R (P1 ∨ P2) Q.
Proof. rewrite /Frame /MakeOr => <- <- <-. by rewrite -sep_or_l. Qed.
Global Instance frame_wand p R P1 P2 Q2 :
Frame p R P2 Q2 → Frame p R (P1 -∗ P2) (P1 -∗ Q2).
rewrite /Frame=> ?. apply wand_intro_l.
by rewrite assoc (comm _ P1) -assoc wand_elim_r.
Class MakeBare (P Q : PROP) := make_bare : ■ P ⊣⊢ Q.
Arguments MakeBare _%I _%I.
Global Instance make_bare_True : MakeBare True emp | 0.
Proof. by rewrite /MakeBare bare_True_emp bare_emp. Qed.
Global Instance make_bare_affine P : Affine P → MakeBare P P | 1.
Proof. intros. by rewrite /MakeBare affine_bare. Qed.
Global Instance make_bare_default P : MakeBare P (■ P) | 100.
Proof. by rewrite /MakeBare. Qed.
Global Instance frame_bare R P Q Q' :
Frame true R P Q → MakeBare Q Q' → Frame true R (■ P) Q'.
rewrite /Frame /MakeBare=> <- <- /=.
by rewrite -{1}bare_idemp bare_sep_2.
Class MakeSink (P Q : PROP) := make_sink : ▲ P ⊣⊢ Q.
Arguments MakeSink _%I _%I.
Global Instance make_sink_emp : MakeSink emp True | 0.
Proof. by rewrite /MakeSink -sink_True_emp sink_pure. Qed.
(* Note: there is no point in having an instance `Absorbing P → MakeSink P P`
because framing will never turn a proposition that is not absorbing into
something that is absorbing. *)
Global Instance make_sink_default P : MakeSink P (▲ P) | 100.
Proof. by rewrite /MakeSink. Qed.
Global Instance frame_sink p R P Q Q' :
Frame p R P Q → MakeSink Q Q' → Frame p R (▲ P) Q'.
Proof. rewrite /Frame /MakeSink=> <- <- /=. by rewrite sink_sep_r. Qed.
Class MakePersistently (P Q : PROP) := make_persistently : □ P ⊣⊢ Q.
Arguments MakePersistently _%I _%I.
Global Instance make_persistently_true : MakePersistently True True.
Proof. by rewrite /MakePersistently persistently_pure. Qed.
Global Instance make_persistently_emp : MakePersistently emp True.
Proof. by rewrite /MakePersistently -persistently_True_emp persistently_pure. Qed.
Global Instance make_persistently_default P : MakePersistently P (□ P) | 100.
Global Instance frame_persistently R P Q Q' :
Frame true R P Q → MakePersistently Q Q' → Frame true R (□ P) Q'.
rewrite /Frame /MakePersistently=> <- <- /=. rewrite -persistently_and_bare_sep_l.
by rewrite -persistently_sep_2 -persistently_and_sep_l_1 persistently_bare
Global Instance frame_exist {A} p R (Φ Ψ : A → PROP) :
(∀ a, Frame p R (Φ a) (Ψ a)) → Frame p R (∃ x, Φ x) (∃ x, Ψ x).
Proof. rewrite /Frame=> ?. by rewrite sep_exist_l; apply exist_mono. Qed.
Global Instance frame_forall {A} p R (Φ Ψ : A → PROP) :
(∀ a, Frame p R (Φ a) (Ψ a)) → Frame p R (∀ x, Φ x) (∀ x, Ψ x).
Proof. rewrite /Frame=> ?. by rewrite sep_forall_l; apply forall_mono. Qed.
(* FromModal *)
Global Instance from_modal_sink P : FromModal (▲ P) P.
Proof. apply sink_intro. Qed.
Section sbi_instances.
Context {PROP : sbi}.
Implicit Types P Q R : PROP.
(* FromAssumption *)
Global Instance from_assumption_later p P Q :
FromAssumption p P Q → FromAssumption p P (▷ Q)%I.
Proof. rewrite /FromAssumption=>->. apply later_intro. Qed.
Global Instance from_assumption_laterN n p P Q :
FromAssumption p P Q → FromAssumption p P (▷^n Q)%I.
Proof. rewrite /FromAssumption=>->. apply laterN_intro. Qed.
Global Instance from_assumption_except_0 p P Q :
FromAssumption p P Q → FromAssumption p P (◇ Q)%I.
Proof. rewrite /FromAssumption=>->. apply except_0_intro. Qed.
(* FromPure *)
Global Instance from_pure_later P φ : FromPure P φ → FromPure (▷ P) φ.
Proof. rewrite /FromPure=> ->. apply later_intro. Qed.
Global Instance from_pure_laterN n P φ : FromPure P φ → FromPure (▷^n P) φ.
Proof. rewrite /FromPure=> ->. apply laterN_intro. Qed.
Global Instance from_pure_except_0 P φ : FromPure P φ → FromPure (◇ P) φ.
Proof. rewrite /FromPure=> ->. apply except_0_intro. Qed.
(* IntoWand *)
Global Instance into_wand_later p q R P Q :
IntoWand p q R P Q → IntoWand p q (▷ R) (▷ P) (▷ Q).
rewrite /IntoWand /= => HR. by rewrite !later_bare_persistently_if_2 -later_wand HR.
Global Instance into_wand_later_args p q R P Q :
IntoWand p q R P Q → IntoWand' p q R (▷ P) (▷ Q).
rewrite /IntoWand' /IntoWand /= => HR.
by rewrite !later_bare_persistently_if_2 (later_intro (⬕?p R)%I) -later_wand HR.
Global Instance into_wand_laterN n p q R P Q :
IntoWand p q R P Q → IntoWand p q (▷^n R) (▷^n P) (▷^n Q).
rewrite /IntoWand /= => HR. by rewrite !laterN_bare_persistently_if_2 -laterN_wand HR.
Global Instance into_wand_laterN_args n p q R P Q :
IntoWand p q R P Q → IntoWand' p q R (▷^n P) (▷^n Q).
rewrite /IntoWand' /IntoWand /= => HR.
by rewrite !laterN_bare_persistently_if_2 (laterN_intro _ (⬕?p R)%I) -laterN_wand HR.
(* FromAnd *)
Global Instance from_and_later P Q1 Q2 :
FromAnd P Q1 Q2 → FromAnd (▷ P) (▷ Q1) (▷ Q2).
Proof. rewrite /FromAnd=> <-. by rewrite later_and. Qed.
Global Instance from_and_laterN n P Q1 Q2 :
FromAnd P Q1 Q2 → FromAnd (▷^n P) (▷^n Q1) (▷^n Q2).
Proof. rewrite /FromAnd=> <-. by rewrite laterN_and. Qed.
Global Instance from_and_except_0 P Q1 Q2 :
FromAnd P Q1 Q2 → FromAnd (◇ P) (◇ Q1) (◇ Q2).
Proof. rewrite /FromAnd=><-. by rewrite except_0_and. Qed.
(* FromSep *)
Global Instance from_sep_later P Q1 Q2 :
FromSep P Q1 Q2 → FromSep (▷ P) (▷ Q1) (▷ Q2).
Proof. rewrite /FromSep=> <-. by rewrite later_sep. Qed.
Global Instance from_sep_laterN n P Q1 Q2 :
FromSep P Q1 Q2 → FromSep (▷^n P) (▷^n Q1) (▷^n Q2).
Proof. rewrite /FromSep=> <-. by rewrite laterN_sep. Qed.
Global Instance from_sep_except_0 P Q1 Q2 :
FromSep P Q1 Q2 → FromSep (◇ P) (◇ Q1) (◇ Q2).
Proof. rewrite /FromSep=><-. by rewrite except_0_sep. Qed.
(* IntoAnd *)
Global Instance into_and_later p P Q1 Q2 :
IntoAnd p P Q1 Q2 → IntoAnd p (▷ P) (▷ Q1) (▷ Q2).
rewrite /IntoAnd=> HP. apply bare_persistently_if_intro'.
by rewrite later_bare_persistently_if_2 HP bare_persistently_if_elim later_and.
Global Instance into_and_laterN n p P Q1 Q2 :
IntoAnd p P Q1 Q2 → IntoAnd p (▷^n P) (▷^n Q1) (▷^n Q2).
rewrite /IntoAnd=> HP. apply bare_persistently_if_intro'.
by rewrite laterN_bare_persistently_if_2 HP bare_persistently_if_elim laterN_and.
Global Instance into_and_except_0 p P Q1 Q2 :
IntoAnd p P Q1 Q2 → IntoAnd p (◇ P) (◇ Q1) (◇ Q2).
rewrite /IntoAnd=> HP. apply bare_persistently_if_intro'.
by rewrite except_0_bare_persistently_if_2 HP bare_persistently_if_elim except_0_and.
Global Instance into_sep_later P Q1 Q2 :
IntoSep P Q1 Q2 → IntoSep (▷ P) (▷ Q1) (▷ Q2).
Proof. rewrite /IntoSep=> ->. by rewrite later_sep. Qed.
Global Instance into_sep_laterN n P Q1 Q2 :
IntoSep P Q1 Q2 → IntoSep (▷^n P) (▷^n Q1) (▷^n Q2).
Proof. rewrite /IntoSep=> ->. by rewrite laterN_sep. Qed.
Global Instance into_sep_except_0 P Q1 Q2 :
IntoSep P Q1 Q2 → IntoSep (◇ P) (◇ Q1) (◇ Q2).
Proof. rewrite /IntoSep=> ->. by rewrite except_0_sep. Qed.
(* FIXME: This instance is overly specific, generalize it. *)
Global Instance into_sep_bare_later `{!Timeless (emp%I : PROP)} P Q1 Q2 :
Affine Q1 → Affine Q2 → IntoSep P Q1 Q2 → IntoSep (■ ▷ P) (■ ▷ Q1) (■ ▷ Q2).
rewrite /IntoSep /= => ?? ->.
rewrite -{1}(affine_bare Q1) -{1}(affine_bare Q2) later_sep !later_bare_1.
rewrite -except_0_sep /bi_except_0 bare_or. apply or_elim, bare_elim.
rewrite -(idemp bi_and (■ ▷ False)%I) persistent_and_sep_1.
by rewrite -(False_elim Q1) -(False_elim Q2).
Global Instance from_or_later P Q1 Q2 :
FromOr P Q1 Q2 → FromOr (▷ P) (▷ Q1) (▷ Q2).
Proof. rewrite /FromOr=><-. by rewrite later_or. Qed.
Global Instance from_or_laterN n P Q1 Q2 :
FromOr P Q1 Q2 → FromOr (▷^n P) (▷^n Q1) (▷^n Q2).
Proof. rewrite /FromOr=><-. by rewrite laterN_or. Qed.
Global Instance from_or_except_0 P Q1 Q2 :
FromOr P Q1 Q2 → FromOr (◇ P) (◇ Q1) (◇ Q2).
Proof. rewrite /FromOr=><-. by rewrite except_0_or. Qed.
(* IntoOr *)
Global Instance into_or_later P Q1 Q2 :
IntoOr P Q1 Q2 → IntoOr (▷ P) (▷ Q1) (▷ Q2).
Proof. rewrite /IntoOr=>->. by rewrite later_or. Qed.
Global Instance into_or_laterN n P Q1 Q2 :
IntoOr P Q1 Q2 → IntoOr (▷^n P) (▷^n Q1) (▷^n Q2).
Proof. rewrite /IntoOr=>->. by rewrite laterN_or. Qed.
Global Instance into_or_except_0 P Q1 Q2 :
IntoOr P Q1 Q2 → IntoOr (◇ P) (◇ Q1) (◇ Q2).
Proof. rewrite /IntoOr=>->. by rewrite except_0_or. Qed.
(* FromExist *)
Global Instance from_exist_later {A} P (Φ : A → PROP) :
FromExist P Φ → FromExist (▷ P) (λ a, ▷ (Φ a))%I.
rewrite /FromExist=> <-. apply exist_elim=>x. apply later_mono, exist_intro.
Global Instance from_exist_laterN {A} n P (Φ : A → PROP) :
FromExist P Φ → FromExist (▷^n P) (λ a, ▷^n (Φ a))%I.
rewrite /FromExist=> <-. apply exist_elim=>x. apply laterN_mono, exist_intro.
Global Instance from_exist_except_0 {A} P (Φ : A → PROP) :
FromExist P Φ → FromExist (◇ P) (λ a, ◇ (Φ a))%I.
Proof. rewrite /FromExist=> <-. by rewrite except_0_exist_2. Qed.
(* IntoExist *)
Global Instance into_exist_later {A} P (Φ : A → PROP) :
IntoExist P Φ → Inhabited A → IntoExist (▷ P) (λ a, ▷ (Φ a))%I.
Proof. rewrite /IntoExist=> HP ?. by rewrite HP later_exist. Qed.
Global Instance into_exist_laterN {A} n P (Φ : A → PROP) :
IntoExist P Φ → Inhabited A → IntoExist (▷^n P) (λ a, ▷^n (Φ a))%I.
Proof. rewrite /IntoExist=> HP ?. by rewrite HP laterN_exist. Qed.
Global Instance into_exist_except_0 {A} P (Φ : A → PROP) :
IntoExist P Φ → Inhabited A → IntoExist (◇ P) (λ a, ◇ (Φ a))%I.
Proof. rewrite /IntoExist=> HP ?. by rewrite HP except_0_exist. Qed.
Global Instance into_forall_later {A} P (Φ : A → PROP) :
IntoForall P Φ → IntoForall (▷ P) (λ a, ▷ (Φ a))%I.
Proof. rewrite /IntoForall=> HP. by rewrite HP later_forall. Qed.
(* FromForall *)
Global Instance from_forall_later {A} P (Φ : A → PROP) :
FromForall P Φ → FromForall (▷ P)%I (λ a, ▷ (Φ a))%I.
Proof. rewrite /FromForall=> <-. by rewrite later_forall. Qed.
(* IsExcept0 *)
Global Instance is_except_0_except_0 P : IsExcept0 (◇ P).
Proof. by rewrite /IsExcept0 except_0_idemp. Qed.
Global Instance is_except_0_later P : IsExcept0 (▷ P).
Proof. by rewrite /IsExcept0 except_0_later. Qed.
(* FromModal *)
Global Instance from_modal_later P : FromModal (▷ P) P.
Proof. apply later_intro. Qed.
Global Instance from_modal_except_0 P : FromModal (◇ P) P.
Proof. apply except_0_intro. Qed.
(* IntoExcept0 *)
Global Instance into_timeless_except_0 P : IntoExcept0 (◇ P) P.
Proof. by rewrite /IntoExcept0. Qed.
Global Instance into_timeless_later P : Timeless P → IntoExcept0 (▷ P) P.
Proof. by rewrite /IntoExcept0. Qed.
Global Instance into_timeless_later_if p P : Timeless P → IntoExcept0 (▷?p P) P.
Proof. rewrite /IntoExcept0. destruct p; auto using except_0_intro. Qed.
Global Instance into_timeless_bare P Q : IntoExcept0 P Q → IntoExcept0 (■ P) (■ Q).
Proof. rewrite /IntoExcept0=> ->. by rewrite except_0_bare_2. Qed.
Global Instance into_timeless_sink P Q : IntoExcept0 P Q → IntoExcept0 (▲ P) (▲ Q).
Proof. rewrite /IntoExcept0=> ->. by rewrite except_0_sink. Qed.
Global Instance into_timeless_persistently P Q : IntoExcept0 P Q → IntoExcept0 (□ P) (□ Q).
Proof. rewrite /IntoExcept0=> ->. by rewrite except_0_persistently. Qed.
(* ElimModal *)
Global Instance elim_modal_timeless P Q :
IntoExcept0 P P' → IsExcept0 Q → ElimModal P P' Q Q.
intros. rewrite /ElimModal (except_0_intro (_ -∗ _)%I).
by rewrite (into_except_0 P) -except_0_sep wand_elim_r.
(* Frame *)
Class MakeLater (P lP : PROP) := make_later : ▷ P ⊣⊢ lP.
Arguments MakeLater _%I _%I.
Global Instance make_later_true : MakeLater True True.
Proof. by rewrite /MakeLater later_True. Qed.
Global Instance make_later_default P : MakeLater P (▷ P) | 100.
Proof. by rewrite /MakeLater. Qed.
Global Instance frame_later p R R' P Q Q' :
IntoLaterN 1 R' R → Frame p R P Q → MakeLater Q Q' → Frame p R' (▷ P) Q'.
rewrite /Frame /MakeLater /IntoLaterN=>-> <- <- /=.
by rewrite later_bare_persistently_if_2 later_sep.
Class MakeLaterN (n : nat) (P lP : PROP) := make_laterN : ▷^n P ⊣⊢ lP.
Arguments MakeLaterN _%nat _%I _%I.
Global Instance make_laterN_true n : MakeLaterN n True True.
Proof. by rewrite /MakeLaterN laterN_True. Qed.
Global Instance make_laterN_default P : MakeLaterN n P (▷^n P) | 100.
Proof. by rewrite /MakeLaterN. Qed.
Global Instance frame_laterN p n R R' P Q Q' :
IntoLaterN n R' R → Frame p R P Q → MakeLaterN n Q Q' → Frame p R' (▷^n P) Q'.
rewrite /Frame /MakeLaterN /IntoLaterN=>-> <- <-.
by rewrite laterN_bare_persistently_if_2 laterN_sep.
Class MakeExcept0 (P Q : PROP) := make_except_0 : ◇ P ⊣⊢ Q.
Arguments MakeExcept0 _%I _%I.
Global Instance make_except_0_True : MakeExcept0 True True.
Proof. by rewrite /MakeExcept0 except_0_True. Qed.
Global Instance make_except_0_default P : MakeExcept0 P (◇ P) | 100.
Proof. by rewrite /MakeExcept0. Qed.
Global Instance frame_except_0 p R P Q Q' :
Frame p R P Q → MakeExcept0 Q Q' → Frame p R (◇ P) Q'.
rewrite /Frame /MakeExcept0=><- <-.
by rewrite except_0_sep -(except_0_intro (⬕?p R)%I).
(* IntoLater *)
Global Instance into_laterN_later n P Q :
IntoLaterN n P Q → IntoLaterN' (S n) (▷ P) Q.
Proof. by rewrite /IntoLaterN' /IntoLaterN =>->. Qed.
Global Instance into_laterN_laterN n P : IntoLaterN' n (▷^n P) P.
Proof. by rewrite /IntoLaterN' /IntoLaterN. Qed.
Global Instance into_laterN_laterN_plus n m P Q :
IntoLaterN m P Q → IntoLaterN' (n + m) (▷^n P) Q.
Proof. rewrite /IntoLaterN' /IntoLaterN=>->. by rewrite laterN_plus. Qed.
Global Instance into_laterN_and_l n P1 P2 Q1 Q2 :
IntoLaterN' n P1 Q1 → IntoLaterN n P2 Q2 →
IntoLaterN' n (P1 ∧ P2) (Q1 ∧ Q2) | 10.
Proof. rewrite /IntoLaterN' /IntoLaterN=> -> ->. by rewrite laterN_and. Qed.
Global Instance into_laterN_and_r n P P2 Q2 :
IntoLaterN' n P2 Q2 → IntoLaterN' n (P ∧ P2) (P ∧ Q2) | 11.
rewrite /IntoLaterN' /IntoLaterN=> ->. by rewrite laterN_and -(laterN_intro _ P).
Global Instance into_laterN_or_l n P1 P2 Q1 Q2 :
IntoLaterN' n P1 Q1 → IntoLaterN n P2 Q2 →
IntoLaterN' n (P1 ∨ P2) (Q1 ∨ Q2) | 10.
Proof. rewrite /IntoLaterN' /IntoLaterN=> -> ->. by rewrite laterN_or. Qed.
Global Instance into_laterN_or_r n P P2 Q2 :
IntoLaterN' n P2 Q2 →
IntoLaterN' n (P ∨ P2) (P ∨ Q2) | 11.
rewrite /IntoLaterN' /IntoLaterN=> ->. by rewrite laterN_or -(laterN_intro _ P).
Global Instance into_laterN_forall {A} n (Φ Ψ : A → PROP) :