- Jan 04, 2021
Robbert Krebbers authored
- Nov 20, 2020
Tej Chajed authored
Fixes new Coq master warning deprecated-hint-without-locality.
- Sep 16, 2020
Ralf Jung authored
- Apr 05, 2020
Paolo G. Giarrusso authored
Code affected by a00d9bd8.
- Mar 29, 2020
Paolo G. Giarrusso authored
This was inconsistent and not explained before.
- Mar 13, 2020
Robbert Krebbers authored
This follows iris!387 This closes issue #54.
- Jan 15, 2020
Robbert Krebbers authored
The `Equiv` instance for the domain is not needed.
- Jan 29, 2019
Robbert Krebbers authored
- Jan 23, 2019
Maxime Dénès authored
This is in preparation for coq/coq#9274.
- Nov 28, 2018
Tej Chajed authored
Adding a hint without a database now triggers a deprecation warning in Coq master (https://github.com/coq/coq/pull/8987).
- May 29, 2018
Ralf Jung authored
- May 28, 2018
Ralf Jung authored
- May 24, 2018
Ralf Jung authored
The notation was parsing-only and all it did was reorder the arguments for from_option. This creates just a needless divergence between what is written and what is printed. Also, removing it frees the name for maybe introducing a function or notation `default` with a type like `T -> option T -> T`.
- Apr 05, 2018
Robbert Krebbers authored
This followed from discussions in https://gitlab.mpi-sws.org/FP/iris-coq/merge_requests/134
- Jan 31, 2018
Robbert Krebbers authored
- Nov 12, 2017
Robbert Krebbers authored
This follows the associativity in Haskell. So, something like f <$> g <$> h Is now parsed as: (f <$> g) <$> h Since the functor is a generalized form of function application, this also now also corresponds with the associativity of function application, which is also left associative.
- Oct 28, 2017
Robbert Krebbers authored
This way, we will be compabile with Iris's heap_lang, which puts ;; at level 100.
Ralf Jung authored
- Sep 17, 2017
Robbert Krebbers authored
This provides significant robustness against looping type class search. As a consequence, at many places throughout the library we had to add additional typing information to lemmas. This was to be expected, since most of the old lemmas were ambiguous. For example: Section fin_collection. Context `{FinCollection A C}. size_singleton (x : A) : size {[ x ]} = 1. In this case, the lemma does not tell us which `FinCollection` with elements `A` we are talking about. So, `{[ x ]}` could not only refer to the singleton operation of the `FinCollection A C` in the section, but also to any other `FinCollection` in the development. To make this lemma unambigious, it should be written as: Lemma size_singleton (x : A) : size ({[ x ]} : C) = 1. In similar spirit, lemmas like the one below were also ambiguous: Lemma lookup_alter_None {A} (f : A → A) m i j : alter f i m !! j = None
m !! j = None. It is not clear which finite map implementation we are talking about. To make this lemma unambigious, it should be written as: Lemma lookup_alter_None {A} (f : A → A) (m : M A) i j : alter f i m !! j = None m !! j = None. That is, we have to specify the type of `m`.
- Sep 08, 2017
Robbert Krebbers authored
See also Coq bug #5712.
- Mar 15, 2017
Robbert Krebbers authored
- Feb 09, 2017
Robbert Krebbers authored
- Jan 31, 2017
Robbert Krebbers authored
Ralf Jung authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
Ralf Jung authored
Ralf Jung authored
This patch was created using find -name *.v | xargs -L 1 awk -i inplace '{from = 0} /^From/{ from = 1; ever_from = 1} { if (from == 0 && seen == 0 && ever_from == 1) { print "Set Default Proof Using \"Type*\"."; seen = 1 } }1 ' and some minor manual editing
- Dec 09, 2016
Robbert Krebbers authored
We typically use the _1 and _2 suffix to denote individual directions of a lemmas that is a biimplication.
Ralf Jung authored
- Nov 22, 2016
Ralf Jung authored
- Nov 16, 2016
Robbert Krebbers authored
- Oct 03, 2016
Robbert Krebbers authored
- Sep 20, 2016
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
- Jul 27, 2016
Robbert Krebbers authored
This reverts commit 20b4ae55bdf00edb751ccdab3eb876cb9b13c99f, which does not seem to work with Coq 8.5pl2 (I accidentally tested with 8.5pl1).
Robbert Krebbers authored
This makes type checking more directed, and somewhat more predictable. On the downside, it makes it impossible to declare the singleton on lists as an instance of SingletonM and the insert and alter operations on functions as instances of Alter and Insert. However, these were not used often anyway.
- Jun 14, 2016
Robbert Krebbers authored
- May 27, 2016
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored