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Commit 5164e3e1 authored by Robbert Krebbers's avatar Robbert Krebbers
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Merge branch 'robbert/bi_tactics' into 'master'

Remove `bi.tactics`

See merge request iris/iris!566
parents da43e8a2 68ec156b
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......@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ With this release, we dropped support for Coq 8.9.
* Add big op lemmas `big_op{L,L2,M,M2,S}_intuitionistically_forall` and
`big_sepL2_forall`, `big_sepMS_forall`, `big_sepMS_impl`, and `big_sepMS_dup`.
* Remove `bi.tactics` with tactics that predate the proofmode.
**Changes in `proofmode`:**
......@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ theories/bi/big_op.v
From stdpp Require Import gmap.
From Require Export bi.
From iris Require Import options.
Import bi.
Module bi_reflection. Section bi_reflection.
Context {PROP : bi}.
Inductive expr :=
| EEmp : expr
| EVar : nat expr
| ESep : expr expr expr.
Fixpoint eval (Σ : list PROP) (e : expr) : PROP :=
match e with
| EEmp => emp
| EVar n => default emp (Σ !! n)
| ESep e1 e2 => eval Σ e1 eval Σ e2
Fixpoint flatten (e : expr) : list nat :=
match e with
| EEmp => []
| EVar n => [n]
| ESep e1 e2 => flatten e1 ++ flatten e2
Notation eval_list Σ l := ([ list] n l, default emp (Σ !! n))%I.
Lemma eval_flatten Σ e : eval Σ e ⊣⊢ eval_list Σ (flatten e).
induction e as [| |e1 IH1 e2 IH2];
rewrite /= ?right_id ?big_opL_app ?IH1 ?IH2 //.
(* Can be related to the RHS being affine *)
Lemma flatten_entails `{BiAffine PROP} Σ e1 e2 :
flatten e2 ⊆+ flatten e1 eval Σ e1 eval Σ e2.
Proof. intros. rewrite !eval_flatten. by apply big_sepL_submseteq. Qed.
Lemma flatten_equiv Σ e1 e2 :
flatten e2 flatten e1 eval Σ e1 ⊣⊢ eval Σ e2.
Proof. intros He. by rewrite !eval_flatten He. Qed.
Fixpoint prune (e : expr) : expr :=
match e with
| EEmp => EEmp
| EVar n => EVar n
| ESep e1 e2 =>
match prune e1, prune e2 with
| EEmp, e2' => e2'
| e1', EEmp => e1'
| e1', e2' => ESep e1' e2'
Lemma flatten_prune e : flatten (prune e) = flatten e.
induction e as [| |e1 IH1 e2 IH2]; simplify_eq/=; auto.
rewrite -IH1 -IH2. by repeat case_match; rewrite ?right_id_L.
Lemma prune_correct Σ e : eval Σ (prune e) ⊣⊢ eval Σ e.
Proof. by rewrite !eval_flatten flatten_prune. Qed.
Fixpoint cancel_go (n : nat) (e : expr) : option expr :=
match e with
| EEmp => None
| EVar n' => if decide (n = n') then Some EEmp else None
| ESep e1 e2 =>
match cancel_go n e1 with
| Some e1' => Some (ESep e1' e2)
| None => ESep e1 <$> cancel_go n e2
Definition cancel (ns : list nat) (e: expr) : option expr :=
prune <$> fold_right (mbind cancel_go) (Some e) ns.
Lemma flatten_cancel_go e e' n :
cancel_go n e = Some e' flatten e n :: flatten e'.
revert e'; induction e as [| |e1 IH1 e2 IH2]; intros;
repeat (simplify_option_eq || case_match); auto.
- by rewrite IH1 //.
- by rewrite IH2 // Permutation_middle.
Lemma flatten_cancel e e' ns :
cancel ns e = Some e' flatten e ns ++ flatten e'.
rewrite /cancel fmap_Some=> -[{e'}-e' [He ->]]; rewrite flatten_prune.
revert e' He; induction ns as [|n ns IH]=> e' He; simplify_option_eq; auto.
rewrite Permutation_middle -flatten_cancel_go //; eauto.
Lemma cancel_entails Σ e1 e2 e1' e2' ns :
cancel ns e1 = Some e1' cancel ns e2 = Some e2'
(eval Σ e1' eval Σ e2') eval Σ e1 eval Σ e2.
intros ??. rewrite !eval_flatten.
rewrite (flatten_cancel e1 e1' ns) // (flatten_cancel e2 e2' ns) //; csimpl.
rewrite !big_opL_app. apply sep_mono_r.
Fixpoint to_expr (l : list nat) : expr :=
match l with
| [] => EEmp
| [n] => EVar n
| n :: l => ESep (EVar n) (to_expr l)
Arguments to_expr !_ / : simpl nomatch.
Lemma eval_to_expr Σ l : eval Σ (to_expr l) ⊣⊢ eval_list Σ l.
induction l as [|n1 [|n2 l] IH]; csimpl; rewrite ?right_id //.
by rewrite IH.
Lemma split_l Σ e ns e' :
cancel ns e = Some e' eval Σ e ⊣⊢ (eval Σ (to_expr ns) eval Σ e').
intros He%flatten_cancel.
by rewrite eval_flatten He big_opL_app eval_to_expr eval_flatten.
Lemma split_r Σ e ns e' :
cancel ns e = Some e' eval Σ e ⊣⊢ (eval Σ e' eval Σ (to_expr ns)).
Proof. intros. rewrite /= comm. by apply split_l. Qed.
Class Quote (Σ1 Σ2 : list PROP) (P : PROP) (e : expr) := {}.
Global Instance quote_True Σ : Quote Σ Σ emp%I EEmp := {}.
Global Instance quote_var Σ1 Σ2 P i:
rlist.QuoteLookup Σ1 Σ2 P i Quote Σ1 Σ2 P (EVar i) | 1000 := {}.
Global Instance quote_sep Σ1 Σ2 Σ3 P1 P2 e1 e2 :
Quote Σ1 Σ2 P1 e1 Quote Σ2 Σ3 P2 e2 Quote Σ1 Σ3 (P1 P2)%I (ESep e1 e2) := {}.
Class QuoteArgs (Σ : list PROP) (Ps : list PROP) (ns : list nat) := {}.
Global Instance quote_args_nil Σ : QuoteArgs Σ nil nil := {}.
Global Instance quote_args_cons Σ Ps P ns n :
rlist.QuoteLookup Σ Σ P n
QuoteArgs Σ Ps ns QuoteArgs Σ (P :: Ps) (n :: ns) := {}.
End bi_reflection.
Ltac quote :=
match goal with
| |- ?P1 ?P2 =>
lazymatch type of (_ : Quote [] _ P1 _) with Quote _ ?Σ2 _ ?e1 =>
lazymatch type of (_ : Quote Σ2 _ P2 _) with Quote _ ?Σ3 _ ?e2 =>
change (eval Σ3 e1 eval Σ3 e2) end end
Ltac quote_l :=
match goal with
| |- ?P1 ?P2 =>
lazymatch type of (_ : Quote [] _ P1 _) with Quote _ ?Σ2 _ ?e1 =>
change (eval Σ2 e1 P2) end
End bi_reflection.
Tactic Notation "solve_sep_entails" :=
[apply bi_reflection.flatten_entails (* for affine BIs *)
|apply equiv_entails, bi_reflection.flatten_equiv (* for other BIs *) ];
apply (bool_decide_unpack _); vm_compute; exact Logic.I.
Tactic Notation "solve_sep_equiv" :=
bi_reflection.quote; apply bi_reflection.flatten_equiv;
apply (bool_decide_unpack _); vm_compute; exact Logic.I.
Ltac close_uPreds Ps tac :=
let PROP := match goal with |- @bi_entails ?PROP _ _ => PROP end in
let rec go Ps Qs :=
lazymatch Ps with
| [] => let Qs' := eval cbv [reverse rev_append] in (reverse Qs) in tac Qs'
| ?P :: ?Ps => find_pat P ltac:(fun Q => go Ps (Q :: Qs))
end in
(* avoid evars in case Ps = @nil ?A *)
try match Ps with [] => unify Ps (@nil PROP) end;
go Ps (@nil PROP).
Tactic Notation "cancel" constr(Ps) :=
let Σ := match goal with |- bi_reflection.eval _ _ => Σ end in
let ns' := lazymatch type of (_ : bi_reflection.QuoteArgs Σ Ps _) with
| bi_reflection.QuoteArgs _ _ ?ns' => ns'
end in
eapply bi_reflection.cancel_entails with (ns:=ns');
[cbv; reflexivity|cbv; reflexivity|simpl].
Tactic Notation "ecancel" open_constr(Ps) :=
close_uPreds Ps ltac:(fun Qs => cancel Qs).
(** [to_front [P1, P2, ..]] rewrites in the premise of ⊢ such that
the assumptions P1, P2, ... appear at the front, in that order. *)
Tactic Notation "to_front" open_constr(Ps) :=
close_uPreds Ps ltac:(fun Ps =>
let Σ := match goal with |- bi_reflection.eval _ _ => Σ end in
let ns' := lazymatch type of (_ : bi_reflection.QuoteArgs Σ Ps _) with
| bi_reflection.QuoteArgs _ _ ?ns' => ns'
end in
eapply entails_equiv_l;
first (apply bi_reflection.split_l with (ns:=ns'); cbv; reflexivity);
Tactic Notation "to_back" open_constr(Ps) :=
close_uPreds Ps ltac:(fun Ps =>
let Σ := match goal with |- bi_reflection.eval _ _ => Σ end in
let ns' := lazymatch type of (_ : bi_reflection.QuoteArgs Σ Ps _) with
| bi_reflection.QuoteArgs _ _ ?ns' => ns'
end in
eapply entails_equiv_l;
first (apply bi_reflection.split_r with (ns:=ns'); cbv; reflexivity);
(** [sep_split] is used to introduce a (∗).
Use [sep_split left: [P1, P2, ...]] to define which assertions will be
taken to the left; the rest will be available on the right.
[sep_split right: [P1, P2, ...]] works the other way around. *)
Tactic Notation "sep_split" "right:" open_constr(Ps) :=
to_back Ps; apply sep_mono.
Tactic Notation "sep_split" "left:" open_constr(Ps) :=
to_front Ps; apply sep_mono.
From Require Export bi telescopes.
From Require Import tactics.
From iris.proofmode Require Export base environments classes modality_instances.
From iris Require Import options.
Import bi.
From Require Export bi.
From Require Import tactics.
From iris.proofmode Require Import base.
From iris.algebra Require Export base.
From iris Require Import options.
......@@ -510,12 +509,10 @@ Proof.
rewrite /envs_lookup !of_envs_eq=>Hwf ?.
rewrite [envs_wf Δ⌝%I]pure_True // left_id.
destruct Δ as [Γp Γs], (Γp !! i) eqn:?; simplify_eq/=.
- rewrite (env_lookup_perm Γp) //= intuitionistically_and
and_sep_intuitionistically and_elim_r.
cancel [ P]%I. solve_sep_entails.
- by rewrite (env_lookup_perm Γp) //= intuitionistically_and
and_sep_intuitionistically and_elim_r assoc.
- destruct (Γs !! i) eqn:?; simplify_eq/=.
rewrite (env_lookup_perm Γs) //= and_elim_r.
cancel [P]. solve_sep_entails.
by rewrite (env_lookup_perm Γs) //= and_elim_r !assoc (comm _ P).
Lemma envs_lookup_split Δ i p P :
......@@ -581,7 +578,7 @@ Proof.
- apply and_intro; [apply pure_intro|].
+ destruct Hwf; constructor; simpl; eauto using Esnoc_wf.
intros j; destruct (ident_beq_reflect j i); naive_solver.
+ solve_sep_entails.
+ by rewrite !assoc (comm _ P).
Lemma envs_app_sound Δ Δ' p Γ :
......@@ -598,14 +595,14 @@ Proof.
naive_solver eauto using env_app_fresh.
+ rewrite (env_app_perm _ _ Γp') //.
rewrite big_opL_app intuitionistically_and and_sep_intuitionistically.
by rewrite assoc.
- destruct (env_app Γ Γp) eqn:Happ,
(env_app Γ Γs) as [Γs'|] eqn:?; simplify_eq/=.
apply wand_intro_l, and_intro; [apply pure_intro|].
+ destruct Hwf; constructor; simpl; eauto using env_app_wf.
intros j. apply (env_app_disjoint _ _ _ j) in Happ.
naive_solver eauto using env_app_fresh.
+ rewrite (env_app_perm _ _ Γs') // big_opL_app. solve_sep_entails.
+ by rewrite (env_app_perm _ _ Γs') // big_opL_app !assoc (comm _ ([] Γ)%I).
Lemma envs_app_singleton_sound Δ Δ' p j Q :
......@@ -626,14 +623,15 @@ Proof.
destruct (decide (i = j)); try naive_solver eauto using env_replace_fresh.
+ rewrite (env_replace_perm _ _ Γp') //.
rewrite big_opL_app intuitionistically_and and_sep_intuitionistically.
by rewrite assoc.
- destruct (env_app Γ Γp) eqn:Happ,
(env_replace i Γ Γs) as [Γs'|] eqn:?; simplify_eq/=.
apply wand_intro_l, and_intro; [apply pure_intro|].
+ destruct Hwf; constructor; simpl; eauto using env_replace_wf.
intros j. apply (env_app_disjoint _ _ _ j) in Happ.
destruct (decide (i = j)); try naive_solver eauto using env_replace_fresh.
+ rewrite (env_replace_perm _ _ Γs') // big_opL_app. solve_sep_entails.
+ rewrite (env_replace_perm _ _ Γs') // big_opL_app.
by rewrite !assoc (comm _ ([] Γ)%I).
Lemma envs_simple_replace_singleton_sound' Δ Δ' i p j Q :
......@@ -769,7 +767,7 @@ Proof.
destruct (envs_split_go _ _) as [[Δ1' Δ2']|] eqn:; [|done].
apply envs_split_go_sound in as ->; last first.
{ intros j P. by rewrite envs_lookup_envs_clear_spatial=> ->. }
destruct d; simplify_eq/=; solve_sep_entails.
destruct d; simplify_eq/=; [|done]. by rewrite comm.
Lemma env_to_prop_sound Γ : env_to_prop Γ ⊣⊢ [] Γ.
From stdpp Require Import nat_cancel.
From Require Import bi tactics telescopes.
From Require Import bi telescopes.
From iris.proofmode Require Import classes.
From iris Require Import options.
Import bi.
......@@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ Global Instance frame_sep_persistent_l progress R P1 P2 Q1 Q2 Q' :
Frame true R (P1 P2) Q' | 9.
rewrite /Frame /MaybeFrame /MakeSep /= => <- <- <-.
rewrite {1}(intuitionistically_sep_dup R). solve_sep_entails.
rewrite {1}(intuitionistically_sep_dup R).
by rewrite !assoc -(assoc _ _ _ Q1) -(comm _ Q1) assoc -(comm _ Q1).
Global Instance frame_sep_l R P1 P2 Q Q' :
Frame false R P1 Q MakeSep Q P2 Q' Frame false R (P1 P2) Q' | 9.
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