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Remove `bi.tactics`

Robbert Krebbers requested to merge robbert/bi_tactics into master

The file bi.tactics contains mostly legacy stuff that predates the proof mode, and has bitrot quite a bit since then (see #373 (closed)).

Some tactics in this file are used to bootstrap the proof mode, but this MR shows that all of these proofs can be replaced by one-liner manual proofs.

@lepigre noticed that something akin to sep_solve_entails could be useful in clients of Iris. Maybe we should have some tactic for that in the proofmode? For example:

Ltac iSolveSepEntails :=
  repeat iMatchHyp (fun H P =>
    lazymatch P with
    | (_  _)%I => iDestruct H as "[??]"
    | ( _, _)%I => iDestruct H as (?) "?"
  eauto with iFrame.

Lemma test2 {PROP : bi} (P Q R : PROP) (Φ Ψ : nat  PROP) :
  P  R  Q  P  R  ( x, Φ x  Ψ x)  Q  P  R  Q
    y, Ψ y  (R  Q  P)  R  ( x, Q  Φ x)  P  (R  Q  P).
Proof. iSolveSepEntails. Qed.

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