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Add tactic `learn_hyp`, fixes #73

Merged Michael Sammler requested to merge msammler/add_hypothesis into master
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@@ -254,19 +254,10 @@ Ltac multiset_instantiate :=
let e := fresh in evar (e:A);
let e' := eval unfold e in e in clear e;
lazymatch constr:(P e') with
| context [ {[ ?y ]} ] =>
(* Use [unless] to avoid creating a new hypothesis [H y : P y] if [P y]
already exists. *)
unify y e'; unless (P y) by assumption; pose proof (H y)
| context [ {[ ?y ]} ] => unify y e'; learn_hyp (H y)
| H : ( x : ?A, @?P x), _ : context [multiplicity ?y _] |- _ =>
(* Use [unless] to avoid creating a new hypothesis [H y : P y] if [P y]
already exists. *)
unless (P y) by assumption; pose proof (H y)
| H : ( x : ?A, @?P x) |- context [multiplicity ?y _] =>
(* Use [unless] to avoid creating a new hypothesis [H y : P y] if [P y]
already exists. *)
unless (P y) by assumption; pose proof (H y)
| H : ( x : ?A, _), _ : context [multiplicity ?y _] |- _ => learn_hyp (H y)
| H : ( x : ?A, _) |- context [multiplicity ?y _] => learn_hyp (H y)
(** Step 4: simplify singletons *)