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  • Villetaneuse/lambda-rust
  • iris/lambda-rust
  • maximedenes/LambdaRust-coq
  • msammler/lambda-rust
  • daniel.louwrink/lambda-rust
  • simonspies/lambda-rust
  • xldenis/lambda-rust
  • lgaeher/lambda-rust
  • JasonHuZS/lambda-rust
  • snyke7/lambda-rust
  • ivanbakel/lambda-rust
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Commits on Source (1050)
*.v gitlab-language=coq
......@@ -9,6 +13,7 @@
image: opam
image: ralfjung/opam-ci:opam2
- build
OCAML: "ocaml-variants.4.14.0+options ocaml-option-flambda"
.template: &template
stage: build
- coq
- fp
# prepare
- . build/ 'coq 8.5.3' 'coq-mathcomp-ssreflect 1.6'
# build
- 'time make -j8'
- git clone ci -b opam2
- ci/buildjob
key: "coq8.5.3-2"
key: "$CI_JOB_NAME"
- opamroot/
- _opam/
- /^master/@iris/lambda-rust
- /^ci/@iris/lambda-rust
- triggers
- schedules
- api
## Build jobs
<<: *template
OPAM_PINS: "coq version 8.20.0"
# Mostly to make the lifetime logic available
- fp-timing
<<: *template
OPAM_PINS: "coq version 8.20.0 git+$IRIS_REPO#$IRIS_REV"
- fp-timing
- triggers
- schedules
- api
- $TIMING_AD_HOC_ID == null
<<: *template
STDPP_REPO: "iris/stdpp"
IRIS_REPO: "iris/iris"
- master
- ci
- triggers
- schedules
- api
- $TIMING_AD_HOC_ID == null
All files in this development are distributed under the terms of the BSD
license, included below.
Copyright: lambdaRust developers and contributors
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors
may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
without specific prior written permission.
# Process flags
ifeq ($(Y), 1)
# Determine Coq version
COQ_VERSION=$(shell coqc --version | egrep -o 'version 8.[0-9]' | egrep -o '8.[0-9]')
# Default target
all: Makefile.coq
+@$(MAKE) -f Makefile.coq all
.PHONY: all
ifeq ($(COQ_VERSION), 8.6)
COQ_MAKEFILE_FLAGS += -arg -w -arg -notation-overridden,-redundant-canonical-projection
# Permit local customization
-include Makefile.local
# Forward most targets to Coq makefile (with some trick to make this phony)
%: Makefile.coq phony
+@make -f Makefile.coq $@
all: Makefile.coq
+@make -f Makefile.coq all
@#echo "Forwarding $@"
+@$(MAKE) -f Makefile.coq $@
phony: ;
.PHONY: phony
clean: Makefile.coq
+@make -f Makefile.coq clean
find \( -name "*.v.d" -o -name "*.vo" -o -name "*.aux" -o -name "*.cache" -o -name "*.glob" -o -name "*.vio" \) -print -delete
rm -f Makefile.coq
+@$(MAKE) -f Makefile.coq clean
@# Make sure not to enter the `_opam` folder.
find [a-z]*/ \( -name "*.d" -o -name "*.vo" -o -name "*.vo[sk]" -o -name "*.aux" -o -name "*.cache" -o -name "*.glob" -o -name "*.vio" \) -print -delete || true
rm -f Makefile.coq .lia.cache builddep/*
.PHONY: clean
# Create Coq Makefile
# Create Coq Makefile.
Makefile.coq: _CoqProject Makefile
@# we want to pass the correct name to coq_makefile or it will be confused.
coq_makefile $(COQ_MAKEFILE_FLAGS) -f _CoqProject -o Makefile.coq
mv Makefile.coq Makefile.coq.tmp
@# The sed script is for Coq 8.5 only, it fixes 'make verify'.
@# The awk script fixes 'make uninstall'.
sed 's/$$(COQCHK) $$(COQCHKFLAGS) $$(COQLIBS)/$$(COQCHK) $$(COQCHKFLAGS) $$(subst -Q,-R,$$(COQLIBS))/' < Makefile.coq.tmp \
| awk '/^uninstall:/{print "uninstall:";print "\tif [ -d \"$$(DSTROOT)\"$$(COQLIBINSTALL)/iris/ ]; then find \"$$(DSTROOT)\"$$(COQLIBINSTALL)/iris/ -name \"*.vo\" -print -delete; fi";getline;next}1' > Makefile.coq
rm Makefile.coq.tmp
"$(COQBIN)coq_makefile" -f _CoqProject -o Makefile.coq $(EXTRA_COQFILES)
# Install build-dependencies
build/ < opam.pins
opam upgrade $(YFLAG) # it is not nice that we upgrade *all* packages here, but I found no nice way to upgrade only those that we pinned
opam pin add coq-lambda-rust "$$(pwd)#HEAD" -k git -n -y
opam install coq-lambda-rust --deps-only $(YFLAG)
opam pin remove coq-lambda-rust
# some fiels that do *not* need to be forwarded to Makefile.coq
Makefile: ;
_CoqProject: ;
# Phony targets (i.e. targets that should be run no matter the timestamps of the involved files)
phony: ;
.PHONY: all clean phony
OPAMFILES=$(wildcard *.opam)
BUILDDEPFILES=$(addsuffix -builddep.opam, $(addprefix builddep/,$(basename $(OPAMFILES))))
builddep/%-builddep.opam: %.opam Makefile
@echo "# Creating builddep package for $<."
@mkdir -p builddep
@sed <$< -E 's/^(build|install|remove):.*/\1: []/; s/"(.*)"(.*= *version.*)$$/"\1-builddep"\2/;' >$@
builddep-opamfiles: $(BUILDDEPFILES)
.PHONY: builddep-opamfiles
builddep: builddep-opamfiles
@# We want opam to not just install the build-deps now, but to also keep satisfying these
@# constraints. Otherwise, `opam upgrade` may well update some packages to versions
@# that are incompatible with our build requirements.
@# To achieve this, we create a fake opam package that has our build-dependencies as
@# dependencies, but does not actually install anything itself.
@echo "# Installing builddep packages."
.PHONY: builddep
# Backwards compatibility target
build-dep: builddep
.PHONY: build-dep
# Some files that do *not* need to be forwarded to Makefile.coq.
# ("::" lets Makefile.local overwrite this.)
Makefile Makefile.local _CoqProject $(OPAMFILES):: ;
# Run tests interleaved with main build. They have to be in the same target for this.
real-all: style
style: $(VFILES)
# Make sure everything imports the options, and all Instance/Argument/Hint are qualified.
$(HIDE)for FILE in $(VFILES); do \
if ! grep -F -q 'From iris.prelude Require Import options.' "$$FILE"; then echo "ERROR: $$FILE does not import 'options'."; echo; exit 1; fi ; \
./ "$$FILE" || exit 1; \
.PHONY: style
Missing APIs from the types we cover (APIs have been added after this formalization was done)
# Mutex
* Might become covariant:
# Cell
* Structural conversion for slices. The matching operations in our model would be
`&mut Cell<(A, B)>` -> `&mut (Cell<A>, Cell<B>)` and
`&Cell<(A, B)>` -> `&(Cell<A>, Cell<B>)` (both being NOPs).
* Turns out to be very hard! The way we currently associate NA-masks with locations is in conflict with this.
The invariant for the entire cell gets allocated "on" the first location of the cell, so when we do splitting the 2nd projection has no way to access it...
* Something like the example from <>
This is the Coq formalization of lambda-Rust.
This is the Coq development accompanying lambda-Rust.
## Prerequisites
This version is known to compile with:
- Coq 8.5pl3
- Ssreflect 1.6
- A development version of [Iris](
- Coq 8.20.0
- A development version of [Iris](
The easiest way to install the correct versions of the dependencies is through
opam. Once you got opam set up, just run `make build-dep` to install the right
versions of the dependencies. When the dependencies change (e.g., a newer
version of Iris is needed), just run `make build-dep` again.
## Building from source
Alternatively, you can manually determine the required Iris commit by consulting
the `opam.pins` file.
When building from source, we recommend to use opam (2.0.0 or newer) for
installing the dependencies. This requires the following two repositories:
## Building Instructions
opam repo add coq-released
opam repo add iris-dev
Run `make` to build the full development.
Once you got opam set up, run `make build-dep` to install the right versions
of the dependencies.
Run `make -jN` to build the full development, where `N` is the number of your
CPU cores.
To update, do `git pull`. After an update, the development may fail to compile
because of outdated dependencies. To fix that, please run `opam update`
followed by `make build-dep`.
## Structure
* The folder [lang](theories/lang) contains the formalization of the lambda-Rust
core language, including the theorem showing that programs with data races get
* The folder [lifetime](theories/lifetime) proves the rules of the lifetime
logic, including derived constructions like (non-)atomic persistent borrows.
* The subfolder [model](theories/lifetime/model) proves the core rules, which
are then sealed behind a module signature in
* The folder [typing](theories/typing) defines the domain of semantic types,
interpretations of all the judgments, as well as proofs of all typing rules.
* [type.v](theories/typing/type.v) contains the definition of a semantic type.
* [programs.v](theories/typing/programs.v) defines the typing judgements for
instructions and function bodies.
* [soundness.v](theories/typing/soundness.v) contains the main soundness
theorem of the type system.
* The subfolder [examples](theories/typing/examples) shows how the examples
from the technical appendix can be type-checked in Coq.
* The subfolder [lib](theories/typing/lib) contains proofs of safety of some
unsafely implement types from the Rust standard library and some user
crates: `Cell`, `RefCell`, `Rc`, `Arc`, `Mutex`, `RwLock`, `mem::swap`,
`thread::spawn`, `take_mut::take`, `alias::once` as well as converting `&&T`
to `&Box<T>`.
## Changes since original RustBelt publication
In this section we list fundamental changes to the model that were done since
the publication of the
[original RustBelt paper](
### Support for branding
As part of the [GhostCell paper](,
the model was adjusted to support branding.
* The semantic interpretation of external lifetime contexts had to be changed to use a *syntactic* form of lifetime inclusion.
* This changed interpretation broke the proof of "lifetime equalization".
Instead we prove a weaker rule that only substitutes lifetimes on positions that are compatible with *semantic* lifetime inclusion.
This is good enough for [the example](theories/typing/examples/nonlexical.v).
* Furthermore, we had to redo the proof of `type_call_iris'`, a key lemma involved in calling functions and ensuring that their assumptions about lifetime parameters do indeed hold.
The old proof exploited *semantic* lifetime inclusion in external lifetime contexts in a crucial step.
The proof was fixed by adjusting the semantic interpretation of the local lifetime context.
In particular there is a new parameter `qmax` here that has to be threaded through everywhere.
## Where to Find the Proof Rules From the Paper
### Type System Rules
The files in [typing](theories/typing) prove semantic versions of the proof
rules given in the paper. Notice that mutable borrows are called "unique
borrows" in the Coq development.
| Proof Rule | File | Lemma |
| T-bor-lft (for shr) | shr_bor.v | shr_mono |
| T-bor-lft (for mut) | uniq_bor.v | uniq_mono |
| C-subtype | type_context.v | subtype_tctx_incl |
| C-copy | type_context.v | copy_tctx_incl |
| C-split-bor (for shr) | product_split.v | tctx_split_shr_prod2 |
| C-split-bor (for mut) | product_split.v | tctx_split_uniq_prod2 |
| C-share | borrow.v | tctx_share |
| C-borrow | borrow.v | tctx_borrow |
| C-reborrow | uniq_bor.v | tctx_reborrow_uniq |
| Tread-own-copy | own.v | read_own_copy |
| Tread-own-move | own.v | read_own_move |
| Tread-bor (for shr) | shr_bor.v | read_shr |
| Tread-bor (for mut) | uniq_bor.v | read_uniq |
| Twrite-own | own.v | write_own |
| Twrite-bor | uniq_bor.v | write_uniq |
| S-num | int.v | type_int_instr |
| S-nat-leq | int.v | type_le_instr |
| S-new | own.v | type_new_instr |
| S-delete | own.v | type_delete_instr |
| S-deref | programs.v | type_deref_instr |
| S-assign | programs.v | type_assign_instr |
| F-consequence | programs.v | typed_body_mono |
| F-let | programs.v | type_let' |
| F-letcont | cont.v | type_cont |
| F-jump | cont.v | type_jump |
| F-newlft | programs.v | type_newlft |
| F-endlft | programs.v | type_endlft |
| F-call | function.v | type_call' |
Some of these lemmas are called `something'` because the version without the `'` is a derived, more specialized form used together with our eauto-based `solve_typing` tactic. You can see this tactic in action in the [examples](theories/typing/examples) subfolder.
### Lifetime Logic Rules
The files in [lifetime](theories/lifetime) prove the lifetime logic, with the
core rules being proven in the [model](theories/lifetime/model) subfolder and
then sealed behind a module signature in
| Proof Rule | File | Lemma |
| LftL-begin | model/creation.v | lft_create |
| LftL-tok-fract | model/primitive.v | lft_tok_fractional |
| LftL-not-own-end | model/primitive.v | lft_tok_dead |
| LftL-end-persist | model/definitions.v | lft_dead_persistent |
| LftL-borrow | model/borrow.v | bor_create |
| LftL-bor-split | model/bor_sep.v | bor_sep |
| LftL-bor-acc | lifetime.v | bor_acc |
| LftL-bor-shorten | model/primitive.v | bor_shorten |
| LftL-incl-isect | model/primitive.v | lft_intersect_incl_l |
| LftL-incl-glb | model/primitive.v | lft_incl_glb |
| LftL-tok-inter | model/primitive.v | lft_tok_sep |
| LftL-end-inter | model/primitive.v | lft_dead_or |
| LftL-tok-unit | model/primitive.v | lft_tok_static |
| LftL-end-unit | model/primitive.v | lft_dead_static |
| LftL-reborrow | lifetime.v | rebor |
| LftL-bor-fracture | frac_borrow.v | bor_fracture |
| LftL-fract-acc | frac_borrow.v | frac_bor_atomic_acc |
| LftL-bor-na | na_borrow.v | bor_na |
| LftL-na-acc | na_borrow.v | na_bor_acc |
## For Developers: How to update the Iris dependency
* Do the change in Iris, push it.
* Wait for CI to publish a new Iris version on the opam archive, then run
`opam update iris-dev`.
* In lambdaRust, change the `opam` file to depend on the new version.
* Run `make build-dep` (in lambdaRust) to install the new version of Iris.
You may have to do `make clean` as Coq will likely complain about .vo file
-Q theories lrust
# Search paths for all packages. They must all match the regex
# `-Q $PACKAGE[/ ]` so that we can filter out the right ones for each package.
-Q lifetime lrust.lifetime
-Q lambda-rust/lang lrust.lang
-Q lambda-rust/typing lrust.typing
# We sometimes want to locally override notation, and there is no good way to do that with scopes.
-arg -w -arg -notation-overridden
# Cannot use non-canonical projections as it causes massive unification failures
# (
-arg -w -arg -redundant-canonical-projection
# Warning is often incorrect, see
-arg -w -arg -notation-incompatible-prefix
set -e
# This script installs the build dependencies for CI builds.
# Prepare OPAM configuration
export OPAMROOT="$(pwd)/opamroot"
export OPAMJOBS=16
export OPAM_EDITOR="$(which false)"
# Make sure we got a good OPAM
test -d "$OPAMROOT" || (mkdir "$OPAMROOT" && opam init --no-setup -y)
eval `opam conf env`
test -d "$OPAMROOT/repo/coq-extra-dev" || opam repo add coq-extra-dev -p 5
test -d "$OPAMROOT/repo/coq-core-dev" || opam repo add coq-core-dev -p 5
test -d "$OPAMROOT/repo/coq-released" || opam repo add coq-released -p 10
opam update
opam install ocamlfind -y # Remove this once the Coq crew fixed their package...
# Install fixed versions of some dependencies
for PIN in "${@}"
echo "Applying pin: $PIN"
opam pin add $PIN -k version -y
# Install build-dependencies
make build-dep Y=1
# done
coqc -v
set -e
## Process an opam.pins file from stdin: Add all the given pins, but don't install anything.
## Usage:
## ./ < opam.pins
# Process stdin
while read PACKAGE URL HASH; do
if echo "$URL" | egrep '^https://gitlab\.mpi-sws\.org' > /dev/null; then
echo "[opam-pins] Recursing into $URL"
# an MPI URL -- try doing recursive pin processing
curl -f "$URL/raw/$HASH" 2> /dev/null | "$0"
echo "[opam-pins] Applying pin: $PACKAGE -> $URL#$HASH"
opam pin add "$$HASH" "$URL#$HASH" -k git -y -n
opam-version: "2.0"
maintainer: "Ralf Jung <>"
authors: "The RustBelt Team"
license: "BSD-3-Clause"
homepage: ""
bug-reports: ""
dev-repo: "git+"
synopsis: "LambdaRust Coq formalization"
description: """
A formal model of a Rust core language and type system, a logical relation for
the type system, and safety proof for some Rust libraries.
depends: [
"coq-lifetime-logic" { = version }
build: ["./make-package" "lambda-rust" "-j%{jobs}%"]
install: ["./make-package" "lambda-rust" "install"]
opam-version: "2.0"
maintainer: "Ralf Jung <>"
authors: "The RustBelt Team"
license: "BSD-3-Clause"
homepage: ""
bug-reports: ""
dev-repo: "git+"
synopsis: "Lifetime Logic Coq formalization"
description: """
The lifetime logic extends Iris with a notion of "borrowing".
depends: [
"coq-iris" { (= "dev.2025-01-25.1.8a8f05fb") | (= "dev") }
build: ["./make-package" "lifetime" "-j%{jobs}%"]
install: ["./make-package" "lifetime" "install"]
set -e
## A simple shell script checking for some common Coq issues.
if grep -E -n '^\s*((Existing\s+|Program\s+|Declare\s+)?Instance|Arguments|Remove|Hint\s+(Extern|Constructors|Resolve|Immediate|Mode|Opaque|Transparent|Unfold)|(Open|Close)\s+Scope|Opaque|Transparent)\b' "$FILE"; then
echo "ERROR: $FILE contains 'Instance'/'Arguments'/'Hint' or another side-effect without locality (see above)."
echo "Please add 'Global' or 'Local' as appropriate."
exit 1
From iris.program_logic Require Export hoare adequacy.
From iris.program_logic Require Export adequacy weakestpre.
From iris.algebra Require Import auth.
From lrust.lang Require Export heap.
From lrust.lang Require Import proofmode notation.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
Class heapPreG Σ := HeapPreG {
heap_preG_ownP :> ownPPreG lrust_lang Σ;
heap_preG_heap :> inG Σ (authR heapUR);
heap_preG_heap_freeable :> inG Σ (authR heap_freeableUR)
Class lrustGpreS Σ := HeapGpreS {
lrustGpreS_irig :: invGpreS Σ;
lrustGpreS_heap :: inG Σ (authR heapUR);
lrustGpreS_heap_freeable :: inG Σ (authR heap_freeableUR)
Definition heapΣ : gFunctors :=
#[ownPΣ state;
Definition lrustΣ : gFunctors :=
GFunctor (constRF (authR heapUR));
GFunctor (constRF (authR heap_freeableUR))].
Instance subG_heapPreG {Σ} : subG heapΣ Σ heapPreG Σ.
Proof. intros [? [?%subG_inG ?%subG_inG]%subG_inv]%subG_inv. split; apply _. Qed.
Global Instance subG_lrustGpreS {Σ} : subG lrustΣ Σ lrustGpreS Σ.
Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
Definition heap_adequacy Σ `{heapPreG Σ} e σ φ :
( `{heapG Σ}, {{ heap_ctx }} e {{ v, φ v }})
adequate e σ φ.
Definition lrust_adequacy Σ `{!lrustGpreS Σ} e σ φ :
( `{!lrustGS Σ}, True WP e {{ v, φ v }})
adequate NotStuck e σ (λ v _, φ v).
intros Hwp; eapply (ownP_adequacy Σ _). iIntros (?) "Hσ".
intros Hwp; eapply (wp_adequacy _ _); iIntros (??).
iMod (own_alloc ( to_heap σ)) as () "Hvγ".
{ apply (auth_auth_valid (to_heap _)), to_heap_valid. }
iMod (own_alloc ( ( : heap_freeableUR))) as () "Hfγ"; first done.
set (Hheap := HeapG _ _ _ _ ).
iMod (inv_alloc heapN _ heap_inv with "[-]"); [iNext; iExists σ, ; by iFrame|].
iApply (Hwp _). by rewrite /heap_ctx.
iMod (own_alloc ( ( : heap_freeableUR))) as () "Hfγ";
first by apply auth_auth_valid.
set (Hheap := HeapGS _ _ _ ).
iModIntro. iExists (λ σ _, heap_ctx σ), (λ _, True%I). iSplitL.
{ iExists ∅. by iFrame. }
by iApply (Hwp (LRustGS _ _ Hheap)).
From iris.algebra Require Import cmra_big_op gmap frac agree.
From iris.algebra Require Import csum excl auth.
From iris.base_logic Require Import big_op lib.invariants lib.fractional.
From iris.proofmode Require Export tactics.
From lrust.lang Require Export lifting.
From stdpp Require Import coPset.
From iris.algebra Require Import big_op gmap frac agree numbers.
From iris.algebra Require Import csum excl auth cmra_big_op.
From Require Import fractional.
From iris.base_logic Require Export lib.own.
From iris.proofmode Require Export proofmode.
From lrust.lang Require Export lang.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
Import uPred.
Definition heapN : namespace := nroot .@ "heap".
Definition lock_stateR : cmra :=
csumR (exclR unitO) natR.
Definition lock_stateR : cmraT :=
csumR (exclR unitC) natR.
(* These days this could use gmap_view, but this code predates that. *)
Definition heapUR : ucmra :=
gmapUR loc (prodR (prodR fracR lock_stateR) (agreeR valO)).
Definition heapUR : ucmraT :=
gmapUR loc (prodR (prodR fracR lock_stateR) (agreeR valC)).
Definition heap_freeableUR : ucmra :=
gmapUR block (prodR fracR (gmapR Z (exclR unitO))).
Definition heap_freeableUR : ucmraT :=
gmapUR block (prodR fracR (gmapR Z (exclR unitC))).
Class heapG Σ := HeapG {
heapG_ownP_inG :> ownPG lrust_lang Σ;
heap_inG :> inG Σ (authR heapUR);
heap_freeable_inG :> inG Σ (authR heap_freeableUR);
Class heapGS Σ := HeapGS {
heap_inG :: inG Σ (authR heapUR);
heap_freeable_inG :: inG Σ (authR heap_freeableUR);
heap_name : gname;
heap_freeable_name : gname
......@@ -30,75 +31,67 @@ Definition to_heap : state → heapUR :=
fmap (λ v, (1%Qp, to_lock_stateR (v.1), to_agree (v.2))).
Definition heap_freeable_rel (σ : state) (hF : heap_freeableUR) : Prop :=
blk qs, hF !! blk = Some qs
qs.2 i, is_Some (σ !! (blk, i)) is_Some (qs.2 !! i).
qs.2 i, is_Some (σ !! (blk, i)) is_Some (qs.2 !! i).
Section definitions.
Context `{heapG Σ}.
Context `{!heapGS Σ}.
Definition heap_mapsto_st (st : lock_state)
Definition heap_pointsto_st (st : lock_state)
(l : loc) (q : Qp) (v: val) : iProp Σ :=
own heap_name ( {[ l := (q, to_lock_stateR st, to_agree v) ]}).
Definition heap_mapsto_def (l : loc) (q : Qp) (v: val) : iProp Σ :=
heap_mapsto_st (RSt 0) l q v.
Definition heap_mapsto_aux : { x | x = @heap_mapsto_def }. by eexists. Qed.
Definition heap_mapsto := proj1_sig heap_mapsto_aux.
Definition heap_mapsto_eq : @heap_mapsto = @heap_mapsto_def :=
proj2_sig heap_mapsto_aux.
Definition heap_pointsto_def (l : loc) (q : Qp) (v: val) : iProp Σ :=
heap_pointsto_st (RSt 0) l q v.
Definition heap_pointsto_aux : seal (@heap_pointsto_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition heap_pointsto := unseal heap_pointsto_aux.
Definition heap_pointsto_eq : @heap_pointsto = @heap_pointsto_def :=
seal_eq heap_pointsto_aux.
Definition heap_mapsto_vec (l : loc) (q : Qp) (vl : list val) : iProp Σ :=
([ list] i v vl, heap_mapsto (shift_loc l i) q v)%I.
Definition heap_pointsto_vec (l : loc) (q : Qp) (vl : list val) : iProp Σ :=
([ list] i v vl, heap_pointsto (l + i) q v)%I.
Fixpoint inter (i0 : Z) (n : nat) : gmapR Z (exclR unitC) :=
Fixpoint inter (i0 : Z) (n : nat) : gmapR Z (exclR unitO) :=
match n with O => | S n => <[i0 := Excl ()]>(inter (i0+1) n) end.
Definition heap_freeable_def (l : loc) (q : Qp) (n: nat) : iProp Σ :=
own heap_freeable_name ( {[ l.1 := (q, inter (l.2) n) ]}).
Definition heap_freeable_aux : { x | x = @heap_freeable_def }. by eexists. Qed.
Definition heap_freeable := proj1_sig heap_freeable_aux.
Definition heap_freeable_aux : seal (@heap_freeable_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition heap_freeable := unseal heap_freeable_aux.
Definition heap_freeable_eq : @heap_freeable = @heap_freeable_def :=
proj2_sig heap_freeable_aux.
Definition heap_inv : iProp Σ :=
( (σ:state) hF, ownP σ own heap_name ( to_heap σ)
own heap_freeable_name ( hF)
heap_freeable_rel σ hF)%I.
Definition heap_ctx : iProp Σ := inv heapN heap_inv.
seal_eq heap_freeable_aux.
Global Instance heap_ctx_persistent : PersistentP heap_ctx.
Proof. apply _. Qed.
Definition heap_ctx (σ:state) : iProp Σ :=
( hF, own heap_name ( to_heap σ)
own heap_freeable_name ( hF)
heap_freeable_rel σ hF)%I.
End definitions.
Typeclasses Opaque heap_ctx heap_mapsto heap_freeable heap_mapsto_vec.
Instance: Params (@heap_mapsto) 4.
Instance: Params (@heap_freeable) 5.
Global Typeclasses Opaque heap_pointsto_vec.
Global Instance: Params (@heap_pointsto) 4 := {}.
Global Instance: Params (@heap_freeable) 5 := {}.
Notation "l ↦{ q } v" := (heap_mapsto l q v)
(at level 20, q at level 50, format "l ↦{ q } v") : uPred_scope.
Notation "l ↦ v" := (heap_mapsto l 1 v) (at level 20) : uPred_scope.
Notation "l ↦{ q } v" := (heap_pointsto l q v)
(at level 20, q at level 50, format "l ↦{ q } v") : bi_scope.
Notation "l ↦ v" := (heap_pointsto l 1 v) (at level 20) : bi_scope.
Notation "l ↦∗{ q } vl" := (heap_mapsto_vec l q vl)
(at level 20, q at level 50, format "l ↦∗{ q } vl") : uPred_scope.
Notation "l ↦∗ vl" := (heap_mapsto_vec l 1 vl) (at level 20) : uPred_scope.
Notation "l ↦∗{ q } vl" := (heap_pointsto_vec l q vl)
(at level 20, q at level 50, format "l ↦∗{ q } vl") : bi_scope.
Notation "l ↦∗ vl" := (heap_pointsto_vec l 1 vl) (at level 20) : bi_scope.
Notation "l ↦∗{ q }: P" := ( vl, l ↦∗{ q } vl P vl)%I
(at level 20, q at level 50, format "l ↦∗{ q }: P") : uPred_scope.
(at level 20, q at level 50, format "l ↦∗{ q }: P") : bi_scope.
Notation "l ↦∗: P " := ( vl, l ↦∗ vl P vl)%I
(at level 20, format "l ↦∗: P") : uPred_scope.
(at level 20, format "l ↦∗: P") : bi_scope.
Notation "†{ q } l … n" := (heap_freeable l q n)
(at level 20, q at level 50, format "†{ q } l … n") : uPred_scope.
Notation "† l … n" := (heap_freeable l 1 n) (at level 20) : uPred_scope.
(at level 20, q at level 50, format "†{ q } l … n") : bi_scope.
Notation "† l … n" := (heap_freeable l 1 n) (at level 20) : bi_scope.
Section heap.
Context {Σ : gFunctors}.
Implicit Types P Q : iProp Σ.
Section to_heap.
Implicit Types σ : state.
Implicit Types E : coPset.
(** Allocation *)
Lemma to_heap_valid σ : to_heap σ.
Proof. intros l. rewrite lookup_fmap. case (σ !! l)=> [[[|n] v]|] //=. Qed.
Proof. intros l. rewrite lookup_fmap. destruct (σ !! l) as [[[|n] v]|] eqn:EQ; rewrite EQ //. Qed.
Lemma lookup_to_heap_None σ l : σ !! l = None to_heap σ !! l = None.
Proof. by rewrite /to_heap lookup_fmap=> ->. Qed.
......@@ -110,82 +103,89 @@ Section heap.
Lemma to_heap_delete σ l : to_heap (delete l σ) = delete l (to_heap σ).
Proof. by rewrite /to_heap fmap_delete. Qed.
End to_heap.
Context `{heapG Σ}.
Section heap.
Context `{!heapGS Σ}.
Implicit Types P Q : iProp Σ.
Implicit Types σ : state.
Implicit Types E : coPset.
(** General properties of mapsto and freeable *)
Global Instance heap_mapsto_timeless l q v : TimelessP (l{q}v).
Proof. rewrite heap_mapsto_eq /heap_mapsto_def. apply _. Qed.
(** General properties of pointsto and freeable *)
Global Instance heap_pointsto_timeless l q v : Timeless (l{q}v).
Proof. rewrite heap_pointsto_eq /heap_pointsto_def. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance heap_mapsto_fractional l v: Fractional (λ q, l {q} v)%I.
Global Instance heap_pointsto_fractional l v: Fractional (λ q, l {q} v)%I.
intros p q.
by rewrite heap_mapsto_eq -own_op -auth_frag_op op_singleton pair_op agree_idemp.
by rewrite heap_pointsto_eq -own_op -auth_frag_op singleton_op -pair_op agree_idemp.
Global Instance heap_mapsto_as_fractional l q v:
Global Instance heap_pointsto_as_fractional l q v:
AsFractional (l {q} v) (λ q, l {q} v)%I q.
Proof. done. Qed.
Proof. split; first done. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance frame_pointsto p l v q1 q2 q :
FrameFractionalQp q1 q2 q
Frame p (l {q1} v) (l {q2} v) (l {q} v) | 5.
Proof. apply: frame_fractional. Qed.
Global Instance heap_mapsto_vec_timeless l q vl : TimelessP (l ↦∗{q} vl).
Proof. rewrite /heap_mapsto_vec. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance heap_pointsto_vec_timeless l q vl : Timeless (l ↦∗{q} vl).
Proof. rewrite /heap_pointsto_vec. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance heap_mapsto_vec_fractional l vl: Fractional (λ q, l ↦∗{q} vl)%I.
Global Instance heap_pointsto_vec_fractional l vl: Fractional (λ q, l ↦∗{q} vl)%I.
intros p q. rewrite /heap_mapsto_vec -big_sepL_sepL.
intros p q. rewrite /heap_pointsto_vec -big_sepL_sep.
by setoid_rewrite (fractional (Φ := λ q, _ {q} _)%I).
Global Instance heap_mapsto_vec_as_fractional l q vl:
Global Instance heap_pointsto_vec_as_fractional l q vl:
AsFractional (l ↦∗{q} vl) (λ q, l ↦∗{q} vl)%I q.
Proof. done. Qed.
Proof. split; first done. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance heap_freeable_timeless q l n : TimelessP ({q}ln).
Global Instance heap_freeable_timeless q l n : Timeless ({q}ln).
Proof. rewrite heap_freeable_eq /heap_freeable_def. apply _. Qed.
Lemma heap_mapsto_agree l q1 q2 v1 v2 :
l {q1} v1 l {q2} v2 v1 = v2⌝.
Lemma heap_pointsto_agree l q1 q2 v1 v2 : l {q1} v1 l {q2} v2 v1 = v2⌝.
rewrite heap_mapsto_eq -own_op -auth_frag_op own_valid discrete_valid.
eapply pure_elim; [done|]=> /auth_own_valid /=.
rewrite op_singleton pair_op singleton_valid. case.
rewrite /= to_agree_comp_valid=>? Heq. fold_leibniz. eauto.
rewrite heap_pointsto_eq -own_op -auth_frag_op own_valid discrete_valid.
eapply pure_elim; [done|]=> /auth_frag_valid /=.
rewrite singleton_op -pair_op singleton_valid=> -[? /to_agree_op_inv_L->]; eauto.
Lemma heap_mapsto_vec_nil l q : l ↦∗{q} [] ⊣⊢ True.
Proof. by rewrite /heap_mapsto_vec big_sepL_nil. Qed.
Lemma heap_pointsto_vec_nil l q : l ↦∗{q} [] ⊣⊢ True.
Proof. by rewrite /heap_pointsto_vec. Qed.
Lemma heap_mapsto_vec_app l q vl1 vl2 :
l ↦∗{q} (vl1 ++ vl2) ⊣⊢ l ↦∗{q} vl1 shift_loc l (length vl1) ↦∗{q} vl2.
Lemma heap_pointsto_vec_app l q vl1 vl2 :
l ↦∗{q} (vl1 ++ vl2) ⊣⊢ l ↦∗{q} vl1 (l + length vl1) ↦∗{q} vl2.
rewrite /heap_mapsto_vec big_sepL_app.
rewrite /heap_pointsto_vec big_sepL_app.
do 2 f_equiv. intros k v. by rewrite shift_loc_assoc_nat.
Lemma heap_mapsto_vec_singleton l q v : l ↦∗{q} [v] ⊣⊢ l {q} v.
Proof. by rewrite /heap_mapsto_vec big_sepL_singleton /= shift_loc_0. Qed.
Lemma heap_pointsto_vec_singleton l q v : l ↦∗{q} [v] ⊣⊢ l {q} v.
Proof. by rewrite /heap_pointsto_vec /= shift_loc_0 right_id. Qed.
Lemma heap_mapsto_vec_cons l q v vl:
l ↦∗{q} (v :: vl) ⊣⊢ l {q} v shift_loc l 1 ↦∗{q} vl.
Lemma heap_pointsto_vec_cons l q v vl:
l ↦∗{q} (v :: vl) ⊣⊢ l {q} v (l + 1) ↦∗{q} vl.
by rewrite (heap_mapsto_vec_app l q [v] vl) heap_mapsto_vec_singleton.
by rewrite (heap_pointsto_vec_app l q [v] vl) heap_pointsto_vec_singleton.
Lemma heap_mapsto_vec_op l q1 q2 vl1 vl2 :
Lemma heap_pointsto_vec_op l q1 q2 vl1 vl2 :
length vl1 = length vl2
l ↦∗{q1} vl1 l ↦∗{q2} vl2 ⊣⊢ vl1 = vl2 l ↦∗{q1+q2} vl1.
intros Hlen%Forall2_same_length. apply (anti_symm ()).
- revert l. induction Hlen as [|v1 v2 vl1 vl2 _ _ IH]=> l.
{ rewrite !heap_mapsto_vec_nil. iIntros "_"; auto. }
rewrite !heap_mapsto_vec_cons. iIntros "[[Hv1 Hvl1] [Hv2 Hvl2]]".
iDestruct (IH (shift_loc l 1) with "[Hvl1 Hvl2]") as "[% $]";
subst; first by iFrame.
rewrite (inj_iff (:: vl2)).
iDestruct (heap_mapsto_agree with "[$Hv1 $Hv2]") as %<-.
{ rewrite !heap_pointsto_vec_nil. iIntros "_"; auto. }
rewrite !heap_pointsto_vec_cons. iIntros "[[Hv1 Hvl1] [Hv2 Hvl2]]".
iDestruct (IH (l + 1) with "[$Hvl1 $Hvl2]") as "[% $]"; subst.
rewrite (inj_iff (.:: vl2)).
iDestruct (heap_pointsto_agree with "[$Hv1 $Hv2]") as %<-.
iSplit; first done. iFrame.
- by iIntros "[% [$ Hl2]]"; subst.
Lemma heap_mapsto_vec_prop_op l q1 q2 n (Φ : list val iProp Σ) :
Lemma heap_pointsto_pred_op l q1 q2 n (Φ : list val iProp Σ) :
( vl, Φ vl -∗ length vl = n)
l ↦∗{q1}: Φ l ↦∗{q2}: (λ vl, length vl = n) ⊣⊢ l ↦∗{q1+q2}: Φ.
......@@ -193,22 +193,63 @@ Section heap.
- iIntros "[Hmt1 Hmt2]".
iDestruct "Hmt1" as (vl) "[Hmt1 Hown]". iDestruct "Hmt2" as (vl') "[Hmt2 %]".
iDestruct (Hlen with "Hown") as %?.
iCombine "Hmt1" "Hmt2" as "Hmt". rewrite heap_mapsto_vec_op; last congruence.
iCombine "Hmt1" "Hmt2" as "Hmt". rewrite heap_pointsto_vec_op; last congruence.
iDestruct "Hmt" as "[_ Hmt]". iExists vl. by iFrame.
- iIntros "Hmt". iDestruct "Hmt" as (vl) "[[Hmt1 Hmt2] Hown]".
iDestruct (Hlen with "Hown") as %?.
iSplitL "Hmt1 Hown"; iExists _; by iFrame.
Lemma heap_mapsto_vec_combine l q vl :
vl []
l ↦∗{q} vl ⊣⊢ own heap_name ( [ list] i v vl,
{[shift_loc l i := (q, Cinr 0%nat, to_agree v)]}).
Lemma heap_pointsto_pred_wand l q Φ1 Φ2 :
l ↦∗{q}: Φ1 -∗ ( vl, Φ1 vl -∗ Φ2 vl) -∗ l ↦∗{q}: Φ2.
rewrite /heap_mapsto_vec heap_mapsto_eq /heap_mapsto_def /heap_mapsto_st=>?.
by rewrite (big_opL_commute (Auth None)) big_opL_commute1 //.
iIntros "Hm Hwand". iDestruct "Hm" as (vl) "[Hm HΦ]". iExists vl.
iFrame "Hm". by iApply "Hwand".
Lemma heap_pointsto_pred_iff_proper l q Φ1 Φ2 :
( vl, Φ1 vl Φ2 vl) -∗ (l ↦∗{q}: Φ1 l ↦∗{q}: Φ2).
iIntros "#HΦ !>". iSplit; iIntros; iApply (heap_pointsto_pred_wand with "[-]"); try done; [|];
iIntros; by iApply "HΦ".
Lemma heap_pointsto_vec_combine l q vl :
vl []
l ↦∗{q} vl ⊣⊢ own heap_name ( [^op list] i v vl,
{[l + i := (q, Cinr 0%nat, to_agree v)]}).
rewrite /heap_pointsto_vec heap_pointsto_eq /heap_pointsto_def /heap_pointsto_st=>?.
rewrite (big_opL_commute auth_frag) big_opL_commute1 //.
Global Instance heap_pointsto_pred_fractional l (P : list val iProp Σ):
( vl, Persistent (P vl)) Fractional (λ q, l ↦∗{q}: P)%I.
intros p q q'. iSplit.
- iIntros "H". iDestruct "H" as (vl) "[[Hown1 Hown2] #HP]".
iSplitL "Hown1"; eauto.
- iIntros "[H1 H2]". iDestruct "H1" as (vl1) "[Hown1 #HP1]".
iDestruct "H2" as (vl2) "[Hown2 #HP2]".
set (ll := min (length vl1) (length vl2)).
rewrite -[vl1](firstn_skipn ll) -[vl2](firstn_skipn ll) 2!heap_pointsto_vec_app.
iDestruct "Hown1" as "[Hown1 _]". iDestruct "Hown2" as "[Hown2 _]".
iCombine "Hown1" "Hown2" as "Hown". rewrite heap_pointsto_vec_op; last first.
{ rewrite !length_firstn. subst ll.
rewrite -!Nat.min_assoc Nat.min_idempotent Nat.min_comm -Nat.min_assoc Nat.min_idempotent Nat.min_comm. done. }
iDestruct "Hown" as "[H Hown]". iDestruct "H" as %Hl. iExists (take ll vl1). iFrame.
destruct (Nat.min_spec (length vl1) (length vl2)) as [[Hne Heq]|[Hne Heq]].
+ iClear "HP2". rewrite take_ge; last first.
{ rewrite -Heq /ll. done. }
rewrite drop_ge; first by rewrite app_nil_r. by rewrite -Heq.
+ iClear "HP1". rewrite Hl take_ge; last first.
{ rewrite -Heq /ll. done. }
rewrite drop_ge; first by rewrite app_nil_r. by rewrite -Heq.
Global Instance heap_pointsto_pred_as_fractional l q (P : list val iProp Σ):
( vl, Persistent (P vl)) AsFractional (l ↦∗{q}: P) (λ q, l ↦∗{q}: P)%I q.
Proof. split; first done. apply _. Qed.
Lemma inter_lookup_Some i j (n : nat):
i j < i+n inter i n !! j = Excl' ().
......@@ -230,18 +271,18 @@ Section heap.
- by rewrite !inter_lookup_None; try lia.
Lemma inter_valid i n : inter i n.
Proof. revert i. induction n as [|n IH]=>i. done. by apply insert_valid. Qed.
Proof. revert i. induction n as [|n IH]=>i; first done. by apply insert_valid. Qed.
Lemma heap_freeable_op_eq l q1 q2 n n' :
{q1}ln {q2}shift_loc l nn' ⊣⊢ {q1+q2}l(n+n').
{q1}ln {q2}l + n n' ⊣⊢ {q1+q2}l(n+n').
by rewrite heap_freeable_eq /heap_freeable_def -own_op -auth_frag_op
op_singleton pair_op inter_op.
singleton_op -pair_op inter_op.
(** Properties about heap_freeable_rel and heap_freeable *)
Lemma heap_freeable_rel_None σ l hF :
( m : Z, σ !! shift_loc l m = None) heap_freeable_rel σ hF
( m : Z, σ !! (l + m) = None) heap_freeable_rel σ hF
hF !! l.1 = None.
intros FRESH REL. apply eq_None_not_Some. intros [[q s] [Hsne REL']%REL].
......@@ -252,7 +293,7 @@ Section heap.
Lemma heap_freeable_is_Some σ hF l n i :
heap_freeable_rel σ hF
hF !! l.1 = Some (1%Qp, inter (l.2) n)
is_Some (σ !! shift_loc l i) 0 i i < n.
is_Some (σ !! (l + i)) 0 i i < n.
destruct l as [b j]; rewrite /shift_loc /=. intros REL Hl.
destruct (REL b (1%Qp, inter j n)) as [_ ->]; simpl in *; auto.
......@@ -261,22 +302,20 @@ Section heap.
- rewrite is_Some_alt inter_lookup_None; lia.
Lemma heap_freeable_rel_init_mem l h vl σ:
vl []
( m : Z, σ !! shift_loc l m = None)
Lemma heap_freeable_rel_init_mem l h n σ:
n O
( m : Z, σ !! (l + m) = None)
heap_freeable_rel σ h
heap_freeable_rel (init_mem l vl σ)
(<[l.1 := (1%Qp, inter (l.2) (length vl))]> h).
heap_freeable_rel (init_mem l n σ)
(<[l.1 := (1%Qp, inter (l.2) n)]> h).
move=> Hvlnil FRESH REL blk qs /lookup_insert_Some [[<- <-]|[??]].
- split.
{ destruct vl as [|v vl]; simpl in *; [done|]. apply: insert_non_empty. }
intros i. destruct (decide (l.2 i i < l.2 + length vl)).
+ rewrite inter_lookup_Some //.
destruct (lookup_init_mem_Some σ l (l.1, i) vl); naive_solver.
{ destruct n as [|n]; simpl in *; [done|]. apply: insert_non_empty. }
intros i. destruct (decide (l.2 i i < l.2 + n)).
+ rewrite inter_lookup_Some // lookup_init_mem; naive_solver.
+ rewrite inter_lookup_None; last lia. rewrite lookup_init_mem_ne /=; last lia.
replace (l.1,i) with (shift_loc l (i - l.2))
by (rewrite /shift_loc; f_equal; lia).
replace (l.1,i) with (l + (i - l.2)) by (rewrite /shift_loc; f_equal; lia).
by rewrite FRESH !is_Some_alt.
- destruct (REL blk qs) as [? Hs]; auto.
split; [done|]=> i. by rewrite -Hs lookup_init_mem_ne; last auto.
......@@ -302,62 +341,60 @@ Section heap.
(** Weakest precondition *)
Lemma heap_alloc_vs σ l vl:
( m : Z, σ !! shift_loc l m = None)
Lemma heap_alloc_vs σ l n :
( m : Z, σ !! (l + m) = None)
own heap_name ( to_heap σ)
==∗ own heap_name ( to_heap (init_mem l vl σ))
own heap_name ( [ list] i v vl,
{[shift_loc l i := (1%Qp, Cinr 0%nat, to_agree v)]}).
==∗ own heap_name ( to_heap (init_mem l n σ))
own heap_name ( [^op list] i v (repeat (LitV LitPoison) n),
{[l + i := (1%Qp, Cinr 0%nat, to_agree v)]}).
intros FREE. rewrite -own_op. apply own_update, auth_update_alloc.
revert l FREE. induction vl as [|v vl IH]=> l FRESH; [done|].
intros FREE. rewrite -own_op. apply entails_wand, own_update, auth_update_alloc.
revert l FREE. induction n as [|n IH]=> l FRESH; [done|].
rewrite (big_opL_consZ_l (λ k _, _ (_ k) _ )) /=.
etrans; first apply (IH (shift_loc l 1)).
etrans; first apply (IH (l + 1)).
{ intros. by rewrite shift_loc_assoc. }
rewrite shift_loc_0 -insert_singleton_op; last first.
{ rewrite -equiv_None big_opL_commute equiv_None big_opL_None=> l' v' ?.
{ rewrite -None_equiv_eq big_opL_commute None_equiv_eq big_opL_None=> l' v' ?.
rewrite lookup_singleton_None -{2}(shift_loc_0 l). apply not_inj; lia. }
rewrite to_heap_insert. setoid_rewrite shift_loc_assoc.
apply alloc_local_update; last done. apply lookup_to_heap_None.
rewrite lookup_init_mem_ne /=; last lia. by rewrite -(shift_loc_0 l) FRESH.
Lemma wp_alloc E n:
heapN E 0 < n
{{{ heap_ctx }}} Alloc (Lit $ LitInt n) @ E
{{{ l vl, RET LitV $ LitLoc l; n = length vl l(Z.to_nat n) l ↦∗ vl }}}.
Lemma heap_alloc σ l n :
0 < n
( m, σ !! (l + m) = None)
heap_ctx σ ==∗
heap_ctx (init_mem l (Z.to_nat n) σ) l(Z.to_nat n)
l ↦∗ repeat (LitV LitPoison) (Z.to_nat n).
iIntros (???) "#Hinv HΦ". rewrite /heap_ctx /heap_inv.
iInv heapN as (σ hF) ">(Hσ & Hvalσ & HhF & %)" "Hclose".
iApply (wp_alloc_pst with "[$Hσ]")=> //.
iNext. iIntros (l σ') "(% & #Hσσ' & Hσ')".
iDestruct "Hσσ'" as %(vl & HvlLen & Hvl).
assert (vl []) by (intros ->; simpl in *; lia).
iMod (heap_alloc_vs with "[$Hvalσ]") as "[Hvalσ' Hmapsto]"; first done.
intros ??; iDestruct 1 as (hF) "(Hvalσ & HhF & %)".
assert (Z.to_nat n O). { rewrite -( 0)=>/Z2Nat.inj. lia. }
iMod (heap_alloc_vs _ _ (Z.to_nat n) with "[$Hvalσ]") as "[Hvalσ ?]"; first done.
iMod (own_update _ ( hF) with "HhF") as "[HhF Hfreeable]".
{ apply auth_update_alloc,
(alloc_singleton_local_update _ (l.1) (1%Qp, inter (l.2) (Z.to_nat n))).
- eauto using heap_freeable_rel_None.
- split. done. apply inter_valid. }
iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hσ' Hvalσ' HhF]") as "_".
- iNext. iExists σ', _. subst σ'. iFrame. iPureIntro.
rewrite HvlLen auto using heap_freeable_rel_init_mem.
- rewrite heap_freeable_eq /heap_freeable_def. iApply "HΦ".
iSplit; first auto. iFrame. by rewrite heap_mapsto_vec_combine.
Lemma heap_free_vs l vl σ :
own heap_name ( to_heap σ) own heap_name ( [ list] i v vl,
{[shift_loc l i := (1%Qp, Cinr 0%nat, to_agree v)]})
- split; first done. apply inter_valid. }
iModIntro. iSplitL "Hvalσ HhF".
{ iExists _. iFrame. iPureIntro.
auto using heap_freeable_rel_init_mem. }
rewrite heap_freeable_eq /heap_freeable_def heap_pointsto_vec_combine //; last first.
{ destruct (Z.to_nat n); done. }
Lemma heap_free_vs σ l vl :
own heap_name ( to_heap σ) own heap_name ( [^op list] i v vl,
{[l + i := (1%Qp, Cinr 0%nat, to_agree v)]})
==∗ own heap_name ( to_heap (free_mem l (length vl) σ)).
rewrite -own_op. apply own_update, auth_update_dealloc.
rewrite -own_op. apply entails_wand, own_update, auth_update_dealloc.
revert σ l. induction vl as [|v vl IH]=> σ l; [done|].
rewrite (big_opL_consZ_l (λ k _, _ (_ k) _ )) /= shift_loc_0.
apply local_update_total_valid=> _ Hvalid _.
assert (([ list] ky vl,
{[shift_loc l (1 + k) := (1%Qp, Cinr 0%nat, to_agree y)]}) !! l
= @None (frac * lock_stateR * agree valC)).
assert (([^op list] ky vl,
{[l + (1 + k) := (1%Qp, Cinr 0%nat, to_agree y)]} : heapUR) !! l = None).
{ move: (Hvalid l). rewrite lookup_op lookup_singleton.
by move=> /(cmra_discrete_valid_iff 0) /exclusiveN_Some_l. }
rewrite -insert_singleton_op //. etrans.
......@@ -367,59 +404,58 @@ Section heap.
setoid_rewrite <-shift_loc_assoc. apply IH.
Lemma wp_free E (n:Z) l vl :
heapN E n = length vl
{{{ heap_ctx l ↦∗ vl l(length vl) }}}
Free (Lit $ LitInt n) (Lit $ LitLoc l) @ E
{{{ RET LitV LitUnit; True }}}.
Lemma heap_free σ l vl (n : Z) :
n = length vl
heap_ctx σ -∗ l ↦∗ vl - l(length vl)
==∗ 0 < n ⌜∀ m, is_Some (σ !! (l + m)) (0 m < n)
heap_ctx (free_mem l (Z.to_nat n) σ).
iIntros (??) "(#Hinv & >Hmt & >Hf) HΦ". rewrite /heap_ctx /heap_inv.
iInv heapN as (σ hF) ">(Hσ & Hvalσ & HhF & REL)" "Hclose". iDestruct "REL" as %REL.
rewrite heap_freeable_eq /heap_freeable_def.
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "HhF Hf") as % [Hl Hv]%auth_valid_discrete_2.
move: Hl=> /singleton_included [[q qs] [/leibniz_equiv_iff Hl Hq]].
iDestruct 1 as (hF) "(Hvalσ & HhF & REL)"; iDestruct "REL" as %REL.
iIntros "Hmt Hf". rewrite heap_freeable_eq /heap_freeable_def.
iCombine "HhF Hf" gives % [Hl Hv]%auth_both_valid_discrete.
move: Hl=> /singleton_included_l [[q qs] [/leibniz_equiv_iff Hl Hq]].
apply (Some_included_exclusive _ _) in Hq as [=<-<-]%leibniz_equiv; last first.
{ move: (Hv (l.1)). rewrite Hl. by intros [??]. }
assert (vl []).
{ intros ->. by destruct (REL (l.1) (1%Qp, )) as [[] ?]. }
assert (0 < n) by (subst n; by destruct vl).
iApply (wp_free_pst _ σ with "[$Hσ]"). by auto.
{ intros i. subst n. eauto using heap_freeable_is_Some. }
iNext. iIntros "Hσ". iMod (heap_free_vs with "[Hmt Hvalσ]") as "Hvalσ".
{ rewrite heap_mapsto_vec_combine //. iFrame. }
iMod (heap_free_vs with "[Hmt Hvalσ]") as "Hvalσ".
{ rewrite heap_pointsto_vec_combine //. iFrame. }
iMod (own_update_2 with "HhF Hf") as "HhF".
{ apply auth_update_dealloc, (delete_singleton_local_update _ _ _). }
iMod ("Hclose" with "[-HΦ]") as "_"; last by iApply "HΦ".
iNext. iExists _, _. subst. rewrite iFrame.
iModIntro; subst. repeat iSplit; eauto using heap_freeable_is_Some.
iExists _. subst. rewrite iFrame.
eauto using heap_freeable_rel_free_mem.
Lemma heap_mapsto_lookup l ls q v σ:
Lemma heap_pointsto_lookup σ l ls q v :
own heap_name ( to_heap σ) -∗
own heap_name ( {[ l := (q, to_lock_stateR ls, to_agree v) ]}) -∗
⌜∃ n' : nat,
σ !! l = Some (match ls with RSt n => RSt (n+n') | WSt => WSt end, v)⌝.
iIntros "H● H◯".
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H● H◯") as %[Hl?]%auth_valid_discrete_2.
iPureIntro. move: Hl=> /singleton_included [[[q' ls'] dv]].
iCombine "H● H◯" gives %[Hl?]%auth_both_valid_discrete.
iPureIntro. move: Hl=> /singleton_included_l [[[q' ls'] dv]].
rewrite /to_heap lookup_fmap fmap_Some_equiv.
move=> [[[ls'' v'] [?[[/=??]->]]]]; simplify_eq.
move=> /Some_pair_included_total_2
[/Some_pair_included [_ Hincl] /to_agree_included->].
destruct ls as [|n], ls'' as [|n''],
Hincl as [[[|n'|]|] [=]%leibniz_equiv]; subst.
by exists O. eauto. exists O. by rewrite Nat.add_0_r.
- by exists O.
- eauto.
- exists O. by rewrite Nat.add_0_r.
Lemma heap_mapsto_lookup_1 l ls v σ:
Lemma heap_pointsto_lookup_1 σ l ls v :
own heap_name ( to_heap σ) -∗
own heap_name ( {[ l := (1%Qp, to_lock_stateR ls, to_agree v) ]}) -∗
σ !! l = Some (ls, v)⌝.
iIntros "H● H◯".
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H● H◯") as %[Hl?]%auth_valid_discrete_2.
iPureIntro. move: Hl=> /singleton_included [[[q' ls'] dv]].
iCombine "H● H◯" gives %[Hl?]%auth_both_valid_discrete.
iPureIntro. move: Hl=> /singleton_included_l [[[q' ls'] dv]].
rewrite /to_heap lookup_fmap fmap_Some_equiv.
move=> [[[ls'' v'] [?[[/=??]->]]] Hincl]; simplify_eq.
apply (Some_included_exclusive _ _) in Hincl as [? Hval]; last by destruct ls''.
......@@ -427,210 +463,94 @@ Section heap.
destruct ls, ls''; rewrite ?Nat.add_0_r; naive_solver.
Lemma wp_read_sc E l q v :
heapN E
{{{ heap_ctx l {q} v }}} Read ScOrd (Lit $ LitLoc l) @ E
{{{ RET v; l {q} v }}}.
iIntros (??) "[#Hinv >Hv] HΦ".
rewrite /heap_ctx /heap_inv heap_mapsto_eq /heap_mapsto_def.
iInv heapN as (σ hF) ">(Hσ & Hvalσ & HhF & %)" "Hclose".
iDestruct (heap_mapsto_lookup with "Hvalσ Hv") as %[n Hσl].
iApply (wp_read_sc_pst with "[$Hσ]"); first done. iNext. iIntros "Hσ".
iMod ("Hclose" with "[-Hv HΦ]"); last by iApply "HΦ".
iNext. iExists σ, hF. iFrame. eauto.
Lemma heap_read_vs σ n1 n2 nf l q v:
σ !! l = Some (RSt (n1 + nf), v)
own heap_name ( to_heap σ) heap_mapsto_st (RSt n1) l q v
own heap_name ( to_heap σ) - heap_pointsto_st (RSt n1) l q v
==∗ own heap_name ( to_heap (<[l:=(RSt (n2 + nf), v)]> σ))
heap_mapsto_st (RSt n2) l q v.
heap_pointsto_st (RSt n2) l q v.
intros Hσv. rewrite -!own_op to_heap_insert.
eapply own_update, auth_update, singleton_local_update.
intros Hσv. apply entails_wand, wand_intro_r. rewrite -!own_op to_heap_insert.
iApply own_update. eapply auth_update, singleton_local_update.
{ by rewrite /to_heap lookup_fmap Hσv. }
apply prod_local_update_1, prod_local_update_2, csum_local_update_r.
apply nat_local_update; lia.
Lemma wp_read_na E l q v :
heapN E
{{{ heap_ctx l {q} v }}} Read Na1Ord (Lit $ LitLoc l) @ E
{{{ RET v; l {q} v }}}.
iIntros (?) "[#Hinv >Hv] HΦ".
rewrite /heap_ctx /heap_inv heap_mapsto_eq /heap_mapsto_def.
iApply (wp_read_na1_pst E).
iInv heapN as (σ hF) ">(Hσ & Hvalσ & HhF & %)" "Hclose".
iDestruct (heap_mapsto_lookup with "Hvalσ Hv") as %[n Hσl].
iMod (heap_read_vs _ 0 1 with "[$Hvalσ $Hv]") as "[Hvalσ Hv]"; first done.
iMod (fupd_intro_mask' (E∖↑heapN) ) as "Hclose'"; first set_solver.
iModIntro. iExists σ, n, v. iFrame. iSplit; [done|]. iIntros "!> Hσ".
iMod "Hclose'" as "_". iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hσ Hvalσ HhF]") as "_".
{ iNext. iExists _, _. iFrame. eauto using heap_freeable_rel_stable. }
iModIntro. clear dependent n σ hF.
iInv heapN as (σ hF) ">(Hσ & Hvalσ & HhF & %)" "Hclose".
iDestruct (heap_mapsto_lookup with "Hvalσ Hv") as %[n Hσl].
iApply (wp_read_na2_pst with "[$Hσ]"); first done. iNext. iIntros "Hσ".
iMod (heap_read_vs with "[$Hvalσ $Hv]") as "[Hvalσ Hv]"; first done.
iMod ("Hclose" with "[-Hv HΦ]") as "_"; last by iApply "HΦ".
iNext. iExists _, hF. iFrame. eauto using heap_freeable_rel_stable.
Lemma heap_read σ l q v :
heap_ctx σ -∗ l {q} v -∗ n, σ !! l = Some (RSt n, v)⌝.
iDestruct 1 as (hF) "(Hσ & HhF & REL)". iIntros "Hmt".
rewrite heap_pointsto_eq.
iDestruct (heap_pointsto_lookup with "Hσ Hmt") as %[n Hσl]; eauto.
Lemma heap_read_1 σ l v :
heap_ctx σ -∗ l v -∗ σ !! l = Some (RSt 0, v)⌝.
iDestruct 1 as (hF) "(Hσ & HhF & REL)". iIntros "Hmt".
rewrite heap_pointsto_eq.
iDestruct (heap_pointsto_lookup_1 with "Hσ Hmt") as %?; auto.
Lemma heap_read_na σ l q v :
heap_ctx σ -∗ l {q} v ==∗ n,
σ !! l = Some (RSt n, v)
heap_ctx (<[l:=(RSt (S n), v)]> σ)
σ2, heap_ctx σ2 ==∗ n2, σ2 !! l = Some (RSt (S n2), v)
heap_ctx (<[l:=(RSt n2, v)]> σ2) l {q} v.
iDestruct 1 as (hF) "(Hσ & HhF & %)"; iIntros "Hmt".
rewrite heap_pointsto_eq.
iDestruct (heap_pointsto_lookup with "Hσ Hmt") as %[n Hσl]; eauto.
iMod (heap_read_vs _ 0 1 with "Hσ Hmt") as "[Hσ Hmt]"; first done.
iModIntro. iExists n; iSplit; [done|]. iSplitL "HhF Hσ".
{ iExists hF. iFrame. eauto using heap_freeable_rel_stable. }
clear dependent n σ hF. iIntros (σ2). iDestruct 1 as (hF) "(Hσ & HhF & %)".
iDestruct (heap_pointsto_lookup with "Hσ Hmt") as %[n Hσl]; eauto.
iMod (heap_read_vs _ 1 0 with "Hσ Hmt") as "[Hσ Hmt]"; first done.
iExists n; iModIntro; iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "Hmt".
iExists hF. iFrame. eauto using heap_freeable_rel_stable.
Lemma heap_write_vs σ st1 st2 l v v':
σ !! l = Some (st1, v)
own heap_name ( to_heap σ) heap_mapsto_st st1 l 1%Qp v
own heap_name ( to_heap σ) - heap_pointsto_st st1 l 1%Qp v
==∗ own heap_name ( to_heap (<[l:=(st2, v')]> σ))
heap_mapsto_st st2 l 1%Qp v'.
heap_pointsto_st st2 l 1%Qp v'.
intros Hσv. rewrite -!own_op to_heap_insert.
eapply own_update, auth_update, singleton_local_update.
intros Hσv. apply entails_wand, wand_intro_r. rewrite -!own_op to_heap_insert.
iApply own_update. eapply auth_update, singleton_local_update.
{ by rewrite /to_heap lookup_fmap Hσv. }
apply exclusive_local_update. by destruct st2.
Lemma wp_write_sc E l e v v' :
heapN E to_val e = Some v
{{{ heap_ctx l v' }}} Write ScOrd (Lit $ LitLoc l) e @ E
{{{ RET LitV LitUnit; l v }}}.
iIntros (? <-%of_to_val?) "[#Hinv >Hv] HΦ".
rewrite /heap_ctx /heap_inv heap_mapsto_eq /heap_mapsto_def.
iInv heapN as (σ hF) ">(Hσ & Hvalσ & HhF & %)" "Hclose".
iDestruct (heap_mapsto_lookup_1 with "Hvalσ Hv") as %?.
iApply (wp_write_sc_pst with "[$Hσ]"); [done|]. iNext. iIntros "Hσ".
iMod (heap_write_vs with "[$Hvalσ $Hv]") as "[Hvalσ Hv]"; first done.
iMod ("Hclose" with "[-Hv HΦ]") as "_"; last by iApply "HΦ".
iNext. iExists _, hF. iFrame. eauto using heap_freeable_rel_stable.
Lemma wp_write_na E l e v v' :
heapN E to_val e = Some v
{{{ heap_ctx l v' }}} Write Na1Ord (Lit $ LitLoc l) e @ E
{{{ RET LitV LitUnit; l v }}}.
iIntros (? <-%of_to_val?) "[#Hinv >Hv] HΦ".
rewrite /heap_ctx /heap_inv heap_mapsto_eq /heap_mapsto_def.
iApply (wp_write_na1_pst E).
iInv heapN as (σ hF) ">(Hσ & Hvalσ & HhF & %)" "Hclose".
iDestruct (heap_mapsto_lookup_1 with "Hvalσ Hv") as %?.
iMod (heap_write_vs with "[$Hvalσ $Hv]") as "[Hvalσ Hv]"; first done.
iMod (fupd_intro_mask' (E∖↑heapN) ) as "Hclose'"; first set_solver.
iModIntro. iExists σ, v'. iSplit; [done|]. iIntros "{$Hσ} !> Hσ".
iMod "Hclose'" as "_". iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hσ Hvalσ HhF]") as "_".
{ iNext. iExists _, _. iFrame. eauto using heap_freeable_rel_stable. }
iModIntro. clear dependent σ hF.
iInv heapN as (σ hF) ">(Hσ & Hvalσ & HhF & %)" "Hclose".
iDestruct (heap_mapsto_lookup_1 with "Hvalσ Hv") as %?.
iApply (wp_write_na2_pst with "[$Hσ]"); [done|]. iNext. iIntros "Hσ".
iMod (heap_write_vs with "[$Hvalσ $Hv]") as "[Hvalσ Hv]"; first done.
iMod ("Hclose" with "[-Hv HΦ]"); last by iApply "HΦ".
iNext. iExists _, hF. iFrame. eauto using heap_freeable_rel_stable.
Lemma wp_cas_int_fail E l q z1 e2 lit2 zl :
heapN E to_val e2 = Some $ LitV lit2 z1 zl
{{{ heap_ctx l {q} (LitV $ LitInt zl) }}}
CAS (Lit $ LitLoc l) (Lit $ LitInt z1) e2 @ E
{{{ RET LitV $ LitInt 0; l {q} (LitV $ LitInt zl) }}}.
iIntros (? <-%of_to_val ??) "[#Hinv >Hv] HΦ".
rewrite /heap_ctx /heap_inv heap_mapsto_eq /heap_mapsto_def.
iInv heapN as (σ hF) ">(Hσ & Hvalσ & HhF & %)" "Hclose".
iDestruct (heap_mapsto_lookup with "Hvalσ Hv") as %[n Hσl].
iApply (wp_cas_pst with "[$Hσ]"); eauto.
{ right. by constructor. }
{ inversion 1. done. }
iNext. iIntros ([|]).
{ iIntros "[Heq _]". iDestruct "Heq" as %Heq. inversion Heq. done. }
iIntros "[_ Hσ]". iMod ("Hclose" with "[-Hv HΦ]") as "_"; last by iApply "HΦ".
iNext. iExists _, hF. iFrame. eauto using heap_freeable_rel_stable.
Lemma wp_cas_int_suc E l z1 e2 lit2 :
heapN E to_val e2 = Some $ LitV lit2
{{{ heap_ctx l (LitV $ LitInt z1) }}}
CAS (Lit $ LitLoc l) (Lit $ LitInt z1) e2 @ E
{{{ RET LitV $ LitInt 1; l LitV lit2 }}}.
iIntros (? <-%of_to_val?) "[#Hinv >Hv] HΦ".
rewrite /heap_ctx /heap_inv heap_mapsto_eq /heap_mapsto_def.
iInv heapN as (σ hF) ">(Hσ & Hvalσ & HhF & %)" "Hclose".
iDestruct (heap_mapsto_lookup_1 with "Hvalσ Hv") as %?.
iApply (wp_cas_pst with "[$Hσ]"); eauto.
{ left. by constructor. }
iNext. iIntros ([|]); last first.
{ iIntros "[Hneq _]". iDestruct "Hneq" as %Hneq. inversion Hneq. done. }
iIntros "[_ Hσ]". iMod (heap_write_vs with "[$Hvalσ $Hv]") as "[Hvalσ Hv]"; first done.
iMod ("Hclose" with "[-Hv HΦ]"); last by iApply "HΦ"; iFrame.
iNext. iExists _, hF. iFrame. eauto using heap_freeable_rel_stable.
Lemma wp_cas_loc_fail E l q q' q1 l1 v1' e2 lit2 l' vl' :
heapN E to_val e2 = Some $ LitV lit2 l1 l'
{{{ heap_ctx l {q} (LitV $ LitLoc l') l' {q'} vl' l1 {q1} v1' }}}
CAS (Lit $ LitLoc l) (Lit $ LitLoc l1) e2 @ E
{{{ RET LitV $ LitInt 0;
l {q} (LitV $ LitLoc l') l' {q'} vl' l1 {q1} v1' }}}.
iIntros (? <-%of_to_val ??) "(#Hinv & >Hl & >Hl' & >Hl1) HΦ".
rewrite /heap_ctx /heap_inv heap_mapsto_eq /heap_mapsto_def.
iInv heapN as (σ hF) ">(Hσ & Hvalσ & HhF & %)" "Hclose".
iDestruct (heap_mapsto_lookup with "Hvalσ Hl") as %[n Hσl].
iDestruct (heap_mapsto_lookup with "Hvalσ Hl'") as %[n' Hσl'].
iDestruct (heap_mapsto_lookup with "Hvalσ Hl1") as %[n1 Hσl1].
iApply (wp_cas_pst with "[$Hσ]"); eauto.
{ right. by constructor. }
{ inversion 1; subst; (by destruct (σ !! l1)) || by destruct (σ !! l'). }
iNext. iIntros ([|]).
{ iIntros "[Heq _]". iDestruct "Heq" as %Heq. inversion Heq; subst.
done. by destruct (σ !! l1). by destruct (σ !! l'). }
iIntros "[_ Hσ]". iMod ("Hclose" with "[-Hl Hl' Hl1 HΦ]") as "_"; last by iApply "HΦ"; iFrame.
iNext. iExists _, hF. by iFrame.
Lemma wp_cas_loc_suc E l l1 e2 lit2 :
heapN E to_val e2 = Some $ LitV lit2
{{{ heap_ctx l (LitV $ LitLoc l1) }}}
CAS (Lit $ LitLoc l) (Lit $ LitLoc l1) e2 @ E
{{{ RET LitV $ LitInt 1; l LitV lit2 }}}.
iIntros (? <-%of_to_val?) "[#Hinv >Hv] HΦ".
rewrite /heap_ctx /heap_inv heap_mapsto_eq /heap_mapsto_def.
iInv heapN as (σ hF) ">(Hσ & Hvalσ & HhF & %)" "Hclose".
iDestruct (heap_mapsto_lookup_1 with "Hvalσ Hv") as %?.
iApply (wp_cas_pst with "[$Hσ]"); eauto.
{ left. by constructor. }
iNext. iIntros ([|]); last first.
{ iIntros "[Hneq _]". iDestruct "Hneq" as %Hneq. inversion Hneq. done. }
iIntros "[_ Hσ]". iMod (heap_write_vs with "[$Hvalσ $Hv]") as "[Hvalσ Hv]"; first done.
iMod ("Hclose" with "[-Hv HΦ]"); last by iApply "HΦ"; iFrame.
iNext. iExists _, hF. iFrame. eauto using heap_freeable_rel_stable.
Lemma wp_cas_loc_nondet E l l1 e2 l2 ll :
heapN E to_val e2 = Some $ LitV $ LitLoc l2
{{{ heap_ctx l (LitV $ LitLoc ll) }}}
CAS (Lit $ LitLoc l) (Lit $ LitLoc l1) e2 @ E
{{{ b, RET LitV $ lit_of_bool b;
if b is true then l LitV (LitLoc l2)
else l1 ll l LitV (LitLoc ll) }}}.
iIntros (? <-%of_to_val?) "[#Hinv >Hv] HΦ".
rewrite /heap_ctx /heap_inv heap_mapsto_eq /heap_mapsto_def.
iInv heapN as (σ hF) ">(Hσ & Hvalσ & HhF & %)" "Hclose".
iDestruct (heap_mapsto_lookup_1 with "Hvalσ Hv") as %?.
iApply (wp_cas_pst with "[$Hσ]"); eauto.
{ destruct (decide (l1 = ll)) as [->|Hne].
- left. by constructor.
- right. by constructor. }
iNext. iIntros ([|]).
- iIntros "[_ Hσ]". iMod (heap_write_vs with "[$Hvalσ $Hv]") as "[Hvalσ Hv]"; first done.
iMod ("Hclose" with "[-Hv HΦ]"); last by iApply "HΦ"; iFrame.
iNext. iExists _, hF. iFrame. eauto using heap_freeable_rel_stable.
- iIntros "[Hneq Hσ]". iDestruct "Hneq" as %Hneq. inversion_clear Hneq.
iMod ("Hclose" with "[-Hv HΦ]"); last by iApply ("HΦ" $! false); iFrame.
iNext. iExists _, hF. iFrame. eauto using heap_freeable_rel_stable.
Lemma heap_write σ l v v' :
heap_ctx σ -∗ l v ==∗ heap_ctx (<[l:=(RSt 0, v')]> σ) l v'.
iDestruct 1 as (hF) "(Hσ & HhF & %)". iIntros "Hmt".
rewrite heap_pointsto_eq.
iDestruct (heap_pointsto_lookup_1 with "Hσ Hmt") as %?; auto.
iMod (heap_write_vs with "Hσ Hmt") as "[Hσ $]"; first done.
iModIntro. iExists _. iFrame. eauto using heap_freeable_rel_stable.
Lemma heap_write_na σ l v v' :
heap_ctx σ -∗ l v ==∗
σ !! l = Some (RSt 0, v)
heap_ctx (<[l:=(WSt, v)]> σ)
σ2, heap_ctx σ2 ==∗ σ2 !! l = Some (WSt, v)
heap_ctx (<[l:=(RSt 0, v')]> σ2) l v'.
iDestruct 1 as (hF) "(Hσ & HhF & %)"; iIntros "Hmt".
rewrite heap_pointsto_eq.
iDestruct (heap_pointsto_lookup_1 with "Hσ Hmt") as %?; eauto.
iMod (heap_write_vs with "Hσ Hmt") as "[Hσ Hmt]"; first done.
iModIntro. iSplit; [done|]. iSplitL "HhF Hσ".
{ iExists hF. iFrame. eauto using heap_freeable_rel_stable. }
clear dependent σ hF. iIntros (σ2). iDestruct 1 as (hF) "(Hσ & HhF & %)".
iDestruct (heap_pointsto_lookup with "Hσ Hmt") as %[n Hσl]; eauto.
iMod (heap_write_vs with "Hσ Hmt") as "[Hσ Hmt]"; first done.
iModIntro; iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "Hmt".
iExists hF. iFrame. eauto using heap_freeable_rel_stable.
End heap.
From iris.program_logic Require Export language ectx_language ectxi_language.
From iris.prelude Require Export strings.
From iris.prelude Require Import gmap.
From stdpp Require Export strings binders.
From stdpp Require Import gmap.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
Open Scope Z_scope.
Global Open Scope Z_scope.
(** Expressions and vals. *)
Definition block : Set := positive.
Definition loc : Set := block * Z.
Declare Scope loc_scope.
Bind Scope loc_scope with loc.
Delimit Scope loc_scope with L.
Global Open Scope loc_scope.
Inductive base_lit : Set :=
| LitUnit | LitLoc (l : loc) | LitInt (n : Z).
| LitPoison | LitLoc (l : loc) | LitInt (n : Z).
Inductive bin_op : Set :=
| PlusOp | MinusOp | LeOp | EqOp | OffsetOp.
Inductive order : Set :=
| ScOrd | Na1Ord | Na2Ord.
Inductive binder := BAnon | BNamed : string binder.
Delimit Scope lrust_binder_scope with RustB.
Bind Scope lrust_binder_scope with binder.
Definition cons_binder (mx : binder) (X : list string) : list string :=
match mx with BAnon => X | BNamed x => x :: X end.
Infix ":b:" := cons_binder (at level 60, right associativity).
Fixpoint app_binder (mxl : list binder) (X : list string) : list string :=
match mxl with [] => X | b :: mxl => b :b: app_binder mxl X end.
Infix "+b+" := app_binder (at level 60, right associativity).
Instance binder_dec_eq : EqDecision binder.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Instance set_unfold_cons_binder x mx X P :
SetUnfold (x X) P SetUnfold (x mx :b: X) (BNamed x = mx P).
constructor. rewrite -(set_unfold (x X) P).
destruct mx; rewrite /= ?elem_of_cons; naive_solver.
Instance set_unfold_app_binder x mxl X P :
SetUnfold (x X) P SetUnfold (x mxl +b+ X) (BNamed x mxl P).
constructor. rewrite -(set_unfold (x X) P).
induction mxl as [|?? IH]; set_solver.
Notation "[ ]" := (@nil binder) : binder_scope.
Notation "a :: b" := (@cons binder a%binder b%binder)
(at level 60, right associativity) : binder_scope.
Notation "[ x1 ; x2 ; .. ; xn ]" :=
(@cons binder x1%binder (@cons binder x2%binder
(..(@cons binder xn%binder (@nil binder))..))) : binder_scope.
Notation "[ x ]" := (@cons binder x%binder (@nil binder)) : binder_scope.
Inductive expr :=
| Var (x : string)
......@@ -55,8 +43,8 @@ Inductive expr :=
| Case (e : expr) (el : list expr)
| Fork (e : expr).
Arguments App _%E _%E.
Arguments Case _%E _%E.
Global Arguments App _%_E _%_E.
Global Arguments Case _%_E _%_E.
Fixpoint is_closed (X : list string) (e : expr) : bool :=
match e with
......@@ -71,20 +59,20 @@ Fixpoint is_closed (X : list string) (e : expr) : bool :=
Class Closed (X : list string) (e : expr) := closed : is_closed X e.
Instance closed_proof_irrel env e : ProofIrrel (Closed env e).
Global Instance closed_proof_irrel env e : ProofIrrel (Closed env e).
Proof. rewrite /Closed. apply _. Qed.
Instance closed_decision env e : Decision (Closed env e).
Global Instance closed_decision env e : Decision (Closed env e).
Proof. rewrite /Closed. apply _. Qed.
Inductive val :=
| LitV (l : base_lit)
| RecV (f : binder) (xl : list binder) (e : expr) `{Closed (f :b: xl +b+ []) e}.
| RecV (f : binder) (xl : list binder) (e : expr) `{!Closed (f :b: xl +b+ []) e}.
Bind Scope val_scope with val.
Definition of_val (v : val) : expr :=
match v with
| RecV f x e _ => Rec f x e
| RecV f x e => Rec f x e
| LitV l => Lit l
......@@ -123,7 +111,7 @@ Definition fill_item (Ki : ectx_item) (e : expr) : expr :=
| BinOpLCtx op e2 => BinOp op e e2
| BinOpRCtx op v1 => BinOp op (of_val v1) e
| AppLCtx e2 => App e e2
| AppRCtx v vl el => App (of_val v) (map of_val vl ++ e :: el)
| AppRCtx v vl el => App (of_val v) ((of_val <$> vl) ++ e :: el)
| ReadCtx o => Read o e
| WriteLCtx o e2 => Write o e e2
| WriteRCtx o v1 => Write o (of_val v1) e
......@@ -156,34 +144,61 @@ Fixpoint subst (x : string) (es : expr) (e : expr) : expr :=
Definition subst' (mx : binder) (es : expr) : expr expr :=
match mx with BNamed x => subst x es | BAnon => id end.
Fixpoint subst_l (xl : list binder) (esl : list expr) (e : expr) : option expr :=
match xl, esl with
| [], [] => Some e
| x::xl, es::esl => subst_l xl esl (subst' x es e)
| x::xl, es::esl => subst' x es <$> subst_l xl esl e
| _, _ => None
Global Arguments subst_l _%_binder _ _%_E.
Definition subst_v (xl : list binder) (vsl : vec val (length xl))
(e : expr) : expr :=
Vector.fold_right2 (λ b, subst' b of_val) e _ (list_to_vec xl) vsl.
Global Arguments subst_v _%_binder _ _%_E.
Lemma subst_v_eq (xl : list binder) (vsl : vec val (length xl)) e :
Some $ subst_v xl vsl e = subst_l xl (of_val <$> vec_to_list vsl) e.
revert vsl. induction xl as [|x xl IHxl]=>/= vsl; inv_vec vsl=>//=v vsl.
by rewrite -IHxl.
(** The stepping relation *)
(* Be careful to make sure that poison is always stuck when used for anything
except for reading from or writing to memory! *)
Definition lit_of_bool (b : bool) : base_lit :=
LitInt (if b then 1 else 0).
LitInt $ Z.b2z b.
Definition shift_loc (l : loc) (z : Z) : loc := (l.1, l.2 + z).
Fixpoint init_mem (l:loc) (init:list val) (σ:state) : state :=
match init with
| [] => σ
| inith :: initq => <[l:=(RSt 0, inith)]>(init_mem (shift_loc l 1) initq σ)
Notation "l +ₗ z" := (shift_loc l%L z%Z)
(at level 50, left associativity) : loc_scope.
Fixpoint init_mem (l:loc) (n:nat) (σ:state) : state :=
match n with
| O => σ
| S n => <[l:=(RSt 0, LitV LitPoison)]>(init_mem (l + 1) n σ)
Fixpoint free_mem (l:loc) (n:nat) (σ:state) : state :=
match n with
| O => σ
| S n => delete l (free_mem (shift_loc l 1) n σ)
| S n => delete l (free_mem (l + 1) n σ)
Inductive lit_eq (σ : state) : base_lit base_lit Prop :=
(* No refl case for poison *)
| IntRefl z : lit_eq σ (LitInt z) (LitInt z)
| LocRefl l : lit_eq σ (LitLoc l) (LitLoc l)
(* Comparing unallocated pointers can non-deterministically say they are equal
even if they are not. Given that our `free` actually makes addresses
re-usable, this may not be strictly necessary, but it is the most
conservative choice that avoids UB (and we cannot use UB as this operation is
possible in safe Rust). See
<> for some
more background. *)
| LocUnallocL l1 l2 :
σ !! l1 = None
lit_eq σ (LitLoc l1) (LitLoc l2)
......@@ -191,11 +206,15 @@ Inductive lit_eq (σ : state) : base_lit → base_lit → Prop :=
σ !! l2 = None
lit_eq σ (LitLoc l1) (LitLoc l2).
Inductive lit_neq (σ : state) : base_lit base_lit Prop :=
Inductive lit_neq : base_lit base_lit Prop :=
| IntNeq z1 z2 :
z1 z2 lit_neq σ (LitInt z1) (LitInt z2)
z1 z2 lit_neq (LitInt z1) (LitInt z2)
| LocNeq l1 l2 :
l1 l2 lit_neq σ (LitLoc l1) (LitLoc l2).
l1 l2 lit_neq (LitLoc l1) (LitLoc l2)
| LocNeqNullR l :
lit_neq (LitLoc l) (LitInt 0)
| LocNeqNullL l :
lit_neq (LitInt 0) (LitLoc l).
Inductive bin_op_eval (σ : state) : bin_op base_lit base_lit base_lit Prop :=
| BinOpPlus z1 z2 :
......@@ -207,89 +226,112 @@ Inductive bin_op_eval (σ : state) : bin_op → base_lit → base_lit → base_l
| BinOpEqTrue l1 l2 :
lit_eq σ l1 l2 bin_op_eval σ EqOp l1 l2 (lit_of_bool true)
| BinOpEqFalse l1 l2 :
lit_neq σ l1 l2 bin_op_eval σ EqOp l1 l2 (lit_of_bool false)
lit_neq l1 l2 bin_op_eval σ EqOp l1 l2 (lit_of_bool false)
| BinOpOffset l z :
bin_op_eval σ OffsetOp (LitLoc l) (LitInt z) (LitLoc $ shift_loc l z).
bin_op_eval σ OffsetOp (LitLoc l) (LitInt z) (LitLoc $ l + z).
Definition stuck_term := App (Lit $ LitInt 0) [].
Inductive head_step : expr state expr state list expr Prop :=
Inductive base_step : expr state list Empty_set expr state list expr Prop :=
| BinOpS op l1 l2 l' σ :
bin_op_eval σ op l1 l2 l'
head_step (BinOp op (Lit l1) (Lit l2)) σ (Lit l') σ []
base_step (BinOp op (Lit l1) (Lit l2)) σ [] (Lit l') σ []
| BetaS f xl e e' el σ:
Forall (λ ei, is_Some (to_val ei)) el
Closed (f :b: xl +b+ []) e
subst_l xl el e = Some e'
head_step (App (Rec f xl e) el) σ (subst' f (Rec f xl e) e') σ []
subst_l (f::xl) (Rec f xl e :: el) e = Some e'
base_step (App (Rec f xl e) el) σ [] e' σ []
| ReadScS l n v σ:
σ !! l = Some (RSt n, v)
head_step (Read ScOrd (Lit $ LitLoc l)) σ (of_val v) σ []
base_step (Read ScOrd (Lit $ LitLoc l)) σ [] (of_val v) σ []
| ReadNa1S l n v σ:
σ !! l = Some (RSt n, v)
head_step (Read Na1Ord (Lit $ LitLoc l)) σ
base_step (Read Na1Ord (Lit $ LitLoc l)) σ
(Read Na2Ord (Lit $ LitLoc l)) (<[l:=(RSt $ S n, v)]>σ)
| ReadNa2S l n v σ:
σ !! l = Some (RSt $ S n, v)
head_step (Read Na2Ord (Lit $ LitLoc l)) σ
base_step (Read Na2Ord (Lit $ LitLoc l)) σ
(of_val v) (<[l:=(RSt n, v)]>σ)
| WriteScS l e v v' σ:
to_val e = Some v
σ !! l = Some (RSt 0, v')
head_step (Write ScOrd (Lit $ LitLoc l) e) σ
(Lit LitUnit) (<[l:=(RSt 0, v)]>σ)
base_step (Write ScOrd (Lit $ LitLoc l) e) σ
(Lit LitPoison) (<[l:=(RSt 0, v)]>σ)
| WriteNa1S l e v v' σ:
to_val e = Some v
σ !! l = Some (RSt 0, v')
head_step (Write Na1Ord (Lit $ LitLoc l) e) σ
base_step (Write Na1Ord (Lit $ LitLoc l) e) σ
(Write Na2Ord (Lit $ LitLoc l) e) (<[l:=(WSt, v')]>σ)
| WriteNa2S l e v v' σ:
to_val e = Some v
σ !! l = Some (WSt, v')
head_step (Write Na2Ord (Lit $ LitLoc l) e) σ
(Lit LitUnit) (<[l:=(RSt 0, v)]>σ)
base_step (Write Na2Ord (Lit $ LitLoc l) e) σ
(Lit LitPoison) (<[l:=(RSt 0, v)]>σ)
| CasFailS l n e1 lit1 e2 lit2 litl σ :
to_val e1 = Some $ LitV lit1 to_val e2 = Some $ LitV lit2
σ !! l = Some (RSt n, LitV litl)
lit_neq σ lit1 litl
head_step (CAS (Lit $ LitLoc l) e1 e2) σ (Lit $ lit_of_bool false) σ []
lit_neq lit1 litl
base_step (CAS (Lit $ LitLoc l) e1 e2) σ [] (Lit $ lit_of_bool false) σ []
| CasSucS l e1 lit1 e2 lit2 litl σ :
to_val e1 = Some $ LitV lit1 to_val e2 = Some $ LitV lit2
σ !! l = Some (RSt 0, LitV litl)
lit_eq σ lit1 litl
head_step (CAS (Lit $ LitLoc l) e1 e2) σ
base_step (CAS (Lit $ LitLoc l) e1 e2) σ
(Lit $ lit_of_bool true) (<[l:=(RSt 0, LitV lit2)]>σ)
(* A succeeding CAS has to detect concurrent non-atomic read accesses, and
trigger UB if there is one. In lambdaRust, succeeding and failing CAS are
not mutually exclusive, so it could happen that a CAS can both fail (and
hence not be stuck) but also succeed (and hence be racing with a concurrent
non-atomic read). In that case, we have to explicitly reduce to a stuck
state; due to the possibility of failing CAS, we cannot rely on the current
state being stuck like we could in a language where failing and succeeding
CAS are mutually exclusive.
This means that CAS is atomic (it always reducs to an irreducible
expression), but not strongly atomic (it does not always reduce to a value).
If there is a concurrent non-atomic write, the CAS itself is stuck: All its
reductions are blocked. *)
| CasStuckS l n e1 lit1 e2 lit2 litl σ :
to_val e1 = Some $ LitV lit1 to_val e2 = Some $ LitV lit2
σ !! l = Some (RSt n, LitV litl) 0 < n
lit_eq σ lit1 litl
head_step (CAS (Lit $ LitLoc l) e1 e2) σ
base_step (CAS (Lit $ LitLoc l) e1 e2) σ
stuck_term σ
| AllocS n l init σ :
| AllocS n l σ :
0 < n
( m, σ !! shift_loc l m = None)
Z.of_nat (length init) = n
head_step (Alloc $ Lit $ LitInt n) σ
(Lit $ LitLoc l) (init_mem l init σ) []
( m, σ !! (l + m) = None)
base_step (Alloc $ Lit $ LitInt n) σ
(Lit $ LitLoc l) (init_mem l (Z.to_nat n) σ)
| FreeS n l σ :
0 < n
( m, is_Some (σ !! shift_loc l m) 0 m < n)
head_step (Free (Lit $ LitInt n) (Lit $ LitLoc l)) σ
(Lit LitUnit) (free_mem l (Z.to_nat n) σ)
( m, is_Some (σ !! (l + m)) 0 m < n)
base_step (Free (Lit $ LitInt n) (Lit $ LitLoc l)) σ
(Lit LitPoison) (free_mem l (Z.to_nat n) σ)
| CaseS i el e σ :
0 i
nth_error el (Z.to_nat i) = Some e
head_step (Case (Lit $ LitInt i) el) σ e σ []
el !! (Z.to_nat i) = Some e
base_step (Case (Lit $ LitInt i) el) σ [] e σ []
| ForkS e σ:
head_step (Fork e) σ (Lit LitUnit) σ [e].
base_step (Fork e) σ [] (Lit LitPoison) σ [e].
(** Basic properties about the language *)
Lemma to_of_val v : to_val (of_val v) = Some v.
......@@ -302,22 +344,22 @@ Proof.
revert v; induction e; intros v ?; simplify_option_eq; auto with f_equal.
Instance of_val_inj : Inj (=) (=) of_val.
Global Instance of_val_inj : Inj (=) (=) of_val.
Proof. by intros ?? Hv; apply (inj Some); rewrite -!to_of_val Hv. Qed.
Instance fill_item_inj Ki : Inj (=) (=) (fill_item Ki).
Global Instance fill_item_inj Ki : Inj (=) (=) (fill_item Ki).
Proof. destruct Ki; intros ???; simplify_eq/=; auto with f_equal. Qed.
Lemma fill_item_val Ki e :
is_Some (to_val (fill_item Ki e)) is_Some (to_val e).
Proof. intros [v ?]. destruct Ki; simplify_option_eq; eauto. Qed.
Lemma val_stuck e1 σ1 e2 σ2 ef :
head_step e1 σ1 e2 σ2 ef to_val e1 = None.
Lemma val_stuck e1 σ1 κ e2 σ2 ef :
base_step e1 σ1 κ e2 σ2 ef to_val e1 = None.
Proof. destruct 1; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma head_ctx_step_val Ki e σ1 e2 σ2 ef :
head_step (fill_item Ki e) σ1 e2 σ2 ef is_Some (to_val e).
Lemma base_ctx_step_val Ki e σ1 κ e2 σ2 ef :
base_step (fill_item Ki e) σ1 κ e2 σ2 ef is_Some (to_val e).
destruct Ki; inversion_clear 1; decompose_Forall_hyps;
simplify_option_eq; by eauto.
......@@ -328,7 +370,8 @@ Lemma list_expr_val_eq_inv vl1 vl2 e1 e2 el1 el2 :
map of_val vl1 ++ e1 :: el1 = map of_val vl2 ++ e2 :: el2
vl1 = vl2 el1 = el2.
revert vl2; induction vl1; destruct vl2; intros H1 H2; inversion 1.
revert vl2; induction vl1 as [|? vl1 IHvl1];
intros vl2; destruct vl2 as [|? vl2]; intros H1 H2; inversion 1.
- done.
- subst. by rewrite to_of_val in H1.
- subst. by rewrite to_of_val in H2.
......@@ -348,68 +391,54 @@ Proof.
destruct (list_expr_val_eq_inv vl1 vl2 e1 e2 el1 el2); auto. congruence.
Lemma shift_loc_assoc l n n' :
shift_loc (shift_loc l n) n' = shift_loc l (n+n').
Lemma shift_loc_assoc l n n' : l + n + n' = l + (n + n').
Proof. rewrite /shift_loc /=. f_equal. lia. Qed.
Lemma shift_loc_0 l : shift_loc l 0 = l.
Lemma shift_loc_0 l : l + 0 = l.
Proof. destruct l as [b o]. rewrite /shift_loc /=. f_equal. lia. Qed.
Lemma shift_loc_assoc_nat l (n n' : nat) :
shift_loc (shift_loc l n) n' = shift_loc l (n+n')%nat.
Lemma shift_loc_assoc_nat l (n n' : nat) : l + n + n' = l + (n + n')%nat.
Proof. rewrite /shift_loc /=. f_equal. lia. Qed.
Lemma shift_loc_0_nat l : shift_loc l 0%nat = l.
Lemma shift_loc_0_nat l : l + 0%nat = l.
Proof. destruct l as [b o]. rewrite /shift_loc /=. f_equal. lia. Qed.
Instance shift_loc_inj l : Inj (=) (=) (shift_loc l).
Proof. destruct l as [b o]; intros n n' [=?]; lia. Qed.
Global Instance shift_loc_inj l : Inj (=) (=) (shift_loc l).
Proof. destruct l as [b o]; intros n n' [= ?]; lia. Qed.
Lemma shift_loc_block l n : (shift_loc l n).1 = l.1.
Lemma shift_loc_block l n : (l + n).1 = l.1.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma lookup_init_mem σ (l l' : loc) vl :
l.1 = l'.1 l.2 l'.2 < l.2 + length vl
init_mem l vl σ !! l' = (RSt 0,) <$> vl !! Z.to_nat (l'.2 - l.2).
Lemma lookup_init_mem σ (l l' : loc) (n : nat) :
l.1 = l'.1 l.2 l'.2 < l.2 + n
init_mem l n σ !! l' = Some (RSt 0, LitV LitPoison).
intros ?. destruct l' as [? n]; simplify_eq/=.
revert n l. induction vl as [|v vl IH]=> /= n l Hl; [lia|].
assert (n = l.2 l.2 + 1 n) as [->|?] by lia.
{ by rewrite -surjective_pairing lookup_insert Z.sub_diag. }
intros ?. destruct l' as [? l']; simplify_eq/=.
revert l. induction n as [|n IH]=> /= l Hl; [lia|].
assert (l' = l.2 l.2 + 1 l') as [->|?] by lia.
{ by rewrite -surjective_pairing lookup_insert. }
rewrite lookup_insert_ne; last by destruct l; intros ?; simplify_eq/=; lia.
rewrite -(shift_loc_block l 1) IH /=; last lia.
cut (Z.to_nat (n - l.2) = S (Z.to_nat (n - (l.2 + 1)))); [by intros ->|].
rewrite -Z2Nat.inj_succ; last lia. f_equal; lia.
Lemma lookup_init_mem_Some σ (l l' : loc) vl :
l.1 = l'.1 l.2 l'.2 < l.2 + length vl v,
vl !! Z.to_nat (l'.2 - l.2) = Some v
init_mem l vl σ !! l' = Some (RSt 0,v).
intros. destruct (lookup_lt_is_Some_2 vl (Z.to_nat (l'.2 - l.2))) as [v Hv].
{ rewrite -( (length vl)). apply Z2Nat.inj_lt; lia. }
exists v. by rewrite lookup_init_mem ?Hv.
rewrite -(shift_loc_block l 1) IH /=; last lia. done.
Lemma lookup_init_mem_ne σ (l l' : loc) vl :
l.1 l'.1 l'.2 < l.2 l.2 + length vl l'.2
init_mem l vl σ !! l' = σ !! l'.
Lemma lookup_init_mem_ne σ (l l' : loc) (n : nat) :
l.1 l'.1 l'.2 < l.2 l.2 + n l'.2
init_mem l n σ !! l' = σ !! l'.
revert l. induction vl as [|v vl IH]=> /= l Hl; auto.
rewrite -(IH (shift_loc l 1)); last (simpl; intuition lia).
revert l. induction n as [|n IH]=> /= l Hl; auto.
rewrite -(IH (l + 1)); last (simpl; intuition lia).
apply lookup_insert_ne. intros ->; intuition lia.
Definition fresh_block (σ : state) : block :=
let loclst : list loc := elements (dom _ σ : gset loc) in
let blockset : gset block := foldr (λ l, ({[l.1]} )) loclst in
let loclst : list loc := elements (dom σ : gset loc) in
let blockset : gset block := foldr (λ l, ({[l.1]} .)) loclst in
fresh blockset.
Lemma is_fresh_block σ i : σ !! (fresh_block σ,i) = None.
assert ( (l : loc) ls (X : gset block),
l ls l.1 foldr (λ l, ({[l.1]} )) X ls) as help.
l ls l.1 foldr (λ l, ({[l.1]} .)) X ls) as help.
{ induction 1; set_solver. }
rewrite /fresh_block /shift_loc /= -not_elem_of_dom -elem_of_elements.
rewrite /fresh_block /shift_loc /= -(not_elem_of_dom (D := gset loc)) -elem_of_elements.
move=> /(help _ _ ) /=. apply is_fresh.
......@@ -417,11 +446,10 @@ Lemma alloc_fresh n σ :
let l := (fresh_block σ, 0) in
let init := repeat (LitV $ LitInt 0) (Z.to_nat n) in
0 < n
head_step (Alloc $ Lit $ LitInt n) σ (Lit $ LitLoc l) (init_mem l init σ) [].
base_step (Alloc $ Lit $ LitInt n) σ [] (Lit $ LitLoc l) (init_mem l (Z.to_nat n) σ) [].
intros l init Hn. apply AllocS. auto.
intros l init Hn. apply AllocS; first done.
- intros i. apply (is_fresh_block _ i).
- rewrite repeat_length; lia.
Lemma lookup_free_mem_ne σ l l' n : l.1 l'.1 free_mem l n σ !! l' = σ !! l'.
......@@ -440,11 +468,13 @@ Qed.
(** Closed expressions *)
Lemma is_closed_weaken X Y e : is_closed X e X Y is_closed Y e.
revert e X Y. fix 1; destruct e=>X Y/=; try naive_solver.
revert e X Y. fix FIX 1; intros e; destruct e=>X Y/=; try naive_solver.
- naive_solver set_solver.
- rewrite !andb_True. intros [He Hel] HXY. split. by eauto.
- rewrite !andb_True. intros [He Hel] HXY. split; first by eauto.
rename select (list expr) into el.
induction el=>/=; naive_solver.
- rewrite !andb_True. intros [He Hel] HXY. split. by eauto.
- rewrite !andb_True. intros [He Hel] HXY. split; first by eauto.
rename select (list expr) into el.
induction el=>/=; naive_solver.
......@@ -453,12 +483,16 @@ Proof. intros. by apply is_closed_weaken with [], list_subseteq_nil. Qed.
Lemma is_closed_subst X e x es : is_closed X e x X subst x es e = e.
revert e X. fix 1; destruct e=> X /=; rewrite ?bool_decide_spec ?andb_True=> He ?;
revert e X. fix FIX 1; intros e; destruct e=> X /=; rewrite ?bool_decide_spec ?andb_True=> He ?;
repeat case_bool_decide; simplify_eq/=; f_equal;
try by intuition eauto with set_solver.
- case He=> _. clear He. induction el=>//=. rewrite andb_True=>?.
- case He=> _. clear He.
rename select (list expr) into el.
induction el=>//=. rewrite andb_True=>?.
f_equal; intuition eauto with set_solver.
- case He=> _. clear He. induction el=>//=. rewrite andb_True=>?.
- case He=> _. clear He.
rename select (list expr) into el.
induction el=>//=. rewrite andb_True=>?.
f_equal; intuition eauto with set_solver.
......@@ -468,35 +502,54 @@ Proof. intros. apply is_closed_subst with []; set_solver. Qed.
Lemma is_closed_of_val X v : is_closed X (of_val v).
Proof. apply is_closed_weaken_nil. induction v; simpl; auto. Qed.
Lemma is_closed_to_val X e v : to_val e = Some v is_closed X e.
Proof. intros <-%of_to_val. apply is_closed_of_val. Qed.
Lemma subst_is_closed X x es e :
is_closed X es is_closed (x::X) e is_closed X (subst x es e).
revert e X. fix FIX 1; intros e; destruct e=>X //=; repeat (case_bool_decide=>//=);
try naive_solver; rewrite ?andb_True; intros.
- set_solver.
- eauto using is_closed_weaken with set_solver.
- eapply is_closed_weaken; first done.
rename select binder into f.
rename select (list binder) into xl.
destruct (decide (BNamed x = f)), (decide (BNamed x xl)); set_solver.
- split; first naive_solver.
rename select (list expr) into el. induction el; naive_solver.
- split; first naive_solver.
rename select (list expr) into el. induction el; naive_solver.
Lemma subst'_is_closed X b es e :
is_closed X es is_closed (b:b:X) e is_closed X (subst' b es e).
Proof. destruct b; first done. apply subst_is_closed. Qed.
(* Operations on literals *)
Lemma lit_eq_state σ1 σ2 l1 l2 :
( l, σ1 !! l = None σ2 !! l = None)
lit_eq σ1 l1 l2 lit_eq σ2 l1 l2.
Proof. intros Heq. inversion 1; econstructor; eauto; eapply Heq; done. Qed.
Lemma lit_neq_state σ1 σ2 l1 l2 :
( l, σ1 !! l = None σ2 !! l = None)
lit_neq σ1 l1 l2 lit_neq σ2 l1 l2.
Proof. intros Heq. inversion 1; econstructor; eauto; eapply Heq; done. Qed.
Lemma bin_op_eval_state σ1 σ2 op l1 l2 l' :
( l, σ1 !! l = None σ2 !! l = None)
bin_op_eval σ1 op l1 l2 l' bin_op_eval σ2 op l1 l2 l'.
intros Heq. inversion 1; econstructor; eauto using lit_eq_state, lit_neq_state.
intros Heq. inversion 1; econstructor; eauto using lit_eq_state.
(* Misc *)
Lemma stuck_not_head_step σ e' σ' ef :
¬head_step stuck_term σ e' σ' ef.
Lemma stuck_not_base_step σ e' κ σ' ef :
¬base_step stuck_term σ e' κ σ' ef.
Proof. inversion 1. Qed.
(** Equality and other typeclass stuff *)
Instance base_lit_dec_eq : EqDecision base_lit.
Global Instance base_lit_dec_eq : EqDecision base_lit.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Instance bin_op_dec_eq : EqDecision bin_op.
Global Instance bin_op_dec_eq : EqDecision bin_op.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Instance un_op_dec_eq : EqDecision order.
Global Instance un_op_dec_eq : EqDecision order.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Fixpoint expr_beq (e : expr) (e' : expr) : bool :=
......@@ -527,56 +580,65 @@ Fixpoint expr_beq (e : expr) (e' : expr) : bool :=
Lemma expr_beq_correct (e1 e2 : expr) : expr_beq e1 e2 e1 = e2.
revert e1 e2; fix 1;
revert e1 e2; fix FIX 1. intros e1 e2.
destruct e1 as [| | | |? el1| | | | | |? el1|],
e2 as [| | | |? el2| | | | | |? el2|]; simpl; try done;
rewrite ?andb_True ?bool_decide_spec ?expr_beq_correct;
rewrite ?andb_True ?bool_decide_spec ?FIX;
try (split; intro; [destruct_and?|split_and?]; congruence).
- match goal with |- context [?F el1 el2] => assert (F el1 el2 el1 = el2) end.
{ revert el2. induction el1 as [|el1h el1q]; destruct el2; try done.
specialize (expr_beq_correct el1h). naive_solver. }
clear expr_beq_correct. naive_solver.
{ revert el2. induction el1 as [|el1h el1q]; intros el2; destruct el2; try done.
specialize (FIX el1h). naive_solver. }
clear FIX. naive_solver.
- match goal with |- context [?F el1 el2] => assert (F el1 el2 el1 = el2) end.
{ revert el2. induction el1 as [|el1h el1q]; destruct el2; try done.
specialize (expr_beq_correct el1h). naive_solver. }
clear expr_beq_correct. naive_solver.
{ revert el2. induction el1 as [|el1h el1q]; intros el2; destruct el2; try done.
specialize (FIX el1h). naive_solver. }
clear FIX. naive_solver.
Instance expr_dec_eq : EqDecision expr.
Global Instance expr_dec_eq : EqDecision expr.
refine (λ e1 e2, cast_if (decide (expr_beq e1 e2))); by rewrite -expr_beq_correct.
Instance val_dec_eq : EqDecision val.
Global Instance val_dec_eq : EqDecision val.
refine (λ v1 v2, cast_if (decide (of_val v1 = of_val v2))); abstract naive_solver.
Instance expr_inhabited : Inhabited expr := populate (Lit LitUnit).
Instance val_inhabited : Inhabited val := populate (LitV LitUnit).
Global Instance expr_inhabited : Inhabited expr := populate (Lit LitPoison).
Global Instance val_inhabited : Inhabited val := populate (LitV LitPoison).
Canonical Structure stateC := leibnizC state.
Canonical Structure valC := leibnizC val.
Canonical Structure exprC := leibnizC expr.
Canonical Structure stateO := leibnizO state.
Canonical Structure valO := leibnizO val.
Canonical Structure exprO := leibnizO expr.
(** Language *)
Program Instance lrust_ectxi_lang: EctxiLanguage expr val ectx_item state :=
{| ectxi_language.of_val := of_val;
ectxi_language.to_val := to_val;
ectxi_language.fill_item := fill_item;
ectxi_language.head_step := head_step |}.
Solve Obligations with eauto using to_of_val, of_to_val,
val_stuck, fill_item_val, fill_item_no_val_inj, head_ctx_step_val.
Canonical Structure lrust_lang := ectx_lang expr.
Lemma lrust_lang_mixin : EctxiLanguageMixin of_val to_val fill_item base_step.
split; apply _ || eauto using to_of_val, of_to_val,
val_stuck, fill_item_val, fill_item_no_val_inj, base_ctx_step_val.
Canonical Structure lrust_ectxi_lang := EctxiLanguage lrust_lang_mixin.
Canonical Structure lrust_ectx_lang := EctxLanguageOfEctxi lrust_ectxi_lang.
Canonical Structure lrust_lang := LanguageOfEctx lrust_ectx_lang.
(* Lemmas about the language. *)
Lemma stuck_irreducible K σ : irreducible (fill K stuck_term) σ.
intros ??? Hstep. edestruct step_is_head as (?&?&?&?); [..|by do 3 eexists|].
- done.
- clear. intros Ki K e' Heq (?&?&? & Hstep). destruct Ki; inversion Heq.
+ destruct K as [|Ki K].
* simpl in *. subst. inversion Hstep.
* destruct Ki; simpl in *; done.
+ destruct (map of_val vl); last done. destruct (fill K e'); done.
- by eapply stuck_not_head_step.
apply: (irreducible_fill (K:=ectx_language.fill K)); first done.
apply prim_base_irreducible; unfold stuck_term.
- inversion 1.
- apply ectxi_language_sub_redexes_are_values.
intros [] ??; simplify_eq/=; eauto; discriminate_list.
(* Define some derived forms *)
Notation Lam xl e := (Rec BAnon xl e) (only parsing).
Notation Let x e1 e2 := (App (Lam [x] e2) [e1]) (only parsing).
Notation Seq e1 e2 := (Let BAnon e1 e2) (only parsing).
Notation LamV xl e := (RecV BAnon xl e) (only parsing).
Notation LetCtx x e2 := (AppRCtx (LamV [x] e2) [] []).
Notation SeqCtx e2 := (LetCtx BAnon e2).
Notation Skip := (Seq (Lit LitPoison) (Lit LitPoison)).
Coercion lit_of_bool : bool >-> base_lit.
Notation If e0 e1 e2 := (Case e0 (@cons expr e2 (@cons expr e1 (@nil expr)))) (only parsing).
Notation Newlft := (Lit LitPoison) (only parsing).
Notation Endlft := Skip (only parsing).
From iris.base_logic.lib Require Import invariants.
From iris.program_logic Require Import weakestpre.
From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
From Require Import fractional.
From iris.algebra Require Import excl csum frac auth numbers.
From lrust.lang Require Import lang proofmode notation new_delete.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
(* JH: while working on Arc, I think figured that the "weak count
locking" mechanism that Rust is using and that is verified below may
not be necessary.
Instead, what can be done in get_mut is the following:
- First, do a CAS on the strong count to put it to 0 from the expected
value 1. This has the effect, at the same time, of ensuring that no one
else has a strong reference, and of forbidding other weak references to
be upgraded (since the strong count is now at 0). If the CAS fail,
simply return None.
- Second, check the weak count. If it is at 1, then we are sure that
we are the only owner.
- Third, in any case write 1 in the strong count to cancel the CAS.
What's wrong with this protocol? The "only" problem I can see is that if
someone tries to upgrade a weak after we did the CAS, then this will
fail even though this could be possible.
RJ: Upgrade failing spuriously sounds like a problem severe enough to
justify the locking protocol.
Definition strong_count : val :=
λ: ["l"], !ˢᶜ"l".
Definition weak_count : val :=
λ: ["l"], !ˢᶜ("l" + #1).
Definition clone_arc : val :=
rec: "clone" ["l"] :=
let: "strong" := !ˢᶜ"l" in
if: CAS "l" "strong" ("strong" + #1) then #☠ else "clone" ["l"].
Definition clone_weak : val :=
rec: "clone" ["l"] :=
let: "weak" := !ˢᶜ("l" + #1) in
if: CAS ("l" + #1) "weak" ("weak" + #1) then #☠ else "clone" ["l"].
Definition downgrade : val :=
rec: "downgrade" ["l"] :=
let: "weak" := !ˢᶜ("l" + #1) in
if: "weak" = #(-1) then
(* -1 in weak indicates that somebody locked the counts; let's spin. *)
"downgrade" ["l"]
if: CAS ("l" + #1) "weak" ("weak" + #1) then #☠
else "downgrade" ["l"].
Definition upgrade : val :=
rec: "upgrade" ["l"] :=
let: "strong" := !ˢᶜ"l" in
if: "strong" = #0 then #false
if: CAS "l" "strong" ("strong" + #1) then #true
else "upgrade" ["l"].
Definition drop_weak : val :=
rec: "drop" ["l"] :=
(* This can ignore the lock because the lock is only held when there
are no other weak refs in existence, so this code will never be called
with the lock held. *)
let: "weak" := !ˢᶜ("l" + #1) in
if: CAS ("l" + #1) "weak" ("weak" - #1) then "weak" = #1
else "drop" ["l"].
Definition drop_arc : val :=
rec: "drop" ["l"] :=
let: "strong" := !ˢᶜ"l" in
if: CAS "l" "strong" ("strong" - #1) then "strong" = #1
else "drop" ["l"].
Definition try_unwrap : val :=
λ: ["l"], CAS "l" #1 #0.
Definition is_unique : val :=
λ: ["l"],
(* Try to acquire the lock for the last ref by CASing weak count from 1 to -1. *)
if: CAS ("l" + #1) #1 #(-1) then
let: "strong" := !ˢᶜ"l" in
let: "unique" := "strong" = #1 in
"l" + #1 <-ˢᶜ #1;;
Definition try_unwrap_full : val :=
λ: ["l"],
if: CAS "l" #1 #0 then
if: !ˢᶜ("l" + #1) = #1 then "l" <- #1;; #0
else #1
else #2.
(** The CMRA we need. *)
(* Not bundling heapGS, as it may be shared with other users. *)
(* See rc.v for understanding the structure of this CMRA.
The only additional thing is the [optionR (exclR unitO))], used to handle
properly the locking mechanisme for the weak count. *)
Definition arc_stR :=
prodUR (optionUR (csumR (prodR (prodR fracR positiveR) (optionR (exclR unitO)))
(exclR unitO))) natUR.
Class arcG Σ :=
RcG :: inG Σ (authR arc_stR).
Definition arcΣ : gFunctors := #[GFunctor (authR arc_stR)].
Global Instance subG_arcΣ {Σ} : subG arcΣ Σ arcG Σ.
Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
Section def.
Context `{!lrustGS Σ, !arcG Σ} (P1 : Qp iProp Σ) (P2 : iProp Σ) (N : namespace).
Definition arc_tok γ q : iProp Σ :=
own γ ( (Some $ Cinl (q, 1%positive, None), 0%nat)).
Definition weak_tok γ : iProp Σ :=
own γ ( (None, 1%nat)).
Global Instance arc_tok_timeless γ q : Timeless (arc_tok γ q) := _.
Global Instance weak_tok_timeless γ : Timeless (weak_tok γ) := _.
Definition arc_inv (γ : gname) (l : loc) : iProp Σ :=
( st : arc_stR, own γ ( st)
match st with
| (Some (Cinl (q, strong, wlock)), weak) =>
q', (q + q')%Qp = 1%Qp P1 q' l #(Zpos strong)
if wlock then (l + 1) #(-1) weak = 0%nat
else (l + 1) #(S weak)
| (Some (Cinr _), weak) =>
l #0 (l + 1) #(S weak)
| (None, (S _) as weak) =>
l #0 (l + 1) #weak P2
| _ => True
Definition is_arc (γ : gname) (l : loc) : iProp Σ :=
inv N (arc_inv γ l).
Global Instance is_arc_persistent γ l : Persistent (is_arc γ l) := _.
Definition arc_tok_acc (γ : gname) P E : iProp Σ :=
( (P ={E,}=∗ q, arc_tok γ q (arc_tok γ q ={,E}=∗ P)))%I.
Definition weak_tok_acc (γ : gname) P E : iProp Σ :=
( (P ={E,}=∗ weak_tok γ (weak_tok γ ={,E}=∗ P)))%I.
Definition drop_spec (drop : val) P : iProp Σ :=
({{{ P P1 1 }}} drop [] {{{ RET #☠; P P2 }}})%I.
End def.
Section arc.
(* P1 is the thing that is shared by strong reference owners (in practice,
this is the lifetime token), and P2 is the thing that is owned by the
protocol when only weak references are left (in practice, P2 is the
ownership of the underlying memory incl. deallocation). *)
Context `{!lrustGS Σ, !arcG Σ} (P1 : Qp iProp Σ) {HP1:Fractional P1}
(P2 : iProp Σ) (N : namespace).
Local Instance P1_AsFractional q : AsFractional (P1 q) P1 q.
Proof using HP1. done. Qed.
Global Instance arc_inv_ne n :
Proper (pointwise_relation _ (dist n) ==> dist n ==> eq ==> eq ==> dist n)
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance arc_inv_proper :
Proper (pointwise_relation _ () ==> () ==> eq ==> eq ==> ())
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance is_arc_contractive n :
Proper (pointwise_relation _ (dist_later n) ==> dist_later n ==> eq ==> eq ==> eq ==> dist n)
Proof. solve_contractive. Qed.
Global Instance is_arc_proper :
Proper (pointwise_relation _ () ==> () ==> eq ==> eq ==> eq ==> ()) is_arc.
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Lemma create_arc E l :
l #1 -∗ (l + 1) #1 -∗ P1 1%Qp ={E}=∗
γ q, is_arc P1 P2 N γ l P1 q arc_tok γ q.
Proof using HP1.
iIntros "Hl1 Hl2 [HP1 HP1']".
iMod (own_alloc (( (Some $ Cinl ((1/2)%Qp, xH, None), O)
(Some $ Cinl ((1/2)%Qp, xH, None), O))))
as (γ) "[H● H◯]"; first by apply auth_both_valid_discrete.
iFrame. iApply inv_alloc. iExists _. iFrame.
rewrite Qp.div_2. auto.
Lemma create_weak E l :
l #0 -∗ (l + 1) #1 -∗ P2 ={E}=∗ γ, is_arc P1 P2 N γ l weak_tok γ.
iIntros "Hl1 Hl2 HP2".
iMod (own_alloc (( (None, 1%nat) (None, 1%nat)))) as (γ) "[H● H◯]";
first by apply auth_both_valid_discrete.
iExists _. iFrame. iApply inv_alloc. iExists _. iFrame.
Lemma arc_tok_auth_val st γ q :
own γ ( st) -∗ arc_tok γ q -∗
⌜∃ q' strong wlock weak, st = (Some $ Cinl (q', strong, wlock), weak)
if decide (strong = xH) then q = q' wlock = None
else q'', q' = (q + q'')%Qp⌝.
iIntros "H● Htok". iCombine "H● Htok" gives
%[[Hincl%option_included _]%prod_included [Hval _]]%auth_both_valid_discrete.
destruct st, Hincl as [[=]|(?&?&[= <-]&?&[Hincl|Hincl%csum_included])];
simpl in *; subst.
- setoid_subst. iExists _, _, _, _. by iSplit.
- destruct Hincl as [->|[(?&[[??]?]&[=<-]&->&[[[??]%frac_included%Qp.lt_sum
?%pos_included]%prod_included _]%prod_included)|(?&?&[=]&?)]]; first done.
iExists _, _, _, _. iSplit=>//. simpl in *. destruct decide; [subst;lia|eauto].
Lemma strong_count_spec (γ : gname) (l : loc) (P : iProp Σ) :
is_arc P1 P2 N γ l -∗ arc_tok_acc γ P ( N) -∗
{{{ P }}} strong_count [ #l] {{{ (c : nat), RET #c; P (c > 0)%nat }}}.
Proof using HP1.
iIntros "#INV #Hacc !> * HP HΦ". iLöb as "IH". wp_rec.
iInv N as (st) "[>H● H]" "Hclose1".
iMod ("Hacc" with "HP") as (?) "[Hown Hclose2]".
iDestruct (arc_tok_auth_val with "H● Hown") as %(?& strong &?&?&[-> _]).
iDestruct "H" as (?) "(Hq & HP1 & H↦ & Hw)". wp_read.
iMod ("Hclose2" with "Hown") as "HP". iModIntro.
iMod ("Hclose1" with "[-HP HΦ]") as "_"; [iExists _; auto with iFrame|].
iModIntro. rewrite -positive_nat_Z. iApply "HΦ". auto with iFrame lia.
(* FIXME : in the case the weak count is locked, we can possibly
return -1. This problem already exists in Rust. *)
Lemma weak_count_spec (γ : gname) (l : loc) (P : iProp Σ) :
is_arc P1 P2 N γ l -∗ arc_tok_acc γ P ( N) -∗
{{{ P }}} weak_count [ #l] {{{ (c : Z), RET #c; P c >= -1 }}}.
Proof using HP1.
iIntros "#INV #Hacc !> * HP HΦ". iLöb as "IH". wp_rec. wp_op.
iInv N as (st) "[>H● H]" "Hclose1".
iMod ("Hacc" with "HP") as (?) "[Hown Hclose2]".
iDestruct (arc_tok_auth_val with "H● Hown") as %(?& strong &wl&?&[-> _]).
iDestruct "H" as (?) "(Hq & HP1 & H↦ & Hw)". destruct wl.
- iDestruct "Hw" as ">[Hw %]". wp_read.
iMod ("Hclose2" with "Hown") as "HP". iModIntro.
iMod ("Hclose1" with "[-HP HΦ]") as "_"; [iExists _; auto with iFrame|].
iApply "HΦ". auto with iFrame lia.
- wp_read. iMod ("Hclose2" with "Hown") as "HP". iModIntro.
iMod ("Hclose1" with "[-HP HΦ]") as "_"; [iExists _; auto with iFrame|].
iApply "HΦ". auto with iFrame lia.
Lemma clone_arc_spec (γ : gname) (l : loc) (P : iProp Σ) :
is_arc P1 P2 N γ l -∗ arc_tok_acc γ P ( N) -∗
{{{ P }}} clone_arc [ #l]
{{{ q', RET #☠; P arc_tok γ q' P1 q' }}}.
Proof using HP1.
iIntros "#INV #Hacc !> * HP HΦ". iLöb as "IH". wp_rec. wp_bind (!ˢᶜ_)%E.
iInv N as (st) "[>H● H]" "Hclose1".
iMod ("Hacc" with "HP") as (?) "[Hown Hclose2]".
iDestruct (arc_tok_auth_val with "H● Hown") as %(?& strong &?&?&[-> _]).
iDestruct "H" as (?) "(Hq & HP1 & H↦ & Hw)". wp_read.
iMod ("Hclose2" with "Hown") as "HP". iModIntro.
iMod ("Hclose1" with "[-HP HΦ]") as "_"; [iExists _; auto with iFrame|].
iModIntro. wp_let. wp_op. wp_bind (CAS _ _ _). iInv N as (st) "[>H● H]" "Hclose1".
iMod ("Hacc" with "HP") as (?) "[Hown Hclose2]".
iDestruct (arc_tok_auth_val with "H● Hown") as %(?&strong'&?&?&[-> _]).
iDestruct "H" as (qq) "(>#Hq & [HP1 HP1'] & Hl & Hw)". iDestruct "Hq" as %Hq.
destruct (decide (strong = strong')) as [->|?].
- wp_apply (wp_cas_int_suc with "Hl"). iIntros "Hl".
iMod (own_update with "H●") as "[H● Hown']".
{ apply auth_update_alloc, prod_local_update_1,
(op_local_update_discrete _ _ (Some (Cinl ((qq/2)%Qp, 1%positive, None))))
=>-[/= Hqa ?]. split;[split|]=>//=; last by rewrite left_id.
apply frac_valid. rewrite -Hq comm_L.
by apply Qp.add_le_mono_l, Qp.div_le. }
iMod ("Hclose2" with "Hown") as "HP". iModIntro.
iMod ("Hclose1" with "[Hl Hw H● HP1']") as "_".
{ iExists _. iFrame. iExists _. rewrite /= [xH _]comm_L. iFrame.
rewrite [(qq / 2)%Qp _]comm frac_op -[(_ + _)%Qp]assoc Qp.div_2 left_id_L. auto. }
iModIntro. wp_case. iApply "HΦ". iFrame.
- wp_apply (wp_cas_int_fail with "Hl"); [congruence|]. iIntros "Hl".
iMod ("Hclose2" with "Hown") as "HP". iModIntro.
iMod ("Hclose1" with "[-HP HΦ]") as "_".
{ iExists _. iFrame. iExists qq. iCombine "HP1 HP1'" as "$". auto with iFrame. }
iModIntro. wp_case. iApply ("IH" with "HP HΦ").
Lemma downgrade_spec (γ : gname) (l : loc) (P : iProp Σ) :
is_arc P1 P2 N γ l -∗ arc_tok_acc γ P ( N) -∗
{{{ P }}} downgrade [ #l] {{{ RET #☠; P weak_tok γ }}}.
iIntros "#INV #Hacc !> * HP HΦ". iLöb as "IH". wp_rec. wp_op. wp_bind (!ˢᶜ_)%E.
iInv N as (st) "[>H● H]" "Hclose1".
iApply fupd_wp. iMod ("Hacc" with "HP") as (?) "[Hown Hclose2]".
iDestruct (arc_tok_auth_val with "H● Hown") as %(?&?& wlock & weak &[-> _]).
iMod ("Hclose2" with "Hown") as "HP". iModIntro.
iDestruct "H" as (?) "(? & ? & ? & Hw)". destruct wlock.
{ iDestruct "Hw" as "(Hw & >%)". subst. wp_read.
iMod ("Hclose1" with "[-HP HΦ]") as "_"; first by iExists _; auto with iFrame.
iModIntro. wp_let. wp_op. wp_if. iApply ("IH" with "HP HΦ"). }
wp_read. iMod ("Hclose1" with "[-HP HΦ]") as "_"; first by iExists _; auto with iFrame.
iModIntro. wp_let. wp_op. wp_if. wp_op. wp_op. wp_bind (CAS _ _ _).
iInv N as (st) "[>H● H]" "Hclose1".
iApply fupd_wp. iMod ("Hacc" with "HP") as (?) "[Hown Hclose2]".
iDestruct (arc_tok_auth_val with "H● Hown") as %(?&?& wlock & weak' &[-> _]).
iMod ("Hclose2" with "Hown") as "HP". iModIntro.
iDestruct "H" as (qq) "(>Heq & HP1 & Hl & Hl1)". iDestruct "Heq" as %Heq.
destruct (decide (weak = weak' wlock = None)) as [[<- ->]|Hw].
- wp_apply (wp_cas_int_suc with "Hl1"). iIntros "Hl1".
iMod (own_update with "H●") as "[H● Hown']".
{ by apply auth_update_alloc, prod_local_update_2,
(op_local_update_discrete _ _ (1%nat)). }
iMod ("Hclose1" with "[-Hown' HP HΦ]") as "_".
{ iExists _. iFrame.
rewrite Z.add_comm -(Nat2Z.inj_add 1) /=. auto with iFrame. }
iModIntro. wp_case. iApply "HΦ". iFrame.
- destruct wlock.
+ iDestruct "Hl1" as "[Hl1 >%]". subst.
wp_apply (wp_cas_int_fail with "Hl1"); [done..|].
iIntros "Hl1". iMod ("Hclose1" with "[-HP HΦ]") as "_".
{ iExists _. auto with iFrame. }
iModIntro. wp_case. iApply ("IH" with "HP HΦ").
+ wp_apply (wp_cas_int_fail with "Hl1").
{ contradict Hw. split=>//. apply SuccNat2Pos.inj. lia. }
iIntros "Hl1". iMod ("Hclose1" with "[-HP HΦ]") as "_".
{ iExists _. auto with iFrame. }
iModIntro. wp_case. iApply ("IH" with "HP HΦ").
Lemma weak_tok_auth_val γ st :
own γ ( st) -∗ weak_tok γ -∗ ⌜∃ st' weak, st = (st', S weak) st'⌝.
iIntros "H● Htok". iCombine "H● Htok" gives
%[[Hincl%option_included Hincl'%nat_included]%prod_included [Hval _]]
destruct st as [?[]], Hincl as [_|(?&?&[=]&?)]; simpl in *; try lia. eauto.
Lemma clone_weak_spec (γ : gname) (l : loc) (P : iProp Σ) :
is_arc P1 P2 N γ l -∗ weak_tok_acc γ P ( N) -∗
{{{ P }}} clone_weak [ #l] {{{ RET #☠; P weak_tok γ }}}.
iIntros "#INV #Hacc !> * HP HΦ". iLöb as "IH". wp_rec. wp_op. wp_bind (!ˢᶜ_)%E.
iAssert ( (P ={,⊤∖↑N}=∗ w : Z, (l + 1) #w
((l + 1) #(w + 1) ={⊤∖↑N,}=∗ P weak_tok γ)
((l + 1) #w ={⊤∖↑N,}=∗ P)))%I as "#Hproto".
{ iIntros "!> HP". iInv N as (st) "[>H● H]" "Hclose1".
iMod ("Hacc" with "HP") as "[Hown Hclose2]".
iDestruct (weak_tok_auth_val with "H● Hown") as %(st' & weak & -> & Hval).
iMod ("Hclose2" with "Hown") as "HP".
destruct st' as [[[[??][?|]]| |]|]; try done; [|iExists _..].
- by iDestruct "H" as (?) "(_ & _ & _ & _ & >%)".
- iDestruct "H" as (?) "(? & ? & ? & >$)". iIntros "!>"; iSplit; iIntros "?".
+ iMod (own_update with "H●") as "[H● $]".
{ by apply auth_update_alloc, prod_local_update_2,
(op_local_update_discrete _ _ (1%nat)). }
rewrite Z.add_comm -(Nat2Z.inj_add 1). iFrame.
iApply "Hclose1". iExists _. auto with iFrame.
+ iFrame. iApply ("Hclose1" with "[-]"). iExists _. auto with iFrame.
- iDestruct "H" as "[? >$]". iIntros "!>"; iSplit; iIntros "?".
+ iMod (own_update with "H●") as "[H● $]".
{ by apply auth_update_alloc, prod_local_update_2,
(op_local_update_discrete _ _ (1%nat)). }
rewrite Z.add_comm -(Nat2Z.inj_add 1). iFrame. iApply "Hclose1".
iExists _. auto with iFrame.
+ iFrame. iApply ("Hclose1" with "[-]"). iExists _. auto with iFrame.
- iDestruct "H" as "(? & >$ & ?)". iIntros "!>"; iSplit; iIntros "?".
+ iMod (own_update with "H●") as "[H● $]".
{ by apply auth_update_alloc, prod_local_update_2,
(op_local_update_discrete _ _ (1%nat)). }
rewrite Z.add_comm -(Nat2Z.inj_add 1). iFrame. iApply "Hclose1".
iExists _. auto with iFrame.
+ iFrame. iApply ("Hclose1" with "[-]"). iExists _. auto with iFrame. }
iMod ("Hproto" with "HP") as (w) "[Hw [_ Hclose]]". wp_read.
iMod ("Hclose" with "Hw") as "HP". iModIntro. wp_let. wp_op. wp_op.
wp_bind (CAS _ _ _). iMod ("Hproto" with "HP") as (w') "[H↦ Hclose]".
destruct (decide (w = w')) as [<-|].
- wp_apply (wp_cas_int_suc with "H↦"). iIntros "H↦".
iDestruct "Hclose" as "[Hclose _]". iMod ("Hclose" with "H↦"). iModIntro.
wp_case. by iApply "HΦ".
- wp_apply (wp_cas_int_fail with "H↦"); try done. iIntros "H↦".
iDestruct "Hclose" as "[_ Hclose]". iMod ("Hclose" with "H↦") as "Hown".
iModIntro. wp_case. by iApply ("IH" with "Hown").
Lemma upgrade_spec (γ : gname) (l : loc) (P : iProp Σ) :
is_arc P1 P2 N γ l -∗ weak_tok_acc γ P ( N) -∗
{{{ P }}} upgrade [ #l]
{{{ (b : bool) q, RET #b; P if b then arc_tok γ q P1 q else True }}}.
Proof using HP1.
iIntros "#INV #Hacc !> * HP HΦ". iLöb as "IH". wp_rec. wp_bind (!ˢᶜ_)%E.
iAssert ( (P ={,}=∗ s : Z, l #s
(s 0 -∗ l #(s + 1) ={,}=∗ q, P arc_tok γ q P1 q)
(l #s ={,}=∗ P)))%I as "#Hproto".
{ iIntros "!> HP". iInv N as (st) "[>H● H]" "Hclose1".
iMod ("Hacc" with "HP") as "[Hown Hclose2]".
iDestruct (weak_tok_auth_val with "H● Hown") as %(st' & weak & -> & Hval).
destruct st' as [[[[q' c]?]| |]|]; try done; iExists _.
- iDestruct "H" as (q) "(>Heq & [HP1 HP1'] & >$ & ?)". iDestruct "Heq" as %Heq.
iIntros "!>"; iSplit; iMod ("Hclose2" with "Hown") as "HP".
+ iIntros "_ Hl". iExists (q/2)%Qp. iMod (own_update with "H●") as "[H● $]".
{ apply auth_update_alloc. rewrite -[(_,0%nat)]right_id.
apply op_local_update_discrete=>Hv. constructor; last done.
split; last by rewrite /= left_id; apply Hv. split=>[|//].
apply frac_valid. rewrite /= -Heq comm_L.
by apply Qp.add_le_mono_l, Qp.div_le. }
iFrame. iApply "Hclose1". iExists _. iFrame.
rewrite /= [xH _]comm_L frac_op [(_ + q')%Qp]comm -[(_ + _)%Qp]assoc
Qp.div_2 left_id_L. auto with iFrame.
+ iIntros "Hl". iFrame. iApply ("Hclose1" with "[-]"). iExists _. iFrame.
iExists q. iCombine "HP1 HP1'" as "$". auto with iFrame.
- iDestruct "H" as "[>$ ?]". iIntros "!>"; iSplit; first by auto with congruence.
iIntros "Hl". iMod ("Hclose2" with "Hown") as "$". iApply "Hclose1".
iExists _. auto with iFrame.
- iDestruct "H" as "[>$ ?]". iIntros "!>"; iSplit; first by auto with congruence.
iIntros "Hl". iMod ("Hclose2" with "Hown") as "$". iApply "Hclose1".
iExists _. auto with iFrame. }
iMod ("Hproto" with "HP") as (s) "[Hs [_ Hclose]]". wp_read.
iMod ("Hclose" with "Hs") as "HP". iModIntro. wp_let. wp_op; wp_if; case_bool_decide.
- iApply wp_value. iApply ("HΦ" $! _ 1%Qp). auto.
- wp_op. wp_bind (CAS _ _ _). iMod ("Hproto" with "HP") as (s') "[H↦ Hclose]".
destruct (decide (s = s')) as [<-|].
+ wp_apply (wp_cas_int_suc with "H↦"). iIntros "H↦".
iDestruct "Hclose" as "[Hclose _]".
iMod ("Hclose" with "[//] H↦") as (q) "(?&?&?)". iModIntro.
wp_case. iApply "HΦ". iFrame.
+ wp_apply (wp_cas_int_fail with "H↦"); try done. iIntros "H↦".
iDestruct "Hclose" as "[_ Hclose]". iMod ("Hclose" with "H↦") as "Hown".
iModIntro. wp_case. by iApply ("IH" with "Hown").
Lemma drop_weak_spec (γ : gname) (l : loc) :
is_arc P1 P2 N γ l -∗
{{{ weak_tok γ }}} drop_weak [ #l]
{{{ (b : bool), RET #b ; if b then P2 l #0 (l + 1) #0 else True }}}.
iIntros "#INV !> * Hown HΦ". iLöb as "IH". wp_rec. wp_op. wp_bind (!ˢᶜ_)%E.
iAssert ( (weak_tok γ ={, N}=∗ w : Z, (l + 1) #w
((l + 1) #(w - 1) ={ N,}=∗ w 1
P2 l #0 (l + 1) #0)
((l + 1) #w ={ N,}=∗ weak_tok γ)))%I as "#Hproto".
{ iIntros "!> Hown". iInv N as (st) "[>H● H]" "Hclose1".
iDestruct (weak_tok_auth_val with "H● Hown") as %(st' & weak & -> & Hval).
destruct st' as [[[[??][?|]]| |]|]; try done; [|iExists _..].
- by iDestruct "H" as (?) "(_ & _ & _ & _ & >%)".
- iDestruct "H" as (q) "(>Heq & HP1 & ? & >$)". iIntros "!>"; iSplit; iIntros "Hl1".
+ iMod ("Hclose1" with "[>-]") as "_"; last iLeft; auto with lia.
iExists _. iMod (own_update_2 with "H● Hown") as "$".
{ apply auth_update_dealloc, prod_local_update_2,
(cancel_local_update_unit 1%nat), _. }
iExists _. iFrame. by replace (S (S weak) - 1) with (S weak:Z) by lia.
+ iFrame. iApply "Hclose1". iExists _. auto with iFrame.
- iDestruct "H" as "[? >$]". iIntros "!>"; iSplit; iIntros "Hl1".
+ iMod ("Hclose1" with "[>-]") as "_"; last iLeft; auto with lia.
iExists _. iMod (own_update_2 with "H● Hown") as "$".
{ apply auth_update_dealloc, prod_local_update_2,
(cancel_local_update_unit 1%nat), _. }
iFrame. by replace (S (S weak) - 1) with (S weak:Z) by lia.
+ iFrame. iApply "Hclose1". iExists _. auto with iFrame.
- iDestruct "H" as "(>? & >$ & HP2)". iIntros "!>"; iSplit; iIntros "Hl1".
+ iMod (own_update_2 with "H● Hown") as "H●".
{ apply auth_update_dealloc, prod_local_update_2,
(cancel_local_update_unit 1%nat), _. }
destruct weak as [|weak].
* iMod ("Hclose1" with "[H●]") as "_"; last by auto with iFrame.
iExists _. iFrame.
* iMod ("Hclose1" with "[>-]") as "_"; last iLeft; auto with lia.
iExists _. iFrame. by replace (S (S weak) - 1) with (S weak:Z) by lia.
+ iFrame. iApply "Hclose1". iExists _. auto with iFrame. }
iMod ("Hproto" with "Hown") as (w) "[Hw [_ Hclose]]". wp_read.
iMod ("Hclose" with "Hw") as "Hown". iModIntro. wp_let. wp_op. wp_op.
wp_bind (CAS _ _ _).
iMod ("Hproto" with "Hown") as (w') "[Hw Hclose]". destruct (decide (w = w')) as [<-|?].
- wp_apply (wp_cas_int_suc with "Hw"). iIntros "Hw".
iDestruct "Hclose" as "[Hclose _]". iMod ("Hclose" with "Hw") as "HP2". iModIntro.
wp_case. wp_op; case_bool_decide; subst; iApply "HΦ"=>//.
by iDestruct "HP2" as "[%|$]".
- wp_apply (wp_cas_int_fail with "Hw"); try done. iIntros "Hw".
iDestruct "Hclose" as "[_ Hclose]". iMod ("Hclose" with "Hw") as "Hown".
iModIntro. wp_case. by iApply ("IH" with "Hown").
Lemma close_last_strong γ l :
is_arc P1 P2 N γ l -∗ own γ ( (Some (Cinr (Excl ())), 0%nat)) -∗ P2
={}=∗ weak_tok γ.
iIntros "INV H◯ HP2". iInv N as ([st ?]) "[>H● H]" "Hclose".
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H● H◯")
as %[[[[=]|Hincl]%option_included _]%prod_included [? _]]%auth_both_valid_discrete.
simpl in Hincl. destruct Hincl as (?&?&[=<-]&->&[?|[]%exclusive_included]);
try done; try apply _. setoid_subst.
iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● $]".
{ apply auth_update, prod_local_update', (op_local_update _ _ 1%nat)=>//.
apply delete_option_local_update, _. }
iApply "Hclose". iExists _. by iFrame.
Lemma drop_arc_spec (γ : gname) (q: Qp) (l : loc) :
is_arc P1 P2 N γ l -∗
{{{ arc_tok γ q P1 q }}} drop_arc [ #l]
{{{ (b : bool), RET #b ; if b then P1 1 (P2 ={}=∗ weak_tok γ) else True }}}.
Proof using HP1.
iIntros "#INV !> * [Hown HP1] HΦ". iLöb as "IH".
wp_rec. wp_bind (!ˢᶜ_)%E. iInv N as (st) "[>H● H]" "Hclose".
iDestruct (arc_tok_auth_val with "H● Hown") as %(?& s &?&?&[-> _]).
iDestruct "H" as (x') "(? & ? & ? & ?)". wp_read.
iMod ("Hclose" with "[-Hown HP1 HΦ]") as "_". { iExists _. auto with iFrame. }
iModIntro. wp_let. wp_op. wp_bind (CAS _ _ _). iInv N as (st) "[>H● H]" "Hclose".
iDestruct (arc_tok_auth_val with "H● Hown") as %(q' & s' & wl & w &[-> Hqq']).
iDestruct "H" as (q'') "(>Hq'' & HP1' & Hs & Hw)". iDestruct "Hq''" as %Hq''.
destruct (decide (s = s')) as [<-|?].
- wp_apply (wp_cas_int_suc with "Hs"). iIntros "Hs".
destruct decide as [->|?].
+ destruct Hqq' as [<- ->].
iMod (own_update_2 with "H● Hown") as "[H● H◯]".
{ apply auth_update, prod_local_update_1. rewrite -[x in (x, _)]right_id.
etrans; first apply: cancel_local_update_unit.
by apply (op_local_update _ _ (Some (Cinr (Excl ())))). }
iMod ("Hclose" with "[H● Hs Hw]") as "_"; first by iExists _; do 2 iFrame.
iModIntro. wp_case. iApply wp_fupd. wp_op.
iApply ("HΦ"). rewrite -{2}Hq''. iCombine "HP1 HP1'" as "$".
by iApply close_last_strong.
+ destruct Hqq' as [? ->].
rewrite -[in (_, _)](Pos.succ_pred s) // -[wl in Cinl (_, wl)]left_id
-Pos.add_1_l 2!pair_op Cinl_op Some_op.
iMod (own_update_2 _ _ _ _ with "H● Hown") as "H●".
{ apply auth_update_dealloc, prod_local_update_1, @cancel_local_update_unit, _. }
iMod ("Hclose" with "[- HΦ]") as "_".
{ iExists _. iCombine "HP1 HP1'" as "HP". iFrame "H●". iFrame.
iSplit; last by destruct s.
iIntros "!> !%". rewrite assoc -Hq''. f_equal. apply comm, _. }
iModIntro. wp_case. wp_op; case_bool_decide; simplify_eq. by iApply "HΦ".
- wp_apply (wp_cas_int_fail with "Hs"); [congruence|]. iIntros "Hs".
iSpecialize ("IH" with "Hown HP1 HΦ").
iMod ("Hclose" with "[- IH]") as "_"; first by iExists _; auto with iFrame.
iModIntro. by wp_case.
Lemma try_unwrap_spec (γ : gname) (q: Qp) (l : loc) :
is_arc P1 P2 N γ l -∗
{{{ arc_tok γ q P1 q }}} try_unwrap [ #l]
{{{ (b : bool), RET #b ;
if b then P1 1 (P2 ={}=∗ weak_tok γ) else arc_tok γ q P1 q }}}.
Proof using HP1.
iIntros "#INV !> * [Hown HP1] HΦ". wp_rec. iInv N as (st) "[>H● H]" "Hclose".
iDestruct (arc_tok_auth_val with "H● Hown") as %(q' & s & wl & w &[-> Hqq']).
iDestruct "H" as (q'') "(>Hq'' & HP1' & Hs & Hw)". iDestruct "Hq''" as %Hq''.
destruct (decide (s = xH)) as [->|?].
- wp_apply (wp_cas_int_suc with "Hs"). iIntros "Hs".
destruct Hqq' as [<- ->]. iMod (own_update_2 with "H● Hown") as "[H● H◯]".
{ apply auth_update, prod_local_update_1. rewrite -[x in (x, _)]right_id.
etrans; first apply: cancel_local_update_unit.
by apply (op_local_update _ _ (Some (Cinr (Excl ())))). }
iMod ("Hclose" with "[H● Hs Hw]") as "_"; first by iExists _; do 2 iFrame.
iApply ("HΦ" $! true). rewrite -{1}Hq''. iCombine "HP1 HP1'" as "$".
by iApply close_last_strong.
- wp_apply (wp_cas_int_fail with "Hs"); [congruence|]. iIntros "Hs".
iMod ("Hclose" with "[-Hown HP1 HΦ]") as "_"; first by iExists _; auto with iFrame.
iApply ("HΦ" $! false). by iFrame.
Lemma is_unique_spec (γ : gname) (q: Qp) (l : loc) :
is_arc P1 P2 N γ l -∗
{{{ arc_tok γ q P1 q }}} is_unique [ #l]
{{{ (b : bool), RET #b ;
if b then l #1 (l + 1) #1 P1 1
else arc_tok γ q P1 q }}}.
Proof using HP1.
iIntros "#INV !> * [Hown HP1] HΦ". wp_rec. wp_bind (CAS _ _ _). wp_op.
iInv N as (st) "[>H● H]" "Hclose".
iDestruct (arc_tok_auth_val with "H● Hown") as %(? & ? & wl & w &[-> _]).
iDestruct "H" as (?) "(>Hq'' & HP1' & >Hs & >Hw)".
destruct wl; last (destruct w; last first).
- iDestruct "Hw" as "[Hw %]". subst.
iApply (wp_cas_int_fail with "Hw")=>//. iNext. iIntros "Hw".
iMod ("Hclose" with "[-HΦ Hown HP1]") as "_"; first by iExists _; eauto with iFrame.
iModIntro. wp_case. iApply "HΦ". iFrame.
- iApply (wp_cas_int_fail with "Hw"); [lia|]. iNext. iIntros "Hw".
iMod ("Hclose" with "[-HΦ Hown HP1]") as "_"; first by iExists _; eauto with iFrame.
iModIntro. wp_case. iApply "HΦ". iFrame.
- iApply (wp_cas_int_suc with "Hw")=>//. iNext. iIntros "Hw".
iMod (own_update_2 with "H● Hown") as "[H● H◯]".
{ by apply auth_update, prod_local_update_1, option_local_update,
csum_local_update_l, prod_local_update_2,
(alloc_option_local_update (Excl ())). }
iMod ("Hclose" with "[-HΦ HP1 H◯]") as "_"; first by iExists _; eauto with iFrame.
iModIntro. wp_case. wp_bind (!ˢᶜ_)%E. iInv N as ([st ?]) "[>H● H]" "Hclose".
iCombine "H● H◯" gives
%[[[[=]|Hincl]%option_included _]%prod_included [? _]]%auth_both_valid_discrete.
simpl in Hincl. destruct Hincl as (? & ? & [=<-] & -> & [|Hincl]); last first.
+ apply csum_included in Hincl. destruct Hincl as [->|[Hincl|(?&?&[=]&?)]]=>//.
destruct Hincl as (?&[[??]?]&[=<-]&->&[[_ Hlt]%prod_included _]%prod_included).
simpl in Hlt. apply pos_included in Hlt.
iDestruct "H" as (?) "(? & ? & ? & ?)". wp_read.
iMod ("Hclose" with "[-HΦ H◯ HP1]") as "_"; first by iExists _; auto with iFrame.
iModIntro. wp_let. wp_op; case_bool_decide; [lia|]. wp_let. wp_op. wp_bind (_ <-ˢᶜ _)%E.
iInv N as ([st w]) "[>H● H]" "Hclose".
iCombine "H● H◯" gives
%[[[[=]|Hincl]%option_included _]%prod_included [Hval _]]%auth_both_valid_discrete.
simpl in Hincl. destruct Hincl as (x1 & x2 & [=<-] & -> & Hincl); last first.
assert ( q p, x2 = Cinl (q, p, Excl' ())) as (? & ? & ->).
{ destruct Hincl as [|Hincl]; first by setoid_subst; eauto.
apply csum_included in Hincl. destruct Hincl as [->|[Hincl|(?&?&[=]&?)]]=>//.
destruct Hincl as (?&[[??]?]&[=<-]&->&[_ Hincl%option_included]%prod_included).
simpl in Hincl. destruct Hincl as [[=]|(?&?&[=<-]&->&[?|[]%exclusive_included])];
[|by apply _|by apply Hval]. setoid_subst. eauto. }
iDestruct "H" as (?) "(? & ? & ? & >? & >%)". subst. wp_write.
iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]".
{ apply auth_update, prod_local_update_1, option_local_update,
csum_local_update_l, prod_local_update_2, delete_option_local_update, _. }
iMod ("Hclose" with "[-HΦ H◯ HP1]") as "_"; first by iExists _; auto with iFrame.
iModIntro. wp_seq. iApply "HΦ". iFrame.
+ setoid_subst. iDestruct "H" as (?) "(Hq & HP1' & ? & >? & >%)". subst. wp_read.
iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "H●".
{ apply auth_update_dealloc. rewrite -{1}[(_, 0%nat)]right_id.
apply cancel_local_update_unit, _. }
iMod ("Hclose" with "[H●]") as "_"; first by iExists _; iFrame.
iModIntro. wp_seq. wp_op. wp_let. wp_op. wp_write. iApply "HΦ".
iDestruct "Hq" as %<-. iCombine "HP1 HP1'" as "$". iFrame.
Lemma try_unwrap_full_spec (γ : gname) (q: Qp) (l : loc) :
is_arc P1 P2 N γ l -∗
{{{ arc_tok γ q P1 q }}} try_unwrap_full [ #l]
{{{ (x : fin 3), RET #x ;
match x : nat with
(* No other reference : we get everything. *)
| 0%nat => l #1 (l + 1) #1 P1 1
(* No other strong, but there are weaks : we get P1,
plus the option to get a weak if we pay P2. *)
| 1%nat => P1 1 (P2 ={}=∗ weak_tok γ)
(* There are other strong : we get back what we gave at the first place. *)
| _ (* 2 *) => arc_tok γ q P1 q
end }}}.
Proof using HP1.
iIntros "#INV !> * [Hown HP1] HΦ". wp_rec. wp_bind (CAS _ _ _).
iInv N as (st) "[>H● H]" "Hclose".
iDestruct (arc_tok_auth_val with "H● Hown") as %(q' & s & wl & w &[-> Hqq']).
iDestruct "H" as (q'') "(>Hq'' & HP1' & Hs & Hw)". iDestruct "Hq''" as %Hq''.
destruct (decide (s = xH)) as [->|?].
- wp_apply (wp_cas_int_suc with "Hs")=>//. iIntros "Hs".
destruct Hqq' as [<- ->]. iMod (own_update_2 with "H● Hown") as "[H● H◯]".
{ apply auth_update, prod_local_update_1. rewrite -[x in (x, _)]right_id.
etrans; first apply: cancel_local_update_unit.
by apply (op_local_update _ _ (Some (Cinr (Excl ())))). }
iCombine "HP1" "HP1'" as "HP1". rewrite Hq''. clear Hq'' q''.
iMod ("Hclose" with "[H● Hs Hw]") as "_"; first by iExists _; do 2 iFrame.
clear w. iModIntro. wp_case. wp_op. wp_bind (!ˢᶜ_)%E.
iInv N as ([st w']) "[>H● H]" "Hclose".
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H● H◯")
as %[[[[=]|Hincl]%option_included _]%prod_included [? _]]%auth_both_valid_discrete.
simpl in Hincl. destruct Hincl as (?&?&[=<-]&->&[?|[]%exclusive_included]);
[|by apply _|done]. setoid_subst. iDestruct "H" as "[Hl Hl1]".
wp_read. destruct w'.
+ iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "H●".
{ apply auth_update_dealloc, prod_local_update_1,
delete_option_local_update, _. }
iMod ("Hclose" with "[H●]") as "_"; first by iExists _; iFrame. iModIntro.
wp_op. wp_if. wp_write. iApply ("HΦ" $! 0%fin). iFrame.
+ iMod ("Hclose" with "[H● Hl Hl1]") as "_"; first by iExists _; do 2 iFrame.
iModIntro. wp_op; case_bool_decide; [lia|]. wp_if. iApply ("HΦ" $! 1%fin). iFrame.
by iApply close_last_strong.
- wp_apply (wp_cas_int_fail with "Hs"); [congruence|]. iIntros "Hs".
iMod ("Hclose" with "[H● Hs Hw HP1']") as "_"; first by iExists _; auto with iFrame.
iModIntro. wp_case. iApply ("HΦ" $! 2%fin). iFrame.
End arc.
Global Typeclasses Opaque is_arc arc_tok weak_tok.
From iris.program_logic Require Import weakestpre.
From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
From iris.algebra Require Import excl.
From lrust.lang Require Import lang proofmode notation.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
Definition mklock_unlocked : val := λ: ["l"], "l" <- #false.
Definition mklock_locked : val := λ: ["l"], "l" <- #true.
Definition try_acquire : val := λ: ["l"], CAS "l" #false #true.
Definition acquire : val :=
rec: "acquire" ["l"] := if: try_acquire ["l"] then #☠ else "acquire" ["l"].
Definition release : val := λ: ["l"], "l" <-ˢᶜ #false.
(* It turns out that we need an accessor-based spec so that we can put the
protocol into shared borrows. Cancellable invariants don't work because
their cancelling view shift has a non-empty mask, and it would have to be
executed in the consequence view shift of a borrow. *)
Section proof.
Context `{!lrustGS Σ}.
Definition lock_proto (l : loc) (R : iProp Σ) : iProp Σ :=
( b : bool, l #b if b then True else R)%I.
Global Instance lock_proto_ne l : NonExpansive (lock_proto l).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance lock_proto_proper l : Proper (() ==> ()) (lock_proto l).
Proof. apply ne_proper, _. Qed.
Lemma lock_proto_iff l R R' :
(R R') -∗ lock_proto l R -∗ lock_proto l R'.
iIntros "#HRR' Hlck". iDestruct "Hlck" as (b) "[Hl HR]". iExists b.
iFrame "Hl". destruct b; first done. by iApply "HRR'".
Lemma lock_proto_iff_proper l R R' :
(R R') -∗ (lock_proto l R lock_proto l R').
iIntros "#HR !>". iSplit; iIntros "Hlck"; iApply (lock_proto_iff with "[HR] Hlck").
- done.
- iModIntro; iSplit; iIntros; by iApply "HR".
(** The main proofs. *)
Lemma lock_proto_create (R : iProp Σ) l (b : bool) :
l #b -∗ (if b then True else R) ==∗ lock_proto l R.
iIntros "Hl HR". iExists _. iFrame "Hl". destruct b; first done. by iFrame.
Lemma lock_proto_destroy l R :
lock_proto l R -∗ (b : bool), l #b if b then True else R.
iIntros "Hlck". iDestruct "Hlck" as (b) "[Hl HR]". auto with iFrame.
Lemma mklock_unlocked_spec (R : iProp Σ) (l : loc) v :
{{{ l v R }}} mklock_unlocked [ #l ] {{{ RET #☠; lock_proto l R }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "[Hl HR] HΦ". wp_lam. rewrite -wp_fupd. wp_write.
iMod (lock_proto_create with "Hl HR") as "Hproto".
iApply "HΦ". by iFrame.
Lemma mklock_locked_spec (R : iProp Σ) (l : loc) v :
{{{ l v }}} mklock_locked [ #l ] {{{ RET #☠; lock_proto l R }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "Hl HΦ". wp_lam. rewrite -wp_fupd. wp_write.
iMod (lock_proto_create with "Hl [//]") as "Hproto".
iApply "HΦ". by iFrame.
(* At this point, it'd be really nice to have some sugar for symmetric
accessors. *)
Lemma try_acquire_spec E l R P :
(P ={E,}=∗ lock_proto l R ( lock_proto l R ={,E}=∗ P)) -∗
{{{ P }}} try_acquire [ #l ] @ E
{{{ b, RET #b; (if b is true then R else True) P }}}.
iIntros "#Hproto !> * HP HΦ".
wp_rec. iMod ("Hproto" with "HP") as "(Hinv & Hclose)".
iDestruct "Hinv" as ([]) "[Hl HR]".
- wp_apply (wp_cas_int_fail with "Hl"); [done..|]. iIntros "Hl".
iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hl]"); first (iExists true; by eauto).
iModIntro. iApply ("HΦ" $! false). auto.
- wp_apply (wp_cas_int_suc with "Hl"); [done..|]. iIntros "Hl".
iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hl]") as "HP"; first (iExists true; by eauto).
iModIntro. iApply ("HΦ" $! true); iFrame.
Lemma acquire_spec E l R P :
(P ={E,}=∗ lock_proto l R ( lock_proto l R ={,E}=∗ P)) -∗
{{{ P }}} acquire [ #l ] @ E {{{ RET #☠; R P }}}.
iIntros "#Hproto !> * HP HΦ". iLöb as "IH". wp_rec.
wp_apply (try_acquire_spec with "Hproto HP"). iIntros ([]).
- iIntros "[HR Hown]". wp_if. iApply "HΦ"; iFrame.
- iIntros "[_ Hown]". wp_if. iApply ("IH" with "Hown HΦ").
Lemma release_spec E l R P :
(P ={E,}=∗ lock_proto l R ( lock_proto l R ={,E}=∗ P)) -∗
{{{ R P }}} release [ #l ] @ E {{{ RET #☠; P }}}.
iIntros "#Hproto !> * (HR & HP) HΦ". wp_let.
iMod ("Hproto" with "HP") as "(Hinv & Hclose)".
iDestruct "Hinv" as (b) "[? _]". wp_write. iApply "HΦ".
iApply "Hclose". iExists false. by iFrame.
End proof.
Global Typeclasses Opaque lock_proto.