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Commit 00c7245f authored by Jacques-Henri Jourdan's avatar Jacques-Henri Jourdan
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Rename [alive] and [incl] to avoid conflicts.

parent 4c39e2fa
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......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ Section fn.
Lemma fn_subtype_lft_incl {A n} E0 L0 E κ κ' tys ty :
incl E0 L0 κ κ'
lctx_lft_incl E0 L0 κ κ'
subtype E0 L0 (@fn A n (λ x, ELCtx_Incl κ κ' :: E x) tys ty) (fn E tys ty).
intros Hκκ'. apply subtype_simple_type=>//= _ vl.
......@@ -127,10 +127,10 @@ Section lft_contexts.
(* There does not seem to be a need in the type system for
"equivalence" of lifetimes. If so, TODO : add it, and the
corresponding [Proper] instances for the relevent types. *)
Definition incl κ κ' : Prop :=
Definition lctx_lft_incl κ κ' : Prop :=
elctx_interp_0 E -∗ llctx_interp_0 L -∗ κ κ'.
Global Instance incl_preorder : PreOrder incl.
Global Instance lctx_lft_incl_preorder : PreOrder lctx_lft_incl.
- iIntros (?) "_ _". iApply lft_incl_refl.
......@@ -138,10 +138,10 @@ Section lft_contexts.
iApply (H1 with "HE HL"). iApply (H2 with "HE HL").
Lemma incl_static κ : incl κ static.
Lemma lctx_lft_incl_static κ : lctx_lft_incl κ static.
Proof. iIntros "_ _". iApply lft_incl_static. Qed.
Lemma incl_local κ κ' κs : (κ, κs) L κ' κs incl κ κ'.
Lemma lctx_lft_incl_local κ κ' κs : (κ, κs) L κ' κs lctx_lft_incl κ κ'.
iIntros (? Hκ'κs) "_ H". iDestruct "H" as %HL.
edestruct HL as [κ0 EQ]. done. simpl in EQ; subst.
......@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ Section lft_contexts.
- etrans. done. apply gmultiset_union_subseteq_r.
Lemma incl_external κ κ' : ELCtx_Incl κ κ' E incl κ κ'.
Lemma lctx_lft_incl_external κ κ' : ELCtx_Incl κ κ' E lctx_lft_incl κ κ'.
iIntros (?) "H _".
rewrite /elctx_interp_0 /elctx_elt_interp_0 big_sepL_elem_of //. done.
......@@ -159,16 +159,17 @@ Section lft_contexts.
(* Lifetime aliveness *)
Definition alive (κ : lft) : Prop :=
Definition lctx_lft_alive (κ : lft) : Prop :=
F qE qL, ⌜↑lftN F -∗ elctx_interp E qE -∗ llctx_interp L qL ={F}=∗
q', q'.[κ] (q'.[κ] ={F}=∗ elctx_interp E qE llctx_interp L qL).
Lemma alive_static : alive static.
Lemma lctx_lft_alive_static : lctx_lft_alive static.
iIntros (F qE qL) "%$$". iExists 1%Qp. iSplitL. by iApply lft_tok_static. auto.
Lemma alive_llctx κ κs: (κ, κs) L Forall alive κs alive κ.
Lemma lctx_lft_alive_local κ κs:
(κ, κs) L Forall lctx_lft_alive κs lctx_lft_alive κ.
iIntros ([i HL]%elem_of_list_lookup_1 Hκs F qE qL) "% HE HL".
iDestruct "HL" as "[HL1 HL2]". rewrite {2}/llctx_interp /llctx_elt_interp.
......@@ -195,7 +196,7 @@ Section lft_contexts.
rewrite /llctx_interp /llctx_elt_interp. iApply "Hclose". iExists κ0. iFrame. auto.
Lemma alive_elctx κ: ELCtx_Alive κ E alive κ.
Lemma lctx_lft_alive_external κ: ELCtx_Alive κ E lctx_lft_alive κ.
iIntros ([i HE]%elem_of_list_lookup_1 F qE qL) "% HE $ !>".
rewrite /elctx_interp /elctx_elt_interp.
......@@ -203,7 +204,8 @@ Section lft_contexts.
iExists qE. iFrame. iIntros "?!>". by iApply "Hclose".
Lemma alive_incl κ κ': alive κ incl κ κ' alive κ'.
Lemma lctx_lft_alive_incl κ κ':
lctx_lft_alive κ lctx_lft_incl κ κ' lctx_lft_alive κ'.
iIntros (Hal Hinc F qE qL) "% HE HL".
iAssert (κ κ')%I with "[#]" as "#Hincl". iApply (Hinc with "[HE] [HL]").
......@@ -227,7 +229,7 @@ Section lft_contexts.
Lemma elctx_sat_alive E' κ :
alive κ elctx_sat E' elctx_sat (ELCtx_Alive κ :: E').
lctx_lft_alive κ elctx_sat E' elctx_sat (ELCtx_Alive κ :: E').
iIntros ( HE' qE qL F) "% [HE1 HE2] [HL1 HL2]".
iMod ( with "[%] HE1 HL1") as (q) "[Htok Hclose]". done.
......@@ -241,7 +243,7 @@ Section lft_contexts.
Lemma elctx_sat_incl E' κ κ' :
incl κ κ' elctx_sat E' elctx_sat (ELCtx_Incl κ κ' :: E').
lctx_lft_incl κ κ' elctx_sat E' elctx_sat (ELCtx_Incl κ κ' :: E').
iIntros (Hκκ' HE' qE qL F) "% HE HL".
iAssert (κ κ')%I with "[#]" as "#Hincl". iApply (Hκκ' with "[HE] [HL]").
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Section shr_bor.
Global Instance subtype_shr_bor_mono E L :
Proper (flip (incl E L) ==> subtype E L ==> subtype E L) shr_bor.
Proper (lctx_lft_incl E L --> subtype E L ==> subtype E L) shr_bor.
intros κ1 κ2 ty1 ty2 Hty. apply subtype_simple_type. done.
iIntros (??) "#LFT #HE #HL H". iDestruct ( with "HE HL") as "#Hκ".
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Section shr_bor.
by iApply (Hty.(subtype_shr _ _ _ _ ) with "LFT HE HL").
Global Instance subtype_shr_bor_mono' E L :
Proper (incl E L ==> flip (subtype E L) ==> flip (subtype E L)) shr_bor.
Proper (lctx_lft_incl E L ==> subtype E L --> flip (subtype E L)) shr_bor.
Proof. intros ??????. by apply subtype_shr_bor_mono. Qed.
Global Instance subtype_shr_bor_proper E L κ :
Proper (eqtype E L ==> eqtype E L) (shr_bor κ).
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Section typing.
Lemma tctx_reborrow_shr E L p ty κ κ' :
incl E L κ' κ
lctx_lft_incl E L κ' κ
tctx_incl E L [TCtx_holds p (&shr{κ}ty)]
[TCtx_holds p (&shr{κ'}ty); TCtx_guarded p κ (&shr{κ}ty)].
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Section uniq_bor.
Global Instance subtype_uniq_mono E L :
Proper (flip (incl E L) ==> eqtype E L ==> subtype E L) uniq_bor.
Proper (lctx_lft_incl E L --> eqtype E L ==> subtype E L) uniq_bor.
intros κ1 κ2 ty1 ty2 [Hty1 Hty2]. split.
- done.
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ Section uniq_bor.
by iApply (Hty1.(subtype_shr _ _ _ _) with "LFT HE HL").
Global Instance subtype_uniq_mono' E L :
Proper (incl E L ==> eqtype E L ==> flip (subtype E L)) uniq_bor.
Proper (lctx_lft_incl E L ==> eqtype E L ==> flip (subtype E L)) uniq_bor.
Proof. intros ??????. apply subtype_uniq_mono. done. by symmetry. Qed.
Global Instance subtype_uniq_proper E L κ :
Proper (eqtype E L ==> eqtype E L) (uniq_bor κ).
......@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ Section typing.
Lemma tctx_reborrow_uniq E L p ty κ κ' :
incl E L κ' κ
lctx_lft_incl E L κ' κ
tctx_incl E L [TCtx_holds p (&uniq{κ}ty)]
[TCtx_holds p (&uniq{κ'}ty); TCtx_guarded p κ (&uniq{κ}ty)].
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