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Commit 92e8f6d7 authored by Dan Frumin's avatar Dan Frumin
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Implement concurrent runners

- Implement the concurrent runners library

- Changed the shared bag specification to allow the predicate `P` to
  depend on the bag itself -- this is needed for the `isRunner`
  invariant: since the bag is *part* of the `Runner` class, the bag is
  constructed/allocated before the `Runner` itself is construted; but
  we want the bag invariant to depend on the `Runner` instance.
parent 916f8b66
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1 merge request!5Implement modular specifications from the HOCAP paper
...@@ -75,3 +75,4 @@ theories/hocap/cg_bag.v ...@@ -75,3 +75,4 @@ theories/hocap/cg_bag.v
theories/hocap/fg_bag.v theories/hocap/fg_bag.v
theories/hocap/exclusive_bag.v theories/hocap/exclusive_bag.v
theories/hocap/shared_bag.v theories/hocap/shared_bag.v
(** Concurrent Runner example from
"Modular Reasoning about Separation of Concurrent Data Structures"
From iris.program_logic Require Export weakestpre.
From iris.heap_lang Require Export lang.
From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics.
From iris.heap_lang Require Import proofmode notation.
From iris.algebra Require Import cmra agree frac csum excl.
From iris.heap_lang.lib Require Import lock spin_lock.
From iris.base_logic.lib Require Import fractional.
From iris_examples.hocap Require Import abstract_bag shared_bag.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Definition saR := csumR fracR (csumR (prodR fracR (agreeR valC)) (agreeR valC)).
Class saG Σ := { sa_inG :> inG Σ saR }.
Definition INIT `{saG Σ} γ (q: Qp) := own γ (Cinl q%Qp).
Definition SET_RES `{saG Σ} γ (q: Qp) (v: val) := own γ (Cinr (Cinl (q%Qp, to_agree v))).
Definition FIN `{saG Σ} γ (v: val) := own γ (Cinr (Cinr (to_agree v))).
Global Instance INIT_fractional `{saG Σ} γ : Fractional (INIT γ)%I.
intros p q. rewrite /INIT.
rewrite -own_op. f_equiv.
Global Instance INIT_as_fractional `{saG Σ} γ q:
AsFractional (INIT γ q) (INIT γ)%I q.
split; [done | apply _].
Global Instance SET_RES_fractional `{saG Σ} γ v : Fractional (fun q => SET_RES γ q v)%I.
intros p q. rewrite /SET_RES.
rewrite -own_op Cinr_op Cinl_op pair_op. repeat f_equiv.
intros n. split; intros a Ha; exists a; set_solver.
Global Instance SET_RES_as_fractional `{saG Σ} γ q v:
AsFractional (SET_RES γ q v) (fun q => SET_RES γ q v)%I q.
split; [done | apply _].
Lemma new_INIT `{saG Σ} : (|==> γ, INIT γ 1%Qp)%I.
Proof. by apply own_alloc. Qed.
Lemma INIT_not_SET_RES `{saG Σ} γ q q' v :
(INIT γ q -∗ SET_RES γ q' v -∗ False)%I.
iIntros "Hs Hp".
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hs Hp") as %[].
Lemma INIT_not_FIN `{saG Σ} γ q v :
(INIT γ q -∗ FIN γ v -∗ False)%I.
iIntros "Hs Hp".
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hs Hp") as %[].
Lemma SET_RES_not_FIN `{saG Σ} γ q v v' :
(SET_RES γ q v -∗ FIN γ v' -∗ False)%I.
iIntros "Hs Hp".
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hs Hp") as %[].
Lemma SET_RES_agree `{saG Σ} (γ: gname) (q q': Qp) (v w: val) :
SET_RES γ q v -∗ SET_RES γ q' w -∗ v = w⌝.
iIntros "Hs1 Hs2".
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hs1 Hs2") as %Hfoo.
iPureIntro. rewrite Cinr_op Cinl_op pair_op in Hfoo.
by destruct Hfoo as [_ ?%agree_op_invL'].
Lemma FIN_agree `{saG Σ} (γ: gname) (v w: val) :
FIN γ v -∗ FIN γ w -∗ v = w⌝.
iIntros "Hs1 Hs2".
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hs1 Hs2") as %Hfoo.
iPureIntro. rewrite Cinr_op Cinr_op in Hfoo.
by apply agree_op_invL'.
Lemma INIT_SET_RES `{saG Σ} (v: val) γ :
INIT γ 1%Qp ==∗ SET_RES γ 1%Qp v.
apply own_update.
by apply cmra_update_exclusive.
Lemma SET_RES_FIN `{saG Σ} (v w: val) γ :
SET_RES γ 1%Qp v ==∗ FIN γ w.
apply own_update.
by apply cmra_update_exclusive.
Definition oneshotR := csumR fracR (agreeR valC).
Class oneshotG Σ := { oneshot_inG :> inG Σ oneshotR }.
Definition oneshotΣ : gFunctors := #[GFunctor oneshotR].
Instance subG_oneshotΣ {Σ} : subG oneshotΣ Σ oneshotG Σ.
Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
Definition pending `{oneshotG Σ} γ q := own γ (Cinl q%Qp).
Definition shot `{oneshotG Σ} γ (v: val) := own γ (Cinr (to_agree v)).
Lemma new_pending `{oneshotG Σ} : (|==> γ, pending γ 1%Qp)%I.
Proof. by apply own_alloc. Qed.
Lemma shoot `{oneshotG Σ} (v: val) γ : pending γ 1%Qp ==∗ shot γ v.
apply own_update.
by apply cmra_update_exclusive.
Lemma shot_not_pending `{oneshotG Σ} γ v q :
shot γ v -∗ pending γ q -∗ False.
iIntros "Hs Hp".
iPoseProof (own_valid_2 with "Hs Hp") as "H".
iDestruct "H" as %[].
Lemma shot_agree `{oneshotG Σ} γ (v w: val) :
shot γ v -∗ shot γ w -∗ v = w⌝.
iIntros "Hs1 Hs2".
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hs1 Hs2") as %Hfoo.
iPureIntro. by apply agree_op_invL'.
Global Instance pending_fractional `{oneshotG Σ} γ : Fractional (pending γ)%I.
intros p q. rewrite /pending.
rewrite -own_op. f_equiv.
Global Instance pending_as_fractional `{oneshotG Σ} γ q:
AsFractional (pending γ q) (pending γ)%I q.
split; [done | apply _].
Section contents.
Context `{heapG Σ, !oneshotG Σ, !saG Σ}.
Variable b : bag Σ.
Variable N : namespace.
(* new Task : Runner<A,B> -> A -> Task<A,B> *)
Definition newTask : val := λ: "r" "a", ("r", "a", ref #0, ref NONEV).
(* task_runner == Fst Fst Fst *)
(* task_arg == Snd Fst Fst *)
(* task_state == Snd Fst *)
(* task_res == Snd *)
(* Task.Run : Task<A,B> -> () *)
Definition task_Run : val := λ: "t",
let: "runner" := Fst (Fst (Fst "t")) in
let: "arg" := Snd (Fst (Fst "t")) in
let: "state" := Snd (Fst "t") in
let: "res" := Snd "t" in
let: "tmp" := (Fst "runner") "runner" "arg"
(* runner.body(runner,arg)*) in
"res" <- (SOME "tmp");;
"state" <- #1.
(* Task.Join : Task<A,B> -> B *)
Definition task_Join : val := rec: "join" "t" :=
let: "runner" := Fst (Fst (Fst "t")) in
let: "arg" := Snd (Fst (Fst "t")) in
let: "state" := Snd (Fst "t") in
let: "res" := Snd "t" in
if: (!"state" = #1) then !"res" else "join" "t".
(* runner_body == Fst *)
(* runner_bag == Snd *)
(* Runner.Fork : Runner<A,B> -> A -> Task<A,B> *)
Definition runner_Fork : val := λ: "r" "a",
let: "bag" := Snd "r" in
let: "t" := newTask "r" "a" in
pushBag b "bag" "t";;
(* Runner.runTask : Runner<A,B> -> () *)
Definition runner_runTask : val := λ: "r",
let: "bag" := Snd "r" in
match: popBag b "bag" with
NONE => #()
| SOME "t" => task_Run "t"
(* Runner.runTasks : Runner<A,B> -> () *)
Definition runner_runTasks : val := rec: "runTasks" "r" :=
runner_runTask "r";; "runTasks" "r".
(* newRunner : (Runner<A,B> -> A -> B) -> nat -> Runner<A,B> *)
Definition newRunner : val := λ: "body" "n",
let: "bag" := newBag b #() in
let: "r" := ("body", "bag") in
let: "loop" :=
(rec: "loop" "i" :=
if: ("i" < "n")
then Fork (runner_runTasks "r");; "loop" ("i"+#1)
else "r"
) in
"loop" #0.
Definition task_inv (γ γ': gname) (state res: loc) (Q: val iProp Σ) : iProp Σ :=
((state #0 res NONEV pending γ (1/2)%Qp INIT γ' (1/2)%Qp)
( v, state #0 res SOMEV v pending γ (1/2)%Qp SET_RES γ' (1/2)%Qp v)
( v, state #1 res SOMEV v FIN γ' v (Q v pending γ (1/2)%Qp shot γ v)))%I.
Definition isTask (r: val) (γ γ': gname) (t: val) (P Q: val iProp Σ) : iProp Σ :=
( (arg : val) (state res : loc),
t = (r, arg, #state, #res)%V
P arg INIT γ' (1/2)%Qp
inv (N.@"task") (task_inv γ γ' state res Q))%I.
Definition task (γ γ': gname) (t : val) (P Q: val iProp Σ) : iProp Σ :=
( (r arg : val) (state res : loc),
t = (r, arg, #state, #res)%V
pending γ (1/2)%Qp
inv (N.@"task") (task_inv γ γ' state res Q))%I.
Ltac auto_equiv :=
(* Deal with "pointwise_relation" *)
repeat lazymatch goal with
| |- pointwise_relation _ _ _ _ => intros ?
(* Normalize away equalities. *)
repeat match goal with
| H : _ {_} _ |- _ => apply (discrete_iff _ _) in H
| _ => progress simplify_eq
(* repeatedly apply congruence lemmas and use the equalities in the hypotheses. *)
try (f_equiv; fast_done || auto_equiv).
Ltac solve_proper ::= solve_proper_core ltac:(fun _ => simpl; auto_equiv).
Program Definition isRunner1 (γ : name Σ b) (P Q : val iProp Σ) :
(valC -n> iProp Σ) -n> (valC -n> iProp Σ) := λne R r,
( (body bag : val), r = (body, bag)%V
bagS b (N.@"bag") (λ x y, γ γ', isTask (body,x) γ γ' y P Q) γ bag
r a: val, (R r P a -∗ WP body r a {{ Q }}))%I.
Solve Obligations with solve_proper.
Global Instance isRunner1_contractive (γ : name Σ b) P Q :
Contractive (isRunner1 γ P Q).
Proof. unfold isRunner1. solve_contractive. Qed.
Definition isRunner (γ: name Σ b) (P Q : val iProp Σ) : valC -n> iProp Σ :=
(fixpoint (isRunner1 γ P Q))%I.
Lemma isRunner_unfold γ r P Q :
isRunner γ P Q r
( (body bag : val), r = (body, bag)%V
bagS b (N.@"bag") (λ x y, γ γ', isTask (body,x) γ γ' y P Q) γ bag
r a: val, (isRunner γ P Q r P a -∗ WP body r a {{ Q }}))%I.
Proof. rewrite /isRunner. by rewrite {1}fixpoint_unfold. Qed.
Global Instance isRunner_persistent γ r P Q :
Persistent (isRunner γ P Q r).
Proof. rewrite /isRunner fixpoint_unfold. apply _. Qed.
Lemma newTask_spec γb (r : val) P Q a :
{{{ isRunner γb P Q r P a }}}
newTask r a
{{{ γ γ' t, RET t; isTask r γ γ' t P Q task γ γ' t P Q }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "[#Hrunner HP] HΦ".
unfold newTask. do 2 wp_rec. iApply wp_fupd.
wp_alloc status as "Hstatus".
wp_alloc res as "Hres".
iMod (new_pending) as (γ) "[Htoken Htask]".
iMod (new_INIT) as (γ') "[Hinit Hinit']".
iMod (inv_alloc (N.@"task") _ (task_inv γ γ' status res Q)%I with "[-HP HΦ Htask Hinit]") as "#Hinv".
{ iNext. iLeft. iFrame. }
iModIntro. iApply "HΦ".
iFrame. iSplitL; iExists _,_,_;[|iExists _]; iFrame "Hinv"; eauto.
Lemma task_Join_spec γb γ γ' r t P Q `{ v, Timeless (Q v)}:
{{{ isRunner γb P Q r task γ γ' t P Q }}}
task_Join t
{{{ v res, RET res; res = SOMEV v Q v }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "[#Hrunner Htask] HΦ".
iLöb as "IH".
rewrite {2}/task_Join.
iDestruct "Htask" as (r' arg state res) "(% & Htoken & #Htask)". simplify_eq.
repeat wp_pure _.
wp_bind (! #state)%E. iInv (N.@"task") as ">Hstatus" "Hcl".
rewrite {2}/task_inv.
iDestruct "Hstatus" as "[(Hstate & Hres)|[Hstatus|Hstatus]]".
- wp_load.
iMod ("Hcl" with "[Hstate Hres]") as "_".
{ iNext; iLeft; iFrame. }
iModIntro. wp_op. wp_if.
rewrite /task_Join. iApply ("IH" with "[$Htoken] HΦ").
iExists _,_,_,_; iFrame "Htask". eauto.
- iDestruct "Hstatus" as (v) "(Hstate & Hres & HQ)".
iMod ("Hcl" with "[Hstate Hres HQ]") as "_".
{ iNext; iRight; iLeft. iExists _; iFrame. }
iModIntro. wp_op. wp_if.
rewrite /task_Join. iApply ("IH" with "[$Htoken] HΦ").
iExists _,_,_,_; iFrame "Htask". eauto.
- iDestruct "Hstatus" as (v) "(Hstate & Hres & #HFIN & HQ)".
iDestruct "HQ" as "[[HQ Htoken2]|Hshot]"; last first.
{ iExFalso. iApply (shot_not_pending with "Hshot Htoken"). }
iMod (shoot v γ with "[Htoken Htoken2]") as "#Hshot".
{ iApply (fractional_split_2 with "Htoken Htoken2").
assert ((1 / 2 + 1 / 2)%Qp = 1%Qp) as -> by apply Qp_div_2.
apply _. }
iMod ("Hcl" with "[Hstate Hres]") as "_".
{ iNext. iRight. iRight. iExists _. iFrame. iFrame "HFIN".
iRight. eauto. }
iModIntro. wp_op. wp_if.
iInv (N.@"task") as ">[(Hstate & Hres & Hpending & HINIT)|[Hstatus|Hstatus]]" "Hcl".
{ iExFalso. iApply (shot_not_pending with "Hshot Hpending"). }
{ iDestruct "Hstatus" as (v') "(Hstate & Hres & Hpending & HSETRES)".
iExFalso. iApply (SET_RES_not_FIN with "HSETRES HFIN"). }
iDestruct "Hstatus" as (v') "(Hstate & Hres & _ & HQ')".
iAssert (v = v')%I with "[HQ']" as %<-.
{ iDestruct "HQ'" as "[[? Hpending]|Hshot']".
- iExFalso. iApply (shot_not_pending with "Hshot Hpending").
- iApply (shot_agree with "Hshot Hshot'"). }
iClear "HQ'". wp_load.
iMod ("Hcl" with "[Hres Hstate]") as "_".
{ iNext. iRight. iRight. iExists _; iFrame. iFrame "HFIN". by iRight. }
iModIntro. iApply "HΦ"; eauto.
Lemma task_Run_spec γb γ γ' r t P Q `{ v, Timeless (Q v)}:
{{{ isRunner γb P Q r isTask r γ γ' t P Q }}}
task_Run t
{{{ RET #(); True }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "[#Hrunner Htask] HΦ".
rewrite isRunner_unfold.
iDestruct "Hrunner" as (body bag) "(% & #Hbag & #Hbody)".
iDestruct "Htask" as (arg state res) "(% & HP & HINIT & #Htask)".
simplify_eq. rewrite /task_Run.
repeat wp_pure _.
wp_bind (body _ arg).
iDestruct ("Hbody" $! (PairV body bag) arg) as "Hbody'".
iSpecialize ("Hbody'" with "[HP]").
{ iFrame. rewrite isRunner_unfold.
iExists _,_; iSplitR; eauto. }
iApply (wp_wand with "Hbody'").
iIntros (v) "HQ". wp_let.
wp_bind (#res <- SOME v)%E.
iInv (N.@"task") as ">[(Hstate & Hres & Hpending & HINIT')|[Hstatus|Hstatus]]" "Hcl".
- wp_store.
iMod (INIT_SET_RES v γ' with "[HINIT HINIT']") as "[HSETRES HSETRES']".
{ iApply (fractional_split_2 with "HINIT HINIT'").
assert ((1 / 2 + 1 / 2)%Qp = 1%Qp) as -> by apply Qp_div_2.
apply _. }
iMod ("Hcl" with "[HSETRES Hstate Hres Hpending]") as "_".
{ iNext. iRight. iLeft. iExists _; iFrame. }
iModIntro. wp_let.
iInv (N.@"task") as ">[(Hstate & Hres & Hpending & HINIT')|[Hstatus|Hstatus]]" "Hcl".
{ iExFalso. iApply (INIT_not_SET_RES with "HINIT' HSETRES'"). }
+ iDestruct "Hstatus" as (v') "(Hstate & Hres & Hpending & HSETRES)".
iDestruct (SET_RES_agree with "HSETRES HSETRES'") as %->.
iMod (SET_RES_FIN v v with "[HSETRES HSETRES']") as "#HFIN".
{ iApply (fractional_split_2 with "HSETRES HSETRES'").
assert ((1 / 2 + 1 / 2)%Qp = 1%Qp) as -> by apply Qp_div_2.
apply _. }
iMod ("Hcl" with "[-HΦ]") as "_".
{ iNext. do 2 iRight. iExists _; iFrame. iFrame "HFIN". iLeft. iFrame. }
iModIntro. by iApply "HΦ".
+ iDestruct "Hstatus" as (v') "(Hstate & Hres & HFIN & HQ')".
iExFalso. iApply (SET_RES_not_FIN with "HSETRES' HFIN").
- iDestruct "Hstatus" as (v') "(Hstate & Hres & Hpending & HSETRES)".
iExFalso. iApply (INIT_not_SET_RES with "HINIT HSETRES").
- iDestruct "Hstatus" as (v') "(Hstate & Hres & HFIN & HQ')".
iExFalso. iApply (INIT_not_FIN with "HINIT HFIN").
Lemma runner_runTask_spec γb P Q r `{ v, Timeless (Q v)}:
{{{ isRunner γb P Q r }}}
runner_runTask r
{{{ RET #(); True }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "#Hrunner HΦ".
rewrite isRunner_unfold /runner_runTask.
iDestruct "Hrunner" as (body bag) "(% & #Hbag & #Hbody)"; simplify_eq.
repeat wp_pure _.
wp_bind (popBag b _).
iApply (popBag_spec with "Hbag").
iNext. iIntros (t') "[_ [%|Ht]]"; simplify_eq.
- wp_match. by iApply "HΦ".
- iDestruct "Ht" as (t) "[% Ht]".
iDestruct "Ht" as (γ γ') "Htask".
simplify_eq. wp_match.
iApply (task_Run_spec with "[Hbag Hbody Htask]"); last done.
iFrame "Htask". rewrite isRunner_unfold.
iExists _,_; iSplit; eauto.
Lemma runner_runTasks_spec γb P Q r `{ v, Timeless (Q v)}:
{{{ isRunner γb P Q r }}}
runner_runTasks r
{{{ RET #(); False }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "#Hrunner HΦ".
iLöb as "IH". rewrite /runner_runTasks.
wp_rec. wp_bind (runner_runTask r).
iApply runner_runTask_spec; eauto.
iNext. iIntros "_". wp_rec. by iApply "IH".
Lemma loop_spec (n i : nat) P Q γb r `{ v, Timeless (Q v)}:
{{{ isRunner γb P Q r }}}
(rec: "loop" "i" :=
if: "i" < #n
then Fork (runner_runTasks r);; "loop" ("i" + #1)
else r) #i
{{{ r, RET r; isRunner γb P Q r }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "#Hrunner HΦ".
iLöb as "IH" forall (i).
wp_rec. wp_op. case_bool_decide; wp_if; last first.
{ by iApply "HΦ". }
wp_bind (Fork _). iApply wp_fork. iSplitL.
- iNext. wp_rec. wp_op.
(* Set Printing Coercions. *)
assert ((Z.of_nat i + 1) = Z.of_nat (i + 1)) as -> by lia.
iApply ("IH" with "HΦ").
- iNext. by iApply runner_runTasks_spec.
Lemma newRunner_spec (f : val) (n : nat) P Q `{ v, Timeless (Q v)}:
{{{ (γ: name Σ b) (r: val),
a: val, (isRunner γ P Q r P a -∗ WP f r a {{ Q }}) }}}
newRunner f #n
{{{ γb r, RET r; isRunner γb P Q r }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "#Hf HΦ".
unfold newRunner. iApply wp_fupd.
repeat wp_pure _.
wp_bind (newBag b #()).
iApply (newBag_spec b (N.@"bag") (λ x y, γ γ', isTask (f,x) γ γ' y P Q)%I); auto.
iNext. iIntros (bag). iDestruct 1 as (γb) "#Hbag".
do 3 wp_let.
iAssert (isRunner γb P Q (PairV f bag))%I with "[]" as "#Hrunner".
{ rewrite isRunner_unfold. iExists _,_. iSplit; eauto. }
iApply (loop_spec n 0 with "Hrunner [HΦ]"); eauto.
iNext. iIntros (r) "Hr". by iApply "HΦ".
Lemma runner_Fork_spec γb r P Q a `{ v, Timeless (Q v)}:
{{{ isRunner γb P Q r P a }}}
runner_Fork r a
{{{ γ γ' t, RET t; task γ γ' t P Q }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "[#Hrunner HP] HΦ".
rewrite /runner_Fork isRunner_unfold.
iDestruct "Hrunner" as (body bag) "(% & #Hbag & #Hbody)". simplify_eq.
Local Opaque newTask.
repeat wp_pure _. wp_bind (newTask _ _).
iApply (newTask_spec γb (PairV body bag) P Q with "[Hbag Hbody HP]").
{ iFrame "HP". rewrite isRunner_unfold.
iExists _,_; iSplit; eauto. }
iNext. iIntros (γ γ' t) "[Htask Htask']". wp_let.
wp_bind (pushBag _ _ _).
iApply (pushBag_spec with "[$Hbag Htask]"); eauto.
iNext. iIntros "_". wp_rec. by iApply "HΦ".
End contents.
...@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ Section proof. ...@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ Section proof.
Variable N : namespace. Variable N : namespace.
Definition NB := N.@"bag". Definition NB := N.@"bag".
Definition NI := N.@"inv". Definition NI := N.@"inv".
Variable P : val iProp Σ. (* Predicate that will be satisfied by all the elements in the bag *) Variable P : val val iProp Σ. (* Predicate that will be satisfied by all the elements in the bag *)
Definition bagS_inv (γ : name Σ b) : iProp Σ := Definition bagS_inv (γ : name Σ b) (y : val) : iProp Σ :=
inv NI ( X, bag_contents b γ X [ mset] x X, P x)%I. inv NI ( X, bag_contents b γ X [ mset] x X, P y x)%I.
Definition bagS (γ : name Σ b) (x : val) : iProp Σ := Definition bagS (γ : name Σ b) (x : val) : iProp Σ :=
(is_bag b NB γ x bagS_inv γ)%I. (is_bag b NB γ x bagS_inv γ x)%I.
Global Instance bagS_persistent γ x : Persistent (bagS γ x). Global Instance bagS_persistent γ x : Persistent (bagS γ x).
Proof. apply _. Qed. Proof. apply _. Qed.
...@@ -35,18 +35,18 @@ Section proof. ...@@ -35,18 +35,18 @@ Section proof.
iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". iApply wp_fupd. iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". iApply wp_fupd.
iApply (newBag_spec b NB); eauto. iApply (newBag_spec b NB); eauto.
iNext. iIntros (v γ) "[#Hbag Hcntn]". iNext. iIntros (v γ) "[#Hbag Hcntn]".
iMod (inv_alloc NI _ ( X, bag_contents b γ X [ mset] x X, P x)%I with "[Hcntn]") as "#Hinv". iMod (inv_alloc NI _ ( X, bag_contents b γ X [ mset] x X, P v x)%I with "[Hcntn]") as "#Hinv".
{ iNext. iExists _. iFrame. by rewrite big_sepMS_empty. } { iNext. iExists _. iFrame. by rewrite big_sepMS_empty. }
iApply "HΦ". iModIntro. iExists _; by iFrame "Hinv". iApply "HΦ". iModIntro. iExists _; by iFrame "Hinv".
Qed. Qed.
Lemma pushBag_spec γ x v : Lemma pushBag_spec γ x v :
{{{ bagS γ x P v }}} {{{ bagS γ x P x v }}}
pushBag b x (of_val v) pushBag b x (of_val v)
{{{ RET #(); bagS γ x }}}. {{{ RET #(); bagS γ x }}}.
Proof. Proof.
iIntros (Φ) "[#[Hbag Hinv] HP] HΦ". rewrite /bagS_inv. iIntros (Φ) "[#[Hbag Hinv] HP] HΦ". rewrite /bagS_inv.
iApply (pushBag_spec b NB (P v)%I (True)%I with "[] [Hbag HP]"); eauto. iApply (pushBag_spec b NB (P x v)%I (True)%I with "[] [Hbag HP]"); eauto.
{ iAlways. iIntros (Y) "[Hb1 HP]". { iAlways. iIntros (Y) "[Hb1 HP]".
iInv NI as (X) "[>Hb2 HPs]" "Hcl". iInv NI as (X) "[>Hb2 HPs]" "Hcl".
iDestruct (bag_contents_agree with "Hb1 Hb2") as %<-. iDestruct (bag_contents_agree with "Hb1 Hb2") as %<-.
...@@ -60,10 +60,10 @@ Section proof. ...@@ -60,10 +60,10 @@ Section proof.
Lemma popBag_spec γ x : Lemma popBag_spec γ x :
{{{ bagS γ x }}} {{{ bagS γ x }}}
popBag b x popBag b x
{{{ v, RET v; bagS γ x (v = NONEV ( y, v = SOMEV y P y)) }}}. {{{ v, RET v; bagS γ x (v = NONEV ( y, v = SOMEV y P x y)) }}}.
Proof. Proof.
iIntros (Φ) "[#Hbag #Hinv] HΦ". iIntros (Φ) "[#Hbag #Hinv] HΦ".
iApply (popBag_spec b NB (True)%I (fun v => (v = NONEV ( y, v = SOMEV y P y)))%I with "[] [] [Hbag]"); eauto. iApply (popBag_spec b NB (True)%I (fun v => (v = NONEV ( y, v = SOMEV y P x y)))%I with "[] [] [Hbag]"); eauto.
{ iAlways. iIntros (Y y) "[Hb1 _]". { iAlways. iIntros (Y y) "[Hb1 _]".
iInv NI as (X) "[>Hb2 HPs]" "Hcl". iInv NI as (X) "[>Hb2 HPs]" "Hcl".
iDestruct (bag_contents_agree with "Hb1 Hb2") as %<-. iDestruct (bag_contents_agree with "Hb1 Hb2") as %<-.
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