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Commit 787080a0 authored by Ralf Jung's avatar Ralf Jung
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GC-location library by Gaurav

parent d579dc8d
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...@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ theories/hocap/lib/oneshot.v ...@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ theories/hocap/lib/oneshot.v
theories/hocap/concurrent_runners.v theories/hocap/concurrent_runners.v
theories/hocap/parfib.v theories/hocap/parfib.v
theories/logatom/treiber.v theories/logatom/treiber.v
theories/logatom/treiber2.v theories/logatom/treiber2.v
theories/logatom/elimination_stack/hocap_spec.v theories/logatom/elimination_stack/hocap_spec.v
From iris.algebra Require Import auth excl gmap.
From iris.base_logic.lib Require Export own invariants.
From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics.
From iris.heap_lang Require Export lang locations lifting.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Import uPred.
Definition gcN: namespace := nroot .@ "gc".
Definition gc_mapUR : ucmraT := gmapUR loc $ optionR $ exclR $ valC.
Definition to_gc_map (gcm: gmap loc val) : gc_mapUR := (λ v : val, Excl' v) <$> gcm.
Class gcG (Σ : gFunctors) := Gc_mapG {
gc_inG :> inG Σ (authR (gc_mapUR));
gc_name : gname
Arguments gc_name {_} _ : assert.
Class gcPreG (Σ : gFunctors) := {
gc_preG_inG :> inG Σ (authR (gc_mapUR))
Definition gcΣ : gFunctors :=
#[ GFunctor (authR (gc_mapUR)) ].
Instance subG_gcPreG {Σ} : subG gcΣ Σ gcPreG Σ.
Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
Section defs.
Context `{!invG Σ, !heapG Σ, gG: gcG Σ}.
Definition gc_inv_P: iProp Σ :=
(((gcm: gmap loc val), own (gc_name gG) ( to_gc_map gcm) ([ map] l v gcm, (l v)) ) )%I.
Definition gc_inv : iProp Σ := inv gcN gc_inv_P.
Definition gc_mapsto (l: loc) (v: val) : iProp Σ := own (gc_name gG) ( {[l := Excl' v]}).
Definition is_gc_loc (l: loc) : iProp Σ := own (gc_name gG) ( {[l := None]}).
End defs.
Section to_gc_map.
Lemma to_gc_map_valid gcm: to_gc_map gcm.
Proof. intros l. rewrite lookup_fmap. by case (gcm !! l). Qed.
Lemma to_gc_map_empty: to_gc_map = ∅.
Proof. by rewrite /to_gc_map fmap_empty. Qed.
Lemma to_gc_map_singleton l v: to_gc_map {[l := v]} = {[l := Excl' v]}.
Proof. by rewrite /to_gc_map fmap_insert fmap_empty. Qed.
Lemma to_gc_map_insert l v gcm:
to_gc_map (<[l := v]> gcm) = <[l := Excl' v]> (to_gc_map gcm).
Proof. by rewrite /to_gc_map fmap_insert. Qed.
Lemma to_gc_map_delete l gcm :
to_gc_map (delete l gcm) = delete l (to_gc_map gcm).
Proof. by rewrite /to_gc_map fmap_delete. Qed.
Lemma lookup_to_gc_map_None gcm l :
gcm !! l = None to_gc_map gcm !! l = None.
Proof. by rewrite /to_gc_map lookup_fmap=> ->. Qed.
Lemma lookup_to_gc_map_Some gcm l v :
gcm !! l = Some v to_gc_map gcm !! l = Some (Excl' v).
Proof. by rewrite /to_gc_map lookup_fmap=> ->. Qed.
Lemma lookup_to_gc_map_Some_2 gcm l w :
to_gc_map gcm !! l = Some w v, gcm !! l = Some v.
rewrite /to_gc_map lookup_fmap. rewrite fmap_Some.
intros (x & Hsome & Heq). eauto.
Lemma lookup_to_gc_map_Some_3 gcm l w :
to_gc_map gcm !! l = Some (Excl' w) gcm !! l = Some w.
rewrite /to_gc_map lookup_fmap. rewrite fmap_Some.
intros (x & Hsome & Heq). by inversion Heq.
Lemma excl_option_included (v: val) y:
y Excl' v y y = Excl' v.
intros ? H. destruct y.
- apply Some_included_exclusive in H;[ | apply _ | done ].
setoid_rewrite leibniz_equiv_iff in H.
by rewrite H.
- apply is_Some_included in H.
+ by inversion H.
+ by eapply mk_is_Some.
Lemma gc_map_singleton_included gcm l v :
{[l := Some (Excl v)]} to_gc_map gcm gcm !! l = Some v.
rewrite singleton_included.
setoid_rewrite Some_included_total.
intros (y & Hsome & Hincluded).
pose proof (lookup_valid_Some _ _ _ (to_gc_map_valid gcm) Hsome) as Hvalid.
pose proof (excl_option_included _ _ Hvalid Hincluded) as Heq.
rewrite Heq in Hsome.
apply lookup_to_gc_map_Some_3.
by setoid_rewrite leibniz_equiv_iff in Hsome.
End to_gc_map.
Section gc.
Context `{!invG Σ, !heapG Σ, gG: gcG Σ}.
Global Instance is_gc_loc_persistent (l: loc): Persistent (is_gc_loc l).
Proof. rewrite /is_gc_loc. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance is_gc_loc_timeless (l: loc): Timeless (is_gc_loc l).
Proof. rewrite /is_gc_loc. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance gc_mapsto_timeless (l: loc) (v: val): Timeless (gc_mapsto l v).
Proof. rewrite /is_gc_loc. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance gc_inv_P_timeless: Timeless gc_inv_P.
Proof. rewrite /gc_inv_P. apply _. Qed.
Lemma make_gc l v E: gcN E gc_inv -∗ l v ={E}=∗ gc_mapsto l v.
iIntros (HN) "#Hinv Hl".
iMod (inv_open_timeless _ gcN _ with "Hinv") as "[P Hclose]"=>//.
iDestruct "P" as (gcm) "[H● HsepM]".
destruct (gcm !! l) as [v' | ] eqn: Hlookup.
- (* auth map contains l --> contradiction *)
iDestruct (big_sepM_lookup with "HsepM") as "Hl'"=>//.
by iDestruct (mapsto_valid_2 with "Hl Hl'") as %?.
- iMod (own_update with "H●") as "[H● H◯]".
apply lookup_to_gc_map_None in Hlookup.
apply (auth_update_alloc _ (to_gc_map (<[l := v]> gcm)) (to_gc_map ({[l := v]}))).
rewrite to_gc_map_insert to_gc_map_singleton.
pose proof (to_gc_map_valid gcm).
setoid_rewrite alloc_singleton_local_update=>//.
iMod ("Hclose" with "[H● HsepM Hl]").
+ iExists _.
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert with "[HsepM Hl]") as "HsepM"=>//; iFrame. iFrame.
+ iModIntro. by rewrite /gc_mapsto to_gc_map_singleton.
Lemma gc_is_gc l v: gc_mapsto l v -∗ is_gc_loc l.
iIntros "Hgc_l". rewrite /gc_mapsto.
assert (Excl' v = (Excl' v) None)%I as ->. { done. }
rewrite -op_singleton auth_frag_op own_op.
iDestruct "Hgc_l" as "[_ H◯_none]".
Lemma is_gc_lookup_Some l gcm: is_gc_loc l -∗ own (gc_name gG) ( to_gc_map gcm) -∗ ⌜∃ v, gcm !! l = Some v⌝.
iIntros "Hgc_l H◯".
iCombine "H◯ Hgc_l" as "Hcomb".
iDestruct (own_valid with "Hcomb") as %Hvalid.
apply auth_both_valid in Hvalid as [Hincluded Hvalid].
setoid_rewrite singleton_included in Hincluded.
destruct Hincluded as (y & Hsome & _).
eapply lookup_to_gc_map_Some_2.
by apply leibniz_equiv_iff in Hsome.
Lemma gc_mapsto_lookup_Some l v gcm: gc_mapsto l v -∗ own (gc_name gG) ( to_gc_map gcm) -∗ gcm !! l = Some v ⌝.
iIntros "Hgc_l H●".
iCombine "H● Hgc_l" as "Hcomb".
iDestruct (own_valid with "Hcomb") as %Hvalid.
apply auth_both_valid in Hvalid as [Hincluded Hvalid].
by apply gc_map_singleton_included.
Lemma gc_access l v E:
gcN E gc_inv -∗ gc_mapsto l v ={E, E gcN}=∗ (l v ( w, l w ={E gcN, E}=∗ gc_mapsto l w)).
iIntros (HN) "#Hinv Hgc_l".
iMod (inv_open_timeless _ gcN _ with "Hinv") as "[P Hclose]"=>//.
iDestruct "P" as (gcm) "[H● HsepM]".
iDestruct (gc_mapsto_lookup_Some with "Hgc_l H●") as %Hsome.
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete with "HsepM") as "[Hl HsepM]"=>//.
iFrame. iIntros (w) "Hl".
iMod (own_update_2 with "H● Hgc_l") as "[H● H◯]".
{ apply (auth_update _ _ (<[l := Excl' w]> (to_gc_map gcm)) {[l := Excl' w]}).
eapply singleton_local_update.
{ by apply lookup_to_gc_map_Some in Hsome. }
by apply option_local_update, exclusive_local_update.
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert with "[Hl HsepM]") as "HsepM"; [ | iFrame | ].
{ apply lookup_delete. }
rewrite insert_delete. rewrite <- to_gc_map_insert.
iMod ("Hclose" with "[H● HsepM]"); [ iExists _; by iFrame | by iModIntro].
Lemma is_gc_access l E: gcN E gc_inv -∗ is_gc_loc l ={E, E gcN}=∗ v, l v (l v ={E gcN, E}=∗ True).
iIntros (HN) "#Hinv Hgc_l".
iMod (inv_open_timeless _ gcN _ with "Hinv") as "[P Hclose]"=>//.
iDestruct "P" as (gcm) "[H● HsepM]".
iDestruct (is_gc_lookup_Some with "Hgc_l H●") as %Hsome.
destruct Hsome as [v Hsome].
iDestruct (big_sepM_lookup_acc with "HsepM") as "[Hl HsepM]"=>//.
iExists _. iFrame.
iIntros "Hl".
iMod ("Hclose" with "[H● HsepM Hl]"); last done.
iExists _. iFrame.
by (iApply ("HsepM" with "Hl")).
End gc.
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