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Commit 363ce0ef authored by Ralf Jung's avatar Ralf Jung
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Coq anomaly

parent a3fb7a8b
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Tags iris-1.0
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......@@ -83,10 +83,11 @@ Section product.
Proper (eqtype E L ==> eqtype E L ==> eqtype E L) product2.
Proof. by intros ??[]??[]; split; apply product2_mono. Qed.
Global Program Instance product2_copy `(!Copy ty1) `(!Copy ty2) :
Global Instance product2_copy `(!Copy ty1) `(!Copy ty2) :
Copy (product2 ty1 ty2).
Next Obligation.
intros ty1 ? ty2 ? κ tid E F l q ?. iIntros "#LFT H [[Htok1 Htok2] Htl]".
split; first (intros; apply _).
intros κ tid E F l q ?. iIntros "#LFT H [[Htok1 Htok2] Htl]".
iDestruct "H" as (E1 E2) "(% & H1 & H2)".
assert (F = E1 E2 F(E1 E2)) as ->.
{ rewrite -union_difference_L; set_solver. }
......@@ -79,41 +79,53 @@ Section sum.
- by iApply (frac_bor_shorten with "Hord").
Global Instance sum_mono E L:
Proper (Forall2 (subtype E L) ==> subtype E L) sum.
intros tyl1 tyl2 Htyl. iIntros "#LFT #? %". iSplit; last (iSplit; iAlways).
- simpl. iInduction Htyl as l "IH". induction Htyl; first done. iPureIntro. do 2 f_equal.
simpl. f_equal; last done.
Global Instance product_proper E L:
Proper (Forall2 (eqtype E L) ==> eqtype E L) product.
Proof. intros ??. induction 1. done. by simpl; f_equiv. Qed.
(* TODO : Make the Forall parameter a typeclass *)
(* TODO : This next step is suspuciously slow. *)
Global Program Instance sum_copy tyl :
Global Instance sum_copy tyl :
Forall Copy tyl Copy (sum tyl).
Next Obligation.
intros tyl HFA tid vl.
cut ( i vl', PersistentP (ty_own (nth i tyl ) tid vl')). by apply _.
intros. apply @copy_persistent. edestruct nth_in_or_default as [| ->];
[by eapply List.Forall_forall| apply _].
Next Obligation.
intros tyl HFA κ tid E F l q ?.
iIntros "#LFT #H[[Htok1 [Htok2 Htok3]] Htl]".
setoid_rewrite split_sum_mt. iDestruct "H" as (i) "[Hshr0 [Hshr Hshrtail]]".
iMod (frac_bor_acc with "LFT Hshr0 Htok1") as (q'1) "[Hown Hclose]". set_solver.
iMod (frac_bor_acc with "LFT Hshrtail Htok2") as (q'2) "[Htail Hclose']". set_solver.
iMod (@copy_shr_acc _ _ (nth i tyl ) with "LFT Hshr [Htok3 $Htl]")
as (q'3) "[Hownq Hclose'']"; try done.
{ edestruct nth_in_or_default as [| ->]; last by apply _.
by eapply List.Forall_forall. }
destruct (Qp_lower_bound q'1 q'2) as (q'0 & q'01 & q'02 & -> & ->).
destruct (Qp_lower_bound q'0 q'3) as (q' & q'11 & q'12 & -> & ->).
rewrite -(heap_mapsto_vec_prop_op _ q' q'12); last (by intros; apply ty_size_eq).
rewrite -!Qp_plus_assoc.
rewrite -(heap_mapsto_vec_prop_op _ q' (q'11 + q'02)
(list_max (map ty_size tyl) - (ty_size (nth i tyl )))%nat); last first.
{ intros. iIntros (<-). iPureIntro. by rewrite minus_plus. }
iDestruct "Hownq" as "[Hownq1 Hownq2]". iDestruct "Hown" as "[Hown1 >Hown2]".
iDestruct "Htail" as "[Htail1 Htail2]".
iExists q'. iModIntro. iSplitL "Hown1 Hownq1 Htail1".
- iNext. iExists i. by iFrame.
- iIntros "H". iDestruct "H" as (i') "[>Hown1 [Hownq1 Htail1]]".
iDestruct (heap_mapsto_agree with "[$Hown1 $Hown2]") as %[= ->%Z_of_nat_inj].
iMod ("Hclose''" with "[$Hownq1 $Hownq2]"). iMod ("Hclose'" with "[$Htail1 $Htail2]").
iMod ("Hclose" with "[$Hown1 $Hown2]") as "$". by iFrame.
intros HFA. split.
- intros tid vl.
cut ( i vl', PersistentP (ty_own (nth i tyl ) tid vl')). by apply _.
intros. apply @copy_persistent. edestruct nth_in_or_default as [| ->];
[by eapply List.Forall_forall| apply _].
- intros κ tid E F l q ?.
iIntros "#LFT #H[[Htok1 [Htok2 Htok3]] Htl]".
setoid_rewrite split_sum_mt. iDestruct "H" as (i) "[Hshr0 [Hshr Hshrtail]]".
iMod (frac_bor_acc with "LFT Hshr0 Htok1") as (q'1) "[Hown Hclose]". set_solver.
iMod (frac_bor_acc with "LFT Hshrtail Htok2") as (q'2) "[Htail Hclose']". set_solver.
iMod (@copy_shr_acc _ _ (nth i tyl ) with "LFT Hshr [Htok3 $Htl]")
as (q'3) "[Hownq Hclose'']"; try done.
{ edestruct nth_in_or_default as [| ->]; last by apply _.
by eapply List.Forall_forall. }
destruct (Qp_lower_bound q'1 q'2) as (q'0 & q'01 & q'02 & -> & ->).
destruct (Qp_lower_bound q'0 q'3) as (q' & q'11 & q'12 & -> & ->).
rewrite -(heap_mapsto_vec_prop_op _ q' q'12); last (by intros; apply ty_size_eq).
rewrite -!Qp_plus_assoc.
rewrite -(heap_mapsto_vec_prop_op _ q' (q'11 + q'02)
(list_max (map ty_size tyl) - (ty_size (nth i tyl )))%nat); last first.
{ intros. iIntros (<-). iPureIntro. by rewrite minus_plus. }
iDestruct "Hownq" as "[Hownq1 Hownq2]". iDestruct "Hown" as "[Hown1 >Hown2]".
iDestruct "Htail" as "[Htail1 Htail2]".
iExists q'. iModIntro. iSplitL "Hown1 Hownq1 Htail1".
+ iNext. iExists i. by iFrame.
+ iIntros "H". iDestruct "H" as (i') "[>Hown1 [Hownq1 Htail1]]".
iDestruct (heap_mapsto_agree with "[$Hown1 $Hown2]") as %[= ->%Z_of_nat_inj].
iMod ("Hclose''" with "[$Hownq1 $Hownq2]"). iMod ("Hclose'" with "[$Htail1 $Htail2]").
iMod ("Hclose" with "[$Hown1 $Hown2]") as "$". by iFrame.
End sum.
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