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Commit a3fb7a8b authored by Ralf Jung's avatar Ralf Jung
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update sum type definition

parent 57b5f2a3
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......@@ -6,101 +6,117 @@ From lrust.typing Require Import type_incl.
Section sum.
Context `{typeG Σ}.
Local Obligation Tactic := idtac.
Program Definition emp : type := {| st_own tid vl := False%I |}.
Next Obligation. iIntros (tid vl) "[]". Qed.
Global Instance emp_empty : Empty type := emp.
Definition list_max (l : list nat) := foldr max 0%nat l.
Lemma split_sum_mt l tid q tyl :
(l ↦∗{q}: λ vl,
(i : nat) vl', vl = #i :: vl' ty_own (nth i tyl ) tid vl')%I
⊣⊢ (i : nat), l {q} #i shift_loc l 1 ↦∗{q}: ty_own (nth i tyl ) tid.
(i : nat) vl' vl'', vl = #i :: vl' ++ vl''
length vl = S (list_max $ map ty_size $ tyl)
ty_own (nth i tyl ) tid vl')%I
⊣⊢ (i : nat), l {q} #i shift_loc l 1 ↦∗{q}: (nth i tyl ).(ty_own) tid
shift_loc l (S $ (nth i tyl ).(ty_size)) ↦∗{q}: λ vl,
((nth i tyl ).(ty_size) + length vl)%nat = (list_max $ map ty_size $ tyl)⌝.
iSplit; iIntros "H".
- iDestruct "H" as (vl) "[Hmt Hown]". iDestruct "Hown" as (i vl') "[% Hown]".
- iDestruct "H" as (vl) "[Hmt Hown]". iDestruct "Hown" as (i vl' vl'') "(% & % & Hown)".
subst. iExists i. iDestruct (heap_mapsto_vec_cons with "Hmt") as "[$ Hmt]".
iExists vl'. by iFrame.
- iDestruct "H" as (i) "[Hmt1 Hown]". iDestruct "Hown" as (vl) "[Hmt2 Hown]".
iExists (#i::vl). rewrite heap_mapsto_vec_cons. iFrame. eauto.
(* TODO: I should not have to say '[#]' here, similar to iDestruct ... as %.... *)
iAssert (length vl' = (nth i tyl ).(ty_size)⌝%I) with "[#]" as %Hvl'.
{ iApply ty_size_eq. done. }
iDestruct (heap_mapsto_vec_app with "Hmt") as "[Hmt Htail]". iSplitR "Htail".
+ iExists vl'. by iFrame.
+ iExists vl''. rewrite (shift_loc_assoc_nat _ 1) Hvl'. iFrame. iPureIntro.
rewrite -Hvl'. simpl in *. rewrite -app_length. congruence.
- iDestruct "H" as (i) "(Hmt1 & Hown & Htail)".
iDestruct "Hown" as (vl') "[Hmt2 Hown]". iDestruct "Htail" as (vl'') "[Hmt3 %]".
(* TODO: I should not have to say '[#]' here, similar to iDestruct ... as %.... *)
iAssert (length vl' = (nth i tyl ).(ty_size)⌝%I) with "[#]" as %Hvl'.
{ iApply ty_size_eq. done. } iExists (#i::vl'++vl'').
rewrite heap_mapsto_vec_cons heap_mapsto_vec_app (shift_loc_assoc_nat _ 1) Hvl'.
iFrame. iExists i, vl', vl''. iSplit; first done. iFrame. iPureIntro.
simpl. f_equal. by rewrite app_length Hvl'.
Class LstTySize (n : nat) (tyl : list type) :=
size_eq : Forall ((= n) ty_size) tyl.
Instance LstTySize_nil n : LstTySize n nil := List.Forall_nil _.
Lemma LstTySize_cons n ty tyl :
ty.(ty_size) = n LstTySize n tyl LstTySize n (ty :: tyl).
Proof. intros. constructor; done. Qed.
Lemma sum_size_eq n tid i tyl vl {Hn : LstTySize n tyl} :
ty_own (nth i tyl ) tid vl -∗ length vl = n⌝.
iIntros "Hown". iDestruct (ty_size_eq with "Hown") as %->.
revert Hn. rewrite /LstTySize List.Forall_forall /= =>Hn.
edestruct nth_in_or_default as [| ->]. by eauto.
iDestruct "Hown" as "[]".
Program Definition sum {n} (tyl : list type) {_:LstTySize n tyl} :=
{| ty_size := S n;
Program Definition sum (tyl : list type) :=
{| ty_size := S (list_max $ map ty_size $ tyl);
ty_own tid vl :=
( (i : nat) vl', vl = #i :: vl' (nth i tyl ).(ty_own) tid vl')%I;
( (i : nat) vl' vl'', vl = #i :: vl' ++ vl''
length vl = S (list_max $ map ty_size $ tyl)
(nth i tyl ).(ty_own) tid vl')%I;
ty_shr κ tid N l :=
( (i : nat), (&frac{κ} λ q, l {q} #i)
(nth i tyl ).(ty_shr) κ tid N (shift_loc l 1))%I
(nth i tyl ).(ty_shr) κ tid N (shift_loc l 1)
(&frac{κ} λ q, shift_loc l (S $ (nth i tyl ).(ty_size)) ↦∗{q}: λ vl,
((nth i tyl ).(ty_size) + length vl)%nat = (list_max $ map ty_size $ tyl)))%I
Next Obligation.
iIntros (n tyl Hn tid vl) "Hown". iDestruct "Hown" as (i vl') "(%&Hown)".
subst. simpl. by iDestruct (sum_size_eq with "Hown") as %->.
iIntros (tyl tid vl) "Hown". iDestruct "Hown" as (i vl' vl'') "(%&%&_)".
subst. done.
Next Obligation.
intros n tyl Hn E N κ l tid ??. iIntros "#LFT Hown". rewrite split_sum_mt.
intros tyl E N κ l tid ??. iIntros "#LFT Hown". rewrite split_sum_mt.
iMod (bor_exists with "LFT Hown") as (i) "Hown". set_solver.
iMod (bor_sep with "LFT Hown") as "[Hmt Hown]". set_solver.
iMod (bor_sep with "LFT Hown") as "[Hmt Hown]". solve_ndisj.
iMod (bor_sep with "LFT Hown") as "[Hown Htail]". solve_ndisj.
iMod ((nth i tyl ).(ty_share) with "LFT Hown") as "#Hshr"; try done.
iMod (bor_fracture with "LFT [-]") as "H"; last by eauto. set_solver. iFrame.
iMod (bor_fracture with "LFT [Htail]") as "H";[set_solver| |]; last first.
- iMod (bor_fracture with "LFT [Hmt]") as "H'";[set_solver| |]; last eauto.
by iFrame.
- by iFrame.
Next Obligation.
intros n tyl Hn κ κ' tid E E' l ?. iIntros "#LFT #Hord H".
iDestruct "H" as (i) "[Hown0 Hown]". iExists i. iSplitL "Hown0".
by iApply (frac_bor_shorten with "Hord").
iApply ((nth i tyl ).(ty_shr_mono) with "LFT Hord"); last done. done.
intros tyl κ κ' tid E E' l ?. iIntros "#LFT #Hord H".
iDestruct "H" as (i) "[Hown0 [Hown Htail]]". iExists i.
iSplitL "Hown0"; last iSplitL "Hown".
- by iApply (frac_bor_shorten with "Hord").
- iApply ((nth i tyl ).(ty_shr_mono) with "LFT Hord"); last done. done.
- by iApply (frac_bor_shorten with "Hord").
(* TODO : Make the Forall parameter a typeclass *)
Global Program Instance sum_copy `(LstTySize n tyl) :
(* TODO : This next step is suspuciously slow. *)
Global Program Instance sum_copy tyl :
Forall Copy tyl Copy (sum tyl).
Next Obligation.
intros n tyl Hn HFA tid vl.
intros tyl HFA tid vl.
cut ( i vl', PersistentP (ty_own (nth i tyl ) tid vl')). by apply _.
intros. apply @copy_persistent. edestruct nth_in_or_default as [| ->];
[by eapply List.Forall_forall| apply _].
Next Obligation.
intros n tyl Hn HFA κ tid E F l q ?.
iIntros "#LFT #H[[Htok1 Htok2] Htl]".
setoid_rewrite split_sum_mt. iDestruct "H" as (i) "[Hshr0 Hshr]".
intros tyl HFA κ tid E F l q ?.
iIntros "#LFT #H[[Htok1 [Htok2 Htok3]] Htl]".
setoid_rewrite split_sum_mt. iDestruct "H" as (i) "[Hshr0 [Hshr Hshrtail]]".
iMod (frac_bor_acc with "LFT Hshr0 Htok1") as (q'1) "[Hown Hclose]". set_solver.
iMod (@copy_shr_acc _ _ (nth i tyl ) with "LFT Hshr [Htok2 $Htl]")
as (q'2) "[Hownq Hclose']"; try done.
iMod (frac_bor_acc with "LFT Hshrtail Htok2") as (q'2) "[Htail Hclose']". set_solver.
iMod (@copy_shr_acc _ _ (nth i tyl ) with "LFT Hshr [Htok3 $Htl]")
as (q'3) "[Hownq Hclose'']"; try done.
{ edestruct nth_in_or_default as [| ->]; last by apply _.
by eapply List.Forall_forall. }
destruct (Qp_lower_bound q'1 q'2) as (q' & q'01 & q'02 & -> & ->).
rewrite -{1}heap_mapsto_vec_prop_op; last (by intros; apply sum_size_eq, Hn).
destruct (Qp_lower_bound q'1 q'2) as (q'0 & q'01 & q'02 & -> & ->).
destruct (Qp_lower_bound q'0 q'3) as (q' & q'11 & q'12 & -> & ->).
rewrite -(heap_mapsto_vec_prop_op _ q' q'12); last (by intros; apply ty_size_eq).
rewrite -!Qp_plus_assoc.
rewrite -(heap_mapsto_vec_prop_op _ q' (q'11 + q'02)
(list_max (map ty_size tyl) - (ty_size (nth i tyl )))%nat); last first.
{ intros. iIntros (<-). iPureIntro. by rewrite minus_plus. }
iDestruct "Hownq" as "[Hownq1 Hownq2]". iDestruct "Hown" as "[Hown1 >Hown2]".
iExists q'. iModIntro. iSplitL "Hown1 Hownq1".
iDestruct "Htail" as "[Htail1 Htail2]".
iExists q'. iModIntro. iSplitL "Hown1 Hownq1 Htail1".
- iNext. iExists i. by iFrame.
- iIntros "H". iDestruct "H" as (i') "[>Hown1 Hownq1]".
- iIntros "H". iDestruct "H" as (i') "[>Hown1 [Hownq1 Htail1]]".
iDestruct (heap_mapsto_agree with "[$Hown1 $Hown2]") as %[= ->%Z_of_nat_inj].
iCombine "Hown1" "Hown2" as "Hown". iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hown]") as "$"; first by eauto.
iCombine "Hownq1" "Hownq2" as "Hownq".
rewrite heap_mapsto_vec_prop_op; last (by intros; apply sum_size_eq, Hn).
by iApply "Hclose'".
iMod ("Hclose''" with "[$Hownq1 $Hownq2]"). iMod ("Hclose'" with "[$Htail1 $Htail2]").
iMod ("Hclose" with "[$Hown1 $Hown2]") as "$". by iFrame.
End sum.
Existing Instance LstTySize_nil.
Hint Extern 1 (LstTySize _ (_ :: _)) =>
apply LstTySize_cons; [compute; reflexivity|] : typeclass_instances.
(* Σ is commonly used for the current functor. So it cannot be defined
as Π for products. We stick to the following form. *)
Notation "Σ[ ty1 ; .. ; tyn ]" :=
......@@ -153,8 +153,9 @@ Section subtyping.
iApply (type_incl_trans with "[] []").
+ iApply (H12 with "[] []"); done.
+ iApply (H23 with "[] []"); done.
(* TODO: The prelude should have a symmetric closure. *)
Definition eqtype (ty1 ty2 : type) : Prop :=
subtype ty1 ty2 subtype ty2 ty1.
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