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Commit cd440b56 authored by Ralf Jung's avatar Ralf Jung
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provide pointwise composition of two maps; use to to establish an RA

parent 66e157ff
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......@@ -37,12 +37,14 @@ Section Def.
Context {K V : Type}.
Definition findom_bound (finmap: K -> option V) (findom: list K): Prop :=
forall k, finmap k <> None -> k findom.
Definition findom_approx (finmap: K -> option V) (findom: list K): Prop :=
forall k, finmap k <> None <-> k findom.
Record FinMap `{eqK : DecEq K} :=
mkFD {finmap :> K -> option V;
findom : list K;
findom_b : findom_bound finmap findom}.
findom_b : findom_approx finmap findom}.
Context `{eqK : DecEq K}.
......@@ -53,6 +55,48 @@ Section Def.
unfold dom. apply filter_dupes_nodup.
Fixpoint filter_None (f: K -> option V) (l: list K) :=
match l with
| [] => []
| k::l => match f k with
| Some _ => k::(filter_None f l)
| None => filter_None f l
Lemma filter_None_isin f l k:
k filter_None f l -> f k <> None.
induction l.
- intros [].
- simpl. destruct (f a) eqn:EQf.
+ move=>[EQ|Hin].
* subst a. rewrite EQf. discriminate.
* apply IHl. exact Hin.
+ exact IHl.
Lemma filter_None_in f l k:
f k <> None -> k l -> k filter_None f l.
induction l.
- move=>_ [].
- move=>Hneq [EQ|Hin].
+ subst a. simpl. destruct (f k); last (exfalso; now apply Hneq).
left. reflexivity.
+ simpl. destruct (f a); first right; apply IHl; assumption.
Program Definition mkFDbound (f: K -> option V) (l: list K)
(Hbound: findom_bound f l) :=
mkFD _ f (filter_None f l) _.
Next Obligation.
move=>k. split.
- move=>Hnon. apply filter_None_in; first assumption.
apply Hbound. assumption.
- move/filter_None_isin. tauto.
End Def.
Arguments mkFD [K V] {eqK} _ _ _.
......@@ -260,18 +304,15 @@ Section FinDom.
Program Definition findom_lub (σ : chain (K -f> V)) (σc : cchain σ) : K -f> V :=
mkFD (fun x => compl (finmap_chainx σ x)) (findom (σ 1)) _.
mkFDbound (fun x => compl (finmap_chainx σ x)) (findom (σ 1)) _.
Next Obligation.
move=>k. assert(H:=conv_cauchy (finmap_chainx σ k) 1 1 (le_refl _)).
split; move=>Hin.
- simpl in Hin. assert (Hin': (finmap_chainx σ k) 1 <> None).
{ move=>EQ. rewrite EQ in H. apply Hin. symmetry in H. simpl in H.
destruct (option_compl (finmap_chainx σ k)); first contradiction.
reflexivity. }
clear Hin. apply (findom_b (σ 1)). assumption.
- simpl in H. destruct (option_compl (finmap_chainx σ k)); first discriminate.
apply findom_b in Hin. rewrite /finmap_chainx in H. destruct ((σ 1) k); first contradiction.
move=>k /= Hin.
assert(H:=conv_cauchy (finmap_chainx σ k) 1 1 (le_refl _)).
simpl in Hin. assert (Hin': (finmap_chainx σ k) 1 <> None).
{ move=>EQ. rewrite EQ in H. apply Hin. symmetry in H. simpl in H.
destruct (option_compl (finmap_chainx σ k)); first contradiction.
reflexivity. }
clear Hin. apply (findom_b (σ 1)). assumption.
Global Program Instance findom_cmetric : cmetric (K -f> V) := mkCMetr findom_lub.
......@@ -324,13 +365,11 @@ Section FinDom.
(* The nicest solution here would be to have a map on option... *)
Program Definition fdMapRaw (m : U -> V) : (K -f> U) -> (K -f> V) :=
fun f => mkFD (fdMap_pre m f) (findom f) _.
fun f => mkFDbound (fdMap_pre m f) (findom f) _.
Next Obligation.
unfold fdMap_pre. move=>k /=. split; move=> Hneq; destruct (f k) eqn:EQf.
unfold fdMap_pre. move=>k /= Hneq; destruct (f k) eqn:EQf.
- apply findom_b. rewrite EQf. discriminate.
- exfalso. now apply Hneq.
- discriminate.
- exfalso. apply findom_b in Hneq. rewrite EQf in Hneq. now apply Hneq.
Program Definition fdMapMorph (m : U -n> V) : (K -f> U) -n> (K -f> V) :=
......@@ -952,6 +991,24 @@ Section FinDom.
End Induction.
Section Compose.
Context {V : Type} `{eV : Setoid V}.
Context (op: option V -> option V -> option V).
Context {op_nongen: op None None = None}.
Program Definition fdCompose (f1 f2: K -f> V): K -f> V :=
mkFDbound (fun i => op (f1 i) (f2 i)) (findom f1 ++ findom f2) _.
Next Obligation.
move=>k /= Hin. apply in_app_iff.
destruct (f1 k) eqn:EQf1, (f2 k) eqn:EQf2.
- left. apply findom_b. rewrite EQf1. discriminate.
- left. apply findom_b. rewrite EQf1. discriminate.
- right. apply findom_b. rewrite EQf2. discriminate.
- contradiction.
End Compose.
End FinDom.
(*Arguments fdMap {K cT ord equ preo ord_part compK U V eqT mT cmT pTA pcmU eqT0 mT0 cmT0 pTA0 cmV} _.*)
......@@ -974,105 +1031,43 @@ Section RA.
| None , None => None
Global Program Instance ra_op_finprod : RA_op (I -f> S) :=
fun f1 f2 => mkFD (fun i => finprod_op (f1 i) (f2 i)) (findom f1 ++ findom f2) _.
Next Obligation.
rewrite /finprod_op. move=>i /=.
destruct (f1 i) as [s1|] eqn:EQf1; destruct (f2 i) as [s2|] eqn:EQf2; simpl; split; intros Hin; try apply in_app_iff; try discriminate.
- left. apply (findom_b f1). rewrite EQf1. discriminate.
- left. apply (findom_b f1). rewrite EQf1. discriminate.
- right. apply (findom_b f2). rewrite EQf2. discriminate.
- exfalso. now apply Hin.
- exfalso. apply in_app_iff in Hin. destruct Hin.
+ apply findom_b in EQf1; tauto.
+ apply findom_b in EQf2; tauto.
Global Instance ra_valid_finprod : RA_valid (I -f> S) := fun f => forall i s, f i == Some s -> ra_valid s.
fdCompose finprod_op.
Global Instance ra_valid_finprod : RA_valid (I -f> S) :=
fun f => forall i, match f i with Some s => ra_valid s | None => True end.
Global Instance ra_finprod : RA (I -f> S).
split; repeat intro.
- unfold ra_op, ra_op_finprod.
eapply opt_eq_iff => v.
split => /(fdComposeP').
+ move => [[v1 [v2 [Hv [Hx Hx0]]]]|[[Hx Hx0]|[Hx Hx0]]];
apply fdComposeP'.
* left. exists v1 v2; split; first (now auto); split; by rewrite -?H -?H0.
* right. left. split; by rewrite -?H -?H0.
* right. right. split; by rewrite -?H -?H0.
+ move => [[v1 [v2 [Hv [Hy Hy0]]]]|[[Hy Hy0]|[Hy Hy0]]];
apply fdComposeP'.
* left. exists v1 v2; split; first (now auto); split; by rewrite ?H ?H0.
* right. left. split; by rewrite ?H ?H0.
* right. right. split; by rewrite ?H ?H0.
- unfold ra_op, ra_op_finprod.
eapply opt_eq_iff => v.
split => /(fdComposeP').
+ move => [[v1 [v2 [Hv [Hx Hx0]]]]|[[Hx Hx0]|[Hx Hx0]]];
apply fdComposeP'.
* apply fdComposeP' in Hx0.
destruct Hx0 as [[v1' [v2' [Hv' [Hx' Hx'0]]]]|[[Hx' Hx'0]|[Hx' Hx'0]]].
{ left. exists (v1 · v1') v2'; split; last split; last auto.
- rewrite -ra_op_assoc Hv'. exact Hv.
- apply fdComposeP'. left. exists v1 v1'; repeat split; auto. reflexivity.
{ right. left. split; auto. apply fdComposeP'. left. eexists; now eauto. }
{ left. exists v1 v2; repeat split; auto.
apply fdComposeP'. now eauto. }
* apply fdComposePN' in Hx0. destruct Hx0.
right. left. split; last now auto.
apply fdComposeP'. now auto.
* apply fdComposeP' in Hx0.
destruct Hx0 as [[v1' [v2' [Hv' [Hx' Hx'0]]]]|[[Hx' Hx'0]|[Hx' Hx'0]]].
{ left. do 2!eexists; repeat split; [now eauto | | now eauto].
apply fdComposeP'. now eauto. }
{ right. left. split; auto; []. apply fdComposeP'. now eauto. }
{ right. right. split; [|assumption]. now apply fdComposePN'. }
+ move => [[v1 [v2 [Hv [Hy Hy0]]]]|[[Hy Hy0]|[Hy Hy0]]];
apply fdComposeP'.
* apply fdComposeP' in Hy.
destruct Hy as [[v1' [v2' [Hv' [Hy' Hy'0]]]]|[[Hy' Hy'0]|[Hy' Hy'0]]].
{ left. do 2!eexists; repeat split; [| |].
- rewrite <- Hv, <- Hv', -> ra_op_assoc. reflexivity.
- assumption.
- eapply fdComposeP'. left. do 2!eexists; split; eauto; []. reflexivity.
{ left. do 2!eexists; repeat split; [eassumption| assumption |].
eapply fdComposeP'. right; right. now eauto. }
{ right; right. split; first assumption. eapply fdComposeP'.
left; now eauto. }
* apply fdComposeP' in Hy.
destruct Hy as [[v1' [v2' [Hv' [Hy' Hy'0]]]]|[[Hy' Hy'0]|[Hy' Hy'0]]].
{ left. do 2!eexists; repeat split; [| |].
- exact Hv'.
- assumption.
- eapply fdComposeP'. now eauto.
{ right; left. split; first assumption. by eapply fdComposePN'. }
{ right; right. split; first assumption. eapply fdComposeP'.
right; left; now eauto. }
* apply fdComposePN' in Hy. destruct Hy.
right; right; split; first assumption. apply fdComposeP'. now eauto.
- apply opt_eq_iff => v.
split => /fdComposeP'; move => [[v1 [v2 [Hv [H1 H2]]]]|[[H1 H2]|[H1 H2]]];
apply fdComposeP'; try (now eauto);
rewrite -> ra_op_comm in Hv; left; do 2!eexists; repeat split; eauto.
- cut (forall v, (1 t · t) k == v <-> t k == v).
+ intros. specialize (H ((1 t · t) k)). symmetry. apply H. reflexivity.
+ move => [v|].
* split; [move => /fdComposeP'; move => [[v1 [v2 [Hv [[] //]]]]|[[[] //]|[H1 H2 //]]]|].
move=>Ht. apply fdComposeP'. by right; right.
* split; [move/fdComposePN' => [] //|move => ?; apply fdComposePN'; split; now auto].
- split; move => Hx k v Hy; apply (Hx k); by rewrite ?H // -?H.
- by exists (1 t') => k.
- split; move => Hx k v Hy; apply (Hx k); by rewrite ?H // -?H.
- split; move => Hx k v Hy; apply (Hx k); by rewrite ?H // -?H.
- case Hi: (t2 i) => [v|]; apply equivR in Hi.
+ apply (ra_op_valid (t2 := v)). apply (H i), fdComposeP'.
left; do 2!eexists; repeat split; eauto. reflexivity.
+ apply (H i). eapply fdComposeP'. by eauto.
- simpl. specialize (H k). specialize (H0 k).
destruct (x k), (y k), (x0 k), (y0 k); try contradiction; simpl; try reflexivity; try assumption; [].
simpl in H. simpl in H0. rewrite H H0. reflexivity.
- simpl. destruct (t1 k), (t2 k), (t3 k); try reflexivity; [].
simpl. rewrite assoc. reflexivity.
- simpl. destruct (t1 k), (t2 k); try reflexivity; [].
simpl. now rewrite comm.
- simpl. rewrite /fdMap_pre. destruct (t k); last reflexivity.
simpl. rewrite ra_op_unit. reflexivity.
- simpl. specialize (H k). rewrite /fdMap_pre.
destruct (x k), (y k); try (reflexivity || assumption); [].
simpl in H. simpl. rewrite H. reflexivity.
- pose (op := fun (os1 os2: option S) =>
match os1, os2 with
| Some s, Some s' => Some (proj1_sig (ra_unit_mono s s'))
| Some s, None => None
| None , Some s' => Some (ra_unit s')
| None , None => None end).
exists (fdCompose op (op_nongen := eq_refl) t t').
move=>k. simpl. rewrite /fdMap_pre /ra_op /=.
destruct (t k), (t' k); simpl; try (reflexivity || tauto); [].
move:(ra_unit_mono s s0)=>[t'' Heq] /=. assumption.
- simpl. rewrite /fdMap_pre /ra_unit /= /fdMap_pre.
destruct (t k); last reflexivity.
apply ra_unit_idem.
- split; rewrite /ra_valid /=; move =>Hval i; specialize (H i); specialize (Hval i); destruct (x i), (y i); try (contradiction || tauto); [|].
+ simpl in H. rewrite -H. assumption.
+ simpl in H. rewrite H. assumption.
- move:(H i)=>{H}. rewrite /=. destruct (t1 i), (t2 i); simpl; try tauto; [].
apply ra_op_valid.
(* The RA order on finmaps is the same as the fpfun order over the RA order *)
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