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Commit 66e157ff authored by Ralf Jung's avatar Ralf Jung
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complete the reordering proof

parent b30a6ce6
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......@@ -650,9 +650,6 @@ Module Type IRIS_CORE (RL : VIRA_T) (C : CORE_LANG) (R: IRIS_RES RL C) (WP: WORL
End Ownership.
(* People will need that *)
Definition wf_nat_ind := well_founded_induction Wf_nat.lt_wf.
......@@ -933,19 +933,19 @@ Section FinDom.
* simpl in EQf. rewrite EQf. reflexivity.
* reflexivity.
+ reflexivity.
- move=>k k' EQk v1 v2 EQv. subst k'. rewrite /fdFold'Inner.
destruct (f2 k); last assumption. rewrite EQv. reflexivity.
- move=>v1 v2 t. rewrite /fdFold'Inner /=.
destruct (f2 v1), (f2 v2); try reflexivity; [].
apply Tstep_comm.
- split; last split.
+ apply dom_nodup.
+ apply dom_nodup.
+ move=>k. rewrite !fdLookup_in_strong. specialize (EQf k).
destruct (f1 k), (f2 k); try contradiction; last tauto; [].
split; discriminate.
- move=>v1 v2 t. rewrite /fdFold'Inner /=.
destruct (f2 v1), (f2 v2); try reflexivity; [].
apply Tstep_comm.
Print Assumptions fdFoldExtP.
End FoldExtPerm.
End FoldMorph.
Require Import Ssreflect.ssreflect.
Require Import CSetoid List ListSet.
Set Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs".
(* Stuff about lists that ought to be in the stdlib... *)
Lemma NoDup_app3 {T} (l1 l2 l3: list T):
NoDup (l1 ++ l2 ++ l3) -> NoDup (l2 ++ l1 ++ l3).
......@@ -103,6 +105,39 @@ Section FilterDup.
revert Hndup. clear. change (NoDup(dupes ++ [a] ++ l) -> NoDup ([a] ++ dupes ++ l)).
eapply NoDup_app3.
Lemma filter_dupes_ext dupes1 dupes2 l:
(forall k, k dupes1 <-> k dupes2) ->
filter_dupes dupes1 l = filter_dupes dupes2 l.
revert dupes1 dupes2. induction l; intros ? ? Heq.
- reflexivity.
- simpl. destruct (set_mem dec_eq a dupes1) eqn:EQsm.
+ apply set_mem_correct1 in EQsm. apply Heq in EQsm.
eapply set_mem_correct2 in EQsm. erewrite EQsm.
now apply IHl.
+ apply set_mem_complete1 in EQsm. unfold set_In in EQsm.
rewrite ->Heq in EQsm.
eapply set_mem_complete2 in EQsm. erewrite EQsm.
f_equal. apply IHl. move=>k. simpl.
specialize (Heq k). tauto.
Lemma filter_dupes_redundant dupes l a:
~a l ->
filter_dupes (a::dupes) l = filter_dupes dupes l.
revert dupes. induction l; intros dupes Hnin; simpl.
- reflexivity.
- destruct (dec_eq a0 a) as [EQ|NEQ].
{ exfalso. subst. apply Hnin. left. reflexivity. }
destruct (set_mem dec_eq a0 dupes) eqn:EQsm.
{ apply IHl. move=>Hin. apply Hnin. right. assumption. }
f_equal. etransitivity; last first.
+ eapply IHl. move=>Hin. apply Hnin. right. assumption.
+ apply filter_dupes_ext. move=>k. simpl. tauto.
End FilterDup.
Section Fold.
......@@ -137,23 +172,59 @@ Section Fold.
End FoldExt.
Section FoldPerm.
Context (op: V -> T -> T) {op_proper: Proper (eq ==> eqT ==> eqT) op}.
Context {eqV: DecEq V}.
Definition NoDup_Perm (l1 l2: list V): Prop :=
NoDup l1 /\ NoDup l2 /\ (forall v, v l1 <-> v l2).
Lemma NoDup_Perm_len l1 l2:
NoDup_Perm l1 l2 -> length l1 = length l2.
Context (op: V -> T -> T) {op_proper: Proper (eq ==> eqT ==> eqT) op}.
Context (op_comm: forall v1 v2, forall t, eqT (compose (op v1) (op v2) t) (compose (op v2) (op v1) t)).
Lemma fold_tofront (l: list V) a (t1: T):
NoDup l -> a l ->
eqT (fold_right op t1 (a::filter_dupes [a] l)) (fold_right op t1 l).
revert l2. induction l1; induction l2; intros [Hnod1 [Hnod2 Heq]]; admit.
induction l; intros Hnod Hin.
- exfalso. apply Hin.
- simpl. destruct (dec_eq a0 a) as [EQ|NEQ].
+ subst a. apply op_proper; first reflexivity.
rewrite filter_dupes_id; first reflexivity.
+ simpl. etransitivity; first now eapply op_comm.
simpl. apply op_proper; first reflexivity.
assert (Heq: filter_dupes [a0; a] l = filter_dupes [a] l).
{ apply filter_dupes_redundant. inversion Hnod; subst; assumption. }
rewrite Heq. eapply IHl.
* inversion Hnod; subst; assumption.
* destruct Hin; last assumption. contradiction.
Lemma fold_perm (l1 l2: list V) (t1: T):
NoDup_Perm l1 l2 ->
(forall v1 v2, forall t, eqT (compose (op v1) (op v2) t) (compose (op v2) (op v1) t)) ->
eqT (fold_right op t1 l1) (fold_right op t1 l2).
revert l2. induction l1; intros l2 Hnodp;
move:(Hnodp)=>[Hnod1 [Hnod2 Heq]].
- destruct l2 as [|a l2]; first reflexivity.
exfalso. destruct (Heq a) as [_ Hin]. apply Hin.
left. reflexivity.
- simpl.
assert (Hin2: a l2).
{ apply Heq. left. reflexivity. }
etransitivity; last first.
+ eapply fold_tofront; eassumption.
+ simpl. apply op_proper; first reflexivity.
apply IHl1. split; last split; last split.
* inversion Hnod1; subst; assumption.
* apply filter_dupes_nodup.
* move=>Hin. apply filter_dupes_in.
{ move=>[EQ|[]].
inversion Hnod1; subst. contradiction. }
apply Heq. right. assumption.
* move=>Hin. apply filter_dupes_isin in Hin.
destruct Hin as [Hneq Hin]. apply Heq in Hin.
destruct Hin as [EQ|?]; last assumption.
subst a. exfalso. apply Hneq. now left.
End FoldPerm.
End Fold.
......@@ -20,5 +20,7 @@ Ltac split_conjs := repeat (match goal with [ |- _ /\ _ ] => split end).
(* TODO RJ: Is this already defined somewhere? *)
Class DecEq (T : Type) := dec_eq : forall (t1 t2: T), {t1 = t2} + {t1 <> t2}.
(* Well-founded induction. *)
Definition wf_nat_ind := well_founded_induction Wf_nat.lt_wf.
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