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Commit 93a88ce7 authored by Johannes Kloos's avatar Johannes Kloos
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Simplified the correctness proof of generic_fresh.

parent 3a262d02
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......@@ -308,64 +308,51 @@ Section Fresh.
apply relfg.
Global Instance fresh_generic: Fresh A C | 20 :=
λ s, Fix collection_wf (const (nat A)) fresh_generic_body s 0.
Definition fresh_generic_fix := Fix collection_wf (const (nat A)) fresh_generic_body.
Lemma fresh_generic_fixpoint_unfold s n:
fresh_generic_fix s n = fresh_generic_body s (λ s' _ n, fresh_generic_fix s' n) n.
apply (Fix_unfold_rel collection_wf (const (nat A)) (const (pointwise_relation nat (=)))
fresh_generic_body fresh_generic_body_proper s n).
Lemma fresh_generic_fixpoint_spec s n:
m, n m fresh_generic_fix s n = inject m inject m s i, n i < m inject i s.
revert n.
induction s as [s IH] using (well_founded_ind collection_wf); intro.
setoid_rewrite fresh_generic_fixpoint_unfold; unfold fresh_generic_body.
destruct decide as [case|case].
- destruct (IH _ (subset_difference_in case) (S n)) as [m [mbound [eqfix [notin inbelow]]]].
exists m; repeat split; auto.
+ omega.
+ rewrite not_elem_of_difference, elem_of_singleton in notin.
destruct notin as [?|?%inject_injective]; auto; omega.
+ intros i ibound.
destruct (decide (i = n)) as [<-|neq]; auto.
enough (inject i s {[inject n]}) by set_solver.
apply inbelow; omega.
- exists n; repeat split; auto.
intros; omega.
Global Instance fresh_generic: Fresh A C | 20 := λ s, fresh_generic_fix s 0.
Global Instance fresh_generic_spec: FreshSpec A C.
assert (unfold: s n,
Fix collection_wf (const (nat A)) fresh_generic_body s n =
fresh_generic_body s
(λ s' _ n, Fix collection_wf (const (nat A)) fresh_generic_body s' n)
{ intros.
apply (Fix_unfold_rel collection_wf (const (nat A)) (const (pointwise_relation nat (=)))
fresh_generic_body fresh_generic_body_proper s n). }
- apply _.
- unfold fresh, fresh_generic.
intro X.
generalize 0 as n.
induction X as [X IH] using (well_founded_ind collection_wf).
intros n Y eqXY.
rewrite (unfold X n), (unfold Y n).
unfold fresh_generic_body at 1 3.
destruct decide as [case|case], decide as [case'|case'].
2,3: specialize (eqXY (inject n)); tauto.
2: done.
erewrite (IH (X {[inject n]})).
+ done.
+ by apply subset_difference_in.
+ by intro; rewrite !elem_of_difference, eqXY.
- unfold fresh, fresh_generic.
intro X.
generalize 0 as n.
induction X as [X IH] using (well_founded_ind collection_wf).
rewrite unfold; unfold fresh_generic_body at 1.
destruct decide as [case|case].
2: done.
specialize (IH _ (subset_difference_in case) (S n)).
rewrite not_elem_of_difference in IH.
destruct IH as [?|contra].
1: done.
clear case.
assert ( Y n, m, Fix collection_wf (const (nat A))
fresh_generic_body Y n = inject m n m)
as candidates.
{ clear X n contra.
induction Y as [Y IH] using (well_founded_ind collection_wf).
setoid_rewrite unfold; unfold fresh_generic_body at 1.
destruct decide as [case|case].
{ destruct (IH _ (subset_difference_in case) (S n)) as [m [eqx bound]].
exists m; split; auto with arith. }
{ exists n; auto. } }
revert contra.
destruct (candidates (X {[ inject n ]}) (S n)) as [m [-> bound]].
rewrite elem_of_singleton; intro eqinj.
enough (n = m) by lia.
apply inject_injective; by rewrite eqinj.
- intros * eqXY.
unfold fresh, fresh_generic.
destruct (fresh_generic_fixpoint_spec X 0) as [mX [_ [-> [notinX belowinX]]]].
destruct (fresh_generic_fixpoint_spec Y 0) as [mY [_ [-> [notinY belowinY]]]].
destruct (Nat.lt_trichotomy mX mY) as [case|[->|case]]; auto.
+ contradict notinX; rewrite eqXY; apply belowinY; omega.
+ contradict notinY; rewrite <- eqXY; apply belowinX; omega.
- intro.
unfold fresh, fresh_generic.
destruct (fresh_generic_fixpoint_spec X 0) as [m [_ [-> [notinX belowinX]]]]; auto.
End Fresh.
End fin_collection.
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