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Commit e62bc0db authored by Jonas Kastberg's avatar Jonas Kastberg
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parent 2ce7a89e
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......@@ -23,23 +23,49 @@ Section with_Σ.
ProtoUnfold (mapper_prot) (mapper_prot_aux mapper_prot).
Proof. apply proto_unfold_eq, (fixpoint_unfold mapper_prot_aux). Qed.
Definition map_once prot :=
Definition send_once prot :=
(<!> MSG (LitV $ true);
<! (x : T) (v : val)> MSG v {{ IT x v }};
<? (w : val)> MSG w {{ IU (f x) w }};
prot x)%proto.
Definition recv_once prot x :=
(<? (w : val)> MSG w {{ IU (f x) w }};
Lemma map_once_mono prot1 prot2 :
(prot1 prot2) -∗ map_once prot1 map_once prot2.
Definition map_once prot :=
(send_once $ recv_once $ prot).
Lemma send_once_mono prot1 prot2 :
( x, prot1 x prot2 x) -∗ send_once prot1 send_once prot2.
iIntros "Hsub".
rewrite /map_once.
iIntros (x v) "Hv". iExists x, v. iFrame "Hv". iModIntro.
iApply "Hsub".
Global Instance send_once_from_modal p1 p2 :
FromModal (modality_instances.modality_laterN 1) ( x, p1 x p2 x)
((send_once p1) (send_once p2)) ( x, p1 x p2 x).
Proof. apply send_once_mono. Qed.
Lemma recv_once_mono prot1 prot2 x :
(prot1 prot2) -∗ recv_once prot1 x recv_once prot2 x.
iIntros "Hsub".
iIntros (w) "Hw". iExists w. iFrame "Hw". iModIntro.
iApply "Hsub".
Global Instance recv_once_from_modal p1 p2 x :
FromModal (modality_instances.modality_laterN 1) (p1 p2)
((recv_once p1 x) (recv_once p2 x)) (p1 p2).
Proof. apply recv_once_mono. Qed.
Lemma map_once_mono prot1 prot2 :
(prot1 prot2) -∗ map_once prot1 map_once prot2.
Proof. iIntros "Hsub". iModIntro. iIntros (x). iModIntro. eauto. Qed.
Global Instance map_once_from_modal p1 p2 :
FromModal (modality_instances.modality_laterN 1) (p1 p2)
((map_once p1) (map_once p2)) (p1 p2).
......@@ -85,8 +111,7 @@ Section with_Σ.
iApply iProto_le_trans.
{ iApply subprot_twice. }
iIntros (x1 v1) "Hv1". iExists x1, v1. iFrame "Hv1". iModIntro.
iModIntro. iIntros (x1).
iIntros (w1) "Hw1".
iApply iProto_le_trans.
{ iApply iProto_le_base_swap. }
......@@ -117,17 +142,14 @@ Section with_Σ.
iApply iProto_le_trans.
{ iApply subprot_twice_swap. }
rewrite /mapper_prot_twice_swap /mapper_prot_twice_swap_end.
iIntros (x1 v1) "Hv1". iExists x1, v1. iFrame "Hv1". iModIntro.
iIntros (x2 v2) "Hv2". iExists x2, v2. iFrame "Hv2". iModIntro.
iIntros "!>" (x1).
iIntros "!>" (x2).
iApply iProto_le_trans.
{ iIntros (w1) "Hw1". iExists w1. iSplitL. iExact "Hw1". iModIntro.
iIntros (w2) "Hw2". iExists w2. iSplitL. iExact "Hw2". iModIntro.
{ iModIntro. iModIntro.
rewrite /mapper_prot fixpoint_unfold /mapper_prot_aux /iProto_choice.
iExists false. iApply iProto_le_refl. }
iApply iProto_le_trans.
{ iIntros (w1) "Hw1". iExists w1. iSplitL. iExact "Hw1". iModIntro.
{ iModIntro.
iIntros (w2) "Hw2".
iApply iProto_le_trans.
{ iApply iProto_le_base_swap. }
......@@ -197,19 +219,19 @@ Section with_Σ.
Lemma subprot_n_n_swap n xs prot :
(recv_list xs (mapper_prot_n n prot)) mapper_prot_n_swap n (rev xs) prot.
iInduction n as [|n] "IHn" forall (xs) => //.
iInduction n as [|n] "IHn" forall (xs) => //=.
- iInduction xs as [|x xs] "IHxs"=> //=.
rewrite rev_unit /= rev_involutive.
iIntros (w1) "Hw1". iExists w1. iFrame "Hw1". iModIntro. iApply "IHxs".
- simpl.
iApply iProto_le_trans.
- iApply iProto_le_trans.
{ iApply recv_list_fwd. }
(* iModIntro. *)
iApply (iProto_le_trans _
(<! (x : T) (v : val)> MSG v {{ IT x v }};
(<!> MSG LitV $ true ; <! (x : T) (v : val)> MSG v {{ IT x v }};
recv_list xs (<? (w : val)> MSG w {{
IU (f x) w }}; mapper_prot_n n prot))%proto).
{ iInduction xs as [|x xs] "IHxs"=> //.
{ iModIntro.
iInduction xs as [|x xs] "IHxs"=> //.
iIntros (w) "Hw".
iApply iProto_le_trans.
{ iModIntro. iApply "IHxs". }
......@@ -220,7 +242,7 @@ Section with_Σ.
{ iApply iProto_le_base_swap. }
iModIntro. iExists w. iFrame "Hw". eauto.
iIntros (x v) "Hv". iExists x,v. iFrame "Hv". iModIntro.
iIntros "!>" (x).
rewrite -(rev_unit xs x).
iApply (iProto_le_trans); last first.
{ iApply "IHn". }
......@@ -235,9 +257,8 @@ Section with_Σ.
iApply iProto_le_trans.
{ iApply (subprot_n n). }
iInduction n as [|n] "IHn"=> //=.
iIntros (x1 v1) "Hv1". iExists x1, v1. iFrame "Hv1". iModIntro.
iApply (subprot_n_n_swap n [x1]).
iIntros "!>" (x).
iApply (subprot_n_n_swap n [x]).
Fixpoint mapper_prot_n_swap_fwd n xs prot :=
......@@ -257,9 +278,7 @@ Section with_Σ.
rewrite /mapper_prot fixpoint_unfold /mapper_prot_aux /iProto_choice.
iExists false. iApply iProto_le_refl. }
iApply recv_list_fwd.
- iModIntro.
iIntros (x1 v1) "Hv1". iExists x1, v1. iFrame "Hv1". iModIntro.
iApply "IHn".
- iIntros "!>" (x). iApply "IHn".
Lemma subprot_n_swap_end n :
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