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Commit d1b61e1f authored by Jonas Kastberg's avatar Jonas Kastberg
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Closed type checking of polymorphic mapper example

parent 4c440db6
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From actris.logrel Require Import subtyping_rules term_typing_rules.
From Require Import proofmode.
Section mapper_example.
Context `{heapG Σ, chanG Σ}.
......@@ -24,99 +23,68 @@ Section mapper_example.
Γ mapper_client : lty_chan (mapper_client_type) lty_bool.
iApply (ltyped_frame _ [] []).
iApply (ltyped_lam []); simpl. iApply ltyped_weaken_post. iApply ltyped_let.
iApply (ltyped_lam []); simpl.
iApply ltyped_post_nil. iApply ltyped_let.
{ iApply ltyped_send; last first.
{ iApply (ltyped_lam []); simpl. iApply ltyped_weaken_post.
{ iApply (ltyped_lam []); simpl. iApply ltyped_post_nil.
iApply ltyped_bin_op; [by iApply ltyped_var|]. by iApply ltyped_int. }
done. }
simpl. iApply ltyped_let.
iApply ltyped_let.
{ by iApply ltyped_send; [|by iApply ltyped_int]. }
simpl. by iApply ltyped_recv.
by iApply ltyped_recv.
(** Recursion and Swapping *)
Lemma lty_le_rec_unfold_l {k} (C : lty Σ k → lty Σ k) `{!Contractive C} :
⊢ lty_rec C <: C (lty_rec C).
Proof. iApply lty_le_l. iApply lty_le_rec_unfold. iApply lty_le_refl. Qed.
Definition mapper_client_type_swap (rec : lsty Σ) : lsty Σ :=
<!!> TY (lty_int lty_bool); <!!> TY lty_int;
<!!> TY (lty_int lty_bool); <!!> TY lty_int;
<??> TY lty_bool; <??> TY lty_bool; rec.
Definition mapper_client_rec : expr := λ: "c",
Definition mapper_client_twice : expr := λ: "c",
send "c" (λ: "x", #9000 < "x");; send "c" #42;;
send "c" (λ: "x", #4500 < "x");; send "c" #20;;
let: "x" := recv "c" in
let: "y" := recv "c" in
Lemma mapper_client_rec_typed Γ :
⊢ Γ ⊨ mapper_client_rec :
Lemma mapper_client_twice_typed Γ :
Γ mapper_client_twice :
lty_chan (mapper_client_rec_type) (lty_bool * lty_bool).
iApply (ltyped_frame _ [] []).
iApply (ltyped_lam []); simpl. iApply ltyped_weaken_post. iApply ltyped_let.
{ iApply env_split_id_l. }
2: { iApply env_split_id_l. }
iApply (ltyped_subsumption _ _ _((lty_chan (mapper_client_type_swap mapper_client_rec_type)) ⊸ _)).
{ iApply lty_le_arr.
- iNext. iApply lty_le_chan. iNext.
iApply lty_le_trans. iApply lty_le_rec_unfold_l.
iModIntro. iModIntro.
iApply lty_le_trans.
{ iModIntro. iApply lty_le_rec_unfold_l. }
iApply lty_le_trans. iApply lty_le_swap_recv_send. iModIntro.
iApply lty_le_trans. iApply lty_le_swap_recv_send. iModIntro.
- iApply lty_le_refl. }
iApply ltyped_lam.
{ iApply env_split_id_r. }
iApply ltyped_let.
{ iApply ltyped_send. apply lookup_insert.
iApply (ltyped_frame _ _ _ _ {["c":=_]}).
{ iApply env_split_id_l. }
{ iApply ltyped_lam.
{ iApply env_split_id_r. }
iApply ltyped_bin_op.
- iApply ltyped_var. apply lookup_insert.
- iApply ltyped_int. }
{ iApply env_split_id_l. } }
rewrite insert_insert /=.
iApply ltyped_let.
{ iApply ltyped_send. apply lookup_insert. iApply ltyped_int. }
rewrite insert_insert /=.
iApply ltyped_let.
{ iApply ltyped_send. apply lookup_insert.
iApply (ltyped_frame _ _ _ _ (<["c":=_]>∅)).
{ iApply env_split_id_l. }
{ iApply ltyped_lam.
{ iApply env_split_id_r. }
iApply ltyped_bin_op.
- iApply ltyped_var. apply lookup_insert.
- iApply ltyped_int. }
{ iApply env_split_id_l. } }
rewrite insert_insert /=.
iApply ltyped_let.
{ iApply ltyped_send. apply lookup_insert.
iApply ltyped_int. }
rewrite insert_insert /=.
iApply ltyped_let.
{ iApply ltyped_recv. apply lookup_insert. }
rewrite insert_insert /=.
iApply ltyped_let.
{ iApply ltyped_recv=> //. }
iApply ltyped_pair.
- iApply ltyped_var. apply lookup_insert.
- rewrite insert_insert.
rewrite (insert_commute _ "c" "x") //=.
rewrite insert_insert.
iApply (ltyped_frame _ _ _ _ {["y":=_]}).
{ iApply env_split_right=> //=. iApply env_split_id_r. }
iApply ltyped_var. apply lookup_insert.
iApply env_split_right=> //; last by iApply env_split_id_r=> //=. eauto.
iApply (ltyped_subsumption _ _ _ _ _ _
((lty_chan (mapper_client_type_swap mapper_client_rec_type)) _)%lty);
[ iApply env_le_refl | | iApply env_le_refl | ].
{ iApply lty_le_arr; [ | iApply lty_le_refl ].
iApply lty_le_chan.
iApply lty_le_l; [ iApply lty_le_rec_unfold | ].
iIntros "!>!>!>!>".
iApply lty_le_trans.
{ iApply lty_le_recv; [ iApply lty_le_refl | ].
iApply lty_le_l; [ iApply lty_le_rec_unfold | iApply lty_le_refl ]. }
iApply lty_le_trans; [ iApply lty_le_swap_recv_send | ].
iIntros "!>".
iApply lty_le_trans; [ iApply lty_le_swap_recv_send | ].
iIntros "!>".
iApply lty_le_refl. }
iApply (ltyped_lam []).
iApply ltyped_seq.
{ iApply (ltyped_send _ [EnvItem "c" _]); [ done | ].
iApply (ltyped_lam []). iApply ltyped_post_nil.
iApply ltyped_bin_op;
[ by iApply ltyped_var | iApply ltyped_int ]. }
iApply ltyped_seq.
{ iApply (ltyped_send _ [EnvItem "c" _]); [ done | iApply ltyped_int ]. }
iApply ltyped_seq.
{ iApply (ltyped_send _ [EnvItem "c" _]); [ done | ].
iApply (ltyped_lam []). iApply ltyped_post_nil.
iApply ltyped_bin_op;
[ by iApply ltyped_var | iApply ltyped_int ]. }
iApply ltyped_seq.
{ iApply (ltyped_send _ [EnvItem "c" _]); [ done | iApply ltyped_int ]. }
iApply ltyped_post_nil.
iApply ltyped_let; [ by iApply ltyped_recv | ].
iApply ltyped_let; [ by iApply ltyped_recv | ].
iApply ltyped_pair; [ by iApply ltyped_var | by iApply ltyped_var ].
Definition mapper_client_type_poly_aux (rec : lsty Σ) : lsty Σ :=
......@@ -134,84 +102,55 @@ Section mapper_example.
<!!> TY (lty_bool lty_int); <!!> TY lty_bool;
<??> TY lty_bool; <??> TY lty_int; rec.
Definition mapper_client_rec_poly : expr := λ: "c",
Definition mapper_client_twice_poly : expr := λ: "c",
send "c" (λ: "x", #9000 < "x");; send "c" #42;;
send "c" (λ: "x", if: #true then #1 else #0);; send "c" #true;;
let: "x" := recv "c" in
let: "y" := recv "c" in
Lemma mapper_client_rec_poly_typed Γ :
⊢ Γ ⊨ mapper_client_rec_poly :
Lemma mapper_client_twice_poly_typed Γ :
Γ mapper_client_twice_poly :
(lty_chan (mapper_client_rec_type_poly) (lty_bool * lty_int))%lty Γ.
iApply (ltyped_frame _ _ _ _ Γ).
{ iApply env_split_id_l. }
2: { iApply env_split_id_l. }
iApply (ltyped_subsumption _ _ _
((lty_chan (mapper_client_type_poly_swap mapper_client_rec_type_poly)) ⊸ _)).
{ iApply lty_le_arr.
- iNext. iApply lty_le_chan. iNext.
iApply lty_le_trans. iApply lty_le_rec_unfold_l.
rewrite /mapper_client_type_poly_aux.
rewrite /mapper_client_type_poly_swap.
iExists lty_int, lty_bool.
iModIntro. iModIntro.
iApply lty_le_trans.
{ iModIntro. iApply lty_le_rec_unfold_l. }
iApply lty_le_trans; last first.
{ iModIntro. iApply lty_le_swap_recv_send. }
iApply lty_le_trans; last first.
{ iApply lty_le_swap_recv_send. }
iExists lty_bool, lty_int.
iApply lty_le_refl.
- iApply lty_le_refl. }
iApply ltyped_lam.
{ iApply env_split_id_r. }
iApply ltyped_let.
{ iApply ltyped_send. apply lookup_insert.
iApply (ltyped_frame _ _ _ _ {["c":=_]}).
{ iApply env_split_id_l. }
{ iApply ltyped_lam.
{ iApply env_split_id_r. }
iApply ltyped_bin_op.
- iApply ltyped_var. apply lookup_insert.
- iApply ltyped_int. }
{ iApply env_split_id_l. } }
rewrite insert_insert /=.
iApply ltyped_let.
{ iApply ltyped_send. apply lookup_insert.
iApply ltyped_int. }
rewrite insert_insert /=.
iApply ltyped_let.
{ iApply ltyped_send. apply lookup_insert.
iApply (ltyped_frame _ _ _ _ (<["c":=_]>∅)).
{ iApply env_split_id_l. }
{ iApply ltyped_lam.
{ iApply env_split_id_r. }
iApply ltyped_if.
- iApply ltyped_bool.
- iApply ltyped_int.
- iApply ltyped_int. }
{ iApply env_split_id_l. } }
rewrite insert_insert /=.
iApply ltyped_let.
{ iApply ltyped_send. apply lookup_insert. iApply ltyped_bool. }
rewrite insert_insert /=.
iApply ltyped_let.
{ iApply ltyped_recv. apply lookup_insert. }
rewrite insert_insert /=.
iApply ltyped_let.
{ iApply ltyped_recv=> //. }
iApply ltyped_pair.
- iApply ltyped_var. apply lookup_insert.
- rewrite insert_insert. rewrite (insert_commute _ "c" "x") //=.
rewrite insert_insert.
iApply (ltyped_frame _ _ _ _ {["y":=_]}).
{ iApply env_split_right=> //=. iApply env_split_id_r. }
iApply ltyped_var. apply lookup_insert.
iApply env_split_right=> //; last by iApply env_split_id_r=> //=. eauto.
iApply (ltyped_subsumption _ _ _ _ _ _
((lty_chan (mapper_client_type_poly_swap mapper_client_rec_type_poly))
[ iApply env_le_refl | | iApply env_le_refl | ].
{ iApply lty_le_arr; [ | iApply lty_le_refl ].
iApply lty_le_chan.
iApply lty_le_l; [ iApply lty_le_rec_unfold | ].
iExists lty_int, lty_bool.
iIntros "!>!>!>!>".
iApply lty_le_trans.
{ iApply lty_le_recv; [ iApply lty_le_refl | ].
iApply lty_le_l; [ iApply lty_le_rec_unfold | iApply lty_le_refl ]. }
iApply lty_le_trans.
{ iIntros "!>". iExists lty_bool, lty_int. iApply lty_le_refl. }
iApply lty_le_trans; [ iApply lty_le_swap_recv_send | ].
iIntros "!>".
iApply lty_le_trans; [ iApply lty_le_swap_recv_send | ].
iIntros "!>".
iApply lty_le_refl. }
iApply (ltyped_lam []).
iApply ltyped_seq.
{ iApply (ltyped_send _ [EnvItem "c" _]); [ done | ].
iApply (ltyped_lam []). iApply ltyped_post_nil.
iApply ltyped_bin_op;
[ by iApply ltyped_var | iApply ltyped_int ]. }
iApply ltyped_seq.
{ iApply (ltyped_send _ [EnvItem "c" _]); [ done | iApply ltyped_int ]. }
iApply ltyped_seq.
{ iApply (ltyped_send _ [EnvItem "c" _]); [ done | ].
iApply (ltyped_lam []). iApply ltyped_post_nil.
iApply ltyped_if;
[ iApply ltyped_bool | iApply ltyped_int | iApply ltyped_int ]. }
iApply ltyped_seq.
{ iApply (ltyped_send _ [EnvItem "c" _]); [ done | iApply ltyped_bool ]. }
iApply ltyped_post_nil.
iApply ltyped_let; [ by iApply ltyped_recv | ].
iApply ltyped_let; [ by iApply ltyped_recv | ].
iApply ltyped_pair; [ by iApply ltyped_var | by iApply ltyped_var ].
(** Service typing *)
......@@ -226,33 +165,16 @@ Section mapper_example.
Lemma mapper_service_typed Γ :
Γ mapper_service : (lty_chan (mapper_service_type) (lty_chan END))%lty Γ.
iApply (ltyped_frame _ _ _ _ Γ).
{ iApply env_split_id_l. }
2: { iApply env_split_id_l. }
iApply ltyped_lam.
{ iApply env_split_id_r. }
iApply ltyped_let.
{ iApply ltyped_recv. by rewrite lookup_insert. }
rewrite insert_insert /=.
iApply ltyped_let.
{ iApply ltyped_recv. by rewrite insert_commute // lookup_insert. }
rewrite (insert_commute _ "c" "f") // insert_insert.
iApply ltyped_let=> /=; last first.
{ iApply ltyped_var. apply lookup_insert. }
iApply ltyped_send. apply lookup_insert.
rewrite (insert_commute _ "f" "c") // (insert_commute _ "v" "c") //.
iApply (ltyped_frame _ _ _ _ {["c":=_]}).
{ iApply env_split_right=> //. iApply env_split_id_r. }
{ iApply ltyped_app.
- iApply ltyped_var. apply lookup_insert.
- rewrite insert_insert.
iApply (ltyped_frame _ _ _ _ {["v":=_]}).
{ iApply env_split_right=> //. iApply env_split_id_r. }
{ iApply ltyped_var. apply lookup_insert. }
{ iApply env_split_right=> //; last by iApply env_split_id_r. eauto. }
{ iApply env_split_right=> //; last by iApply env_split_id_r. eauto. }
iApply (ltyped_lam []). iApply ltyped_post_nil.
iApply ltyped_let; [ by iApply ltyped_recv | ].
iApply ltyped_let; [ by iApply ltyped_recv | ].
iApply ltyped_seq.
{ iApply (ltyped_send _ [EnvItem "f" _; EnvItem "v" _; EnvItem "c" _]);
[ done | ].
iApply ltyped_app; [ by iApply ltyped_var | ]=> /=.
rewrite !(Permutation_swap (EnvItem "f" _)).
by iApply ltyped_var. }
by iApply ltyped_var.
End mapper_example.
......@@ -165,6 +165,17 @@ Section properties.
iApply env_ltyped_app. iFrame "HΓ2eq". by iApply env_ltyped_delete.
Lemma ltyped_seq Γ1 Γ2 Γ3 e1 e2 A B :
(Γ1 e1 : A Γ2) -∗
(Γ2 e2 : B Γ3) -∗
Γ1 (e1 ;; e2) : B Γ3.
iIntros "#He1 #He2 !>". iIntros (vs) "HΓ1 /=".
wp_apply (wp_wand with "(He1 HΓ1)"); iIntros (v) "[_ HΓ2]". wp_pures.
wp_apply (wp_wand with "(He2 HΓ2)"); iIntros (w) "[HB HΓ3]". wp_pures.
iFrame "HB HΓ3".
(** Product properties *)
Lemma ltyped_pair Γ1 Γ2 Γ3 e1 e2 A1 A2 :
(Γ1 e2 : A2 Γ2) -∗ (Γ2 e1 : A1 Γ3) -∗
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