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Commit c71872d3 authored by Jonas Kastberg's avatar Jonas Kastberg
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Added some documentation

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A mechanisation of a binary variant of the subtyping example on page 23 of the paper:
A mechanisation of a binary variant of the subtyping
example on page 23 of the paper:
"On the Preciseness of Subtyping in Session Types"
(** This file contains an example of a client for a mapper service
with the type:
μ rec. ? (X,Y:★) (X ⊸ Y). ?X. !Y. rec
It shows increasingly complicating uses of the service,
employing swapping and polymorphism to send multiple function
and values of different types, before requesting the results.
From actris.logrel Require Import term_typing_rules session_typing_rules.
From Require Import proofmode.
Section mapper_example.
Context `{heapG Σ, chanG Σ}.
(** Client typing *)
(** Client type as dual of service type *)
Definition mapper_client_type_aux (rec : lsty Σ) : lsty Σ :=
<!!> TY (lty_int lty_bool); <!!> TY lty_int; <??> TY lty_bool; rec.
Definition mapper_client_type : lsty Σ :=
......@@ -14,6 +23,7 @@ Section mapper_example.
Definition mapper_client_rec_type : lsty Σ :=
lty_rec mapper_client_type_aux.
(** Client that uses the service once *)
Definition mapper_client : expr := λ: "c",
send "c" (λ: "x", #9000 < "x");;
send "c" #42;;
......@@ -34,7 +44,7 @@ Section mapper_example.
by iApply ltyped_recv.
(** Recursion and Swapping *)
(** Client that uses the service twice, using recursion and swapping *)
Definition mapper_client_type_swap (rec : lsty Σ) : lsty Σ :=
<!!> TY (lty_int lty_bool); <!!> TY lty_int;
<!!> TY (lty_int lty_bool); <!!> TY lty_int;
......@@ -87,13 +97,13 @@ Section mapper_example.
iApply ltyped_pair; [ by iApply ltyped_var | by iApply ltyped_var ].
(** Client that also make use of polymorphism, to send
different types *)
Definition mapper_client_type_poly_aux (rec : lsty Σ) : lsty Σ :=
<!! X Y> TY (X Y); <!!> TY X; <??> TY Y; rec.
Instance mapper_client_type_poly_contractive :
Contractive mapper_client_type_poly_aux.
Proof. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
Definition mapper_client_rec_type_poly : lsty Σ :=
lty_rec mapper_client_type_poly_aux.
......@@ -153,28 +163,4 @@ Section mapper_example.
iApply ltyped_pair; [ by iApply ltyped_var | by iApply ltyped_var ].
(** Service typing *)
Definition mapper_service_type : lsty Σ :=
<??> TY (lty_int lty_bool); <??> TY lty_int; <!!> TY lty_bool; END.
Definition mapper_service : expr := λ: "c",
let: "f" := recv "c" in
let: "v" := recv "c" in
send "c" ("f" "v");; "c".
Lemma mapper_service_typed Γ :
Γ mapper_service : (lty_chan (mapper_service_type) (lty_chan END))%lty Γ.
iApply (ltyped_lam []). iApply ltyped_post_nil.
iApply ltyped_let; [ by iApply ltyped_recv | ].
iApply ltyped_let; [ by iApply ltyped_recv | ].
iApply ltyped_seq.
{ iApply (ltyped_send _ [EnvItem "f" _; EnvItem "v" _; EnvItem "c" _]);
[ done | ].
iApply ltyped_app; [ by iApply ltyped_var | ]=> /=.
rewrite !(Permutation_swap (EnvItem "f" _)).
by iApply ltyped_var. }
by iApply ltyped_var.
End mapper_example.
(** This file defines a program for parallel composition of
programs indexed by a channel [λ c, e], and its typing judgement. *)
From actris.logrel Require Export term_typing_rules session_typing_rules.
From Require Import proofmode.
(** This file defines an operator [lty_napp] used to iteratively
append a session type to itself a finite number of times.
It includes lemmas for swapping a type [R] over an iteration of
arbitrary length of another type [T] *)
From actris.logrel Require Import term_typing_rules session_types subtyping_rules.
From Require Import proofmode.
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