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Commit c1ed805c authored by Jonas Kastberg's avatar Jonas Kastberg
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Added typing example for uncheckable mapper

parent 98c1df36
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......@@ -44,3 +44,4 @@ theories/logrel/examples/pair.v
\ No newline at end of file
From Require Import proofmode proto channel.
From actris.logrel Require Import session_types subtyping_rules
term_typing_judgment term_typing_rules session_typing_rules
environments telescopes napp.
From actris.utils Require Import llist.
From actris.logrel.lib Require Import par_start.
From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics.
Definition mapper_service_aux : expr := λ: "f" "c",
(rec: "go" "f" "c":=
(branch [1%Z;2%Z]) "c"
(λ: "c", let: "v" := recv "c" in
send "c" ("f" "v");; "go" "f" "c")
(λ: "c", #())) "f" "c".
Definition mapper_service : expr :=
λ: "c",
let: "f" := recv "c" in
mapper_service_aux "f" "c".
Definition send_all : val :=
rec: "go" "c" "xs" :=
if: lisnil "xs" then #() else
send "c" #1;; send "c" (lpop "xs");; "go" "c" "xs".
Definition recv_all : val :=
rec: "go" "c" "ys" "n" :=
if: "n" = #0 then #() else
let: "x" := recv "c" in
"go" "c" "ys" ("n"-#1);; lcons "x" "ys".
Definition mapper_client : expr :=
(λ: "f" "xs" "c",
send "c" "f";;
let: "n" := llength "xs" in
send_all "c" "xs";; recv_all "c" "xs" "n";; send "c" #2%Z;; "xs")%E.
Definition mapper_prog : expr :=
(λ: "f" "xs",
par_start (mapper_service) (mapper_client "f" "xs"))%E.
Section mapper_example.
Context `{heapG Σ, chanG Σ}.
Definition mapper_type_rec_service_aux (A : ltty Σ) (B : ltty Σ) (rec : lsty Σ)
: lsty Σ :=
(<[1%Z := (<??> TY A; <!!> TY B ; rec)%lty]>
(<[2%Z := END%lty]>∅)).
Instance mapper_type_rec_service_contractive A B :
Contractive (mapper_type_rec_service_aux A B).
Proof. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
Definition mapper_type_rec_service A B : lsty Σ :=
lty_rec (mapper_type_rec_service_aux A B).
Lemma ltyped_mapper_aux_service Γ A B :
Γ mapper_service_aux : (A B) lty_chan (mapper_type_rec_service A B)
() Γ.
iApply (ltyped_lam []).
iApply (ltyped_lam [EnvItem "f" _]).
iApply ltyped_app; [ by iApply ltyped_var | ].
iApply ltyped_app; [ by iApply ltyped_var | ].
iApply (ltyped_subsumption _ _ _ _ _ _
((A B) lty_chan (mapper_type_rec_service A B) ())%lty);
[ | iApply lty_le_copy_elim | iApply env_le_refl | ].
{ iApply env_le_cons. iApply lty_le_copy_inv_elim. iApply env_le_refl. }
iApply ltyped_post_nil.
iApply (ltyped_rec []).
iApply (ltyped_lam [EnvItem "go" _; EnvItem "f" _]).
iApply ltyped_post_nil.
iApply ltyped_app.
{ iApply (ltyped_lam []). iApply ltyped_post_nil. iApply ltyped_unit. }
iApply ltyped_app.
simpl. rewrite !(Permutation_swap (EnvItem "f" _))
!(Permutation_swap (EnvItem "go" _)).
iApply (ltyped_lam [EnvItem "go" _; EnvItem "f" _]).
iApply ltyped_post_nil.
iApply ltyped_let; [ by iApply ltyped_recv | ].
iApply ltyped_seq.
{ iApply (ltyped_send _
[EnvItem "f" _; EnvItem "v" _; EnvItem "c" _; EnvItem "go" _]);
[ done | ].
iApply ltyped_app_copy; [ by iApply ltyped_var | ]=> /=.
rewrite !(Permutation_swap (EnvItem "f" _)).
by iApply ltyped_var. }
simpl. rewrite !(Permutation_swap (EnvItem "f" _)).
iApply ltyped_subsumption; [ | iApply lty_le_refl | iApply env_le_refl | ].
{ iApply env_le_cons; [ | iApply env_le_refl ].
iApply lty_le_copy_inv_elim_copyable. iApply lty_copyable_arr_copy. }
iApply ltyped_app; [ by iApply ltyped_var | ].
iApply ltyped_app; [ by iApply ltyped_var | ].
simpl. rewrite !(Permutation_swap (EnvItem "go" _)).
iApply ltyped_subsumption; [ iApply env_le_refl | | iApply env_le_refl | ].
{ iApply lty_le_copy_elim. }
by iApply ltyped_var. }
iApply ltyped_app; [ by iApply ltyped_var | ].
iApply ltyped_subsumption; [ iApply env_le_refl | | iApply env_le_refl | ].
{ iApply lty_le_arr; [ | iApply lty_le_refl ]. iApply lty_le_chan.
iApply lty_le_l; [ iApply lty_le_rec_unfold | iApply lty_le_refl ]. }
iApply ltyped_branch. intros x. rewrite -elem_of_dom. set_solver.
Definition mapper_type_service : lsty Σ :=
<?? A B> TY A B ; mapper_type_rec_service A B.
Lemma ltyped_mapper_service Γ :
Γ mapper_service : lty_chan (mapper_type_service) () Γ.
iApply (ltyped_lam []).
iApply ltyped_post_nil.
iApply ltyped_recv_texist; [ done | apply _ | ].
iIntros (Ys).
iApply ltyped_app; [ by iApply ltyped_var | ].
iApply ltyped_app; [ by iApply ltyped_var | ].
pose proof (ltys_S_inv Ys) as [A [Ks HYs]].
pose proof (ltys_S_inv Ks) as [B [Ks' HKs]].
pose proof (ltys_O_inv Ks') as HKs'.
rewrite HYs HKs HKs' /=.
iApply (ltyped_subsumption _ []);
[ iApply env_le_nil | iApply lty_le_refl | iApply env_le_refl | ].
iApply ltyped_mapper_aux_service.
Definition mapper_type_rec_client_aux
(A : ltty Σ) (B : ltty Σ) (rec : lsty Σ) : lsty Σ :=
lty_select (<[1%Z := (<!!> TY A; <??> TY B ; rec)%lty]>
(<[2%Z := END%lty]>∅)).
Instance mapper_type_rec_client_contractive A B :
Contractive (mapper_type_rec_client_aux A B).
Proof. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
Definition mapper_type_rec_client A B : lsty Σ :=
lty_rec (mapper_type_rec_client_aux A B).
Global Instance mapper_type_rec_client_unfold A B :
ProtoUnfold (lsty_car (mapper_type_rec_client A B))
(lsty_car (mapper_type_rec_client_aux A B
(mapper_type_rec_client A B))).
Proof. apply proto_unfold_eq,
(fixpoint_unfold (mapper_type_rec_client_aux A B)). Qed.
Definition mapper_type_client : lsty Σ :=
<!! A B> TY A B ; mapper_type_rec_client A B.
Definition lty_list_aux (A : ltty Σ) (X : ltty Σ) : ltty Σ :=
(() + (A * ref_uniq X))%lty.
Instance lty_list_aux_contractive A :
Contractive (lty_list_aux A).
Proof. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
Definition lty_list (A : ltty Σ) : ltty Σ := lty_rec (lty_list_aux A).
Notation "'list' A" := (lty_list A) (at level 10) : lty_scope.
Definition list_pred (A : ltty Σ) : val val iProp Σ :=
(λ v w : val, v = w ltty_car A v)%I.
Lemma llength_spec A (l : loc) :
{{{ ltty_car (ref_uniq (list A)) #l }}} llength #l
{{{ xs (n:Z), RET #n; Z.of_nat (length xs) = n
llist (λ v w , v = w ltty_car A v) l xs }}}.
iIntros "!>" (Φ) "Hl HΦ".
iLöb as "IH" forall (l Φ).
iDestruct "Hl" as (ltmp l' [=]) "[Hl Hl']"; rewrite -H2.
rewrite {2}/lty_list /lty_rec /lty_list_aux fixpoint_unfold.
iDestruct "Hl'" as "[Hl' | Hl']".
- iDestruct "Hl'" as (xs ->) "Hl'".
wp_load. wp_pures.
iAssert (llist (list_pred A) l [])%I with "[Hl Hl']" as "Hl".
{ rewrite /llist. iDestruct "Hl'" as %->. iApply "Hl". }
iApply "HΦ". eauto with iFrame.
- iDestruct "Hl'" as (xs ->) "Hl'".
wp_load. wp_pures.
iDestruct "Hl'" as (x vl' ->) "[HA Hl']".
iDestruct "Hl'" as (l' xs ->) "[Hl' Hl'']".
wp_apply ("IH" with "[Hl' Hl'']").
{ iExists _, _. iFrame "Hl' Hl''". done. }
iIntros (ys n) "[<- H]".
iAssert (llist (list_pred A) l (x :: ys))%I with "[Hl HA H]" as "Hl".
{ iExists x, l'. eauto with iFrame. }
wp_pures. iApply "HΦ". iFrame "Hl". by rewrite (Nat2Z.inj_add 1).
Definition send_type (A : ltty Σ) : lsty Σ :=
(lty_select (<[1%Z := <!!> TY A ; END ]>∅))%lty.
Definition recv_type (B : ltty Σ) : lsty Σ :=
(<??> TY B ; END)%lty.
Lemma mapper_rec_client_unfold_app A B :
mapper_type_rec_client A B <:
(send_type A <++> (recv_type B <++> mapper_type_rec_client A B))%lty.
rewrite {1}/mapper_type_rec_client /lty_rec fixpoint_unfold.
replace (fixpoint (mapper_type_rec_client_aux A B)) with
(mapper_type_rec_client A B) by eauto.
rewrite /mapper_type_rec_client_aux.
iApply lty_le_trans.
{ iApply lty_le_select_subseteq.
apply insert_mono, insert_subseteq=> //. }
rewrite /send_type /recv_type.
iPoseProof (lty_le_app_select) as "[_ Hle]".
iApply (lty_le_trans); last by iApply "Hle".
rewrite fmap_insert fmap_empty.
rewrite lty_app_send lty_app_end_l.
rewrite lty_app_recv lty_app_end_l.
iApply lty_le_refl.
Lemma recv_send_swap A B :
(recv_type B <++> send_type A <: send_type A <++> recv_type B)%lty.
iApply lty_le_trans.
rewrite lty_app_recv lty_app_end_l.
iApply lty_le_swap_recv_select. rewrite fmap_insert fmap_empty.
iPoseProof (lty_le_app_select) as "[_ Hle]".
iApply (lty_le_trans); last by iApply "Hle".
rewrite fmap_insert fmap_empty.
iApply lty_le_select.
iApply big_sepM2_insert=> //.
iSplit=> //.
rewrite lty_app_send lty_app_end_l.
iApply lty_le_swap_recv_send.
Lemma mapper_type_rec_client_unfold_app_n A B n :
mapper_type_rec_client A B <:
lty_napp (send_type A) n <++> (lty_napp (recv_type B) n <++>
mapper_type_rec_client A B).
iInduction n as [|n] "IH"; simpl; [ | ].
{ rewrite /send_type /recv_type /=.
do 2 rewrite lty_app_end_l. iApply lty_le_refl. }
rewrite -lty_napp_flip -lty_napp_flip.
iEval (rewrite -assoc).
iApply lty_le_trans; last first.
{ iApply lty_le_app; [ iApply lty_le_refl | ].
iEval (rewrite -assoc assoc).
iApply lty_le_app; [ | iApply lty_le_refl ].
iApply napp_swap. iApply recv_send_swap. }
iEval (rewrite -assoc).
iApply (lty_le_trans with "IH").
iApply lty_le_app; [ iApply lty_le_refl | ].
iApply lty_le_app; [ iApply lty_le_refl | ].
iApply mapper_rec_client_unfold_app.
Lemma recv_send_swap_n A B n :
(lty_napp (recv_type B) n <++> mapper_type_rec_client A B) <:
(send_type A <++>
(lty_napp (recv_type B) (S n) <++> mapper_type_rec_client A B)).
iApply lty_le_trans.
{ iApply lty_le_app;
[ iApply lty_le_refl | iApply mapper_rec_client_unfold_app ]. }
iEval (rewrite assoc).
iApply lty_le_trans.
{ iApply lty_le_app; [ | iApply lty_le_refl ].
iApply napp_swap. iApply recv_send_swap. }
iEval (rewrite -assoc (assoc _ (lty_napp _ _))).
rewrite -lty_napp_S_r.
iApply lty_le_refl.
Lemma send_all_spec_upfront A c l xs ty :
{{{ llist (list_pred A) l xs
c lsty_car (lty_napp (send_type A) (length xs) <++> ty) }}}
send_all c #l
{{{ RET #(); llist (list_pred A) l [] c lsty_car ty }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "[Hl Hc] HΦ".
iInduction xs as [|x xs] "IH".
{ wp_lam. wp_apply (lisnil_spec with "Hl"); iIntros "Hl"; wp_pures.
iApply "HΦ". iFrame. }
wp_lam. wp_apply (lisnil_spec with "Hl"); iIntros "Hl".
wp_send with "[]"; first by eauto.
rewrite lookup_total_insert.
wp_apply (lpop_spec with "Hl"); iIntros (v) "[HIx Hl]".
wp_send with "[HIx]".
{ iDestruct "HIx" as (->) "$HIx". }
wp_apply ("IH" with "Hl Hc").
Lemma send_all_spec_aux A B c l xs n :
{{{ llist (list_pred A) l xs
c lsty_car (lty_napp (recv_type B) n <++> (mapper_type_rec_client A B)) }}}
send_all c #l
{{{ RET #(); llist (list_pred A) l []
c lsty_car (lty_napp (recv_type B) (length xs + n) <++>
(mapper_type_rec_client A B)) }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "[Hl Hc] HΦ".
iInduction xs as [|x xs] "IH" forall (n).
{ wp_lam. wp_apply (lisnil_spec with "Hl"); iIntros "Hl"; wp_pures.
iApply "HΦ". iFrame. }
wp_lam. wp_apply (lisnil_spec with "Hl"); iIntros "Hl".
iDestruct (iProto_mapsto_le c with "Hc []") as "Hc".
{ iApply recv_send_swap_n. }
wp_send with "[]"; first by eauto.
rewrite lookup_total_insert.
wp_apply (lpop_spec with "Hl"); iIntros (v) "[HIx Hl]".
wp_send with "[HIx]".
{ iDestruct "HIx" as (->) "$HIx". }
wp_apply ("IH" $!(S n) with "Hl Hc").
by rewrite Nat.add_succ_r.
Lemma send_all_spec_ad_hoc A B c l xs :
{{{ llist (list_pred A) l xs
c lsty_car (mapper_type_rec_client A B) }}}
send_all c #l
{{{ RET #(); llist (list_pred A) l []
c lsty_car (lty_napp (recv_type B) (length xs)
<++> (mapper_type_rec_client A B)) }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "[Hl Hc] HΦ".
iApply (send_all_spec_aux _ _ _ _ _ 0 with "[$Hl Hc]").
{ simpl. by rewrite lty_app_end_l. }
iIntros "!> [Hl Hc]". iApply "HΦ".
rewrite -(plus_n_O (length xs)). iFrame.
Lemma recv_all_spec B c ty l n :
{{{ llist (list_pred B) l []
c lsty_car (lty_napp (recv_type B) n <++> ty) }}}
recv_all c #l #n
{{{ ys, RET #(); n = length ys
llist (list_pred B) l ys c lsty_car ty }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "[Hl Hc] HΦ".
iLöb as "IH" forall (n Φ).
destruct n.
{ wp_lam. wp_pures. iApply "HΦ". by iFrame. }
wp_lam. wp_recv (w) as "Hw". wp_pures.
rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ.
replace (Z.succ (Z.of_nat (n)) - 1)%Z with (Z.of_nat (n)) by lia.
wp_apply ("IH" with "Hl Hc").
iIntros (ys) "(% & Hl & Hc)".
wp_apply (lcons_spec with "[$Hl $Hw//]").
iIntros "Hl". iApply "HΦ". iFrame.
iPureIntro. by rewrite H1.
Lemma ltyped_mapper_client_ad_hoc Γ (A B : ltty Σ) :
Γ mapper_client : (A B)
ref_uniq (lty_list A)
chan mapper_type_client
ref_uniq (lty_list B).
iApply (ltyped_lam []).
iApply (ltyped_lam [EnvItem "f" _]).
iApply (ltyped_lam [EnvItem "xs" _; EnvItem "f" _]).
iIntros (vs) "!> HΓ /=".
rewrite (lookup_delete_ne _ "n" "c")=> //.
rewrite (lookup_delete_ne _ "n" "xs")=> //.
rewrite lookup_delete=> //.
iDestruct (env_ltyped_cons _ _ "c" with "HΓ") as (vc ->) "[Hc HΓ]".
iDestruct (env_ltyped_cons _ _ "xs" with "HΓ") as (vl ->) "[Hl HΓ]".
iDestruct (env_ltyped_cons _ _ "f" with "HΓ") as (vf ->) "[Hf HΓ]".
wp_send with "[Hf//]".
iDestruct "Hl" as (l' v ->) "[Hl Hv]".
wp_apply (llength_spec with "[Hl Hv]").
{ iExists l', v. eauto with iFrame. }
iIntros (xs n) "[<- Hl]".
wp_apply (send_all_spec_ad_hoc with "[$Hl $Hc]").
iIntros "[Hl Hc]".
wp_apply (recv_all_spec with "[Hl $Hc //]").
iIntros (ys). iDestruct 1 as (Hlen) "[Hl Hc]".
rewrite /mapper_type_rec_client /lty_rec fixpoint_unfold.
wp_send with "[]"; first by eauto.
rewrite /lty_list.
iRevert (Hlen).
iInduction ys as [|y ys] "IH" forall (l' xs); iIntros (Hlen).
- iExists l', NONEV. rewrite /llist. iFrame "Hl".
iSplit=> //.
rewrite /lty_rec. rewrite (fixpoint_unfold (lty_list_aux B)).
iLeft. eauto.
- iDestruct "Hl" as (vb l'') "[[-> HB] [Hl' Hrec]]".
iExists l', _.
iFrame "Hl'".
iSplit=> //.
rewrite /lty_rec.
rewrite {2}(fixpoint_unfold (lty_list_aux B)).
iRight. iExists _. iSplit=> //.
iExists _, _.
iSplit=> //.
iFrame "HB". by iApply ("IH" with "Hrec Hc").
Lemma ltyped_mapper_client_upfront Γ (A B : ltty Σ) :
Γ mapper_client : (A B)
ref_uniq (lty_list A)
chan mapper_type_client
ref_uniq (lty_list B).
iApply (ltyped_lam []).
iApply (ltyped_lam [EnvItem "f" _]).
iApply (ltyped_lam [EnvItem "xs" _; EnvItem "f" _]).
iIntros (vs) "!> HΓ /=".
rewrite (lookup_delete_ne _ "n" "c")=> //.
rewrite (lookup_delete_ne _ "n" "xs")=> //.
rewrite (lookup_delete)=> //.
iDestruct (env_ltyped_cons _ _ "c" with "HΓ") as (vc ->) "[Hc HΓ]".
iDestruct (env_ltyped_cons _ _ "xs" with "HΓ") as (vl ->) "[Hl HΓ]".
iDestruct (env_ltyped_cons _ _ "f" with "HΓ") as (vf ->) "[Hf HΓ]".
wp_send with "[Hf//]".
iDestruct "Hl" as (l' v ->) "[Hl Hv]".
wp_apply (llength_spec with "[Hl Hv]").
{ iExists l', v. eauto with iFrame. }
iIntros (xs n) "[<- Hl]".
iDestruct (iProto_mapsto_le vc with "Hc []") as "Hc".
{ iApply (mapper_type_rec_client_unfold_app_n A B (length xs)). }
wp_apply (send_all_spec_upfront with "[$Hl $Hc]").
iIntros "[Hl Hc]".
wp_apply (recv_all_spec with "[Hl $Hc //]").
iIntros (ys). iDestruct 1 as (Hlen) "[Hl Hc]".
rewrite /mapper_type_rec_client /lty_rec fixpoint_unfold.
wp_send with "[]"; first by eauto.
rewrite /lty_list.
iRevert (Hlen).
iInduction ys as [|y ys] "IH" forall (l' xs); iIntros (Hlen).
- iExists l', NONEV. rewrite /llist. iFrame "Hl".
iSplit=> //.
rewrite /lty_rec. rewrite (fixpoint_unfold (lty_list_aux B)).
iLeft. eauto.
- iDestruct "Hl" as (vb l'') "[[-> HB] [Hl' Hrec]]".
iExists l', _.
iFrame "Hl'".
iSplit=> //.
rewrite /lty_rec {2}(fixpoint_unfold (lty_list_aux B)).
iRight. iExists _. iSplit=> //.
iExists _, _.
iSplit=> //.
iFrame "HB". by iApply ("IH" with "Hrec Hc").
Lemma lty_le_mapper_type_client_dual :
lty_dual mapper_type_service <: mapper_type_client.
rewrite /mapper_type_client /mapper_type_service.
iApply lty_le_l; [ iApply lty_le_dual_recv_exist | ]=> /=.
iIntros (A B). iExists A,B. iModIntro.
iLöb as "IH".
iApply lty_le_r; [ | iApply lty_bi_le_sym; iApply lty_le_rec_unfold ].
iApply lty_le_dual_l.
iApply lty_le_r; [ | iApply lty_bi_le_sym; iApply lty_le_rec_unfold ].
iApply lty_le_l; [ iApply lty_le_dual_select | ].
iApply lty_le_branch. rewrite fmap_insert fmap_insert fmap_empty.
iApply big_sepM2_insert=> //.
- iApply lty_le_l; [ iApply lty_le_dual_send | ].
iApply lty_le_recv; [ iApply lty_le_refl | ].
iApply lty_le_l; [ iApply lty_le_dual_recv | ].
iApply lty_le_send; [ iApply lty_le_refl | ].
iIntros "!>!>!>". iApply lty_le_dual_l. iApply "IH".
- iApply big_sepM2_insert=> //.
iSplit=> //. iApply lty_le_l; [ iApply lty_le_dual_end | iApply lty_le_refl ].
Section with_spawn.
Context `{!spawnG Σ}.
Lemma ltyped_mapper_prog A B e1 e2 Γ Γ' Γ'' :
(Γ e2 : ref_uniq (lty_list A) Γ') -∗
(Γ' e1 : (A B) Γ'') -∗
Γ par_start (mapper_service) (mapper_client e1 e2) :
(() * (ref_uniq (lty_list B))) Γ''.
iIntros "He2 He1".
iApply (ltyped_app with "[He2 He1]").
{ iApply (ltyped_app with "He2").
iApply (ltyped_app with "He1").
iApply ltyped_mapper_client_ad_hoc. }
iApply ltyped_app.
{ iApply ltyped_mapper_service. }
iApply ltyped_subsumption;
[ iApply env_le_refl | | iApply env_le_refl | ].
{ iApply lty_le_arr; [ iApply lty_le_refl | ].
iApply lty_le_arr; [ | iApply lty_le_refl ].
iApply lty_le_arr; [ | iApply lty_le_refl ].
iApply lty_le_chan.
iApply lty_le_mapper_type_client_dual. }
iApply ltyped_par_start.
End with_spawn.
End mapper_example.
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