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Commit 9d43893c authored by Daniël Louwrink's avatar Daniël Louwrink
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start updating typing rules

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......@@ -15,16 +15,14 @@ Section properties.
Implicit Types Γ : gmap string (ltty Σ).
(** Variable properties *)
Lemma ltyped_var Γ (x : string) A :
Γ !! x = Some A Γ x : A <[x:=copy- A]>%lty Γ.
Γ !! x = Some A Γ x : A <[x := (copy- A)%lty]> Γ.
iIntros (HΓx) "!>"; iIntros (vs) "HΓ /=".
iDestruct (env_ltyped_lookup with "HΓ") as (v Hx) "[HA HΓ]"; first done.
rewrite Hx. iApply wp_value.
iDestruct (coreP_intro with "HA") as "#HAc". iFrame "HA".
iEval (rewrite -insert_delete -(insert_id vs x v) //).
by iApply (env_ltyped_insert _ _ x).
(* iDestruct (env_ltyped_lookup with "HΓ") as (v ->) "[HA HΓ]"; first done. *)
(* iApply wp_value. eauto with iFrame. *)
(** Subtyping *)
Theorem ltyped_subsumption Γ Γ2 e τ1 τ2 :
......@@ -196,25 +194,26 @@ Section properties.
iRight. iExists v. auto.
Definition paircase : val := λ: "pair" "left" "right",
Case "pair" "left" "right".
Lemma ltyped_paircase A1 A2 B :
paircase : A1 + A2 (A1 B) (A2 B) B.
Lemma ltyped_case Γ1 Γ2 Γ3 e1 e2 e3 A1 A2 B :
(Γ1 e1 : A1 + A2 Γ2) -∗
(Γ2 e2 : A1 B Γ3) -∗
(Γ2 e3 : A2 B Γ3) -∗
(Γ1 Case e1 e2 e3 : B Γ3).
iIntros (vs) "!> HΓ /=". iApply wp_value.
iSplitL; last by iApply env_ltyped_empty.
rewrite /paircase. iIntros "!>" (p) "Hp". wp_pures.
iIntros (f_left) "Hleft". wp_pures.
iIntros (f_right) "Hright". wp_pures.
iDestruct "Hp" as "[Hp|Hp]".
- iDestruct "Hp" as (w1 ->) "Hp". wp_pures.
wp_apply (wp_wand with "(Hleft [Hp //])").
iIntros (v) "HB". iApply "HB".
- iDestruct "Hp" as (w2 ->) "Hp". wp_pures.
wp_apply (wp_wand with "(Hright [Hp //])").
iIntros (v) "HB". iApply "HB".
(* iIntros (vs) "!> HΓ /=". iApply wp_value. *)
(* iSplitL; last by iApply env_ltyped_empty. *)
(* rewrite /paircase. iIntros "!>" (p) "Hp". wp_pures. *)
(* iIntros (f_left) "Hleft". wp_pures. *)
(* iIntros (f_right) "Hright". wp_pures. *)
(* iDestruct "Hp" as "[Hp|Hp]". *)
(* - iDestruct "Hp" as (w1 ->) "Hp". wp_pures. *)
(* wp_apply (wp_wand with "(Hleft [Hp //])"). *)
(* iIntros (v) "HB". iApply "HB". *)
(* - iDestruct "Hp" as (w2 ->) "Hp". wp_pures. *)
(* wp_apply (wp_wand with "(Hright [Hp //])"). *)
(* iIntros (v) "HB". iApply "HB". *)
(** Universal Properties *)
Lemma ltyped_tlam Γ e k (C : lty Σ k ltty Σ) :
......@@ -242,37 +241,42 @@ Section properties.
wp_apply (wp_wand with "(He [HΓ //])"); iIntros (w) "[HB $]". by iExists M.
Lemma ltyped_unpack {k} Γ1 Γ2 Γ3 x e1 e2 (C : lty Σ k ltty Σ) B :
(Γ1 e1 : lty_exist C Γ2) -∗
( Y, binder_insert x (C Y) Γ2 e2 : B Γ3) -∗
Γ1 (let: x := e1 in e2) : B binder_delete x Γ3.
(* NOTE: This only works when `x` is a string, not when it is a (more general)
binder. This means that it doesn't work for anonymous binders, but there
really isn't any reason to unpack those anyway. *)
Lemma ltyped_unpack {k} Γ1 Γ2 Γ3 (x : string) e (C : lty Σ k ltty Σ) A :
Γ1 !! x = Some (lty_exist C)
( X, binder_insert x (C X) Γ1 e : A Γ2) -∗
(Γ1 e : A Γ2).
iIntros "#He1 #He2 !>". iIntros (vs) "HΓ1"=> /=.
wp_apply (wp_wand with "(He1 HΓ1)").
iIntros (v) "[HC HΓ2]".
iDestruct "HC" as (X) "HX".
iDestruct (env_ltyped_insert _ _ x with "HX HΓ2") as "HΓ2".
iDestruct ("He2" with "HΓ2") as "He2'".
destruct x as [|x]; rewrite /= -?subst_map_insert //.
wp_apply (wp_wand with "He2'").
iIntros (w) "[HA2 HΓ3]".
iApply env_ltyped_delete=> //.
(* iIntros "#He1 #He2 !>". iIntros (vs) "HΓ1"=> /=. *)
(* wp_apply (wp_wand with "(He1 HΓ1)"). *)
(* iIntros (v) "[HC HΓ2]". *)
(* iDestruct "HC" as (X) "HX". *)
(* wp_pures. *)
(* iDestruct (env_ltyped_insert _ _ x with "HX HΓ2") as "HΓ2". *)
(* iDestruct ("He2" with "HΓ2") as "He2'". *)
(* destruct x as [|x]; rewrite /= -?subst_map_insert //. *)
(* wp_apply (wp_wand with "He2'"). *)
(* iIntros (w) "[HA2 HΓ3]". *)
(* iFrame. *)
(* iApply env_ltyped_delete=> //. *)
(** Mutable Reference properties *)
Definition alloc : val := λ: "init", ref "init".
Lemma ltyped_alloc A :
alloc : A ref_mut A.
Lemma ltyped_alloc Γ1 Γ2 e A :
(Γ1 e : A Γ2) -∗
(Γ1 ref e : ref_mut A Γ2).
iIntros (vs) "!> HΓ /=". iApply wp_value.
iSplitL; last by iApply env_ltyped_empty.
iIntros "!>" (v) "Hv". rewrite /alloc. wp_pures.
wp_alloc l as "Hl".
iExists l, v. iSplit=> //.
iFrame "Hv Hl".
(* iIntros (vs) "!> HΓ /=". iApply wp_value. *)
(* iSplitL; last by iApply env_ltyped_empty. *)
(* iIntros "!>" (v) "Hv". rewrite /alloc. wp_pures. *)
(* wp_alloc l as "Hl". *)
(* iExists l, v. iSplit=> //. *)
(* iFrame "Hv Hl". *)
(* The intuition for the any is that the value is still there, but
it no longer holds any Iris resources. Just as in Rust, where a move
......@@ -280,45 +284,32 @@ Section properties.
unmodified, but moves the resources, in the sense that you can no
longer use the memory at the old location. *)
Definition load : val := λ: "r", (!"r", "r").
Lemma ltyped_load A :
load : ref_mut A A * ref_mut any.
Lemma ltyped_load Γ (x : string) A :
Γ !! x = Some (ref_mut A)%lty
Γ ! x : A <[x := (ref_mut (copy- A))%lty]> Γ.
iIntros (vs) "!> HΓ /=". iApply wp_value.
iSplitL; last by iApply env_ltyped_empty.
iIntros "!>" (v) "Hv". rewrite /load. wp_pures.
iDestruct "Hv" as (l w ->) "[Hl Hw]".
wp_load. wp_pures.
iExists w, #l. iSplit=> //. iFrame "Hw".
iExists l, w. iSplit=> //. iFrame "Hl".
by iModIntro.
(* TODO(COPY) *)
(* Lemma ltyped_load_copy A {copyA : LTyCopy A} : *)
(* ⊢ ∅ ⊨ load : ref_mut A → A * ref_mut A. *)
(* Proof. *)
(* iIntros (vs) "!> HΓ /=". *)
(* iApply wp_value. *)
(* iIntros "!>" (v) "Hv". rewrite /load. wp_pures. *)
(* iDestruct "Hv" as (l w ->) "[Hl #Hw]". *)
(* wp_load. wp_pures. *)
(* iExists w, #l. iSplit=> //. iFrame "Hw". *)
(* iExists l, w. iSplit=> //. iFrame "Hl". *)
(* by iModIntro. *)
(* Qed. *)
Definition store : val := λ: "r" "new", "r" <- "new";; "r".
Lemma ltyped_store A B :
store : ref_mut A B ref_mut B.
(* iIntros (vs) "!> HΓ /=". iApply wp_value. *)
(* iSplitL; last by iApply env_ltyped_empty. *)
(* iIntros "!>" (v) "Hv". rewrite /load. wp_pures. *)
(* iDestruct "Hv" as (l w ->) "[Hl Hw]". *)
(* wp_load. wp_pures. *)
(* iExists w, #l. iSplit=> //. iFrame "Hw". *)
(* iExists l, w. iSplit=> //. iFrame "Hl". *)
(* by iModIntro. *)
Lemma ltyped_store Γ Γ' x e1 e2 A B :
Γ' !! x = Some (ref_mut A)%lty
(Γ e2 : B Γ') -∗
Γ e1 <- e2 : () <[x := (ref_mut B)%lty]> Γ'.
iIntros (vs) "!> HΓ /=". iApply wp_value.
iSplitL; last by iApply env_ltyped_empty.
iIntros "!>" (v) "Hv". rewrite /store. wp_pures.
iDestruct "Hv" as (l old ->) "[Hl Hold]".
iIntros (new) "Hnew". wp_store.
iExists l, new. eauto with iFrame.
(* iIntros (vs) "!> HΓ /=". iApply wp_value. *)
(* iSplitL; last by iApply env_ltyped_empty. *)
(* iIntros "!>" (v) "Hv". rewrite /store. wp_pures. *)
(* iDestruct "Hv" as (l old ->) "[Hl Hold]". *)
(* iIntros (new) "Hnew". wp_store. *)
(* iExists l, new. eauto with iFrame. *)
(** Weak Reference properties *)
Definition fetch_and_add : val := λ: "r" "inc", FAA "r" "inc".
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