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Commit 51a90f82 authored by Robbert Krebbers's avatar Robbert Krebbers
Browse files

Change rec domain eq to `proto = 1 + (action * :arrow_forward: (V → proto → PROP))`.

By moving the later further to the outside, we can kill many occurences
of `Next`, and get rid of laters/except_0s at awkward positions. Also we
can have a sensible eliminator `proto_elim`.
parent c801fc33
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......@@ -177,11 +177,11 @@ Section channel.
iProto_le (iProto_branch a P1 P2 p1 p2) (iProto_branch a P1 P2 p1' p2').
iIntros "H". rewrite /iProto_branch. destruct a.
- iApply iProto_le_send'; iIntros "!>" (b) "HP /=".
- iApply iProto_le_send; iIntros "!>" (b) "HP /=".
iExists b; iSplit; [done|]. destruct b.
+ iDestruct "H" as "[H _]". by iApply "H".
+ iDestruct "H" as "[_ H]". by iApply "H".
- iApply iProto_le_recv'; iIntros "!>" (b) "HP /=".
- iApply iProto_le_recv; iIntros "!>" (b) "HP /=".
iExists b; iSplit; [done|]. destruct b.
+ iDestruct "H" as "[H _]". by iApply "H".
+ iDestruct "H" as "[_ H]". by iApply "H".
......@@ -134,14 +134,14 @@ Section classes.
rewrite /ActionDualIf /ProtoContNormalize /ProtoNormalize=> -> H.
destruct d; simpl.
- rewrite iProto_dual_message iProto_app_message. destruct a1; simpl.
+ iApply iProto_le_recv; iIntros (x) "/= Hpc". iExists x.
+ iApply iProto_le_recv; iIntros "!>" (x) "/= Hpc". iExists x.
destruct (H x) as (-> & -> & Hle). iSplit; [done|]. by iFrame "Hpc".
+ iApply iProto_le_send; iIntros (x) "/= Hpc". iExists x.
+ iApply iProto_le_send; iIntros "!>" (x) "/= Hpc". iExists x.
destruct (H x) as (-> & -> & Hle). iSplit; [done|]. by iFrame "Hpc".
- rewrite iProto_app_message. destruct a1; simpl.
+ iApply iProto_le_send; iIntros (x) "/= Hpc". iExists x.
+ iApply iProto_le_send; iIntros "!>" (x) "/= Hpc". iExists x.
destruct (H x) as (-> & -> & Hle). iSplit; [done|]. by iFrame "Hpc".
+ iApply iProto_le_recv; iIntros (x) "/= Hpc". iExists x.
+ iApply iProto_le_recv; iIntros "!>" (x) "/= Hpc". iExists x.
destruct (H x) as (-> & -> & Hle). iSplit; [done|]. by iFrame "Hpc".
......@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ Section classes.
rewrite /ActionDualIf /ProtoContNormalize /ProtoNormalize.
rewrite tforall_forall=> ? Hpc1 Hpc2. destruct d, a1; simplify_eq/=.
- rewrite iProto_dual_message iProto_app_message /=.
iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (x1 x2) "/= Hpc1 Hpc2 !>".
iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros "!>" (x1 x2) "/= Hpc1 Hpc2".
move: (Hpc1 x1); rewrite {Hpc1} !tele_app_bind /=; intros (->&->&Hpc).
move: (Hpc2 x2); rewrite {Hpc2} TCEq_eq; intros Hpc2.
iExists TT2, TT1, (λ.. x2, (tele_app vP2 x2, tele_app (tele_app pc12 x1) x2)),
......@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ Section classes.
rewrite /= !tele_app_bind /= -!Hpc2 /=. do 2 (iSplit; [done|]). iFrame.
iSplitR; [done|]. iSplitR; [iApply iProto_le_refl|]. done.
- rewrite iProto_app_message /=.
iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (x1 x2) "/= Hpc1 Hpc2 !>".
iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros "!>" (x1 x2) "/= Hpc1 Hpc2".
move: (Hpc1 x1); rewrite {Hpc1} !tele_app_bind /=; intros (->&->&Hpc).
move: (Hpc2 x2); rewrite {Hpc2} TCEq_eq; intros Hpc2.
iExists TT2, TT1, (λ.. x2, (tele_app vP2 x2, tele_app (tele_app pc12 x1) x2)),
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Important: This file should not be used directly, but rather the wrappers in
Dependent Separation Protocols are modeled as the solution of the following
recursive domain equation:
[proto = 1 + (action * (V → (▶ proto → PROP) → PROP))]
[proto = 1 + (action * (V → proto → PROP))]
Here, the left-hand side of the sum is used for the terminated process, while
the right-hand side is used for the communication constructors. The type
......@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ the right-hand side is used for the communication constructors. The type
[Recv]. Compared to having an additional sum in [proto], this makes it
possible to factorize the code in a better way.
The remainder [V → (▶ proto → PROP) → PROP)] is a predicate that ranges over
the communicated value [V] and the tail protocol [proto → PROP]. Note that in
order to solve this recursive domain equation using Iris's COFE solver, the
recursive occurrences of [proto] appear under the guard [▶].
The remainder [▶ (V → proto → PROP)] is a predicate that ranges over the
communicated value [V] and the tail protocol [proto]. Note that to solve this
recursive domain equation using Iris's COFE solver, the recursive occurrence
of [proto] appear under the later [▶].
On top of the type [proto], we define the constructors:
......@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ Module Export action.
End action.
Definition proto_auxO (V : Type) (PROP : ofeT) (A : ofeT) : ofeT :=
optionO (prodO actionO (V -d> laterO A -n> PROP)).
optionO (prodO actionO (laterO (V -d> A -n> PROP))).
Definition proto_auxOF (V : Type) (PROP : ofeT) : oFunctor :=
optionOF (actionO * (V -d> -n> PROP)).
optionOF (actionO * (V -d> -n> PROP)).
Definition proto_result (V : Type) := result_2 (proto_auxOF V).
Definition proto (V : Type) (PROPn PROP : ofeT) `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} : ofeT :=
......@@ -77,13 +77,23 @@ Proof. apply (ofe_iso_21 proto_iso). Qed.
Definition proto_end {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} : proto V PROPn PROP :=
proto_fold None.
Definition proto_message {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} (a : action)
(pc : V laterO (proto V PROP PROPn) -n> PROP) : proto V PROPn PROP :=
proto_fold (Some (a, pc)).
(pc : V proto V PROP PROPn -n> PROP) : proto V PROPn PROP :=
proto_fold (Some (a, Next pc)).
Instance proto_message_contractive {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} a n :
Proper (pointwise_relation V (dist_later n) ==> dist n)
(proto_message (PROPn:=PROPn) (PROP:=PROP) a).
intros c1 c2 Hc. rewrite /proto_message. f_equiv. do 2 constructor=>//=.
apply Next_contractive. by destruct n.
Instance proto_message_ne {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} a n :
Proper (pointwise_relation V (dist n) ==> dist n)
(proto_message (PROPn:=PROPn) (PROP:=PROP) a).
Proof. intros c1 c2 Hc. rewrite /proto_message. f_equiv. by repeat constructor. Qed.
intros c1 c2 Hc. apply proto_message_contractive=> v.
by destruct n; [|apply dist_S].
Instance proto_message_proper {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} a :
Proper (pointwise_relation V () ==> ())
(proto_message (PROPn:=PROPn) (PROP:=PROP) a).
......@@ -94,14 +104,15 @@ Lemma proto_case {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} (p : proto V PROPn PROP) :
destruct (proto_unfold p) as [[a pc]|] eqn:E; simpl in *; last first.
- left. by rewrite -(proto_fold_unfold p) E.
- right. exists a, pc. by rewrite -(proto_fold_unfold p) E.
- right. destruct (Next_uninj pc) as [pc' Hpc]. exists a, pc'.
by rewrite /proto_message -Hpc -E proto_fold_unfold.
Instance proto_inhabited {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} :
Inhabited (proto V PROPn PROP) := populate proto_end.
Lemma proto_message_equivI {SPROP : sbi} {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} a1 a2 pc1 pc2 :
proto_message (V:=V) (PROPn:=PROPn) (PROP:=PROP) a1 pc1 proto_message a2 pc2
⊣⊢@{SPROP} a1 = a2 ( v p', pc1 v p' pc2 v p').
⊣⊢@{SPROP} a1 = a2 ( v p', pc1 v p' pc2 v p').
trans (proto_unfold (proto_message a1 pc1) proto_unfold (proto_message a2 pc2) : SPROP)%I.
{ iSplit.
......@@ -109,7 +120,8 @@ Proof.
- iIntros "Heq". rewrite -{2}(proto_fold_unfold (proto_message _ _)).
iRewrite "Heq". by rewrite proto_fold_unfold. }
rewrite /proto_message !proto_unfold_fold bi.option_equivI bi.prod_equivI /=.
rewrite bi.discrete_fun_equivI bi.discrete_eq. by setoid_rewrite bi.ofe_morO_equivI.
rewrite bi.discrete_eq bi.later_equivI bi.discrete_fun_equivI.
by setoid_rewrite bi.ofe_morO_equivI.
Lemma proto_message_end_equivI {SPROP : sbi} {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} a pc :
proto_message (V:=V) (PROPn:=PROPn) (PROP:=PROP) a pc proto_end ⊢@{SPROP} False.
......@@ -122,35 +134,65 @@ Lemma proto_end_message_equivI {SPROP : sbi} {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} a pc
proto_end proto_message (V:=V) (PROPn:=PROPn) (PROP:=PROP) a pc ⊢@{SPROP} False.
Proof. by rewrite bi.internal_eq_sym proto_message_end_equivI. Qed.
(** Functor *)
Definition proto_cont_map `{!Cofe PROP, !Cofe PROP', !Cofe A, !Cofe B}
(g : PROP -n> PROP') (rec : B -n> A) :
(laterO A -n> PROP) -n> laterO B -n> PROP' :=
ofe_morO_map (laterO_map rec) g.
(** The eliminator [proto_elim x f p] is only well-behaved if the function [f]
is contractive *)
Definition proto_elim {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} {A}
(x : A) (f : action (V proto V PROP PROPn -n> PROP) A)
(p : proto V PROPn PROP) : A :=
match proto_unfold p with None => x | Some (a, pc) => f a (later_car pc) end.
Program Definition proto_map_aux {V}
`{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROPn', !Cofe PROP, !Cofe PROP'}
(g : PROP -n> PROP')
(rec : proto V PROP' PROPn' -n> proto V PROP PROPn) :
Lemma proto_elim_ne {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} {A : ofeT}
(x : A) (f1 f2 : action (V proto V PROP PROPn -n> PROP) A) p1 p2 n :
( a pc1 pc2, ( v, dist_later n (pc1 v) (pc2 v)) f1 a pc1 {n} f2 a pc2)
p1 {n} p2
proto_elim x f1 p1 {n} proto_elim x f2 p2.
intros Hf Hp. rewrite /proto_elim.
apply (_ : NonExpansive proto_unfold) in Hp
as [[a1 pc1] [a2 pc2] [-> ?]|]; simplify_eq/=; [|done].
apply Hf. destruct n; by simpl.
Lemma proto_elim_end {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} {A : ofeT}
(x : A) (f : action (V proto V PROP PROPn -n> PROP) A) :
proto_elim x f proto_end x.
rewrite /proto_elim /proto_end.
pose proof (proto_unfold_fold (V:=V) (PROPn:=PROPn) (PROP:=PROP) None) as Hfold.
by destruct (proto_unfold (proto_fold None)) as [[??]|] eqn:E; inversion Hfold.
Lemma proto_elim_message {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} {A : ofeT}
(x : A) (f : action (V proto V PROP PROPn -n> PROP) A)
`{Hf : a, Proper (pointwise_relation _ () ==> ()) (f a)} a pc :
proto_elim x f (proto_message a pc) f a pc.
rewrite /proto_elim /proto_message /=.
pose proof (proto_unfold_fold (V:=V) (PROPn:=PROPn)
(PROP:=PROP) (Some (a, Next pc))) as Hfold.
destruct (proto_unfold (proto_fold (Some (a, Next pc))))
as [[??]|] eqn:E; inversion Hfold as [?? [Ha Hc]|]; simplify_eq/=.
by f_equiv=> v.
(** Functor *)
Program Definition proto_map_aux {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROPn', !Cofe PROP, !Cofe PROP'}
(g : PROP -n> PROP') (rec : proto V PROP' PROPn' -n> proto V PROP PROPn) :
proto V PROPn PROP -n> proto V PROPn' PROP' := λne p,
match proto_unfold p return _ with
| None => proto_end
| Some (a, c) => proto_message a (proto_cont_map g rec c)
proto_elim proto_end (λ a pc, proto_message a (λ v, g pc v rec)) p.
Next Obligation.
intros V PROPn ? PROPn' ? PROP ? PROP' ? g rec n p1 p2 Hp.
apply (ofe_mor_ne _ _ proto_unfold) in Hp.
destruct Hp as [[??][??] [-> ?]|]; simplify_eq/=; last done.
f_equiv=> v /=. by f_equiv.
apply proto_elim_ne=> // a pc1 pc2 Hpc.
apply proto_message_contractive; destruct n as [|n]=> // v p' /=.
do 2 f_equiv. apply Hpc.
Instance proto_map_aux_contractive {V}
`{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROPn', !Cofe PROP, !Cofe PROP'} (g : PROP -n> PROP') :
Contractive (proto_map_aux (V:=V) (PROPn:=PROPn) (PROPn':=PROPn') g).
intros n rec1 rec2 Hrec p. simpl.
destruct (proto_unfold p) as [[a c]|]; last done.
f_equiv=> v p' /=. do 2 f_equiv. apply Next_contractive.
destruct n as [|n]=> //=.
intros n rec1 rec2 Hrec p. simpl. apply proto_elim_ne=> // a pc1 pc2 Hpc.
apply proto_message_contractive; destruct n as [|n]=> // v p'; simpl in *.
by rewrite (Hrec p') (Hpc _ (rec2 _)).
Definition proto_map_aux_2 {V}
......@@ -167,7 +209,6 @@ Proof.
intros n rec1 rec2 Hrec. rewrite /proto_map_aux_2.
f_equiv. by apply proto_map_aux_contractive.
Definition proto_map {V}
`{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROPn', !Cofe PROP, !Cofe PROP'}
(gn : PROPn' -n> PROPn) (g : PROP -n> PROP') :
......@@ -189,44 +230,33 @@ Qed.
Lemma proto_map_end {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROPn', !Cofe PROP, !Cofe PROP'}
(gn : PROPn' -n> PROPn) (g : PROP -n> PROP') :
proto_map (V:=V) gn g proto_end proto_end.
rewrite proto_map_unfold /proto_end /=.
pose proof (proto_unfold_fold (V:=V) (PROPn:=PROPn) (PROP:=PROP) None) as Hfold.
by destruct (proto_unfold (proto_fold None)) as [[??]|] eqn:E; inversion Hfold.
Proof. by rewrite proto_map_unfold /proto_map_aux /= proto_elim_end. Qed.
Lemma proto_map_message {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROPn', !Cofe PROP, !Cofe PROP'}
(gn : PROPn' -n> PROPn) (g : PROP -n> PROP') a c :
proto_map (V:=V) gn g (proto_message a c)
proto_message a (proto_cont_map g (proto_map g gn) c).
(gn : PROPn' -n> PROPn) (g : PROP -n> PROP') a pc :
proto_map (V:=V) gn g (proto_message a pc)
proto_message a (λ v, g pc v proto_map g gn).
rewrite proto_map_unfold /proto_message /=.
pose proof (proto_unfold_fold (V:=V) (PROPn:=PROPn)
(PROP:=PROP) (Some (a, c))) as Hfold.
destruct (proto_unfold (proto_fold (Some (a, c))))
as [[??]|] eqn:E; inversion Hfold as [?? [Ha Hc]|]; simplify_eq/=.
rewrite /proto_message. do 3 f_equiv. intros v=> /=.
apply equiv_dist=> n. f_equiv. by apply equiv_dist.
rewrite proto_map_unfold /proto_map_aux /=.
apply: proto_elim_message=> a' pc1 pc2 Hpc; f_equiv; solve_proper.
Lemma proto_map_ne {V}
`{Hcn:!Cofe PROPn, Hcn':!Cofe PROPn', Hc:!Cofe PROP, Hc':!Cofe PROP'}
(gn1 gn2 : PROPn' -n> PROPn) (g1 g2 : PROP -n> PROP') p n :
( x, gn1 x {n} gn2 x) ( x, g1 x {n} g2 x)
gn1 {n} gn2 g1 {n} g2
proto_map (V:=V) gn1 g1 p {n} proto_map (V:=V) gn2 g2 p.
revert PROPn Hcn PROPn' Hcn' PROP Hc PROP' Hc' gn1 gn2 g1 g2 p.
induction (lt_wf n) as [n _ IH]=>
PROPn ? PROPn' ? PROP ? PROP' ? gn1 gn2 g1 g2 p Hgn Hg /=.
destruct (proto_case p) as [->|(a & c & ->)].
- by rewrite !proto_map_end.
- rewrite !proto_map_message /=. f_equiv=> v /=. f_equiv; last done.
intros p'. apply Next_contractive. destruct n as [|n]=> //=.
apply IH; first lia; auto using dist_S.
destruct (proto_case p) as [->|(a & pc & ->)]; [by rewrite !proto_map_end|].
rewrite !proto_map_message /=.
apply proto_message_contractive; destruct n as [|n]=> // v p' /=.
rewrite (dist_S _ _ _ (Hg _)) IH //; auto using dist_S with lia.
Lemma proto_map_ext {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROPn', !Cofe PROP, !Cofe PROP'}
(gn1 gn2 : PROPn' -n> PROPn) (g1 g2 : PROP -n> PROP') p :
( x, gn1 x gn2 x) ( x, g1 x g2 x)
proto_map (V:=V) gn1 g1 p proto_map (V:=V) gn2 g2 p.
gn1 gn2 g1 g2 proto_map (V:=V) gn1 g1 p proto_map (V:=V) gn2 g2 p.
intros Hgn Hg. apply equiv_dist=> n.
apply proto_map_ne=> // ?; by apply equiv_dist.
......@@ -236,11 +266,10 @@ Lemma proto_map_id {V} `{Hcn:!Cofe PROPn, Hc:!Cofe PROP} (p : proto V PROPn PROP
apply equiv_dist=> n. revert PROPn Hcn PROP Hc p.
induction (lt_wf n) as [n _ IH]=> PROPn ? PROP ? p /=.
destruct (proto_case p) as [->|(a & c & ->)].
- by rewrite !proto_map_end.
- rewrite !proto_map_message /=. f_equiv=> v c' /=. f_equiv.
apply Next_contractive. destruct n as [|n]=> //=.
apply IH; first lia; auto using dist_S.
destruct (proto_case p) as [->|(a & pc & ->)]; [by rewrite !proto_map_end|].
rewrite !proto_map_message /=.
apply proto_message_contractive; destruct n as [|n]=> // v p' /=.
by rewrite IH; last lia.
Lemma proto_map_compose {V}
`{Hcn:!Cofe PROPn, Hcn':!Cofe PROPn', Hcn'':!Cofe PROPn'',
......@@ -253,11 +282,10 @@ Proof.
PROP Hc PROP' Hc' PROP'' Hc'' gn1 gn2 g1 g2 p.
induction (lt_wf n) as [n _ IH]=> PROPn ? PROPn' ? PROPn'' ?
PROP ? PROP' ? PROP'' ? gn1 gn2 g1 g2 p /=.
destruct (proto_case p) as [->|(a & c & ->)].
- by rewrite !proto_map_end.
- rewrite !proto_map_message /=. f_equiv=> v c' /=. do 3 f_equiv.
apply Next_contractive. destruct n as [|n]=> //=.
apply IH; first lia; auto using dist_S.
destruct (proto_case p) as [->|(a & c & ->)]; [by rewrite !proto_map_end|].
rewrite !proto_map_message /=.
apply proto_message_contractive; destruct n as [|n]=> // v p' /=.
by rewrite IH; last lia.
Program Definition protoOF (V : Type) (Fn F : oFunctor)
......@@ -288,7 +316,6 @@ Instance protoOF_contractive (V : Type) (Fn F : oFunctor)
oFunctorContractive (protoOF V Fn F).
intros ?? A1 ? A2 ? B1 ? B2 ? n f g Hfg p; simpl in *.
apply proto_map_ne=> //= y.
- destruct n; [|destruct Hfg]; by apply oFunctor_map_contractive.
- destruct n; [|destruct Hfg]; by apply oFunctor_map_contractive.
apply proto_map_ne=> //= y;
[destruct n; [|destruct Hfg]; by apply oFunctor_map_contractive..].
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ From actris.logrel Require Export types subtyping.
Definition prog : val := λ: "c",
let: "lock" := newlock #() in
let: "p" := (
acquire "lock";;
let: "x1" := recv "c" in
release "lock";;
......@@ -17,16 +17,14 @@ Definition prog : val := λ: "c",
let: "x2" := recv "c" in
release "lock";;
) in "p".
Section GhostState.
Class fracG Σ := { frac_inG :> inG Σ fracR }.
Definition fracΣ : gFunctors := #[GFunctor fracR].
Instance subG_fracΣ {Σ} : subG fracΣ Σ fracG Σ.
Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
End GhostState.
Class fracG Σ := { frac_inG :> inG Σ fracR }.
Definition fracΣ : gFunctors := #[GFunctor fracR].
Instance subG_fracΣ {Σ} : subG fracΣ Σ fracG Σ.
Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
Section Double.
Section double.
Context `{heapG Σ, chanG Σ, fracG Σ, spawnG Σ}.
Definition prog_prot : iProto Σ :=
......@@ -38,21 +36,19 @@ Section Double.
(own γ 1%Qp c END))%I.
Lemma wp_prog (c : val):
{{{ (c prog_prot) }}}
{{{ c prog_prot }}}
prog c
{{{ v, RET v; k1 k2 : Z, v = (#k1, #k2)%V }}}.
{{{ (k1 k2 : Z), RET (#k1, #k2); True }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ".
rewrite /prog.
iMod (own_alloc 1%Qp) as (γ) "[Hcredit1 Hcredit2]".
{ done. }
iMod (own_alloc 1%Qp) as (γ) "[Hcredit1 Hcredit2]"; [done|].
(* Create lock *)
wp_apply (newlock_spec (chan_inv c γ) with "[Hc]").
{ iLeft. iFrame "Hc". }
iIntros (lk γlk) "#Hlock".
(* Fork into two threads *)
wp_bind (par _ _).
wp_apply (wp_par (λ v, k : Z, v = #k)%I (λ v, k : Z, v = #k)%I
with "[Hcredit1] [Hcredit2]").
- (* Acquire lock *)
......@@ -72,8 +68,7 @@ Section Double.
iIntros "_". wp_pures.
+ iDestruct "Hc" as "[Hcredit2 Hc]".
iExFalso. iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hcredit1 Hcredit2") as "%".
by iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hcredit1 Hcredit2") as %[].
- (* Acquire lock *)
wp_apply (acquire_spec with "Hlock").
iIntros "[Hlocked Hc]". wp_pures.
......@@ -91,38 +86,26 @@ Section Double.
iIntros "_". wp_pures.
+ iDestruct "Hc" as "[Hcredit1 Hc]".
iExFalso. iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hcredit1 Hcredit2") as "%".
- iIntros (x1 x2) "[Hx1 Hx2]".
iModIntro. wp_pures.
iApply "HΦ".
iDestruct "Hx1" as (k1) "->".
iDestruct "Hx2" as (k2) "->".
by iExists k1, k2.
by iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hcredit1 Hcredit2") as %[].
- iIntros (?? [[x1 ->] [x2 ->]]) "!>". wp_pures. by iApply "HΦ".
Lemma prog_typed :
( prog : chan (<??> lty_int; <??> lty_int; END) (lty_int * lty_int))%I.
prog : chan (<??> lty_int; <??> lty_int; END) lty_int * lty_int.
iIntros (vs) "!> HΓ /=".
iApply wp_value.
iIntros (c) "Hc".
iApply (wp_prog with "[Hc]")=> //=.
iApply (iProto_mapsto_le _ (<??> lty_int; <??> lty_int; END)%lsty with "Hc").
iApply (wp_prog with "[Hc]").
{ iApply (iProto_mapsto_le _ (<??> lty_int; <??> lty_int; END)%lsty with "Hc").
iApply iProto_le_recv.
iIntros "!> !>" (v) ">H !>".
iDestruct "H" as (x) "->"=> /=.
iExists _. do 2 iSplit=> //.
iIntros "!> !> !>" (? [x ->]).
iExists _. do 2 (iSplit; [done|]).
iApply iProto_le_recv.
iIntros "!>" (v) ">H !>".
iDestruct "H" as (y) "->"=> /=.
iExists _. do 2 iSplit=> //.
iApply iProto_le_refl.
iIntros "!>" (v) "H".
iDestruct "H" as (k1 k2) "->".
iExists _, _. iSplit=> //. eauto.
iIntros "!>" (? [y ->]).
iExists _. do 2 (iSplit; [done|]).
iApply iProto_le_refl. }
iIntros "!>" (k1 k2 _).
iExists _, _. iSplit; first done. eauto.
End Double.
End double.
......@@ -183,9 +183,7 @@ Section subtype.
(A2 <: A1) -∗ (S1 <s: S2) -∗
(<!!> A1 ; S1) <s: (<!!> A2 ; S2).
iIntros "#HAle #HPle !>".
iApply iProto_le_send=> /=.
iIntros (x) "H !>".
iIntros "#HAle #HPle !>". iApply iProto_le_send; iIntros "!> /=" (x) "H".
iDestruct ("HAle" with "H") as "H".
eauto with iFrame.
......@@ -194,9 +192,7 @@ Section subtype.
(A1 <: A2) -∗ (S1 <s: S2) -∗
(<??> A1 ; S1) <s: (<??> A2 ; S2).
iIntros "#HAle #HPle !>".
iApply iProto_le_recv; simpl.
iIntros (x) "H !>".
iIntros "#HAle #HSle !>". iApply iProto_le_recv; iIntros "!> /=" (x) "H".
iDestruct ("HAle" with "H") as "H".
eauto with iFrame.
......@@ -204,15 +200,13 @@ Section subtype.
Lemma lsty_le_swap (A1 A2 : lty Σ) (P : lsty Σ) :
(<??> A1 ; <!!> A2 ; P) <s: (<!!> A2 ; <??> A1 ; P).
iIntros "!>".
iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (x1 x2) "/= HS1 HS2".
iIntros "!>". iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros "!>" (x1 x2) "/= HS1 HS2".
iExists _, _,
(tele_app (TT:=[tele _]) (λ x2, (x2, A2 x2, (P:iProto Σ)))),
(tele_app (TT:=[tele _]) (λ x1, (x1, A1 x1, (P:iProto Σ)))),
x2, x1; simpl.
do 2 (iSplit; [done|]).
iFrame "HS1 HS2".
do 2 (iSplitR; [iApply iProto_le_refl|]). by iFrame.
......@@ -220,15 +214,11 @@ Section subtype.
( [ map] i S1;S2 Ps1; Ps2, S1 <s: S2) -∗
lsty_select Ps1 <s: lsty_select Ps2.
iIntros "#H1 !>".
iApply iProto_le_send; simpl.
iIntros (x) ">H !>"; iDestruct "H" as %Hsome.
iExists x. iSplit=> //. iSplit.
- iNext.
iDestruct (big_sepM2_forall with "H1") as "[% _]".
iIntros "#H1 !>". iApply iProto_le_send; iIntros "!>" (x Hsome).
iExists x. iSplit; first done. iSplit.
- iDestruct (big_sepM2_forall with "H1") as "[% _]".
iPureIntro. naive_solver.
- iNext.
iDestruct (big_sepM2_forall with "H1") as "[% H]".
- iDestruct (big_sepM2_forall with "H1") as "[% H]".
iApply ("H" with "[] []").
+ iPureIntro. apply lookup_lookup_total; naive_solver.
+ iPureIntro. by apply lookup_lookup_total.
......@@ -238,14 +228,10 @@ Section subtype.
Ps2 Ps1
lsty_select Ps1 <s: lsty_select Ps2.
iIntros (Hsub) "!>".
iApply iProto_le_send; simpl.
iIntros (x) ">% !> /=".
iExists _. iSplit; first done.
{ iNext. iPureIntro. by eapply lookup_weaken_is_Some. }
destruct H1 as [P H1].
iIntros (Hsub) "!>". iApply iProto_le_send; iIntros "!>" (x Hsome).
iExists _. iSplit; first done. iSplit.
{ iPureIntro. by eapply lookup_weaken_is_Some. }
destruct Hsome as [P H1].
assert (Ps1 !! x = Some P) by eauto using lookup_weaken.
rewrite (lookup_total_correct Ps1 x P) //.
rewrite (lookup_total_correct Ps2 x P) //.
......@@ -256,14 +242,11 @@ Section subtype.
( [ map] i S1;S2 Ps1; Ps2, S1 <s: S2) -∗
lsty_branch Ps1 <s: lsty_branch Ps2.
iIntros "#H1 !>". iApply iProto_le_recv.
iIntros (x) ">H !>"; iDestruct "H" as %Hsome.
iIntros "#H1 !>". iApply iProto_le_recv; iIntros "!>" (x Hsome).
iExists x. iSplit; first done. iSplit.
- iNext.
iDestruct (big_sepM2_forall with "H1") as "[% _]".
- iDestruct (big_sepM2_forall with "H1") as "[% _]".
iPureIntro. by naive_solver.
- iNext.
iDestruct (big_sepM2_forall with "H1") as "[% H]".
- iDestruct (big_sepM2_forall with "H1") as "[% H]".
iApply ("H" with "[] []").
+ iPureIntro. by apply lookup_lookup_total.
+ iPureIntro. by apply lookup_lookup_total; naive_solver.
......@@ -273,14 +256,10 @@ Section subtype.
Ps1 Ps2
lsty_branch Ps1 <s: lsty_branch Ps2.
iIntros (Hsub) "!>".
iApply iProto_le_recv; simpl.
iIntros (x) ">% !> /=".
iExists _. iSplit; first done.
{ iNext. iPureIntro. by eapply lookup_weaken_is_Some. }
destruct H1 as [P ?].
iIntros (Hsub) "!>". iApply iProto_le_recv; iIntros "!>" (x Hsome).
iExists _. iSplit; first done. iSplit.
{ iPureIntro. by eapply lookup_weaken_is_Some. }
destruct Hsome as [P ?].
assert (Ps2 !! x = Some P) by eauto using lookup_weaken.
rewrite (lookup_total_correct Ps1 x P) //.
rewrite (lookup_total_correct Ps2 x P) //.
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