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Commit 40da9e24 authored by Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen's avatar Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen
Browse files

Minor clean up

parent 15a01972
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...@@ -78,12 +78,9 @@ Section channel. ...@@ -78,12 +78,9 @@ Section channel.
{{{ c γ, RET c; is_chan γ c [] [] R }}}. {{{ c γ, RET c; is_chan γ c [] [] R }}}.
Proof. Proof.
iIntros (Φ) "HR HΦ". rewrite -wp_fupd /newlock /new_list /=. iIntros (Φ) "HR HΦ". rewrite -wp_fupd /newlock /new_list /=.
repeat wp_lam. repeat wp_lam. wp_alloc lk as "Hlk".
wp_alloc lk as "Hlk". repeat wp_lam. wp_alloc r as "Hr".
repeat wp_lam. repeat wp_lam. wp_alloc l as "Hl".
wp_alloc r as "Hr".
repeat wp_lam.
wp_alloc l as "Hl".
wp_pures. wp_pures.
iMod (own_alloc (Excl ())) as (γ) "Hγ"; first done. iMod (own_alloc (Excl ())) as (γ) "Hγ"; first done.
iMod (inv_alloc N _ (lock_inv γ lk R) with "[-Hl Hr HΦ]") as "#?". iMod (inv_alloc N _ (lock_inv γ lk R) with "[-Hl Hr HΦ]") as "#?".
...@@ -94,19 +91,18 @@ Section channel. ...@@ -94,19 +91,18 @@ Section channel.
iSplit=> //. iSplit=> //.
iSplitR. iSplitR.
- unfold is_lock. iExists _. iSplit=> //. - unfold is_lock. iExists _. iSplit=> //.
- iSplitL "Hl". - iSplitL "Hl"; iExists _; iSplit=> //; iExists (InjLV #()); iSplit => //.
+ iExists l. iSplit=> //. iExists (InjLV #()). iSplit => //.
+ iExists r. iSplit=> //. iExists (InjLV #()). iSplit => //.
Qed. Qed.
(* Insert a value 'v' in the buffer of a given channel 'c', based on the given side 's' *)
Definition send_upd γ c ls rs R s v : iProp Σ := Definition send_upd γ c ls rs R s v : iProp Σ :=
match s with match s with
| #true => is_chan γ c (ls ++ [v]) rs R | left => is_chan γ c (ls ++ [v]) rs R
| #false => is_chan γ c ls (rs ++ [v]) R | right => is_chan γ c ls (rs ++ [v]) R
| _ => False⌝%I | _ => False⌝%I
end. end.
Lemma send_spec (γ : gname) (c v : val) (ls rs : list val) (s : val) (R : iProp Σ) : Lemma send_spec (γ : gname) (c v s : val) (ls rs : list val) (R : iProp Σ) :
{{{ is_chan γ c ls rs R is_side s⌝%I }}} {{{ is_chan γ c ls rs R is_side s⌝%I }}}
send c s v send c s v
{{{ RET #(); send_upd γ c ls rs R s v }}}. {{{ RET #(); send_upd γ c ls rs R s v }}}.
...@@ -126,78 +122,34 @@ Section channel. ...@@ -126,78 +122,34 @@ Section channel.
iIntros "[Hlocked HR]". iIntros "[Hlocked HR]".
wp_seq. wp_seq.
wp_pures. wp_pures.
inversion Hs. inversion Hs;
- iDestruct "Hl" as (ll Hl lhd) "[Hl #Hlhd]". [iDestruct "Hl" as (lb Hb bhd) "[Hl #Hbhd]" |
subst. iDestruct "Hr" as (lb Hb bhd) "[Hr #Hbhd]"];
wp_pures. subst;
wp_bind (lsnoc (Load #ll) v). wp_pures;
wp_load. wp_bind (lsnoc (Load #lb) v);
iApply lsnoc_spec=> //. wp_load;
iIntros (hd' Hhd'). iApply lsnoc_spec=> //;
iNext. iIntros (hd' Hhd');
wp_store. iNext;
wp_pures. wp_store;
iApply (release_spec N γ lk R with "[Hlocked HR]") => //. wp_pures;
iFrame. eauto. iApply (release_spec N γ lk R with "[Hlocked HR]") => //;
iModIntro. iFrame; eauto;
iIntros (_). iModIntro;
iModIntro. iIntros (_);
iApply "HΦ". iModIntro;
iExists _, _, _. iApply "HΦ";
iSplitR. iExists _, _, _;
iSplitL "Hlk"=> //;
iSplitL "Hl"=> //;
iExists _;
eauto. eauto.
iSplitL "Hlk"=> //.
iSplitL "Hl"=> //.
iExists _.
iExists _.
- iDestruct "Hr" as (rl Hr rhd) "[Hr #Hrhd]".
wp_bind (lsnoc (Load #rl) v).
iApply lsnoc_spec=> //.
iIntros (hd' Hhd').
iApply (release_spec N γ lk R with "[Hlocked HR]") => //.
iFrame. eauto.
iIntros (_).
iApply "HΦ".
iExists _, _, _.
iSplitL "Hlk"=> //.
iSplitL "Hl"=> //.
iExists _.
iExists _.
Qed. Qed.
(* Definition try_recv_upd γ c ls rs R s v : iProp Σ := *)
(* match s with *)
(* | left => is_chan γ c ls rs R ∧ (∃ w rs', v = SOMEV w ∧ rs' = w::rs) ∨ (v = NONE ∧ rs = []) *)
(* | right => is_chan γ c ls rs R ∧ (∃ w ls', v = SOMEV w ∧ ls' = w::ls) ∨ (v = NONE ∧ ls = []) *)
(* . *)
(* match v with *)
(* | NONE => is_chan γ c ls rs R *)
(* | SOMEV w => ∃ ls', ls = w::ls' ∧ is_chan γ c ls rs R *)
(* end *)
(* | right => match rs with *)
(* | [] => is_chan γ c ls rs R *)
(* | r::rs => is_chan γ c ls rs R *)
(* end *)
(* | _ => ⌜False⌝%I *)
(* end. *)
Definition try_recv_upd γ c ls rs R s v : iProp Σ := Definition try_recv_upd γ c ls rs R s v : iProp Σ :=
match s with match s with
| left => match v with | left => match v with
...@@ -312,26 +264,6 @@ Section channel. ...@@ -312,26 +264,6 @@ Section channel.
iSplit=>//. iSplit=>//.
iExists _. iExists _.
iSplit=> //. iSplit=> //.
Qed. Qed.
(* Lemma recv_spec (γ : gname) (c v s : val) (ls rs : list val) (R : iProp Σ) : *)
(* {{{ is_chan γ c ls rs R ∗ ⌜is_side s⌝%I }}} *)
(* recv c s *)
(* {{{ v, RET v; *)
(* match s with *)
(* | left => match v with *)
(* | NONEV => is_chan γ c ls rs R ∧ ⌜rs = []⌝%I *)
(* | SOMEV w => ∃ rs', is_chan γ c ls rs' R ∧ ⌜rs = w::rs'⌝%I *)
(* | _ => False *)
(* end *)
(* | right => match v with *)
(* | NONEV => is_chan γ c ls rs R ∧ ⌜ls = []⌝%I *)
(* | SOMEV w => ∃ ls', is_chan γ c ls' rs R ∧ ⌜ls = w::ls'⌝%I *)
(* | _ => False *)
(* end *)
(* | _ => False *)
(* end }}}. *)
(* Proof. *)
End channel. End channel.
\ No newline at end of file
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