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Commit 405f577c authored by Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen's avatar Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen
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Update to semantic let's

parent 36124591
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......@@ -33,20 +33,20 @@ Definition get_side c s :=
Definition send : val :=
λ: "c" "s" "v",
let lk := get_lock "c" in
acquire lk;;
let l := get_side "c" "s" in
l <- lsnoc !l "v";;
release lk.
let: "lk" := get_lock "c" in
acquire "lk";;
let: "l" := get_side "c" "s" in
"l" <- lsnoc !"l" "v";;
release "lk".
Definition try_recv : val :=
λ: "c" "s",
let lk := get_lock "c" in
acquire lk;;
let l := (get_side "c" (dual_side "s")) in
match: !l with
SOME "p" => l <- Snd "p";; release lk;; SOME (Fst "p")
| NONE => release lk;; NONE
let: "lk" := get_lock "c" in
acquire "lk";;
let: "l" := (get_side "c" (dual_side "s")) in
match: !"l" with
SOME "p" => "l" <- Snd "p";; release "lk";; SOME (Fst "p")
| NONE => release "lk";; NONE
Definition recv : val :=
......@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ Section channel.
destruct Hside as [-> | ->].
- wp_pures. iDestruct "Hl" as (ll lhd ->) "(Hl & Hll)".
wp_load. wp_apply (lsnoc_spec with "Hll").
iIntros (hd') "Hll". wp_pures.
iIntros (hd' Hll). wp_pures.
wp_bind (_ <- _)%E. iMod "HΦ" as (ls' rs') "[Hchan HΦ]".
iDestruct "Hchan" as (l' r' lk' [= <- <- <-]) "[Hls' Hrs']".
......@@ -151,12 +151,11 @@ Section channel.
iMod ("HΦ" with "[Hls' Hrs']") as "HΦ".
{ rewrite /= /chan_frag. eauto with iFrame. }
wp_apply (release_spec with "[-HΦ $Hlock $Hlocked]").
wp_apply (release_spec with "[-HΦ $Hlock $Hlocked]"); last eauto.
{ rewrite /is_list_ref. eauto 10 with iFrame. }
iIntros "_ //".
- wp_pures. iDestruct "Hr" as (lr rhd ->) "(Hr & Hlr)".
wp_load. wp_apply (lsnoc_spec with "Hlr").
iIntros (hd') "Hlr". wp_pures.
iIntros (hd' Hlr). wp_pures.
wp_bind (_ <- _)%E. iMod "HΦ" as (ls' rs') "[Hchan HΦ]".
iDestruct "Hchan" as (l' r' lk' [= <- <- <-]) "[Hls' Hrs']".
......@@ -165,41 +164,37 @@ Section channel.
iMod ("HΦ" with "[Hls' Hrs']") as "HΦ".
{ rewrite /= /chan_frag. eauto with iFrame. }
wp_apply (release_spec with "[-HΦ $Hlock $Hlocked]").
wp_apply (release_spec with "[-HΦ $Hlock $Hlocked]"); last eauto.
{ rewrite /is_list_ref. eauto 10 with iFrame. }
iIntros "_ //".
Definition try_recv_upd_fail γ c ls rs s : iProp Σ :=
Definition try_recv_fail γ c ls rs s : iProp Σ :=
match s with
| left => (chan_frag γ c ls rs rs = [])%I
| right => (chan_frag γ c ls rs ls = [])%I
| _ => False⌝%I
Definition try_recv_upd_succ γ c ls rs s v : iProp Σ :=
Definition try_recv_succ γ c ls rs s v : iProp Σ :=
match s with
| left => ( rs', chan_frag γ c ls rs' rs = v::rs')%I
| right => ( ls', chan_frag γ c ls' rs ls = v::ls')%I
| _ => False⌝%I
Definition try_recv_upd γ c ls rs s v : iProp Σ :=
Definition try_recv_get γ c ls rs s v : iProp Σ :=
match v with
| NONEV => try_recv_upd_fail γ c ls rs s
| SOMEV w => try_recv_upd_succ γ c ls rs s w
| NONEV => try_recv_fail γ c ls rs s
| SOMEV w => try_recv_succ γ c ls rs s w
| _ => False⌝%I
Definition try_recv_vs E γ c s Φ :=
(|={,E}=> ls rs,
chan_frag γ c ls rs
( v, try_recv_upd γ c ls rs s v ={E,}=∗ Φ v))%I.
Lemma try_recv_spec Φ E γ (c s : val) :
is_side s
chan_ctx γ c -∗
try_recv_vs E γ c s Φ -∗
(|={,E}=> ls rs,
chan_frag γ c ls rs
( v, try_recv_get γ c ls rs s v ={E,}=∗ Φ v)) -∗
WP try_recv c s {{ Φ }}.
iIntros (Hside) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam; wp_pures.
......@@ -219,7 +214,7 @@ Section channel.
iDestruct (excl_eq with "Hrsa Hrsf") as %->.
iSpecialize ("HΦ" $!(InjLV #())).
iMod ("HΦ" with "[Hlsf Hrsf]") as "HΦ".
{ rewrite /try_recv_upd /try_recv_upd_fail /chan_frag.
{ rewrite /try_recv_get /try_recv_fail /chan_frag.
eauto 10 with iFrame. }
wp_apply (release_spec with "[-HΦ $Hlocked $Hlock]").
......@@ -237,7 +232,7 @@ Section channel.
iDestruct (excl_update _ _ _ (rs) with "Hrsa Hrsf") as ">[Hrsa Hrsf]".
iSpecialize ("HΦ" $!(InjRV (v))).
iMod ("HΦ" with "[Hlsf Hrsf]") as "HΦ".
{ rewrite /try_recv_upd /try_recv_upd_succ /chan_frag.
{ rewrite /try_recv_get /try_recv_succ /chan_frag.
eauto 10 with iFrame. }
......@@ -258,7 +253,7 @@ Section channel.
iDestruct (excl_eq with "Hrsa Hrsf") as %->.
iSpecialize ("HΦ" $!(InjLV #())).
iMod ("HΦ" with "[Hlsf Hrsf]") as "HΦ".
{ rewrite /try_recv_upd /try_recv_upd_fail /chan_frag.
{ rewrite /try_recv_get /try_recv_fail /chan_frag.
eauto 10 with iFrame. }
wp_apply (release_spec with "[-HΦ $Hlocked $Hlock]").
......@@ -276,7 +271,7 @@ Section channel.
iDestruct (excl_update _ _ _ (ls) with "Hlsa Hlsf") as ">[Hlsa Hlsf]".
iSpecialize ("HΦ" $!(InjRV (v))).
iMod ("HΦ" with "[Hlsf Hrsf]") as "HΦ".
{ rewrite /try_recv_upd /try_recv_upd_succ /chan_frag.
{ rewrite /try_recv_get /try_recv_succ /chan_frag.
eauto 10 with iFrame. }
......@@ -287,16 +282,13 @@ Section channel.
by iApply "HΦ".
Definition recv_vs E γ c s Φ :=
( (|={,E}=> ls rs,
chan_frag γ c ls rs
((try_recv_upd_fail γ c ls rs s ={E,}=∗ True)
( v, try_recv_upd_succ γ c ls rs s v ={E,}=∗ Φ v))))%I.
Lemma recv_spec Φ E γ c s :
is_side s
chan_ctx γ c -∗
recv_vs E γ c s Φ -∗
( (|={,E}=> ls rs,
chan_frag γ c ls rs
((try_recv_fail γ c ls rs s ={E,}=∗ True)
( v, try_recv_succ γ c ls rs s v ={E,}=∗ Φ v)))) -∗
WP recv c s {{ Φ }}.
iIntros (Hside) "#Hc #HΦ".
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