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Commit 0d55d5de authored by Robbert Krebbers's avatar Robbert Krebbers
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Some mapper clean up.

parent 1fa2c070
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......@@ -15,3 +15,4 @@ theories/examples/sort_client.v
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Definition start_mappers : val :=
Fork (mapper "f" "l" "c");;
"go" ("n" - #1) "f" "l" "c".
Definition loop_mappers : val :=
Definition mapper_service_loop : val :=
rec: "go" "n" "c" "xs" "ys" :=
if: "n" = #0 then "ys" else
if: recv "c" then
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Definition mapper_service : val := λ: "n" "f" "xs",
let: "l" := new_lock #() in
let: "c" := start_chan (λ: "c",
start_mappers "n" "f" "l" "c") in
loop_mappers "n" "c" "xs" (lnil #()).
mapper_service_loop "n" "c" "xs" (lnil #()).
Class map_sortG Σ A `{Countable A} := {
map_sort_contributionG :> contributionG Σ (gmultisetUR A);
......@@ -135,19 +135,19 @@ Section mapper.
wp_apply ("IH" with "[$] [$] [$]").
Lemma loop_mappers_spec (n : nat) c vs xs ws X_send xs_recv :
Lemma mapper_service_loop_spec (n : nat) c vs xs ws X_send xs_recv :
(n = 0 X_send = xs = [])
c mapper_protocol n (X_send : gmultiset A) @ N
([ list] x;v xs;vs, IA x v) ([ list] x;w xs_recv;ws, IB (f x) w)
loop_mappers #n c (val_encode vs) (val_encode ws)
mapper_service_loop #n c (val_encode vs) (val_encode ws)
{{{ ys ws, RET (val_encode ws);
ys ++ (f <$> xs_recv) f <$> (elements X_send ++ xs ++ xs_recv)
ys f <$> elements X_send ++ xs
[ list] y;w ys ++ (f <$> xs_recv);ws, IB y w
iIntros (Hn Φ) "(Hc & Hxs & Hxs_recv) HΦ".
iIntros (Hn Φ) "(Hc & HIA & HIB) HΦ".
iLöb as "IH" forall (n vs xs ws X_send xs_recv Hn Φ); wp_rec; wp_pures; simpl.
case_bool_decide; wp_pures; simplify_eq/=.
{ destruct Hn as [-> ->]; first lia.
......@@ -157,26 +157,25 @@ Section mapper.
destruct vs as [|v vs], xs as [|x xs]; csimpl; try done; wp_pures.
+ wp_select. wp_pures. rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ Z.sub_1_r Z.pred_succ.
iApply ("IH" with "[] Hc [//] [$] HΦ"). iPureIntro; naive_solver.
+ iDestruct "Hxs" as "[Hx Hxs]". wp_select.
+ iDestruct "HIA" as "[HIAx HIA]". wp_select.
wp_apply (lhead_spec (A:=val) with "[//]"); iIntros (_).
wp_send with "[$Hx]".
wp_send with "[$HIAx]".
wp_apply (ltail_spec (A:=val) with "[//]"); iIntros (_).
wp_apply ("IH" with "[] Hc Hxs Hxs_recv"); first done.
wp_apply ("IH" with "[] Hc HIA HIB"); first done.
iIntros (ys ws').
rewrite gmultiset_elements_disj_union gmultiset_elements_singleton -!assoc_L.
iApply "HΦ".
- wp_recv (x w) as (HH) "HIfx".
- wp_recv (x w) as (HH) "HIBfx".
wp_apply (lcons_spec (A:=val) with "[//]"); iIntros (_).
wp_apply ("IH" $! _ _ _ _ _ (_ :: _) with "[] Hc Hxs [HIfx Hxs_recv]"); first done.
wp_apply ("IH" $! _ _ _ _ _ (_ :: _) with "[] Hc HIA [HIBfx HIB]"); first done.
{ simpl; iFrame. }
iIntros (ys ws'); iDestruct 1 as (Hys) "H"; simplify_eq/=.
iIntros (ys ws'); iDestruct 1 as (Hys) "HIB"; simplify_eq/=.
iApply ("HΦ" $! (ys ++ [f x])). iSplit.
+ iPureIntro. rewrite -assoc_L /= Hys.
rewrite {2}(gmultiset_disj_union_difference {[ x ]} X_send)
+ iPureIntro. rewrite (gmultiset_disj_union_difference {[ x ]} X_send)
-?gmultiset_elem_of_singleton_subseteq //.
rewrite (comm disj_union) gmultiset_elements_disj_union.
rewrite gmultiset_elements_singleton.
by rewrite -assoc_L (assoc_L _ [x]) (comm _ [x]) -!assoc_L.
rewrite gmultiset_elements_singleton -assoc_L (comm _ [x]) assoc_L.
by rewrite fmap_app -Hys.
+ by rewrite -assoc_L.
......@@ -198,7 +197,7 @@ Section mapper.
{ iExists n, ∅. iFrame. }
wp_apply (start_mappers_spec with "Hf [$Hlk $Hu $Hγs]"); auto. }
wp_pures. wp_apply (lnil_spec with "[//]"); iIntros (_).
wp_apply (loop_mappers_spec _ _ _ _ [] [] with "[$Hc $HI //]"); first lia.
wp_apply (mapper_service_loop_spec _ _ _ _ [] [] with "[$Hc $HI //]"); first lia.
iIntros (ys ws). rewrite /= !right_id_L gmultiset_elements_empty. iApply "HΦ".
End mapper.
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