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Commit b853c0af authored by Robbert Krebbers's avatar Robbert Krebbers
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Remove optionmap and assoc.

These are unused and not very useful anymore now that we have gmap.
parent 3e72f509
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(* Copyright (c) 2012-2015, Robbert Krebbers. *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the BSD license. *)
(** An implementation of finite maps and finite sets using association lists
ordered by keys. Although the lookup and insert operation are linear-time, the
main advantage of these association lists compared to search trees, is that it
has canonical representatives and thus extensional Leibniz equality. Compared
to a naive unordered association list, the merge operation (used for unions,
intersections, and difference) is also linear-time. *)
Require Import prelude.mapset.
Require Export prelude.fin_maps.
(** Because the association list is sorted using [strict lexico] instead of
[lexico], it automatically guarantees that no duplicates exist. *)
Definition assoc (K : Type) `{Lexico K, !TrichotomyT lexico,
!StrictOrder lexico} (A : Type) : Type :=
dsig (λ l : list (K * A), StronglySorted lexico (l.*1)).
Section assoc.
Context `{Lexico K, !StrictOrder lexico,
x y : K, Decision (x = y), !TrichotomyT lexico}.
Infix "⊂" := lexico.
Notation assoc_before j l := (Forall (lexico j) (l.*1)) (only parsing).
Notation assoc_wf l := (StronglySorted (lexico) (l.*1)) (only parsing).
Lemma assoc_before_transitive {A} (l : list (K * A)) i j :
i j assoc_before j l assoc_before i l.
Proof. intros. eapply Forall_impl; eauto. intros. by transitivity j. Qed.
Hint Resolve assoc_before_transitive.
Hint Extern 1 (StronglySorted _ []) => constructor.
Hint Extern 1 (StronglySorted _ (_ :: _)) => constructor.
Hint Extern 1 (Forall _ []) => constructor.
Hint Extern 1 (Forall _ (_ :: _)) => constructor.
Hint Extern 100 => progress simpl.
Ltac simplify_assoc := intros;
repeat match goal with
| H : Forall _ [] |- _ => clear H
| H : Forall _ (_ :: _) |- _ => inversion_clear H
| H : StronglySorted _ [] |- _ => clear H
| H : StronglySorted _ (_ :: _) |- _ => inversion_clear H
| _ => progress decompose_elem_of_list
| _ => progress simplify_equality'
| _ => match goal with |- context [?o ≫= _] => by destruct o end
repeat first
[ progress simplify_order
| progress autorewrite with assoc in *; simplify_equality'
| destruct (trichotomyT lexico) as [[?|?]|?]; simplify_equality' ];
eauto 9.
Fixpoint assoc_lookup_raw {A} (i : K) (l : list (K * A)) : option A :=
match l with
| [] => None
| (j,x) :: l =>
match trichotomyT lexico i j with
| (**i i ⊂ j *) inleft (left _) => None
| (**i i = j *) inleft (right _) => Some x
| (**i j ⊂ i *) inright _ => assoc_lookup_raw i l
Global Instance assoc_lookup {A} : Lookup K A (assoc K A) := λ k m,
assoc_lookup_raw k (`m).
Lemma assoc_lookup_before {A} (l : list (K * A)) i :
assoc_before i l assoc_lookup_raw i l = None.
Proof. induction l as [|[??]]; simplify_assoc. Qed.
Hint Rewrite @assoc_lookup_before using (by eauto) : assoc.
Lemma assoc_eq {A} (l1 l2 : list (K * A)) :
assoc_wf l1 assoc_wf l2
( i, assoc_lookup_raw i l1 = assoc_lookup_raw i l2) l1 = l2.
revert l2. induction l1 as [|[i x] l1 IH]; intros [|[j y] l2]; intros ?? E.
{ done. }
{ specialize (E j); simplify_assoc; by repeat constructor. }
{ specialize (E i); simplify_assoc; by repeat constructor. }
pose proof (E i); pose proof (E j); simplify_assoc.
f_equal. apply IH; auto. intros i'. specialize (E i'); simplify_assoc.
Definition assoc_empty_wf {A} : assoc_wf (@nil (K * A)).
Proof. constructor. Qed.
Global Instance assoc_empty {A} : Empty (assoc K A) := dexist _ assoc_empty_wf.
Definition assoc_cons {A} (i : K) (o : option A) (l : list (K * A)) :
list (K * A) := match o with None => l | Some z => (i,z) :: l end.
Lemma assoc_cons_before {A} (l : list (K * A)) i j o :
assoc_before i l i j assoc_before i (assoc_cons j o l).
Proof. destruct o; simplify_assoc. Qed.
Lemma assoc_cons_wf {A} (l : list (K * A)) i o :
assoc_wf l assoc_before i l assoc_wf (assoc_cons i o l).
Proof. destruct o; simplify_assoc. Qed.
Hint Resolve assoc_cons_before assoc_cons_wf.
Lemma assoc_lookup_cons {A} (l : list (K * A)) i o :
assoc_before i l assoc_lookup_raw i (assoc_cons i o l) = o.
Proof. destruct o; simplify_assoc. Qed.
Lemma assoc_lookup_cons_lt {A} (l : list (K * A)) i j o :
i j assoc_before i l assoc_lookup_raw i (assoc_cons j o l) = None.
Proof. destruct o; simplify_assoc. Qed.
Lemma assoc_lookup_cons_gt {A} (l : list (K * A)) i j o :
j i assoc_lookup_raw i (assoc_cons j o l) = assoc_lookup_raw i l.
Proof. destruct o; simplify_assoc. Qed.
Hint Rewrite @assoc_lookup_cons @assoc_lookup_cons_lt
@assoc_lookup_cons_gt using (by eauto 8) : assoc.
Fixpoint assoc_alter_raw {A} (f : option A option A)
(i : K) (l : list (K * A)) : list (K * A) :=
match l with
| [] => assoc_cons i (f None) []
| (j,x) :: l =>
match trichotomyT lexico i j with
| (**i i ⊂ j *) inleft (left _) => assoc_cons i (f None) ((j,x) :: l)
| (**i i = j *) inleft (right _) => assoc_cons j (f (Some x)) l
| (**i j ⊂ i *) inright _ => (j,x) :: assoc_alter_raw f i l
Lemma assoc_alter_wf {A} (f : option A option A) i l :
assoc_wf l assoc_wf (assoc_alter_raw f i l).
revert l. assert ( j l,
j i assoc_before j l assoc_before j (assoc_alter_raw f i l)).
{ intros j l. induction l as [|[??]]; simplify_assoc. }
intros l. induction l as [|[??]]; simplify_assoc.
Global Instance assoc_alter {A} : PartialAlter K A (assoc K A) := λ f i m,
dexist _ (assoc_alter_wf f i _ (proj2_dsig m)).
Lemma assoc_lookup_raw_alter {A} f (l : list (K * A)) i :
assoc_wf l
assoc_lookup_raw i (assoc_alter_raw f i l) = f (assoc_lookup_raw i l).
Proof. induction l as [|[??]]; simplify_assoc. Qed.
Lemma assoc_lookup_raw_alter_ne {A} f (l : list (K * A)) i j :
assoc_wf l i j
assoc_lookup_raw j (assoc_alter_raw f i l) = assoc_lookup_raw j l.
induction l as [|[??]]; simplify_assoc; unfold assoc_cons;
destruct (f _); simplify_assoc.
Lemma assoc_fmap_wf {A B} (f : A B) (l : list (K * A)) :
assoc_wf l assoc_wf (prod_map id f <$> l).
intros. by rewrite <-list_fmap_compose,
(list_fmap_ext _ fst l l) by (done; by intros []).
Global Program Instance assoc_fmap: FMap (assoc K) := λ A B f m,
dexist _ (assoc_fmap_wf f _ (proj2_dsig m)).
Lemma assoc_lookup_fmap {A B} (f : A B) (l : list (K * A)) i :
assoc_lookup_raw i (prod_map id f <$> l) = fmap f (assoc_lookup_raw i l).
Proof. induction l as [|[??]]; simplify_assoc. Qed.
Fixpoint assoc_omap_raw {A B} (f : A option B)
(l : list (K * A)) : list (K * B) :=
match l with
| [] => []
| (i,x) :: l => assoc_cons i (f x) (assoc_omap_raw f l)
Lemma assoc_omap_raw_before {A B} (f : A option B) l j :
assoc_before j l assoc_before j (assoc_omap_raw f l).
Proof. induction l as [|[??]]; simplify_assoc. Qed.
Hint Resolve assoc_omap_raw_before.
Lemma assoc_omap_wf {A B} (f : A option B) l :
assoc_wf l assoc_wf (assoc_omap_raw f l).
Proof. induction l as [|[??]]; simplify_assoc. Qed.
Hint Resolve assoc_omap_wf.
Global Instance assoc_omap: OMap (assoc K) := λ A B f m,
dexist _ (assoc_omap_wf f _ (proj2_dsig m)).
Lemma assoc_omap_spec {A B} (f : A option B) l i :
assoc_wf l
assoc_lookup_raw i (assoc_omap_raw f l) = assoc_lookup_raw i l ≫= f.
Proof. intros. induction l as [|[??]]; simplify_assoc. Qed.
Hint Rewrite @assoc_omap_spec using (by eauto) : assoc.
Fixpoint assoc_merge_raw {A B C} (f : option A option B option C)
(l : list (K * A)) : list (K * B) list (K * C) :=
fix go (k : list (K * B)) :=
match l, k with
| [], _ => assoc_omap_raw (f None Some) k
| _, [] => assoc_omap_raw (flip f None Some) l
| (i,x) :: l, (j,y) :: k =>
match trichotomyT lexico i j with
| (**i i ⊂ j *) inleft (left _) =>
assoc_cons i (f (Some x) None) (assoc_merge_raw f l ((j,y) :: k))
| (**i i = j *) inleft (right _) =>
assoc_cons i (f (Some x) (Some y)) (assoc_merge_raw f l k)
| (**i j ⊂ i *) inright _ =>
assoc_cons j (f None (Some y)) (go k)
Section assoc_merge_raw.
Context {A B C} (f : option A option B option C).
Lemma assoc_merge_nil_l k :
assoc_merge_raw f [] k = assoc_omap_raw (f None Some) k.
Proof. by destruct k. Qed.
Lemma assoc_merge_nil_r l :
assoc_merge_raw f l [] = assoc_omap_raw (flip f None Some) l.
Proof. by destruct l as [|[??]]. Qed.
Lemma assoc_merge_cons i x j y l k :
assoc_merge_raw f ((i,x) :: l) ((j,y) :: k) =
match trichotomyT lexico i j with
| (**i i ⊂ j *) inleft (left _) =>
assoc_cons i (f (Some x) None) (assoc_merge_raw f l ((j,y) :: k))
| (**i i = j *) inleft (right _) =>
assoc_cons i (f (Some x) (Some y)) (assoc_merge_raw f l k)
| (**i j ⊂ i *) inright _ =>
assoc_cons j (f None (Some y)) (assoc_merge_raw f ((i,x) :: l) k)
Proof. done. Qed.
End assoc_merge_raw.
Arguments assoc_merge_raw _ _ _ _ _ _ : simpl never.
Hint Rewrite @assoc_merge_nil_l @assoc_merge_nil_r @assoc_merge_cons : assoc.
Lemma assoc_merge_before {A B C} (f : option A option B option C) l1 l2 j :
assoc_before j l1 assoc_before j l2
assoc_before j (assoc_merge_raw f l1 l2).
revert l2. induction l1 as [|[??] l1 IH];
intros l2; induction l2 as [|[??] l2 IH2]; simplify_assoc.
Hint Resolve assoc_merge_before.
Lemma assoc_merge_wf {A B C} (f : option A option B option C) l1 l2 :
assoc_wf l1 assoc_wf l2 assoc_wf (assoc_merge_raw f l1 l2).
revert l2. induction l1 as [|[i x] l1 IH];
intros l2; induction l2 as [|[j y] l2 IH2]; simplify_assoc.
Global Instance assoc_merge: Merge (assoc K) := λ A B C f m1 m2,
dexist _ (assoc_merge_wf f _ _ (proj2_dsig m1) (proj2_dsig m2)).
Lemma assoc_merge_spec {A B C} (f : option A option B option C) l1 l2 i :
f None None = None assoc_wf l1 assoc_wf l2
assoc_lookup_raw i (assoc_merge_raw f l1 l2) =
f (assoc_lookup_raw i l1) (assoc_lookup_raw i l2).
intros ?. revert l2. induction l1 as [|[??] l1 IH]; intros l2;
induction l2 as [|[??] l2 IH2]; simplify_assoc; rewrite ?IH; simplify_assoc.
Global Instance assoc_to_list {A} : FinMapToList K A (assoc K A) := proj1_sig.
Lemma assoc_to_list_nodup {A} (l : list (K * A)) : assoc_wf l NoDup l.
revert l. assert ( i x (l : list (K * A)), assoc_before i l (i,x) l).
{ intros i x l. rewrite Forall_fmap, Forall_forall. intros Hl Hi.
destruct (irreflexivity (lexico) i). by apply (Hl (i,x) Hi). }
induction l as [|[??]]; simplify_assoc; constructor; auto.
Lemma assoc_to_list_elem_of {A} (l : list (K * A)) i x :
assoc_wf l (i,x) l assoc_lookup_raw i l = Some x.
* induction l as [|[??]]; simplify_assoc; naive_solver.
* induction l as [|[??]]; simplify_assoc; [left| right]; eauto.
(** * Instantiation of the finite map interface *)
Hint Extern 1 (assoc_wf _) => by apply (bool_decide_unpack _).
Global Instance: FinMap K (assoc K).
* intros ? [l1 ?] [l2 ?] ?. apply (sig_eq_pi _), assoc_eq; auto.
* done.
* intros ?? [??] ?. apply assoc_lookup_raw_alter; auto.
* intros ?? [??] ???. apply assoc_lookup_raw_alter_ne; auto.
* intros ??? [??] ?. apply assoc_lookup_fmap.
* intros ? [??]. apply assoc_to_list_nodup; auto.
* intros ? [??] ??. apply assoc_to_list_elem_of; auto.
* intros ??? [??] ?. apply assoc_omap_spec; auto.
* intros ????? [??] [??] ?. apply assoc_merge_spec; auto.
End assoc.
(** * Finite sets *)
(** We construct finite sets using the above implementation of maps. *)
Notation assoc_set K := (mapset (assoc K)).
Instance assoc_map_dom `{Lexico K, !TrichotomyT (@lexico K _),
!StrictOrder lexico} {A} : Dom (assoc K A) (assoc_set K) := mapset_dom.
Instance assoc_map_dom_spec `{Lexico K} `{!TrichotomyT (@lexico K _)}
`{!StrictOrder lexico, x y : K, Decision (x = y)} :
FinMapDom K (assoc K) (assoc_set K) := mapset_dom_spec.
(* Copyright (c) 2012-2015, Robbert Krebbers. *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the BSD license. *)
Require Import prelude.mapset.
Require Export prelude.prelude prelude.fin_maps.
Record optionmap (M : Type Type) (A : Type) : Type :=
OptionMap { optionmap_None : option A; optionmap_Some : M A }.
Arguments optionmap_None {_ _} _.
Arguments optionmap_Some {_ _} _.
Arguments OptionMap {_ _} _ _.
Instance optionmap_eq_dec {M : Type Type} {A}
`{ x y : A, Decision (x = y), m1 m2 : M A, Decision (m1 = m2)}
(m1 m2 : optionmap M A) : Decision (m1 = m2).
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Section optionmap.
Context `{FinMap K M}.
Global Instance optionmap_empty {A} : Empty (optionmap M A) := OptionMap None ∅.
Global Opaque optionmap_empty.
Global Instance optionmap_lookup {A} :
Lookup (option K) A (optionmap M A) := λ i m,
match i with
| None => optionmap_None m
| Some k => optionmap_Some m !! k
Global Instance optionmap_partial_alter {A} :
PartialAlter (option K) A (optionmap M A) := λ f i m,
match i, m with
| None, OptionMap o m => OptionMap (f o) m
| Some k, OptionMap o m => OptionMap o (partial_alter f k m)
Global Instance optionmap_to_list {A} :
FinMapToList (option K) A (optionmap M A) := λ m,
match m with
| OptionMap o m =>
default [] o (λ x, [(None,x)]) ++ (prod_map Some id <$> map_to_list m)
Global Instance optionmap_omap: OMap (optionmap M) := λ A B f m,
match m with OptionMap o m => OptionMap (o ≫= f) (omap f m) end.
Global Instance optionmap_merge: Merge (optionmap M) := λ A B C f m1 m2,
match m1, m2 with
| OptionMap o1 m1, OptionMap o2 m2 => OptionMap (f o1 o2) (merge f m1 m2)
Global Instance optionmap_fmap: FMap (optionmap M) := λ A B f m,
match m with OptionMap o m => OptionMap (f <$> o) (f <$> m) end.
Global Instance: FinMap (option K) (optionmap M).
* intros ? [??] [??] Hlookup. f_equal; [apply (Hlookup None)|].
apply map_eq. intros k. apply (Hlookup (Some k)).
* intros ? [?|]. apply (lookup_empty k). done.
* intros ? f [? t] [k|]; simpl; [|done]. apply lookup_partial_alter.
* intros ? f [? t] [k|] [|k']; simpl; try intuition congruence.
intros; apply lookup_partial_alter_ne; congruence.
* intros ??? [??] []; simpl. apply lookup_fmap. done.
* intros ? [[x|] m]; unfold map_to_list; simpl.
+ constructor.
- rewrite elem_of_list_fmap. by intros [[??] [??]].
- by apply (NoDup_fmap _), NoDup_map_to_list.
+ apply (NoDup_fmap _), NoDup_map_to_list.
* intros ? m k x. unfold map_to_list. split.
+ destruct m as [[y|] m]; simpl.
- rewrite elem_of_cons, elem_of_list_fmap.
intros [? | [[??] [??]]]; simplify_equality'; [done |].
by apply elem_of_map_to_list.
- rewrite elem_of_list_fmap; intros [[??] [??]]; simplify_equality'.
by apply elem_of_map_to_list.
+ destruct m as [[y|] m]; simpl.
- rewrite elem_of_cons, elem_of_list_fmap.
destruct k as [k|]; simpl; [|intuition congruence].
intros. right. exists (k,x). by rewrite elem_of_map_to_list.
- rewrite elem_of_list_fmap.
destruct k as [k|]; simpl; [|done].
intros. exists (k,x). by rewrite elem_of_map_to_list.
* intros ?? f [??] [?|]; simpl; [|done]; apply (lookup_omap f).
* intros ??? f ? [??] [??] [?|]; simpl; [|done]; apply (lookup_merge f).
End optionmap.
(** * Finite sets *)
Notation optionset M := (mapset (optionmap M)).
Instance optionmap_dom {M : Type Type} `{ A, Empty (M A), Merge M} {A} :
Dom (optionmap M A) (optionset M) := mapset_dom.
Instance optionmap_domspec `{FinMap K M} :
FinMapDom (option K) (optionmap M) (optionset M) := mapset_dom_spec.
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