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Commit 3f784972 authored by Robbert Krebbers's avatar Robbert Krebbers
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Remove file cofe_instances.v: put general stuff in cofe.v and map stuff

in cofe_maps.v.
parent 51b04b25
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......@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ Proof.
apply (conv_compl (snd_chain c) n).
Canonical Structure prodC (A B : cofeT) : cofeT := CofeT (A * B).
Local Instance prod_map_ne `{Dist A, Dist A', Dist B, Dist B'} n :
Instance prod_map_ne `{Dist A, Dist A', Dist B, Dist B'} n :
Proper ((dist n ==> dist n) ==> (dist n ==> dist n) ==>
dist n ==> dist n) (@prod_map A A' B B').
Proof. by intros f f' Hf g g' Hg ?? [??]; split; [apply Hf|apply Hg]. Qed.
......@@ -229,3 +229,67 @@ Instance pair_ne `{Dist A, Dist B} :
Instance fst_ne `{Dist A, Dist B} : Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (@fst A B) := _.
Instance snd_ne `{Dist A, Dist B} : Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (@snd A B) := _.
Typeclasses Opaque prod_dist.
(** Discrete cofe *)
Section discrete_cofe.
Context `{Equiv A, @Equivalence A ()}.
Instance discrete_dist : Dist A := λ n x y,
match n with 0 => True | S n => x y end.
Instance discrete_compl : Compl A := λ c, c 1.
Instance discrete_cofe : Cofe A.
* intros x y; split; [by intros ? []|intros Hn; apply (Hn 1)].
* intros [|n]; [done|apply _].
* by intros [|n].
* done.
* intros c [|n]; [done|apply (chain_cauchy c 1 (S n)); lia].
Definition discrete_cofeC : cofeT := CofeT A.
End discrete_cofe.
Arguments discrete_cofeC _ {_ _}.
(** Later *)
Inductive later (A : Type) : Type := Later { later_car : A }.
Arguments Later {_} _.
Arguments later_car {_} _.
Section later.
Instance later_equiv `{Equiv A} : Equiv (later A) := λ x y,
later_car x later_car y.
Instance later_dist `{Dist A} : Dist (later A) := λ n x y,
match n with 0 => True | S n => later_car x ={n}= later_car y end.
Program Definition later_chain `{Dist A} (c : chain (later A)) : chain A :=
{| chain_car n := later_car (c (S n)) |}.
Next Obligation. intros A ? c n i ?; apply (chain_cauchy c (S n)); lia. Qed.
Instance later_compl `{Compl A} : Compl (later A) := λ c,
Later (compl (later_chain c)).
Instance later_cofe `{Cofe A} : Cofe (later A).
* intros x y; unfold equiv, later_equiv; rewrite !equiv_dist.
split. intros Hxy [|n]; [done|apply Hxy]. intros Hxy n; apply (Hxy (S n)).
* intros [|n]; [by split|split]; unfold dist, later_dist.
+ by intros [x].
+ by intros [x] [y].
+ by intros [x] [y] [z] ??; transitivity y.
* intros [|n] [x] [y] ?; [done|]; unfold dist, later_dist; by apply dist_S.
* done.
* intros c [|n]; [done|by apply (conv_compl (later_chain c) n)].
Canonical Structure laterC (A : cofeT) : cofeT := CofeT (later A).
Instance later_fmap : FMap later := λ A B f x, Later (f (later_car x)).
Instance later_fmap_ne `{Cofe A, Cofe B} (f : A B) :
( n, Proper (dist n ==> dist n) f)
n, Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (fmap f : later A later B).
Proof. intros Hf [|n] [x] [y] ?; do 2 red; simpl. done. by apply Hf. Qed.
Lemma later_fmap_id {A} (x : later A) : id <$> x = x.
Proof. by destruct x. Qed.
Lemma later_fmap_compose {A B C} (f : A B) (g : B C) (x : later A) :
g f <$> x = g <$> f <$> x.
Proof. by destruct x. Qed.
Definition laterC_map {A B} (f : A -n> B) : laterC A -n> laterC B :=
CofeMor (fmap f : laterC A laterC B).
Instance laterC_contractive (A B : cofeT) : Contractive (@laterC_map A B).
Proof. intros n f g Hf n'; apply Hf. Qed.
End later.
Require Export iris.cofe.
Require Import prelude.fin_maps prelude.pmap prelude.nmap prelude.zmap prelude.stringmap.
(** Discrete cofe *)
Section discrete_cofe.
Context `{Equiv A, @Equivalence A ()}.
Instance discrete_dist : Dist A := λ n x y,
match n with 0 => True | S n => x y end.
Instance discrete_compl `{Equiv A} : Compl A := λ c, c 1.
Instance discrete_cofe : Cofe A.
* intros x y; split; [by intros ? []|intros Hn; apply (Hn 1)].
* intros [|n]; [done|apply _].
* by intros [|n].
* done.
* intros c [|n]; [done|apply (chain_cauchy c 1 (S n)); lia].
Definition discreteC : cofeT := CofeT A.
End discrete_cofe.
Arguments discreteC _ {_ _}.
(** Later *)
Inductive later (A : Type) : Type := Later { later_car : A }.
Arguments Later {_} _.
Arguments later_car {_} _.
Section later.
Instance later_equiv `{Equiv A} : Equiv (later A) := λ x y,
later_car x later_car y.
Instance later_dist `{Dist A} : Dist (later A) := λ n x y,
match n with 0 => True | S n => later_car x ={n}= later_car y end.
Program Definition later_chain `{Dist A} (c : chain (later A)) : chain A :=
{| chain_car n := later_car (c (S n)) |}.
Next Obligation. intros A ? c n i ?; apply (chain_cauchy c (S n)); lia. Qed.
Instance later_compl `{Compl A} : Compl (later A) := λ c,
Later (compl (later_chain c)).
Instance later_cofe `{Cofe A} : Cofe (later A).
* intros x y; unfold equiv, later_equiv; rewrite !equiv_dist.
split. intros Hxy [|n]; [done|apply Hxy]. intros Hxy n; apply (Hxy (S n)).
* intros [|n]; [by split|split]; unfold dist, later_dist.
+ by intros [x].
+ by intros [x] [y].
+ by intros [x] [y] [z] ??; transitivity y.
* intros [|n] [x] [y] ?; [done|]; unfold dist, later_dist; by apply dist_S.
* done.
* intros c [|n]; [done|by apply (conv_compl (later_chain c) n)].
Canonical Structure laterC (A : cofeT) : cofeT := CofeT (later A).
Instance later_fmap : FMap later := λ A B f x, Later (f (later_car x)).
Instance later_fmap_ne `{Cofe A, Cofe B} (f : A B) :
( n, Proper (dist n ==> dist n) f)
n, Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (fmap f : later A later B).
Proof. intros Hf [|n] [x] [y] ?; do 2 red; simpl. done. by apply Hf. Qed.
Lemma later_fmap_id {A} (x : later A) : id <$> x = x.
Proof. by destruct x. Qed.
Lemma later_fmap_compose {A B C} (f : A B) (g : B C) (x : later A) :
g f <$> x = g <$> f <$> x.
Proof. by destruct x. Qed.
Definition laterC_map {A B} (f : A -n> B) : laterC A -n> laterC B :=
CofeMor (fmap f : laterC A laterC B).
Instance laterC_contractive (A B : cofeT) : Contractive (@laterC_map A B).
Proof. intros n f g Hf n'; apply Hf. Qed.
End later.
(* Option *)
Instance option_dist `{Dist A} : Dist (option A) := λ n o1 o2,
match n with 0 => True | S n => option_Forall2 (dist n) o1 o2 end.
Program Definition option_chain `{Dist A}
(c : chain (option A)) (x : A) (H : c 1 = Some x) : chain A :=
{| chain_car n := from_option x (c (S n)) |}.
Next Obligation.
intros A ? c x ? n i ?.
feed inversion (chain_cauchy c 1 (S i)); auto with lia congruence.
feed inversion (chain_cauchy c (S n) (S i)); simpl; auto with lia congruence.
Instance option_compl `{Compl A} : Compl (option A) := λ c,
match Some_dec (c 1) with
| inleft (exist x H) => Some (compl (option_chain c x H))
| inright _ => None
Instance option_cofe `{Cofe A} : Cofe (option A).
* intros mx my; split.
{ by destruct 1; intros [|n]; constructor; apply equiv_dist. }
intros Hxy; feed inversion (Hxy 1); constructor; apply equiv_dist.
intros n. feed inversion (Hxy (S n)); congruence.
* intros [|n]; [by split|split].
+ by intros [x|]; constructor.
+ by destruct 1; constructor.
+ by intros [x|] [y|] [z|]; do 2 inversion 1; constructor; transitivity y.
* by destruct n; [|destruct 1; constructor; apply dist_S].
* done.
* intros c [|n]; unfold compl, option_compl; [constructor|].
destruct (Some_dec (c 1)) as [[x Hx]|].
+ assert (is_Some (c (S n))) as [y Hy].
{ feed inversion (chain_cauchy c 1 (S n)); try congruence; eauto with lia. }
rewrite Hy; constructor.
by rewrite (conv_compl (option_chain c x Hx) n); simpl; rewrite Hy.
+ feed inversion (chain_cauchy c 1 (S n)); auto with lia congruence.
by constructor.
Instance Some_ne `{Cofe A} : Proper (dist n ==> dist n) Some.
Proof. by intros [|n];[done|constructor; apply dist_S]. Qed.
Instance option_fmap_ne `{Cofe A, Cofe B} (f : A B) :
( n, Proper (dist n ==> dist n) f)
n, Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (fmap f : option A option B).
Proof. intros Hf [|n];[done|destruct 1;constructor;by apply Hf]. Qed.
(** Finite maps *)
Section map.
Context `{FinMap K M}.
Instance map_dist `{Dist A} : Dist (M A) := λ n m1 m2,
i, m1 !! i ={n}= m2 !! i.
Program Definition map_chain `{Dist A} (c : chain (M A))
(k : K) : chain (option A) := {| chain_car n := c n !! k |}.
Next Obligation. by intros A ? c k n i ?; apply (chain_cauchy c). Qed.
Instance map_compl `{Compl A} : Compl (M A) := λ c,
map_imap (λ i _, compl (map_chain c i)) (c 1).
Instance map_cofe `{Cofe A} : Cofe (M A).
* intros m1 m2; split.
+ by intros Hm n k; apply equiv_dist.
+ intros Hm k; apply equiv_dist; intros n; apply Hm.
* intros n; split.
+ by intros m k.
+ by intros m1 m2 ? k.
+ by intros m1 m2 m3 ?? k; transitivity (m2 !! k).
* by intros n m1 m2 ? k; apply dist_S.
* done.
* intros c [|n] k; unfold compl, map_compl; [apply dist_0|].
rewrite lookup_imap.
assert (( x y, c 1 !! k = Some x c (S n) !! k = Some y)
c 1 !! k = None c (S n) !! k = None) as [(x&y&Hx&Hy)|[-> ->]]
by (feed inversion (λ H, chain_cauchy c 1 (S n) H k);
eauto with lia congruence); [|done].
by rewrite Hx; simpl; rewrite conv_compl; simpl; rewrite Hy.
Instance lookup_ne `{Cofe A} n :
Proper ((=) ==> dist n ==> dist n) (lookup : K M A option A).
Proof. by intros k1 k2 -> m1 m2 Hm; apply Hm. Qed.
Instance map_fmap_ne `{Cofe A, Cofe B} (f : A B) :
( n, Proper (dist n ==> dist n) f)
n, Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (fmap f : M A M B).
Proof. by intros ? n m1 m2 Hm k; rewrite !lookup_fmap, Hm. Qed.
Definition mapC (A : cofeT) : cofeT := CofeT (M A).
Definition mapC_map {A B} (f: A -n> B) : mapC A -n> mapC B :=
CofeMor (fmap f : mapC A mapC B).
Global Instance mapC_map_ne (A B : cofeT) :
Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (@mapC_map A B).
intros [|n] f g Hf m k; simpl; rewrite !lookup_fmap; [apply dist_0|].
destruct (_ !! k) eqn:?; simpl; constructor; apply dist_S, Hf.
End map.
Arguments mapC {_} _ {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _} _.
Canonical Structure PmapC := mapC Pmap.
Canonical Structure NmapC := mapC Nmap.
Canonical Structure ZmapC := mapC Zmap.
Canonical Structure stringmapC := mapC stringmap.
Require Export iris.cofe prelude.fin_maps.
Require Import prelude.pmap prelude.nmap prelude.zmap.
Require Import prelude.stringmap prelude.natmap.
Local Obligation Tactic := idtac.
(** option *)
Inductive option_dist `{Dist A} : Dist (option A) :=
| option_0_dist (x y : option A) : x ={0}= y
| Some_dist n x y : x ={n}= y Some x ={n}= Some y
| None_dist n : None ={n}= None.
Existing Instance option_dist.
Program Definition option_chain `{Cofe A}
(c : chain (option A)) (x : A) (H : c 1 = Some x) : chain A :=
{| chain_car n := from_option x (c n) |}.
Next Obligation.
intros A ???? c x ? n i ?; simpl; destruct (decide (i = 0)) as [->|].
{ by replace n with 0 by lia. }
feed inversion (chain_cauchy c 1 i); auto with lia congruence.
feed inversion (chain_cauchy c n i); simpl; auto with lia congruence.
Instance option_compl `{Cofe A} : Compl (option A) := λ c,
match Some_dec (c 1) with
| inleft (exist x H) => Some (compl (option_chain c x H)) | inright _ => None
Instance option_cofe `{Cofe A} : Cofe (option A).
* intros mx my; split; [by destruct 1; constructor; apply equiv_dist|].
intros Hxy; feed inversion (Hxy 1); subst; constructor; apply equiv_dist.
by intros n; feed inversion (Hxy n).
* intros n; split.
+ by intros [x|]; constructor.
+ by destruct 1; constructor.
+ destruct 1; inversion_clear 1; constructor; etransitivity; eauto.
* by inversion_clear 1; constructor; apply dist_S.
* constructor.
* intros c n; unfold compl, option_compl.
destruct (decide (n = 0)) as [->|]; [constructor|].
destruct (Some_dec (c 1)) as [[x Hx]|].
{ assert (is_Some (c n)) as [y Hy].
{ feed inversion (chain_cauchy c 1 n); try congruence; eauto with lia. }
rewrite Hy; constructor.
by rewrite (conv_compl (option_chain c x Hx) n); simpl; rewrite Hy. }
feed inversion (chain_cauchy c 1 n); auto with lia congruence; constructor.
Instance Some_ne `{Dist A} : Proper (dist n ==> dist n) Some.
Proof. by constructor. Qed.
Instance option_fmap_ne `{Dist A, Dist B} (f : A B) n:
Proper (dist n ==> dist n) f Proper (dist n==>dist n) (fmap (M:=option) f).
Proof. by intros Hf; destruct 1; constructor; apply Hf. Qed.
(** Finite maps *)
Section map.
Context `{FinMap K M}.
Global Instance map_dist `{Dist A} : Dist (M A) := λ n m1 m2,
i, m1 !! i ={n}= m2 !! i.
Program Definition map_chain `{Dist A} (c : chain (M A))
(k : K) : chain (option A) := {| chain_car n := c n !! k |}.
Next Obligation. by intros A ? c k n i ?; apply (chain_cauchy c). Qed.
Global Instance map_compl `{Cofe A} : Compl (M A) := λ c,
map_imap (λ i _, compl (map_chain c i)) (c 1).
Global Instance map_cofe `{Cofe A} : Cofe (M A).
* intros m1 m2; split.
+ by intros Hm n k; apply equiv_dist.
+ intros Hm k; apply equiv_dist; intros n; apply Hm.
* intros n; split.
+ by intros m k.
+ by intros m1 m2 ? k.
+ by intros m1 m2 m3 ?? k; transitivity (m2 !! k).
* by intros n m1 m2 ? k; apply dist_S.
* by intros m1 m2 k.
* intros c n k; unfold compl, map_compl; rewrite lookup_imap.
destruct (decide (n = 0)) as [->|]; [constructor|].
feed inversion (λ H, chain_cauchy c 1 n H k); simpl; auto with lia.
by rewrite conv_compl; simpl; apply reflexive_eq.
Global Instance lookup_ne `{Dist A} n k :
Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (lookup k : M A option A).
Proof. by intros m1 m2. Qed.
Instance map_fmap_ne `{Dist A, Dist B} (f : A B) n :
Proper (dist n ==> dist n) f Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (fmap (M:=M) f).
Proof. by intros ? m m' Hm k; rewrite !lookup_fmap; apply option_fmap_ne. Qed.
Definition mapC (A : cofeT) : cofeT := CofeT (M A).
Definition mapC_map {A B} (f: A -n> B) : mapC A -n> mapC B :=
CofeMor (fmap f : mapC A mapC B).
Global Instance mapC_map_ne (A B : cofeT) :
Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (@mapC_map A B).
intros n f g Hf m k; simpl; rewrite !lookup_fmap.
destruct (_ !! k) eqn:?; simpl; constructor; apply Hf.
End map.
Arguments mapC {_} _ {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _} _.
Canonical Structure natmapC := mapC natmap.
Definition natmapC_map {A B}
(f : A -n> B) : natmapC A -n> natmapC B := mapC_map f.
Canonical Structure PmapC := mapC Pmap.
Definition PmapC_map {A B} (f : A -n> B) : PmapC A -n> PmapC B := mapC_map f.
Canonical Structure NmapC := mapC Nmap.
Definition NmapC_map {A B} (f : A -n> B) : NmapC A -n> NmapC B := mapC_map f.
Canonical Structure ZmapC := mapC Zmap.
Definition ZmapC_map {A B} (f : A -n> B) : ZmapC A -n> ZmapC B := mapC_map f.
Canonical Structure stringmapC := mapC stringmap.
Definition stringmapC_map {A B}
(f : A -n> B) : stringmapC A -n> stringmapC B := mapC_map f.
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