@@ -239,7 +239,21 @@ We can derive some specialized forms of the lifting axioms for the operational s
@@ -239,7 +239,21 @@ We can derive some specialized forms of the lifting axioms for the operational s
% \end{mathpar}
% \end{mathpar}
\subsection{Invariant identifier namespaces}
\subsection{Invariant identifier namespaces}
\ralf{Describe this.}
Let $\namesp\ni\textlog{InvNamesp}\eqdef\textlog{list}(\textlog{InvName})$ be the type of \emph{namespaces} for invariant names.
Notice that there is an injection $\textlog{namesp\_inj}: \textlog{InvNamesp}\ra\textlog{InvName}$.
Whenever needed (in particular, for masks at view shifts and Hoare triples), we coerce $\namesp$ to its suffix-closure: \[\namecl\namesp\eqdef\setComp{\iname}{\Exists\namesp'. \iname=\textlog{namesp\_inj}(\namesp' \dplus\namesp)}\]
We use the notation $\namesp.\iname$ for the namespace $[\iname]\dplus\namesp$.
We will overload the usual Iris notation for invariant assertions in the following:
We define the inclusion relation on namespaces as $\namesp_1\sqsubseteq\namesp_2\Lra\Exists\namesp_3. \namesp_2=\namesp_3\dplus\namesp_1$, \ie$\namesp_1$ is a suffix of $\namesp_2$.
We have that $\namesp_1\sqsubseteq\namesp_2\Ra\namecl\namesp_2\subseteq\namecl\namesp_1$.
Similarly, we define $\namesp_1\sep\namesp_2\eqdef\Exists\namesp_1', \namesp_2'. \namesp_1' \sqsubseteq\namesp_1\land\namesp_2' \sqsubseteq\namesp_2\land |\namesp_1'| = |\namesp_2'| \land\namesp_1' \neq\namesp_2'$, \ie there exists a distinguishing suffix.
We have that $\namesp_1\sep\namesp_2\Ra\namecl\namesp_2\sep\namecl\namesp_1$, and furthermore $\iname_1\neq\iname_2\Ra\namesp.\iname_1\sep\namesp.\iname_2$.
\ralf{Give derived rules for invariants.}
% \subsection{STSs with interpretation}\label{sec:stsinterp}
% \subsection{STSs with interpretation}\label{sec:stsinterp}