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Commit aa4c7544 authored by Robbert Krebbers's avatar Robbert Krebbers
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Formalization of multisets.

parent af8c793f
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(* Copyright (c) 2012-2016, Robbert Krebbers. *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the BSD license. *)
From iris.prelude Require Import gmap.
Record gmultiset A `{Countable A} := GMultiSet { gmultiset_car : gmap A nat }.
Arguments GMultiSet {_ _ _} _.
Arguments gmultiset_car {_ _ _} _.
Instance gmultiset_eq_dec `{Countable A} : EqDecision (gmultiset A).
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Program Instance gmultiset_countable `{Countable A} :
Countable (gmultiset A) := {|
encode X := encode (gmultiset_car X); decode p := GMultiSet <$> decode p
Next Obligation. intros A ?? [X]; simpl. by rewrite decode_encode. Qed.
Section definitions.
Context `{Countable A}.
Definition multiplicity (x : A) (X : gmultiset A) : nat :=
match gmultiset_car X !! x with Some n => S n | None => 0 end.
Instance gmultiset_elem_of : ElemOf A (gmultiset A) := λ x X,
0 < multiplicity x X.
Instance gmultiset_subseteq : SubsetEq (gmultiset A) := λ X Y, x,
multiplicity x X multiplicity x Y.
Instance gmultiset_elements : Elements A (gmultiset A) := λ X,
let (X) := X in '(x,n) map_to_list X; replicate (S n) x.
Instance gmultiset_size : Size (gmultiset A) := length elements.
Instance gmultiset_empty : Empty (gmultiset A) := GMultiSet ∅.
Instance gmultiset_singleton : Singleton A (gmultiset A) := λ x,
GMultiSet {[ x := 0 ]}.
Instance gmultiset_union : Union (gmultiset A) := λ X Y,
let (X) := X in let (Y) := Y in
GMultiSet $ union_with (λ x y, Some (S (x + y))) X Y.
Instance gmultiset_difference : Difference (gmultiset A) := λ X Y,
let (X) := X in let (Y) := Y in
GMultiSet $ difference_with (λ x y,
let z := x - y in guard (0 < z); Some (pred z)) X Y.
End definitions.
(** These instances are declared using [Hint Extern] to avoid too
eager type class search. *)
Hint Extern 1 (ElemOf _ (gmultiset _)) =>
eapply @gmultiset_elem_of : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (SubsetEq (gmultiset _)) =>
eapply @gmultiset_subseteq : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (Empty (gmultiset _)) =>
eapply @gmultiset_empty : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (Singleton _ (gmultiset _)) =>
eapply @gmultiset_singleton : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (Union (gmultiset _)) =>
eapply @gmultiset_union : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (Difference (gmultiset _)) =>
eapply @gmultiset_difference : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (Elements _ (gmultiset _)) =>
eapply @gmultiset_elements : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (Size (gmultiset _)) =>
eapply @gmultiset_size : typeclass_instances.
Section lemmas.
Context `{Countable A}.
Implicit Types x y : A.
Implicit Types X Y : gmultiset A.
Lemma gmultiset_eq X Y : X = Y x, multiplicity x X = multiplicity x Y.
split; [by intros ->|intros HXY].
destruct X as [X], Y as [Y]; f_equal; apply map_eq; intros x.
specialize (HXY x); unfold multiplicity in *; simpl in *.
repeat case_match; naive_solver.
Global Instance gmultiset_po : PartialOrder (@subseteq (gmultiset A) _).
split; [split|].
- by intros X x.
- intros X Y Z HXY HYZ x. by trans (multiplicity x Y).
- intros X Y HXY HYX; apply gmultiset_eq; intros x. by apply (anti_symm ()).
Lemma gmultiset_subset_subseteq X Y : X Y X Y.
Proof. by intros [??]. Qed.
Hint Resolve gmultiset_subset_subseteq.
(* Multiplicity *)
Lemma multiplicity_empty x : multiplicity x = 0.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma multiplicity_singleton x : multiplicity x {[ x ]} = 1.
Proof. unfold multiplicity; simpl. by rewrite lookup_singleton. Qed.
Lemma multiplicity_singleton_ne x y : x y multiplicity x {[ y ]} = 0.
Proof. intros. unfold multiplicity; simpl. by rewrite lookup_singleton_ne. Qed.
Lemma multiplicity_union X Y x :
multiplicity x (X Y) = multiplicity x X + multiplicity x Y.
destruct X as [X], Y as [Y]; unfold multiplicity; simpl.
rewrite lookup_union_with. destruct (X !! _), (Y !! _); simpl; omega.
Lemma multiplicity_difference X Y x :
multiplicity x (X Y) = multiplicity x X - multiplicity x Y.
destruct X as [X], Y as [Y]; unfold multiplicity; simpl.
rewrite lookup_difference_with.
destruct (X !! _), (Y !! _); simplify_option_eq; omega.
(* Algebraic laws *)
Global Instance gmultiset_comm : Comm (@eq (gmultiset A)) ().
intros X Y. apply gmultiset_eq; intros x. rewrite !multiplicity_union; omega.
Global Instance gmultiset_assoc : Assoc (@eq (gmultiset A)) ().
intros X Y Z. apply gmultiset_eq; intros x. rewrite !multiplicity_union; omega.
Global Instance gmultiset_left_id : LeftId (@eq (gmultiset A)) ().
intros X. apply gmultiset_eq; intros x.
by rewrite multiplicity_union, multiplicity_empty.
Global Instance gmultiset_right_id : RightId (@eq (gmultiset A)) ().
Proof. intros X. by rewrite (comm_L ()), (left_id_L _ _). Qed.
Global Instance gmultiset_union_inj_1 X : Inj (=) (=) (X ).
intros Y1 Y2. rewrite !gmultiset_eq. intros HX x; generalize (HX x).
rewrite !multiplicity_union. omega.
Global Instance gmultiset_union_inj_2 X : Inj (=) (=) ( X).
Proof. intros Y1 Y2. rewrite <-!(comm_L _ X). apply (inj _). Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_union_difference X Y : X Y Y = X Y X.
intros HXY. apply gmultiset_eq; intros x; specialize (HXY x).
rewrite multiplicity_union, multiplicity_difference; omega.
Lemma non_empty_difference X Y : X Y Y X ∅.
intros [_ HXY2] Hdiff; destruct HXY2; intros x.
generalize (f_equal (multiplicity x) Hdiff).
rewrite multiplicity_difference, multiplicity_empty; omega.
(* Properties of the elements operation *)
Lemma gmultiset_elements_empty : elements ( : gmultiset A) = [].
unfold elements, gmultiset_elements; simpl. by rewrite map_to_list_empty.
Lemma gmultiset_elements_empty_inv X : elements X = [] X = ∅.
destruct X as [X]; unfold elements, gmultiset_elements; simpl.
intros; apply (f_equal GMultiSet). destruct (map_to_list X)
as [|[]] eqn:?; naive_solver eauto using map_to_list_empty_inv.
Lemma gmultiset_elements_empty' X : elements X = [] X = ∅.
split; intros HX; [by apply gmultiset_elements_empty_inv|].
by rewrite HX, gmultiset_elements_empty.
Lemma gmultiset_elements_singleton x : elements ({[ x ]} : gmultiset A) = [ x ].
unfold elements, gmultiset_elements; simpl. by rewrite map_to_list_singleton.
Lemma gmultiset_elements_union X Y :
elements (X Y) elements X ++ elements Y.
destruct X as [X], Y as [Y]; unfold elements, gmultiset_elements.
set (f xn := let '(x, n) := xn in replicate (S n) x); simpl.
revert Y; induction X as [|x n X HX IH] using map_ind; intros Y.
{ by rewrite (left_id_L _ _), map_to_list_empty. }
destruct (Y !! x) as [n'|] eqn:HY.
- rewrite <-(insert_id Y x n'), <-(insert_delete Y) by done.
erewrite <-insert_union_with by done.
rewrite !map_to_list_insert, !bind_cons
by (by rewrite ?lookup_union_with, ?lookup_delete, ?HX).
rewrite (assoc_L _), <-(comm (++) (f (_,n'))), <-!(assoc_L _), <-IH.
rewrite (assoc_L _); f_equiv; [rewrite (comm _); simpl|done].
by rewrite replicate_plus, Permutation_middle.
- rewrite <-insert_union_with_l, !map_to_list_insert, !bind_cons
by (by rewrite ?lookup_union_with, ?HX, ?HY).
by rewrite <-(assoc_L (++)), <-IH.
Lemma gmultiset_elements_contains X Y : X Y elements X `contains` elements Y.
intros ->%gmultiset_union_difference. rewrite gmultiset_elements_union.
by apply contains_inserts_r.
Lemma gmultiset_elem_of_elements x X : x elements X x X.
destruct X as [X]. unfold elements, gmultiset_elements.
set (f xn := let '(x, n) := xn in replicate (S n) x); simpl.
unfold elem_of at 2, gmultiset_elem_of, multiplicity; simpl.
rewrite elem_of_list_bind. split.
- intros [[??] [[<- ?]%elem_of_replicate ->%elem_of_map_to_list]]; lia.
- intros. destruct (X !! x) as [n|] eqn:Hx; [|omega].
exists (x,n); split; [|by apply elem_of_map_to_list].
apply elem_of_replicate; auto with omega.
(* Properties of the size operation *)
Lemma gmultiset_size_empty : size ( : gmultiset A) = 0.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_size_empty_inv X : size X = 0 X = ∅.
unfold size, gmultiset_size; simpl. rewrite length_zero_iff_nil.
apply gmultiset_elements_empty_inv.
Lemma gmultiset_size_empty_iff X : size X = 0 X = ∅.
split; [apply gmultiset_size_empty_inv|].
by intros ->; rewrite gmultiset_size_empty.
Lemma gmultiset_size_non_empty_iff X : size X 0 X ∅.
Proof. by rewrite gmultiset_size_empty_iff. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_choose_or_empty X : ( x, x X) X = ∅.
destruct (elements X) as [|x l] eqn:HX; [right|left].
- by apply gmultiset_elements_empty_inv.
- exists x. rewrite <-gmultiset_elem_of_elements, HX. by left.
Lemma gmultiset_choose X : X x, x X.
Proof. intros. by destruct (gmultiset_choose_or_empty X). Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_size_pos_elem_of X : 0 < size X x, x X.
intros Hsz. destruct (gmultiset_choose_or_empty X) as [|HX]; [done|].
contradict Hsz. rewrite HX, gmultiset_size_empty; lia.
Lemma gmultiset_size_singleton x : size ({[ x ]} : gmultiset A) = 1.
unfold size, gmultiset_size; simpl. by rewrite gmultiset_elements_singleton.
Lemma gmultiset_size_union X Y : size (X Y) = size X + size Y.
unfold size, gmultiset_size; simpl.
by rewrite gmultiset_elements_union, app_length.
Lemma gmultiset_size_difference X Y : Y X size (X Y) = size X - size Y.
intros HX%gmultiset_union_difference.
rewrite HX at 2; rewrite gmultiset_size_union. omega.
(* Mononicity *)
Lemma gmultiset_subseteq_size X Y : X Y size X size Y.
Proof. intros. by apply contains_length, gmultiset_elements_contains. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_subset_size X Y : X Y size X < size Y.
intros HXY. assert (size (Y X) 0).
{ by apply gmultiset_size_non_empty_iff, non_empty_difference. }
rewrite (gmultiset_union_difference X Y), gmultiset_size_union by auto. lia.
(* Well-foundedness *)
Lemma gmultiset_wf : wf (strict (@subseteq (gmultiset A) _)).
apply (wf_projected (<) size); auto using gmultiset_subset_size, lt_wf.
End lemmas.
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