Hereinafter we assume the global CMRA functor (served up as a parameter to Iris) is obtained from a family of functors $(\iFunc_i)_{i \in I}$ for some finite $I$ by picking
Hereinafter we assume the global CMRA functor (served up as a parameter to Iris) is obtained from a family of functors $(\iFunc_i)_{i \in I}$ for some finite $I$ by picking
Here we define $\wpre{\expr_\f}[\mask]{\Ret\var.\prop}\eqdef\TRUE$ if $\expr_\f=\bot$ (remember that our stepping relation can, but does not have to, define a forked-off expression).
Here we define $\wpre{\expr_\f}[\mask]{\Ret\var.\prop}\eqdef\TRUE$ if $\expr_\f=\bot$ (remember that our stepping relation can, but does not have to, define a forked-off expression).