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Commit 62e8a98b authored by Robbert Krebbers's avatar Robbert Krebbers
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Shorten the agreement proofs and bring the construction closer to the one in the paper.

parent b73112e3
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......@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ Local Arguments pcore _ _ !_ /.
(** Define an agreement construction such that Agree A is discrete when A is discrete.
Notice that this construction is NOT complete. The fullowing is due to Aleš:
Proposition: Ag(T) is not necessarily complete.
Let T be the set of binary streams (infinite sequences) with the usual
......@@ -28,314 +27,117 @@ Proof.
Record agree (A : Type) : Type := Agree {
agree_car : A;
agree_with : list A;
agree_car : list A;
agree_not_nil : bool_decide (agree_car = []) = false
Arguments Agree {_} _ _.
Arguments agree_car {_} _.
Arguments agree_with {_} _.
(* Some theory about set-inclusion on lists and lists of which all elements are equal.
TODO: Move this elsewhere. *)
Definition list_setincl `(R : relation A) (al bl : list A) :=
a, a al b, b bl R a b.
Definition list_setequiv `(R : relation A) (al bl : list A) :=
list_setincl R al bl list_setincl R bl al.
(* list_agrees is carefully written such that, when applied to a
singleton, it is convertible to True. This makes working with
agreement much more pleasant. *)
Definition list_agrees `(R : relation A) (al : list A) :=
match al with
| [] => True
| [a] => True
| a :: al => b, b al R a b
Arguments agree_not_nil {_} _.
Local Coercion agree_car : agree >-> list.
Lemma list_agrees_alt `(R : relation A) `{Equivalence _ R} al :
list_agrees R al ( a b, a al b al R a b).
Lemma elem_of_agree {A} (x : agree A) : a, a agree_car x.
Proof. destruct x as [[|a ?] ?]; set_solver+. Qed.
Lemma agree_eq {A} (x y : agree A) : agree_car x = agree_car y x = y.
destruct al as [|a [|b al]].
- split; last done. intros _ ? ? []%elem_of_nil.
- split; last done. intros _ ? ? ->%elem_of_list_singleton ->%elem_of_list_singleton. done.
- simpl. split.
+ intros Hl a' b' [->|Ha']%elem_of_cons.
* intros [->|Hb']%elem_of_cons; first done. auto.
* intros [->|Hb']%elem_of_cons; first by (symmetry; auto).
trans a; last by auto. symmetry. auto.
+ intros Hl b' Hb'. apply Hl; set_solver.
destruct x as [a ?], y as [b ?]; simpl.
intros ->; f_equal. apply (proof_irrel _).
Section list_theory.
Context `(R: relation A) `{Equivalence A R}.
Collection Hyps := Type H.
Local Set Default Proof Using "Hyps".
Global Instance: PreOrder (list_setincl R).
- intros al a Ha. set_solver.
- intros al bl cl Hab Hbc a Ha. destruct (Hab _ Ha) as (b & Hb & Rab).
destruct (Hbc _ Hb) as (c & Hc & Rbc). exists c. split; first done.
by trans b.
Global Instance: Equivalence (list_setequiv R).
- by split.
- intros ?? [??]. split; auto.
- intros ??? [??] [??]. split; etrans; done.
Global Instance list_setincl_subrel `(R' : relation A) :
subrelation R R' subrelation (list_setincl R) (list_setincl R').
Proof using.
intros HRR' al bl Hab. intros a Ha. destruct (Hab _ Ha) as (b & Hb & HR).
exists b. split; first done. exact: HRR'.
Global Instance list_setequiv_subrel `(R' : relation A) :
subrelation R R' subrelation (list_setequiv R) (list_setequiv R').
Proof using. intros HRR' ?? [??]. split; exact: list_setincl_subrel. Qed.
Global Instance list_setincl_perm : subrelation () (list_setincl R).
intros al bl Hab a Ha. exists a. split; last done.
by rewrite -Hab.
Global Instance list_setincl_app l :
Proper (list_setincl R ==> list_setincl R) (app l).
intros al bl Hab a [Ha|Ha]%elem_of_app.
- exists a. split; last done. apply elem_of_app. by left.
- destruct (Hab _ Ha) as (b & Hb & HR). exists b. split; last done.
apply elem_of_app. by right.
Global Instance list_setequiv_app l :
Proper (list_setequiv R ==> list_setequiv R) (app l).
Proof. intros al bl [??]. split; apply list_setincl_app; done. Qed.
Global Instance: subrelation () (flip (list_setincl R)).
Proof. intros ???. apply list_setincl_perm. done. Qed.
Global Instance list_agrees_setincl :
Proper (flip (list_setincl R) ==> impl) (list_agrees R).
move=> al bl /= Hab /list_agrees_alt Hal. apply (list_agrees_alt _) => a b Ha Hb.
destruct (Hab _ Ha) as (a' & Ha' & HRa).
destruct (Hab _ Hb) as (b' & Hb' & HRb).
trans a'; first done. etrans; last done.
eapply Hal; done.
Global Instance list_agrees_setequiv :
Proper (list_setequiv R ==> iff) (list_agrees R).
intros ?? [??]. split; by apply: list_agrees_setincl.
Lemma list_setincl_contains al bl :
( x, x al x bl) list_setincl R al bl.
Proof. intros Hin a Ha. exists a. split; last done. naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma list_setequiv_equiv al bl :
( x, x al x bl) list_setequiv R al bl.
intros Hin. split; apply list_setincl_contains; naive_solver.
Lemma list_agrees_contains al bl :
( x, x bl x al)
list_agrees R al list_agrees R bl.
Proof. intros ?. by eapply (list_agrees_setincl _),list_setincl_contains. Qed.
Lemma list_agrees_equiv al bl :
( x, x bl x al)
list_agrees R al list_agrees R bl.
Proof. intros ?. by eapply (list_agrees_setequiv _), list_setequiv_equiv. Qed.
Lemma list_setincl_singleton a b :
R a b list_setincl R [a] [b].
intros HR c ->%elem_of_list_singleton. exists b. split; last done.
apply elem_of_list_singleton. done.
Lemma list_setincl_singleton_rev a b :
list_setincl R [a] [b] R a b.
Proof using.
intros Hl. destruct (Hl a) as (? & ->%elem_of_list_singleton & HR); last done.
by apply elem_of_list_singleton.
Lemma list_setequiv_singleton a b :
R a b list_setequiv R [a] [b].
Proof. intros ?. split; by apply list_setincl_singleton. Qed.
Lemma list_agrees_iff_setincl al a :
a al list_agrees R al list_setincl R al [a].
intros Hin. split.
- move=>/list_agrees_alt Hl b Hb. exists a. split; first set_solver+. exact: Hl.
- intros Hl. apply (list_agrees_alt _)=> b c Hb Hc.
destruct (Hl _ Hb) as (? & ->%elem_of_list_singleton & ?).
destruct (Hl _ Hc) as (? & ->%elem_of_list_singleton & ?).
by trans a.
Lemma list_setincl_singleton_in al a :
a al list_setincl R [a] al.
intros Hin b ->%elem_of_list_singleton. exists a. split; done.
Global Instance list_setincl_ext : subrelation (Forall2 R) (list_setincl R).
move=>al bl. induction 1.
- intros ? []%elem_of_nil.
- intros a [->|Ha]%elem_of_cons.
+ eexists. split; first constructor. done.
+ destruct (IHForall2 _ Ha) as (b & ? & ?).
exists b. split; first by constructor. done.
Global Instance list_setequiv_ext : subrelation (Forall2 R) (list_setequiv R).
move=>al bl ?. split; apply list_setincl_ext; done.
Lemma list_agrees_subrel `(R' : relation A) `{Equivalence _ R'} :
subrelation R R' l, list_agrees R l list_agrees R' l.
Proof. move=> HR l /list_agrees_alt Hl. apply (list_agrees_alt _)=> a b Ha Hb. by apply HR, Hl. Qed.
Section fmap.
Context `(R' : relation B) (f : A B) {Hf: Proper (R ==> R') f}.
Collection Hyps := Type Hf.
Local Set Default Proof Using "Hyps".
Global Instance list_setincl_fmap :
Proper (list_setincl R ==> list_setincl R') (fmap f).
Proof using Hf.
intros al bl Hab a' (a & -> & Ha)%elem_of_list_fmap.
destruct (Hab _ Ha) as (b & Hb & HR). exists (f b).
split; first eapply elem_of_list_fmap; eauto.
Global Instance list_setequiv_fmap :
Proper (list_setequiv R ==> list_setequiv R') (fmap f).
Proof using Hf. intros ?? [??]. split; apply list_setincl_fmap; done. Qed.
Lemma list_agrees_fmap `{Equivalence _ R'} al :
list_agrees R al list_agrees R' (f <$> al).
Proof using Type*.
move=> /list_agrees_alt Hl. apply (list_agrees_alt R') => a' b'.
intros (a & -> & Ha)%elem_of_list_fmap (b & -> & Hb)%elem_of_list_fmap.
apply Hf. exact: Hl.
End fmap.
End list_theory.
Section agree.
Local Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Context {A : ofeT}.
Implicit Types a b : A.
Implicit Types x y : agree A.
Definition agree_list (x : agree A) := agree_car x :: agree_with x.
Instance agree_validN : ValidN (agree A) := λ n x,
list_agrees (dist n) (agree_list x).
Instance agree_valid : Valid (agree A) := λ x,
list_agrees (equiv) (agree_list x).
(* OFE *)
Instance agree_dist : Dist (agree A) := λ n x y,
list_setequiv (dist n) (agree_list x) (agree_list y).
Instance agree_equiv : Equiv (agree A) := λ x y,
n, list_setequiv (dist n) (agree_list x) (agree_list y).
Definition agree_dist_incl n (x y : agree A) :=
list_setincl (dist n) (agree_list x) (agree_list y).
( a, a agree_car x b, b agree_car y a {n} b)
( b, b agree_car y a, a agree_car x a {n} b).
Instance agree_equiv : Equiv (agree A) := λ x y, n, x {n} y.
Definition agree_ofe_mixin : OfeMixin (agree A).
- intros x y; split; intros Hxy; done.
- split; rewrite /dist /agree_dist; intros ? *.
+ reflexivity.
+ by symmetry.
+ intros. etrans; eassumption.
- intros ???. apply list_setequiv_subrel=>??. apply dist_S.
- done.
- intros n; split; rewrite /dist /agree_dist.
+ intros x; split; eauto.
+ intros x y [??]. naive_solver eauto.
+ intros x y z [H1 H1'] [H2 H2']; split.
* intros a ?. destruct (H1 a) as (b&?&?); auto.
destruct (H2 b) as (c&?&?); eauto. by exists c; split; last etrans.
* intros a ?. destruct (H2' a) as (b&?&?); auto.
destruct (H1' b) as (c&?&?); eauto. by exists c; split; last etrans.
- intros n x y [??]; split; naive_solver eauto using dist_S.
Canonical Structure agreeC := OfeT (agree A) agree_ofe_mixin.
(* CMRA *)
(* agree_validN is carefully written such that, when applied to a singleton, it
is convertible to True. This makes working with agreement much more pleasant. *)
Instance agree_validN : ValidN (agree A) := λ n x,
match agree_car x with
| [a] => True
| _ => a b, a agree_car x b agree_car x a {n} b
Instance agree_valid : Valid (agree A) := λ x, n, {n} x.
Program Instance agree_op : Op (agree A) := λ x y,
{| agree_car := agree_car x;
agree_with := agree_with x ++ agree_car y :: agree_with y |}.
Agree (agree_car x ++ agree_car y) _.
Next Obligation. by intros [[|??]] y. Qed.
Instance agree_pcore : PCore (agree A) := Some.
Instance: Comm () (@op (agree A) _).
Proof. intros x y n. apply: list_setequiv_equiv. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma agree_idemp (x : agree A) : x x x.
Proof. intros n. apply: list_setequiv_equiv. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma agree_validN_def n x :
{n} x a b, a agree_car x b agree_car x a {n} b.
rewrite /validN /agree_validN. destruct (agree_car _) as [|? [|??]]; auto.
setoid_rewrite elem_of_list_singleton; naive_solver.
Instance: n : nat, Proper (dist n ==> impl) (@validN (agree A) _ n).
Instance agree_comm : Comm () (@op (agree A) _).
Proof. intros x y n; split=> a /=; setoid_rewrite elem_of_app; naive_solver. Qed.
Instance agree_assoc : Assoc () (@op (agree A) _).
intros n x y. rewrite /dist /validN /agree_dist /agree_validN.
by intros ->.
intros x y z n; split=> a /=; repeat setoid_rewrite elem_of_app; naive_solver.
Instance: n : nat, Proper (equiv ==> iff) (@validN (agree A) _ n).
Lemma agree_idemp (x : agree A) : x x x.
Proof. intros n; split=> a /=; setoid_rewrite elem_of_app; naive_solver. Qed.
Instance agree_validN_ne n : Proper (dist n ==> impl) (@validN (agree A) _ n).
intros n ???. assert (x {n} y) as Hxy by by apply equiv_dist.
split; rewrite Hxy; done.
intros x y [H H']; rewrite /impl !agree_validN_def; intros Hv a b Ha Hb.
destruct (H' a) as (a'&?&<-); auto. destruct (H' b) as (b'&?&<-); auto.
Instance agree_validN_proper n : Proper (equiv ==> iff) (@validN (agree A) _ n).
Proof. move=> x y /equiv_dist H. by split; rewrite (H n). Qed.
Instance: x : agree A, NonExpansive (op x).
Instance agree_op_ne' x : NonExpansive (op x).
intros x n y1 y2. rewrite /dist /agree_dist /agree_list /=.
rewrite !app_comm_cons. apply: list_setequiv_app.
intros n y1 y2 [H H']; split=> a /=; setoid_rewrite elem_of_app; naive_solver.
Instance: NonExpansive2 (@op (agree A) _).
Instance agree_op_ne : NonExpansive2 (@op (agree A) _).
Proof. by intros n x1 x2 Hx y1 y2 Hy; rewrite Hy !(comm _ _ y2) Hx. Qed.
Instance: Proper (() ==> () ==> ()) op := ne_proper_2 _.
Instance: Assoc () (@op (agree A) _).
Proof. intros x y z n. apply: list_setequiv_equiv. set_solver. Qed.
Instance agree_op_proper : Proper (() ==> () ==> ()) op := ne_proper_2 _.
Lemma agree_included (x y : agree A) : x y y x y.
split; [|by intros ?; exists y].
by intros [z Hz]; rewrite Hz assoc agree_idemp.
Lemma agree_op_inv_inclN n x1 x2 : {n} (x1 x2) agree_dist_incl n x1 x2.
rewrite /validN /= => /list_agrees_alt Hv a /elem_of_cons Ha. exists (agree_car x2).
split; first by constructor. eapply Hv.
- simpl. destruct Ha as [->|Ha]; set_solver.
- simpl. set_solver+.
Lemma agree_op_invN n (x1 x2 : agree A) : {n} (x1 x2) x1 {n} x2.
intros Hxy. split; apply agree_op_inv_inclN; first done. by rewrite comm.
Lemma agree_valid_includedN n (x y : agree A) : {n} y x {n} y x {n} y.
move=> Hval [z Hy]; move: Hval; rewrite Hy.
by move=> /agree_op_invN->; rewrite agree_idemp.
rewrite agree_validN_def /=. setoid_rewrite elem_of_app=> Hv; split=> a Ha.
- destruct (elem_of_agree x2); naive_solver.
- destruct (elem_of_agree x1); naive_solver.
Definition agree_cmra_mixin : CMRAMixin (agree A).
apply cmra_total_mixin; try apply _ || by eauto.
- move=>x. split.
+ move=>/list_agrees_alt Hx n. apply (list_agrees_alt _)=> a b Ha Hb.
apply equiv_dist, Hx; done.
+ intros Hx. apply (list_agrees_alt _)=> a b Ha Hb.
apply equiv_dist=>n. eapply (list_agrees_alt _); first (by apply Hx); done.
- intros n x. apply (list_agrees_subrel _ _)=>??. apply dist_S.
- intros n x; rewrite !agree_validN_def; eauto using dist_S.
- intros x. apply agree_idemp.
- intros ??? Hl. apply: list_agrees_contains Hl. set_solver.
- intros n x y; rewrite !agree_validN_def /=.
setoid_rewrite elem_of_app; naive_solver.
- intros n x y1 y2 Hval Hx; exists x, x; simpl; split.
+ by rewrite agree_idemp.
+ by move: Hval; rewrite Hx; move=> /agree_op_invN->; rewrite agree_idemp.
......@@ -350,55 +152,56 @@ Proof. by constructor. Qed.
Global Instance agree_discrete : Discrete A CMRADiscrete agreeR.
intros HD. split.
- intros x y Hxy n. eapply list_setequiv_subrel; last exact Hxy. clear -HD.
intros x y ?. apply equiv_dist, HD. done.
- rewrite /valid /cmra_valid /agree_valid /validN /cmra_validN /agree_validN /=.
move=> x. apply (list_agrees_subrel _ _). clear -HD.
intros x y. apply HD.
- intros x y [H H'] n; split=> a; setoid_rewrite <-(timeless_iff_0 _ _); auto.
- intros x; rewrite agree_validN_def=> Hv n. apply agree_validN_def=> a b ??.
apply timeless_iff_0; auto.
Definition to_agree (x : A) : agree A :=
{| agree_car := x; agree_with := [] |}.
Program Definition to_agree (a : A) : agree A :=
{| agree_car := [a]; agree_not_nil := eq_refl |}.
Global Instance to_agree_ne : NonExpansive to_agree.
intros x1 x2 Hx; rewrite /= /dist /agree_dist /=.
exact: list_setequiv_singleton.
intros n a1 a2 Hx; split=> b /=;
setoid_rewrite elem_of_list_singleton; naive_solver.
Global Instance to_agree_proper : Proper (() ==> ()) to_agree := ne_proper _.
Global Instance to_agree_injN n : Inj (dist n) (dist n) (to_agree).
Proof. intros a b [Hxy%list_setincl_singleton_rev _]. done. Qed.
move=> a b [_] /=. setoid_rewrite elem_of_list_singleton. naive_solver.
Global Instance to_agree_inj : Inj () () (to_agree).
Proof. intros a b ?. apply equiv_dist=>n. by apply to_agree_injN, equiv_dist. Qed.
Lemma to_agree_uninjN n (x : agree A) : {n} x y : A, to_agree y {n} x.
Lemma to_agree_uninjN n (x : agree A) : {n} x a : A, to_agree a {n} x.
intros Hl. exists (agree_car x). rewrite /dist /agree_dist /=. split.
- apply: list_setincl_singleton_in. set_solver+.
- apply (list_agrees_iff_setincl _); first set_solver+. done.
rewrite agree_validN_def=> Hv.
destruct (elem_of_agree x) as [a ?].
exists a; split=> b /=; setoid_rewrite elem_of_list_singleton; naive_solver.
Lemma to_agree_uninj (x : agree A) : x y : A, to_agree y x.
intros Hl. exists (agree_car x). rewrite /dist /agree_dist /=. split.
- apply: list_setincl_singleton_in. set_solver+.
- apply (list_agrees_iff_setincl _); first set_solver+.
eapply list_agrees_subrel; last exact: Hl; [apply _..|].
intros ???. by apply equiv_dist.
rewrite /valid /agree_valid; setoid_rewrite agree_validN_def.
destruct (elem_of_agree x) as [a ?].
exists a; split=> b /=; setoid_rewrite elem_of_list_singleton; naive_solver.
Lemma to_agree_included (a b : A) : to_agree a to_agree b a b.
Lemma agree_valid_includedN n x y : {n} y x {n} y x {n} y.
- intros (x & Heq). apply equiv_dist=>n. destruct (Heq n) as [_ Hincl].
(* TODO: This could become a generic lemma about list_setincl. *)
destruct (Hincl a) as (? & ->%elem_of_list_singleton & ?); first set_solver+.
- by intros ->.
move=> Hval [z Hy]; move: Hval; rewrite Hy.
by move=> /agree_op_invN->; rewrite agree_idemp.
Lemma to_agree_included a b : to_agree a to_agree b a b.
split; last by intros ->.
intros (x & Heq). apply equiv_dist=>n. destruct (Heq n) as [_ Hincl].
by destruct (Hincl a) as (? & ->%elem_of_list_singleton & ?); first set_solver+.
Global Instance agree_cancelable (x : agree A) : Cancelable x.
Global Instance agree_cancelable x : Cancelable x.
intros n y z Hv Heq.
destruct (to_agree_uninjN n x) as [x' EQx]; first by eapply cmra_validN_op_l.
......@@ -412,14 +215,13 @@ Proof.
by rewrite -EQy -EQz -Hx'y' -Hx'z'.
Lemma agree_op_inv (x1 x2 : agree A) : (x1 x2) x1 x2.
Lemma agree_op_inv x y : (x y) x y.
intros ?. apply equiv_dist=>n. by apply agree_op_invN, cmra_valid_validN.
Lemma agree_op_inv' (a1 a2 : A) : (to_agree a1 to_agree a2) a1 a2.
Lemma agree_op_inv' a b : (to_agree a to_agree b) a b.
Proof. by intros ?%agree_op_inv%(inj _). Qed.
Lemma agree_op_invL' `{!LeibnizEquiv A} (a1 a2 : A) :
(to_agree a1 to_agree a2) a1 = a2.
Lemma agree_op_invL' `{!LeibnizEquiv A} a b : (to_agree a to_agree b) a = b.
Proof. by intros ?%agree_op_inv'%leibniz_equiv. Qed.
(** Internalized properties *)
......@@ -438,41 +240,42 @@ Arguments agreeC : clear implicits.
Arguments agreeR : clear implicits.
Program Definition agree_map {A B} (f : A B) (x : agree A) : agree B :=
{| agree_car := f (agree_car x); agree_with := f <$> (agree_with x) |}.
{| agree_car := f <$> agree_car x |}.
Next Obligation. by intros A B f [[|??] ?]. Qed.
Lemma agree_map_id {A} (x : agree A) : agree_map id x = x.
Proof. rewrite /agree_map /= list_fmap_id. by destruct x. Qed.
Proof. apply agree_eq. by rewrite /= list_fmap_id. Qed.
Lemma agree_map_compose {A B C} (f : A B) (g : B C) (x : agree A) :
agree_map (g f) x = agree_map g (agree_map f x).
Proof. rewrite /agree_map /= list_fmap_compose. done. Qed.
Proof. apply agree_eq. by rewrite /= list_fmap_compose. Qed.
Section agree_map.
Context {A B : ofeT} (f : A B) `{Hf: NonExpansive f}.
Collection Hyps := Type Hf.
Instance agree_map_ne : NonExpansive (agree_map f).
Proof using Hyps.
intros n x y Hxy.
change (list_setequiv (dist n)(f <$> (agree_list x))(f <$> (agree_list y))).
eapply list_setequiv_fmap; last exact Hxy. apply _.
intros n x y [H H']; split=> b /=; setoid_rewrite elem_of_list_fmap.
- intros (a&->&?). destruct (H a) as (a'&?&?); auto. naive_solver.
- intros (a&->&?). destruct (H' a) as (a'&?&?); auto. naive_solver.
Instance agree_map_proper : Proper (() ==> ()) (agree_map f) := ne_proper _.
Lemma agree_map_ext (g : A B) x :
( x, f x g x) agree_map f x agree_map g x.
intros Hfg n. apply: list_setequiv_ext.
change (f <$> (agree_list x) {n} g <$> (agree_list x)).
apply list_fmap_ext_ne=>y. by apply equiv_dist.
( a, f a g a) agree_map f x agree_map g x.
Proof using Hf.
intros Hfg n; split=> b /=; setoid_rewrite elem_of_list_fmap.
- intros (a&->&?). exists (g a). rewrite Hfg; eauto.
- intros (a&->&?). exists (f a). rewrite -Hfg; eauto.
Global Instance agree_map_morphism : CMRAMorphism (agree_map f).
Proof using Hyps.
Proof using Hf.
split; first apply _.
- intros n x. rewrite /cmra_validN /validN /= /agree_validN /= => ?.
change (list_agrees (dist n) (f <$> agree_list x)).
eapply (list_agrees_fmap _ _ _); done.
- intros n x. rewrite !agree_validN_def=> Hv b b' /=.
intros (a&->&?)%elem_of_list_fmap (a'&->&?)%elem_of_list_fmap.
apply Hf; eauto.
- done.
- intros x y n. apply: list_setequiv_equiv=>b.
rewrite /agree_list /= !fmap_app. set_solver+.
- intros x y n; split=> b /=;
rewrite !fmap_app; setoid_rewrite elem_of_app; eauto.
End agree_map.
......@@ -480,9 +283,8 @@ Definition agreeC_map {A B} (f : A -n> B) : agreeC A -n> agreeC B :=
CofeMor (agree_map f : agreeC A agreeC B).
Instance agreeC_map_ne A B : NonExpansive (@agreeC_map A B).
intros n f g Hfg x. apply: list_setequiv_ext.
change (f <$> (agree_list x) {n} g <$> (agree_list x)).
apply list_fmap_ext_ne. done.
intros n f g Hfg x; split=> b /=;
setoid_rewrite elem_of_list_fmap; naive_solver.
Program Definition agreeRF (F : cFunctor) : rFunctor := {|
......@@ -494,11 +296,11 @@ Next Obligation.
Next Obligation.
intros F A B x; simpl. rewrite -{2}(agree_map_id x).
apply agree_map_ext=>y. by rewrite cFunctor_id.
apply (agree_map_ext _)=>y. by rewrite cFunctor_id.
Next Obligation.
intros F A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 f g f' g' x; simpl. rewrite -agree_map_compose.
apply agree_map_ext=>y; apply cFunctor_compose.
apply (agree_map_ext _)=>y; apply cFunctor_compose.
Instance agreeRF_contractive F :
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