# Determine Coq version
COQ_VERSION=$(shell coqc --version | egrep -o 'version 8.[0-9]' | egrep -o '8.[0-9]')
ifeq ($(COQ_VERSION), 8.6)
COQ_MAKEFILE_FLAGS += -arg -w -arg -notation-overridden,-redundant-canonical-projection,-several-object-files
# Forward most targets to Coq makefile (with some trick to make this phony)
find \( -name "*.v.d" -o -name "*.vo" -o -name "*.aux" -o -name "*.cache" -o -name "*.glob" -o -name "*.vio" \) -print -delete
@# we want to pass the correct name to coq_makefile or it will be confused.

Ralf Jung
coq_makefile $(COQ_MAKEFILE_FLAGS) -f _CoqProject -o Makefile.coq
mv Makefile.coq Makefile.coq.tmp
@# The sed script is for Coq 8.5 only, it fixes 'make verify'.
@# The awk script fixes 'make uninstall'.
sed 's/$$(COQCHK) $$(COQCHKFLAGS) $$(COQLIBS)/$$(COQCHK) $$(COQCHKFLAGS) $$(subst -Q,-R,$$(COQLIBS))/' < Makefile.coq.tmp \

Ralf Jung
| awk '/^uninstall:/{print "uninstall:";print "\tif [ -d \"$$(DSTROOT)\"$$(COQLIBINSTALL)/iris/ ]; then find \"$$(DSTROOT)\"$$(COQLIBINSTALL)/iris/ -name \"*.vo\" -print -delete; fi";getline;next}1' > Makefile.coq
# Install build-dependencies
build/ < opam.pins
opam upgrade $(YFLAG) # it is not nice that we upgrade *all* packages here, but I found no nice way to upgrade only those that we pinned
opam pin add coq-iris "$$(pwd)#HEAD" -k git -n -y
opam install coq-iris --deps-only $(YFLAG)
opam pin remove coq-iris
# some fiels that do *not* need to be forwarded to Makefile.coq
# Phony targets (i.e. targets that should be run no matter the timestamps of the involved files)

Ralf Jung
.PHONY: all clean phony