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Commit f450e9c6 authored by Jacques-Henri Jourdan's avatar Jacques-Henri Jourdan
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......@@ -395,46 +395,73 @@ Hint Resolve refcell_mono' refcell_proper' ref_mono' ref_proper'
Section refcell_functions.
Context `{typeG Σ, refcellG Σ}.
(* Constructing a cell. *)
(* Constructing a refcell. *)
Definition refcell_new ty : val :=
funrec: <> ["x"] :=
let: "r" := new [ #(S ty.(ty_size))] in
"r" + #0 <- #0;;
"r" + #1 <-{ty.(ty_size)} !"x";;
"k" ["r"]
cont: "k" ["r"] :=
delete [ #ty.(ty_size) ; "x"];; "return" ["r"].
delete [ #ty.(ty_size) ; "x"];; "return" ["r"].
Lemma refcell_new_type ty :
typed_instruction_ty [] [] [] (refcell_new ty)
(fn (λ _, [])%EL (λ _, [# ty]) (λ _:(), refcell ty)).
apply type_fn; [apply _..|]. move=>/= _ ret arg. inv_vec arg=>x. simpl_subst.
eapply (type_cont [_] []
(λ r, [x box (uninit ty.(ty_size)); r!!!0 box (refcell ty)])%TC);
[solve_typing..| |]; last first.
{ simpl. intros k arg. inv_vec arg=>r. simpl_subst.
eapply type_delete; [solve_typing..|].
eapply (type_jump [_]); solve_typing. }
intros k. simpl_subst. eapply type_new; [solve_typing..|].
eapply type_new; [solve_typing..|].
iIntros (r) "!# * #HEAP #LFT Hna HE HL Hk HT". simpl_subst.
rewrite ( (S ty.(ty_size))) tctx_interp_cons
tctx_interp_singleton !tctx_hasty_val.
rewrite cctx_interp_cons cctx_interp_singleton.
iDestruct ("Hk" with "HE") as "[Hk _]". iDestruct "HT" as "[Hr Hx]".
rewrite cctx_interp_singleton. iDestruct ("Hk" with "HE") as "Hret".
iDestruct "HT" as "[Hr Hx]".
destruct x as [[]|]; try iDestruct "Hx" as "[]". iDestruct "Hx" as "[Hx Hx†]".
iDestruct "Hx" as (vl) "[Hx↦ Hx]".
destruct r as [[]|]; try iDestruct "Hr" as "[]". iDestruct "Hr" as "[Hr Hr†]".
iDestruct "Hr" as (vl') "Hr". rewrite uninit_own. iDestruct "Hr" as "[Hr↦ >SZ]".
destruct vl' as [|]; iDestruct "SZ" as %[=]. rewrite heap_mapsto_vec_cons.
iDestruct "Hr↦" as "[Hr↦0 Hr↦1]". wp_op. rewrite shift_loc_0. wp_write. wp_op.
iDestruct (ty.(ty_size_eq) with "Hx") as %?.
iDestruct (ty.(ty_size_eq) with "Hx") as %Hsz.
wp_bind (_ <-{_} !_)%E. iApply (wp_memcpy with "[$HEAP $Hr↦1 $Hx↦]"); [done..|].
iIntros "!> [Hr↦1 Hx↦]". wp_seq.
iApply ("Hk" $! [# #_] with "Hna HL").
rewrite tctx_interp_cons tctx_interp_singleton /= !tctx_hasty_val' //=. iFrame.
iSplitL "Hx↦".
- iExists vl. iFrame. rewrite uninit_own. auto.
- iExists (_::_). rewrite heap_mapsto_vec_cons. iFrame "Hr↦0 ∗". auto.
iIntros "!> [Hr↦1 Hx↦]". wp_seq. wp_bind (delete _).
rewrite freeable_sz_full. iApply (wp_delete with "[$HEAP $Hx↦ Hx†]"); [by auto..| |].
{ by rewrite Hsz. }
iIntros "!>_". wp_seq. iApply ("Hret" $! [# #_] with "Hna HL").
rewrite tctx_interp_singleton !tctx_hasty_val' //=. iFrame.
iExists (_::_). rewrite heap_mapsto_vec_cons. iFrame "Hr↦0 ∗". auto.
(* The other direction. *)
Definition refcell_into_inner ty : val :=
funrec: <> ["x"] :=
let: "r" := new [ #ty.(ty_size)] in
"r" <-{ty.(ty_size)} !"x" + #1;;
delete [ #(S ty.(ty_size)) ; "x"];; "return" ["r"].
Lemma refcell_into_inner_type ty :
typed_instruction_ty [] [] [] (refcell_into_inner ty)
(fn (λ _, [])%EL (λ _, [# refcell ty]) (λ _:(), ty)).
apply type_fn; [apply _..|]. move=>/= _ ret arg. inv_vec arg=>x. simpl_subst.
eapply type_new; [solve_typing..|].
iIntros (r) "!# * #HEAP #LFT Hna HE HL Hk HT". simpl_subst.
rewrite ( (ty.(ty_size))) tctx_interp_cons
tctx_interp_singleton !tctx_hasty_val.
rewrite cctx_interp_singleton. iDestruct ("Hk" with "HE") as "Hret".
iDestruct "HT" as "[Hr Hx]". destruct x as [[]|]; try iDestruct "Hx" as "[]".
iDestruct "Hx" as "[Hx Hx†]". rewrite freeable_sz_full.
iDestruct "Hx" as ([|[[]|]vl]) "[Hx↦ Hx]"; try iDestruct "Hx" as ">[]".
destruct r as [[]|]; try iDestruct "Hr" as "[]". iDestruct "Hr" as "[Hr Hr†]".
iDestruct "Hr" as (vl') "Hr". rewrite freeable_sz_full uninit_own heap_mapsto_vec_cons.
iDestruct "Hr" as "[Hr↦ >%]". iDestruct "Hx↦" as "[Hx↦0 Hx↦1]". wp_op.
iDestruct "Hx" as "[% Hx]". iDestruct (ty.(ty_size_eq) with "Hx") as %Hsz.
wp_bind (_ <-{_} !_)%E. iApply (wp_memcpy with "[$HEAP $Hr↦ $Hx↦1]"); [done..|].
iIntros "!> [Hr↦ Hx↦1]". wp_seq. wp_bind (delete _).
iApply (wp_delete _ _ _ (_::_) with "[$HEAP Hx↦0 Hx↦1 Hx†]").
done. { by rewrite -Hsz. } { rewrite heap_mapsto_vec_cons -Hsz. iFrame. }
iIntros "!>_". wp_seq. iApply ("Hret" $! [# #_] with "Hna HL").
rewrite tctx_interp_singleton !tctx_hasty_val' //=. rewrite /= freeable_sz_full.
iFrame. iExists _. iFrame.
End refcell_functions.
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