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Commit 261a207a authored by Ralf Jung's avatar Ralf Jung
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prove lifetime equalizing

parent 348ddc06
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From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics.
From iris.base_logic Require Import big_op.
From iris.base_logic.lib Require Import fractional.
From lrust.lifetime Require Export derived.
From lrust.lifetime Require Import derived borrow frac_borrow.
Inductive elctx_elt : Type :=
| ELCtx_Alive (κ : lft)
......@@ -144,6 +144,24 @@ Section lft_contexts.
unfold llctx_interp. by iApply (big_sepL_elem_of with "H").
Lemma lctx_equalize_lft qE qL κ1 κ2 `{!frac_borG Σ} :
lft_ctx -∗ llctx_elt_interp (κ1 [κ2]%list) qL ={}=∗
elctx_elt_interp (κ1 κ2) qE elctx_elt_interp (κ2 κ1) qE.
iIntros "#LFT Hκ". rewrite /llctx_elt_interp /=. (* TODO: Why is this unfold necessary? *)
iDestruct "Hκ" as (κ) "(% & Hκ & _)".
iMod (bor_create _ κ2 with "LFT [Hκ]") as "[Hκ _]"; first done; first by iFrame.
iMod (bor_fracture (λ q, (qL * q).[_])%I with "LFT [Hκ]") as "#Hκ"; first done.
{ rewrite Qp_mult_1_r. done. }
iModIntro. subst κ1. iSplit.
- iApply lft_le_incl.
rewrite <-!gmultiset_union_subseteq_l. done.
- iApply (lft_incl_glb with "[]"); first iApply (lft_incl_glb with "[]").
+ iApply lft_incl_refl.
+ iApply lft_incl_static.
+ iApply (frac_bor_lft_incl with "LFT"). done.
Context (E : elctx) (L : llctx).
(* Lifetime inclusion *)
......@@ -84,6 +84,22 @@ Notation typed_instruction_ty E L T1 e ty :=
Section typing_rules.
Context `{typeG Σ}.
(* TODO: notation scopes need tuing to avoid the %list here. *)
(* TODO: Proof a version of this that substitutes into a compatible context...
if we really want to do that. *)
Lemma type_equivalize_lft E L C T κ1 κ2 e :
typed_body ((κ1 κ2) :: (κ2 κ1) :: E) L C T e
typed_body E ((κ1 [κ2]%list) :: L) C T e.
iIntros (He tid qE) "#HEAP #LFT Htl HE HL HC HT".
rewrite /llctx_interp big_sepL_cons. iDestruct "HL" as "[Hκ HL]".
iMod (lctx_equalize_lft with "LFT Hκ") as "[Hκ1 Hκ2]".
iApply (He with "HEAP LFT Htl [Hκ1 Hκ2 HE] HL [HC] HT").
- rewrite /elctx_interp !big_sepL_cons. by iFrame.
- rewrite /elctx_interp !big_sepL_cons. iIntros "(_ & _ & HE)".
iApply "HC". done.
Lemma type_let E L T1 T2 (T : tctx) C xb e e' :
Closed (xb :b: []) e'
typed_instruction E L T1 e T2
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