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Commit 8e404355 authored by Ralf Jung's avatar Ralf Jung
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Merge branch 'fupd-commutes' into 'master'

Add missing commutations for `fupd`

See merge request iris/iris!688
parents 1bb3e3fa b2bb853f
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......@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ Coq 8.11 is no longer supported in this version of Iris.
* Add lemmas for swapping nested big-ops: `big_sep{L,M,S,MS}_sep{L,M,S,MS}`.
* Rename `big_sep{L,L2,M,M2,S}_intuitionistically_forall`
`big_sep{L,L2,M,M2,S}_intro`, and `big_orL_lookup``big_orL_intro`.
* Rename `bupd_forall` to `bupd_plain_forall`, and add
**Changes in `proofmode`:**
......@@ -102,6 +104,7 @@ s/\bbig_sepM2_lookup_2\b/big_sepM2_lookup_r/g
# big_*_intro
......@@ -201,10 +201,26 @@ Section bupd_derived.
- apply bupd_intro.
Global Instance bupd_homomorphism :
Global Instance bupd_sep_homomorphism :
MonoidHomomorphism bi_sep bi_sep (flip ()) (bupd (PROP:=PROP)).
Proof. split; [split|]; try apply _; [apply bupd_sep | apply bupd_intro]. Qed.
Lemma bupd_or P Q : (|==> P) (|==> Q) |==> (P Q).
Proof. apply or_elim; apply bupd_mono; [ apply or_intro_l | apply or_intro_r ]. Qed.
Global Instance bupd_or_homomorphism :
MonoidHomomorphism bi_or bi_or (flip ()) (bupd (PROP:=PROP)).
Proof. split; [split|]; try apply _; [apply bupd_or | apply bupd_intro]. Qed.
Lemma bupd_and P Q : (|==> (P Q)) (|==> P) (|==> Q).
Proof. apply and_intro; apply bupd_mono; [apply and_elim_l | apply and_elim_r]. Qed.
Lemma bupd_exist A (Φ : A PROP) : ( x : A, |==> Φ x) |==> x : A, Φ x.
Proof. apply exist_elim=> a. by rewrite -(exist_intro a). Qed.
Lemma bupd_forall A (Φ : A PROP) : (|==> x : A, Φ x) x : A, |==> Φ x.
Proof. apply forall_intro=> a. by rewrite -(forall_elim a). Qed.
Lemma big_sepL_bupd {A} (Φ : nat A PROP) l :
([ list] kx l, |==> Φ k x) |==> [ list] kx l, Φ k x.
Proof. by rewrite (big_opL_commute _). Qed.
......@@ -230,11 +246,11 @@ Section bupd_derived.
Lemma bupd_plain P `{!Plain P} : (|==> P) P.
Proof. by rewrite {1}(plain P) bupd_plainly. Qed.
Lemma bupd_forall {A} (Φ : A PROP) `{ x, Plain (Φ x)} :
Lemma bupd_plain_forall {A} (Φ : A PROP) `{ x, Plain (Φ x)} :
(|==> x, Φ x) ⊣⊢ ( x, |==> Φ x).
apply (anti_symm _).
- apply forall_intro=> x. by rewrite (forall_elim x).
- apply bupd_forall.
- rewrite -bupd_intro. apply forall_intro=> x.
by rewrite (forall_elim x) bupd_plain.
......@@ -378,10 +394,29 @@ Section fupd_derived.
apply fupd_mask_intro_subseteq; set_solver.
Lemma fupd_or E1 E2 P Q :
(|={E1,E2}=> P) (|={E1,E2}=> Q) ⊢@{PROP}
(|={E1,E2}=> (P Q)).
Proof. apply or_elim; apply fupd_mono; [ apply or_intro_l | apply or_intro_r ]. Qed.
Global Instance fupd_or_homomorphism E :
MonoidHomomorphism bi_or bi_or (flip ()) (fupd (PROP:=PROP) E E).
Proof. split; [split|]; try apply _; [apply fupd_or | apply fupd_intro]. Qed.
Lemma fupd_and E1 E2 P Q :
(|={E1,E2}=> (P Q)) ⊢@{PROP} (|={E1,E2}=> P) (|={E1,E2}=> Q).
Proof. apply and_intro; apply fupd_mono; [apply and_elim_l | apply and_elim_r]. Qed.
Lemma fupd_exist E1 E2 A (Φ : A PROP) : ( x : A, |={E1, E2}=> Φ x) |={E1, E2}=> x : A, Φ x.
Proof. apply exist_elim=> a. by rewrite -(exist_intro a). Qed.
Lemma fupd_forall E1 E2 A (Φ : A PROP) : (|={E1, E2}=> x : A, Φ x) x : A, |={E1, E2}=> Φ x.
Proof. apply forall_intro=> a. by rewrite -(forall_elim a). Qed.
Lemma fupd_sep E P Q : (|={E}=> P) (|={E}=> Q) ={E}=∗ P Q.
Proof. by rewrite fupd_frame_r fupd_frame_l fupd_trans. Qed.
Global Instance fupd_homomorphism E :
Global Instance fupd_sep_homomorphism E :
MonoidHomomorphism bi_sep bi_sep (flip ()) (fupd (PROP:=PROP) E E).
Proof. split; [split|]; try apply _; [apply fupd_sep | apply fupd_intro]. Qed.
......@@ -536,8 +571,7 @@ Section fupd_derived.
E2 E1
(|={E1,E2}=> x, Φ x) ⊣⊢ ( x, |={E1,E2}=> Φ x).
intros. apply (anti_symm _).
{ apply forall_intro=> x. by rewrite (forall_elim x). }
intros. apply (anti_symm _); first apply fupd_forall.
trans ( x, |={E1}=> Φ x)%I.
{ apply forall_mono=> x. by rewrite fupd_plain_mask. }
rewrite fupd_plain_forall_2. apply fupd_elim.
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Global Instance from_pure_bupd `{!BiBUpd PROP} a P φ :
Proof. rewrite /FromPure=> <-. apply bupd_intro. Qed.
Global Instance from_pure_fupd `{!BiFUpd PROP} a E P φ :
FromPure a P φ FromPure a (|={E}=> P) φ.
Proof. rewrite /FromPure. intros <-. apply fupd_intro. Qed.
Proof. rewrite /FromPure=> <-. apply fupd_intro. Qed.
Global Instance into_wand_bupd `{!BiBUpd PROP} p q R P Q :
IntoWand false false R P Q IntoWand p q (|==> R) (|==> P) (|==> Q).
......@@ -73,27 +73,31 @@ Proof. rewrite /FromSep =><-. apply fupd_sep. Qed.
Global Instance from_or_bupd `{!BiBUpd PROP} P Q1 Q2 :
FromOr P Q1 Q2 FromOr (|==> P) (|==> Q1) (|==> Q2).
rewrite /FromOr=><-.
apply or_elim; apply bupd_mono; auto using or_intro_l, or_intro_r.
Proof. rewrite /FromOr=><-. apply bupd_or. Qed.
Global Instance from_or_fupd `{!BiFUpd PROP} E1 E2 P Q1 Q2 :
FromOr P Q1 Q2 FromOr (|={E1,E2}=> P) (|={E1,E2}=> Q1) (|={E1,E2}=> Q2).
rewrite /FromOr=><-. apply or_elim; apply fupd_mono;
[apply bi.or_intro_l|apply bi.or_intro_r].
Proof. rewrite /FromOr=><-. apply fupd_or. Qed.
Global Instance into_and_bupd `{!BiBUpd PROP} P Q1 Q2 :
IntoAnd false P Q1 Q2 IntoAnd false (|==> P) (|==> Q1) (|==> Q2).
Proof. rewrite /IntoAnd/==>->. apply bupd_and. Qed.
Global Instance into_and_fupd `{!BiFUpd PROP} E1 E2 P Q1 Q2 :
IntoAnd false P Q1 Q2 IntoAnd false (|={E1,E2}=> P) (|={E1,E2}=> Q1) (|={E1,E2}=> Q2).
Proof. rewrite /IntoAnd/==>->. apply fupd_and. Qed.
Global Instance from_exist_bupd `{!BiBUpd PROP} {A} P (Φ : A PROP) :
FromExist P Φ FromExist (|==> P) (λ a, |==> Φ a)%I.
rewrite /FromExist=><-. apply exist_elim=> a. by rewrite -(exist_intro a).
Proof. rewrite /FromExist=><-. apply bupd_exist. Qed.
Global Instance from_exist_fupd `{!BiFUpd PROP} {A} E1 E2 P (Φ : A PROP) :
FromExist P Φ FromExist (|={E1,E2}=> P) (λ a, |={E1,E2}=> Φ a)%I.
rewrite /FromExist=><-. apply exist_elim=> a. by rewrite -(exist_intro a).
Proof. rewrite /FromExist=><-. apply fupd_exist. Qed.
Global Instance into_forall_bupd `{!BiBUpd PROP} {A} P (Φ : A PROP) :
IntoForall P Φ IntoForall (|==> P) (λ a, |==> Φ a)%I.
Proof. rewrite /IntoForall=>->. apply bupd_forall. Qed.
Global Instance into_forall_fupd `{!BiFUpd PROP} {A} E1 E2 P (Φ : A PROP) :
IntoForall P Φ IntoForall (|={E1,E2}=> P) (λ a, |={E1,E2}=> Φ a)%I.
Proof. rewrite /IntoForall=>->. apply fupd_forall. Qed.
Global Instance from_forall_fupd
`{!BiFUpd PROP, !BiPlainly PROP, !BiFUpdPlainly PROP} E1 E2 {A} P (Φ : A PROP) name :
......@@ -1054,6 +1054,31 @@ Lemma test_iDestruct_clear P Q R :
iIntros "HP HQR". iDestruct "HQR" as "{HP} [HQ HR]". done.
Lemma test_iSpecialize_bupd `{BiBUpd PROP} A (a : A) (P : A -> PROP) :
(|==> x, P x) |==> P a.
iIntros "H". iSpecialize ("H" $! a). done.
Lemma test_iSpecialize_fupd `{BiFUpd PROP} A (a : A) (P : A -> PROP) E1 E2 :
(|={E1, E2}=> x, P x) |={E1, E2}=> P a.
iIntros "H". iSpecialize ("H" $! a). done.
Lemma test_iDestruct_and_bupd `{BiBUpd PROP} (P Q : PROP) :
(|==> P Q) |==> P.
iIntros "[P _]". done.
Lemma test_iDestruct_and_fupd `{BiFUpd PROP} (P Q : PROP) E1 E2 :
(|={E1, E2}=> P Q) |={E1, E2}=> P.
iIntros "[P _]". done.
End tests.
Section parsing_tests.
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