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Commit 3cf98386 authored by Lennard Gäher's avatar Lennard Gäher
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Fixpoint/Cofixpoint lemmas

parent efb686ba
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......@@ -5,6 +5,25 @@ lemma.
## Iris master
**Changes in `bi`:**
* Rename `least_fixpoint_ind` into `least_fixpoint_iter`,
rename `greatest_fixpoint_coind` into `greatest_fixpoint_coiter`,
rename `least_fixpoint_strong_ind` into `least_fixpoint_ind`,
add lemmas `least_fixpoint_{ind_wf, ne', strong_mono}`, and
add lemmas `greatest_fixpoint_{coind, paco, ne', strong_mono}`.
The following `sed` script helps adjust your code to the renaming (on macOS,
replace `sed` by `gsed`, installed via e.g. `brew install gnu-sed`).
Note that the script is not idempotent, do not run it twice.
sed -i -E -f- $(find theories -name "*.v") <<EOF
# least/greatest fixpoint renames
## Iris 3.5.0 (2021-11-05)
The highlights and most notable changes of this release are:
......@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ Section lemmas.
rewrite atomic_update_eq {2}/atomic_update_def /=.
iIntros (Heo) "HAU".
iApply (greatest_fixpoint_coind _ (λ _, atomic_update_def Eo1 Ei α β Φ)); last done.
iApply (greatest_fixpoint_coiter _ (λ _, atomic_update_def Eo1 Ei α β Φ)); last done.
iIntros "!> *". rewrite {1}/atomic_update_def /= greatest_fixpoint_unfold.
iApply make_laterable_intuitionistic_wand. iIntros "!>".
iApply atomic_acc_mask_weaken. done.
......@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ Section lemmas.
rewrite atomic_update_eq {1}/atomic_update_def /=.
iIntros (??? HAU) "[#HP HQ]".
iApply (greatest_fixpoint_coind _ (λ _, Q)); last done. iIntros "!>" ([]) "HQ".
iApply (greatest_fixpoint_coiter _ (λ _, Q)); last done. iIntros "!>" ([]) "HQ".
iApply (make_laterable_intro Q with "[] HQ"). iIntros "!> HQ".
iApply HAU. by iFrame.
......@@ -25,6 +25,11 @@ Definition bi_greatest_fixpoint {PROP : bi} {A : ofe}
tc_opaque ( Φ : A -n> PROP, ( x, Φ x -∗ F Φ x) Φ x)%I.
Global Arguments bi_greatest_fixpoint : simpl never.
(* Both non-expansiveness lemmas do not seem to be interderivable.
FIXME: is there some lemma that subsumes both? *)
Lemma least_fixpoint_ne' {PROP : bi} {A : ofe} (F: (A PROP) (A PROP)):
( Φ, NonExpansive Φ NonExpansive (F Φ)) NonExpansive (bi_least_fixpoint F).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance least_fixpoint_ne {PROP : bi} {A : ofe} n :
Proper (pointwise_relation (A PROP) (pointwise_relation A (dist n)) ==>
dist n ==> dist n) bi_least_fixpoint.
......@@ -58,25 +63,74 @@ Section least.
apply (anti_symm _); auto using least_fixpoint_unfold_1, least_fixpoint_unfold_2.
Lemma least_fixpoint_ind (Φ : A PROP) `{!NonExpansive Φ} :
The basic induction principle for least fixpoints: as inductive hypothesis,
it allows to assume the statement to prove below exactly one application of [F].
Lemma least_fixpoint_iter (Φ : A PROP) `{!NonExpansive Φ} :
( y, F Φ y -∗ Φ y) -∗ x, bi_least_fixpoint F x -∗ Φ x.
iIntros "#HΦ" (x) "HF". by iApply ("HF" $! (OfeMor Φ) with "[#]").
End least.
Lemma least_fixpoint_strong_mono {PROP : bi} {A : ofe} (F : (A PROP) (A PROP)) `{!BiMonoPred F}
(G : (A PROP) (A PROP)) `{!BiMonoPred G} :
( Φ x, F Φ x -∗ G Φ x) -∗
x, bi_least_fixpoint F x -∗ bi_least_fixpoint G x.
iIntros "#Hmon". iApply least_fixpoint_iter.
iIntros "!>" (y) "IH". iApply least_fixpoint_unfold.
by iApply "Hmon".
In addition to [least_fixpoint_iter], we provide two derived, stronger induction principles.
- [least_fixpoint_ind] allows to assume [F (λ x, Φ x ∧ bi_least_fixpoint F x) y] when proving
the inductive step.
Intuitively, it does not only offer the induction hypothesis ([Φ] under an application of [F]),
but also the induction predicate [bi_least_fixpoint F] itself (under an application of [F]).
- [least_fixpoint_ind_wf] intuitively corresponds to a kind of well-founded induction.
It provides the hypothesis [F (bi_least_fixpoint (λ Ψ a, Φ a ∧ F Ψ a)) y] and thus allows
to assume the induction hypothesis not just below one application of [F], but below any
positive number (by unfolding the least fixpoint).
The unfolding lemma [least_fixpoint_unfold] as well as [least_fixpoint_strong_mono] can be useful
to work with the hypothesis.
Section least_ind.
Context {PROP : bi} {A : ofe} (F : (A PROP) (A PROP)) `{!BiMonoPred F}.
Let wf_pred_mono `{!NonExpansive Φ} : BiMonoPred (λ (Ψ : A PROP) (a : A), Φ a F Ψ a)%I.
Proof using Type*.
split; last solve_proper.
intros Ψ Ψ' Hne Hne'. iIntros "#Mon" (x) "Ha". iSplit; first by iDestruct "Ha" as "[$ _]".
iDestruct "Ha" as "[_ Hr]". iApply (bi_mono_pred with "[] Hr"). by iModIntro.
Local Existing Instance wf_pred_mono.
Lemma least_fixpoint_strong_ind (Φ : A PROP) `{!NonExpansive Φ} :
Lemma least_fixpoint_ind_wf (Φ : A PROP) `{!NonExpansive Φ} :
( y, F (bi_least_fixpoint (λ Ψ a, Φ a F Ψ a)) y -∗ Φ y) -∗
x, bi_least_fixpoint F x -∗ Φ x.
Proof using Type*.
iIntros "#Hmon" (x). rewrite least_fixpoint_unfold. iIntros "Hx".
iApply "Hmon". iApply (bi_mono_pred with "[] Hx").
iModIntro. iApply least_fixpoint_iter.
iIntros "!> %y Hy". rewrite least_fixpoint_unfold.
iSplit; last done. by iApply "Hmon".
Lemma least_fixpoint_ind (Φ : A PROP) `{!NonExpansive Φ} :
( y, F (λ x, Φ x bi_least_fixpoint F x) y -∗ Φ y) -∗
x, bi_least_fixpoint F x -∗ Φ x.
Proof using Type*.
trans ( x, bi_least_fixpoint F x -∗ Φ x bi_least_fixpoint F x)%I.
{ iIntros "#HΦ". iApply (least_fixpoint_ind with "[]"); first solve_proper.
iIntros "!>" (y) "H". iSplit; first by iApply "HΦ".
iApply least_fixpoint_unfold_2.
iApply (bi_mono_pred with "[#] H"); [solve_proper|].
by iIntros "!> * [_ ?]". }
by setoid_rewrite and_elim_l.
iIntros "#Hmon". iApply least_fixpoint_ind_wf. iIntros "!> %y Hy".
iApply "Hmon". iApply (bi_mono_pred with "[] Hy"). { solve_proper. }
iIntros "!> %x Hx". iSplit.
- rewrite least_fixpoint_unfold. iDestruct "Hx" as "[$ _]".
- iApply (least_fixpoint_strong_mono with "[] Hx"). iIntros "!>" (??) "[_ $]".
End least.
End least_ind.
Lemma greatest_fixpoint_ne_outer {PROP : bi} {A : ofe}
(F1 : (A PROP) (A PROP)) (F2 : (A PROP) (A PROP)):
......@@ -87,6 +141,11 @@ Proof.
do 3 f_equiv; last solve_proper. repeat f_equiv. apply HF.
(* Both non-expansiveness lemmas do not seem to be interderivable.
FIXME: is there some lemma that subsumes both? *)
Lemma greatest_fixpoint_ne' {PROP : bi} {A : ofe} (F: (A PROP) (A PROP)):
( Φ, NonExpansive Φ NonExpansive (F Φ)) NonExpansive (bi_least_fixpoint F).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance greatest_fixpoint_ne {PROP : bi} {A : ofe} n :
Proper (pointwise_relation (A PROP) (pointwise_relation A (dist n)) ==>
dist n ==> dist n) bi_greatest_fixpoint.
......@@ -122,7 +181,92 @@ Section greatest.
apply (anti_symm _); auto using greatest_fixpoint_unfold_1, greatest_fixpoint_unfold_2.
Lemma greatest_fixpoint_coind (Φ : A PROP) `{!NonExpansive Φ} :
The following lemma provides basic coinduction capabilities,
by requiring to reestablish the coinduction hypothesis after exactly one step.
Lemma greatest_fixpoint_coiter (Φ : A PROP) `{!NonExpansive Φ} :
( y, Φ y -∗ F Φ y) -∗ x, Φ x -∗ bi_greatest_fixpoint F x.
Proof. iIntros "#HΦ" (x) "Hx". iExists (OfeMor Φ). auto. Qed.
End greatest.
Lemma greatest_fixpoint_strong_mono {PROP : bi} {A : ofe} (F : (A PROP) (A PROP)) `{!BiMonoPred F}
(G : (A PROP) (A PROP)) `{!BiMonoPred G} :
( Φ x, F Φ x -∗ G Φ x) -∗
x, bi_greatest_fixpoint F x -∗ bi_greatest_fixpoint G x.
Proof using Type*.
iIntros "#Hmon". iApply greatest_fixpoint_coiter.
iIntros "!>" (y) "IH". rewrite greatest_fixpoint_unfold.
by iApply "Hmon".
In addition to [greatest_fixpoint_coiter], we provide two derived, stronger coinduction principles.
- [greatest_fixpoint_coind] requires to prove [F (λ x, Φ x ∨ bi_greatest_fixpoint F x) y]
in the coinductive step instead of [F Φ y] and thus instead allows to prove the original
fixpoint again, after taking one step.
- [greatest_fixpoint_paco] allows for so-called parameterized coinduction, a stronger coinduction
principle, where [F (bi_greatest_fixpoint (λ Ψ a, Φ a ∨ F Ψ a)) y] needs to be established in
the coinductive step. It allows to prove the hypothesis [Φ] not just after one step,
but after any positive number of unfoldings of the greatest fixpoint.
This encodes a way of accumulating "knowledge" in the coinduction hypothesis:
if you return to the "initial point" [Φ] of the coinduction after some number of
unfoldings (not just one), the proof is done.
(interestingly, this is the dual to [least_fixpoint_ind_wf]).
The unfolding lemma [greatest_fixpoint_unfold] and [greatest_fixpoint_strong_mono] may be useful
when using this lemma.
Example use case:
Suppose that [F] defines a coinductive simulation relation, e.g.,
[F rec '(e_t, e_s) :=
(is_val e_s ∧ is_val e_t ∧ post e_t e_s) ∨
(safe e_t ∧ ∀ e_t', step e_t e_t' → ∃ e_s', step e_s e_s' ∧ rec e_t' e_s')],
and [sim e_t e_s := bi_greatest_fixpoint F].
Suppose you want to show a simulation of two loops,
[sim (while ...) (while ...)],
i.e. [Φ '(e_t, e_s) := e_t = while ... ∧ e_s = while ...].
Then the standard coinduction principle [greatest_fixpoint_iter]
requires to establish the coinduction hypothesis [Φ] after precisely
one unfolding of [sim], which is clearly not strong enough if the
loop takes multiple steps of computation per iteration.
But [greatest_fixpoint_paco] allows to establish a fixpoint to which [Φ] has
been added as a disjunct.
This fixpoint can be unfolded arbitrarily many times, allowing to establish the
coinduction hypothesis after any number of steps.
This enables to take multiple simulation steps, before closing the coinduction
by establishing the hypothesis [Φ] again.
Section greatest_coind.
Context {PROP : bi} {A : ofe} (F : (A PROP) (A PROP)) `{!BiMonoPred F}.
Let paco_mono `{!NonExpansive Φ} : BiMonoPred (λ (Ψ : A PROP) (a : A), Φ a F Ψ a)%I.
Proof using Type*.
split; last solve_proper.
intros Ψ Ψ' Hne Hne'. iIntros "#Mon" (x) "[H1|H2]"; first by iLeft.
iRight. iApply (bi_mono_pred with "[] H2"). by iModIntro.
Local Existing Instance paco_mono.
Lemma greatest_fixpoint_paco `{!NonExpansive Φ} :
( y, Φ y -∗ F (bi_greatest_fixpoint (λ Ψ a, Φ a F Ψ a)) y) -∗
x, Φ x -∗ bi_greatest_fixpoint F x.
Proof using Type*.
iIntros "#Hmon" (x) "HΦ". iDestruct ("Hmon" with "HΦ") as "HF".
rewrite greatest_fixpoint_unfold. iApply (bi_mono_pred with "[] HF").
iIntros "!>" (y) "HG". iApply (greatest_fixpoint_coiter with "[] HG").
iIntros "!>" (z) "Hf". rewrite greatest_fixpoint_unfold.
iDestruct "Hf" as "[HΦ|$]". by iApply "Hmon".
Lemma greatest_fixpoint_coind (Φ : A PROP) `{!NonExpansive Φ} :
( y, Φ y -∗ F (λ x, Φ x bi_greatest_fixpoint F x) y) -∗
x, Φ x -∗ bi_greatest_fixpoint F x.
Proof using Type*.
iIntros "#Ha". iApply greatest_fixpoint_paco. iModIntro.
iIntros (y) "Hy". iSpecialize ("Ha" with "Hy").
iApply (bi_mono_pred with "[] Ha"). { solve_proper. }
iIntros "!> %x [Hphi | Hgfp]".
- iApply greatest_fixpoint_unfold. eauto.
- iApply (greatest_fixpoint_strong_mono with "[] Hgfp"); eauto.
End greatest_coind.
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Section bi_rtc.
x1, bi_rtc R x1 x2 -∗ Φ x1.
iIntros (?) "#IH". rewrite /bi_rtc.
by iApply (least_fixpoint_strong_ind (bi_rtc_pre R x2) with "IH").
by iApply (least_fixpoint_ind (bi_rtc_pre R x2) with "IH").
Lemma bi_rtc_ind_l x2 Φ :
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Section bi_rtc.
x1, bi_rtc R x1 x2 -∗ Φ x1.
iIntros (?) "#IH". rewrite /bi_rtc.
by iApply (least_fixpoint_ind (bi_rtc_pre R x2) with "IH").
by iApply (least_fixpoint_iter (bi_rtc_pre R x2) with "IH").
Lemma bi_rtc_refl x : bi_rtc R x x.
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Proof.
iIntros "#IH" (t) "H".
assert (NonExpansive Ψ).
{ by intros n ?? ->%(discrete_iff _ _)%leibniz_equiv. }
iApply (least_fixpoint_strong_ind _ Ψ with "[] H").
iApply (least_fixpoint_ind _ Ψ with "[] H").
iIntros "!>" (t') "H". by iApply "IH".
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ Proof.
assert (NonExpansive Ψ').
{ intros n [[E1 e1] Φ1] [[E2 e2] Φ2]
[[?%leibniz_equiv ?%leibniz_equiv] ?]; simplify_eq/=. by apply . }
iApply (least_fixpoint_strong_ind _ Ψ' with "[] H").
iApply (least_fixpoint_ind _ Ψ' with "[] H").
iIntros "!>" ([[??] ?]) "H". by iApply "IH".
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