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Commit cd3b7b88 authored by Robbert Krebbers's avatar Robbert Krebbers
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parent 448dac44
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......@@ -106,10 +106,10 @@ Definition bij_viewR A B `{Countable A, Countable B} : cmraT :=
Definition bij_viewUR A B `{Countable A, Countable B} : ucmraT :=
viewUR (bij_view_rel (A:=A) (B:=B)).
Definition bij_auth `{Countable A, Countable B} (L : gset (A * B)) : bij_view A B :=
V L V L.
Definition bij_elem `{Countable A, Countable B} (a : A) (b : B) : bij_view A B :=
V {[a, b]}.
Definition bij_auth `{Countable A, Countable B}
(q : Qp) (L : gset (A * B)) : bij_view A B := V{q} L V L.
Definition bij_elem `{Countable A, Countable B}
(a : A) (b : B) : bij_view A B := V {[a, b]}.
Section bij.
Context `{Countable A, Countable B}.
......@@ -119,23 +119,55 @@ Section bij.
Global Instance bij_elem_core_id a b : CoreId (bij_elem a b).
Proof. apply _. Qed.
Lemma bij_auth_valid L : bij_auth L gset_bijective L.
Lemma bij_auth_frac_op q1 q2 L :
bij_auth q1 L bij_auth q2 L bij_auth (q1 + q2) L.
rewrite /bij_auth view_both_valid.
rewrite /bij_auth view_auth_frac_op.
rewrite (comm _ (V{q2} _)) -!assoc (assoc _ (V _)).
by rewrite -core_id_dup (comm _ (V _)).
Lemma bij_auth_frac_valid q L : bij_auth q L q gset_bijective L.
rewrite /bij_auth view_both_frac_valid.
setoid_rewrite bij_view_rel_iff.
naive_solver eauto using O.
Lemma bij_auth_valid L : bij_auth 1 L gset_bijective L.
Proof. rewrite bij_auth_frac_valid. naive_solver by done. Qed.
Lemma bij_auth_empty_frac_valid q : bij_auth (A:=A) (B:=B) q q.
rewrite bij_auth_frac_valid. naive_solver eauto using gset_bijective_empty.
Lemma bij_auth_empty_valid : bij_auth (A:=A) (B:=B) 1 ∅.
Proof. by apply bij_auth_empty_frac_valid. Qed.
Lemma bij_auth_valid_empty : bij_auth (A:=A) (B:=B) ∅.
Proof. apply bij_auth_valid, gset_bijective_empty. Qed.
Lemma bij_auth_frac_op_valid q1 q2 L1 L2 :
(bij_auth q1 L1 bij_auth q2 L2)
(q1 + q2)%Qp L1 = L2 gset_bijective L1.
rewrite /bij_auth (comm _ (V{q2} _)) -!assoc (assoc _ (V _)).
rewrite -view_frag_op (comm _ (V _)) assoc. split.
- move=> /cmra_valid_op_l /view_auth_frac_op_valid.
setoid_rewrite bij_view_rel_iff. naive_solver eauto using 0.
- intros (?&->&?). rewrite -core_id_dup -view_auth_frac_op.
apply view_both_frac_valid. setoid_rewrite bij_view_rel_iff. naive_solver.
Lemma bij_auth_op_valid L1 L2 :
(bij_auth 1 L1 bij_auth 1 L2) False.
Proof. rewrite bij_auth_frac_op_valid. naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma bij_both_el_valid L a b :
(bij_auth L bij_elem a b) gset_bijective L (a, b) L.
Lemma bij_both_frac_valid q L a b :
(bij_auth q L bij_elem a b) q gset_bijective L (a, b) L.
rewrite /bij_auth /bij_elem -assoc -view_frag_op view_both_valid.
rewrite /bij_auth /bij_elem -assoc -view_frag_op view_both_frac_valid.
setoid_rewrite bij_view_rel_iff.
set_solver by eauto using O.
Lemma bij_both_valid L a b :
(bij_auth 1 L bij_elem a b) gset_bijective L (a, b) L.
Proof. rewrite bij_both_frac_valid. naive_solver by done. Qed.
Lemma bij_elem_agree a1 b1 a2 b2 :
(bij_elem a1 b1 bij_elem a2 b2) (a1 = a2 b1 = b2).
......@@ -145,7 +177,7 @@ Section bij.
naive_solver eauto using subseteq_gset_bijective, O.
Lemma bij_view_included L a b : (a,b) L bij_elem a b bij_auth L.
Lemma bij_view_included q L a b : (a,b) L bij_elem a b bij_auth q L.
intros. etrans; [|apply cmra_included_r].
apply view_frag_mono, gset_included. set_solver.
......@@ -153,7 +185,7 @@ Section bij.
Lemma bij_auth_extend L a b :
( b', (a, b') L) ( a', (a', b) L)
bij_auth L ~~> bij_auth ({[(a, b)]} L).
bij_auth 1 L ~~> bij_auth 1 ({[(a, b)]} L).
intros. apply view_update=> n bijL.
rewrite !bij_view_rel_iff gset_op_union.
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ that the set of associations only grows; this is captured by the persistence of
This library is a logical, ownership-based wrapper around bij_view.v. *)
From iris.algebra.lib Require Import bij_view.
From Require Import fractional.
From iris.base_logic.lib Require Import own.
From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
......@@ -33,37 +34,58 @@ Global Instance subG_bijΣ `{Countable A, Countable B} Σ :
subG (bijΣ A B) Σ bijG A B Σ.
Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
Definition bij_own_auth_def `{bijG A B Σ} (γ : gname)
(q : Qp) (L : gset (A * B)) : iProp Σ := own γ (bij_auth q L).
Definition bij_own_auth_aux : seal (@bij_own_auth_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition bij_own_auth := unseal bij_own_auth_aux.
Definition bij_own_auth_eq :
@bij_own_auth = @bij_own_auth_def := seal_eq bij_own_auth_aux.
Arguments bij_own_auth {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}.
Definition bij_own_elem_def `{bijG A B Σ} (γ : gname)
(a : A) (b : B) : iProp Σ := own γ (bij_elem a b).
Definition bij_own_elem_aux : seal (@bij_own_elem_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition bij_own_elem := unseal bij_own_elem_aux.
Definition bij_own_elem_eq :
@bij_own_elem = @bij_own_elem_def := seal_eq bij_own_elem_aux.
Arguments bij_own_elem {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}.
Section bij.
Context `{bijG A B Σ}.
Implicit Types (L: gsetO (A * B)).
Implicit Types (a:A) (b:B).
Definition bij_own_auth_def γ L : iProp Σ := own γ (bij_auth L).
Definition bij_own_auth_aux : seal (@bij_own_auth_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition bij_own_auth := unseal bij_own_auth_aux.
Definition bij_own_auth_eq :
@bij_own_auth = @bij_own_auth_def := seal_eq bij_own_auth_aux.
Definition bij_own_elem_def γ a b: iProp Σ := own γ (bij_elem a b).
Definition bij_own_elem_aux : seal (@bij_own_elem_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition bij_own_elem := unseal bij_own_elem_aux.
Definition bij_own_elem_eq :
@bij_own_elem = @bij_own_elem_def := seal_eq bij_own_elem_aux.
Global Instance bij_own_auth_timeless γ L : Timeless (bij_own_auth γ L).
Proof. rewrite bij_own_auth_eq. apply _. Qed.
Implicit Types (L : gset (A * B)) (a : A) (b : B).
Global Instance bij_own_auth_timeless γ q L : Timeless (bij_own_auth γ q L).
Proof. rewrite bij_own_auth_eq. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance bij_own_elem_timeless γ a b : Timeless (bij_own_elem γ a b).
Proof. rewrite bij_own_elem_eq. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance bij_own_elem_persistent γ a b : Persistent (bij_own_elem γ a b).
Proof. rewrite bij_own_elem_eq. apply _. Qed.
Lemma bij_own_bijective γ L :
bij_own_auth γ L -∗ gset_bijective L⌝.
Global Instance bij_own_auth_fractional γ L : Fractional (λ q, bij_own_auth γ q L).
Proof. intros p q. rewrite bij_own_auth_eq -own_op bij_auth_frac_op //. Qed.
Global Instance bij_own_auth_as_fractional γ q L :
AsFractional (bij_own_auth γ q L) (λ q, bij_own_auth γ q L) q.
Proof. split; [auto|apply _]. Qed.
Lemma bij_own_auth_agree γ q1 q2 L1 L2 :
bij_own_auth γ q1 L1 -∗ bij_own_auth γ q2 L2 -∗
⌜✓ (q1 + q2)%Qp L1 = L2 gset_bijective L1⌝.
rewrite bij_own_auth_eq. iIntros "H1 H2".
by iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H1 H2") as %?%bij_auth_frac_op_valid.
Lemma bij_own_auth_exclusive γ L1 L2 :
bij_own_auth γ 1 L1 -∗ bij_own_auth γ 1 L2 -∗ False.
iIntros "H1 H2".
by iDestruct (bij_own_auth_agree with "H1 H2") as %[[] _].
Lemma bij_own_valid γ q L :
bij_own_auth γ q L -∗ ⌜✓ q gset_bijective L⌝.
rewrite bij_own_auth_eq. iIntros "Hauth".
iDestruct (own_valid with "Hauth") as %?%bij_auth_valid; done.
by iDestruct (own_valid with "Hauth") as %?%bij_auth_frac_valid.
Lemma bij_own_elem_agree γ L a a' b b' :
......@@ -74,15 +96,15 @@ Section bij.
by iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hel1 Hel2") as %?%bij_elem_agree.
Lemma bij_get_elem γ L a b :
Lemma bij_get_elem γ q L a b :
(a, b) L
bij_own_auth γ L -∗ bij_own_elem γ a b.
bij_own_auth γ q L -∗ bij_own_elem γ a b.
intros. rewrite bij_own_auth_eq bij_own_elem_eq.
by apply own_mono, bij_view_included.
Lemma bij_get_big_sepS_elem γ L :
bij_own_auth γ L -∗ [ set] ab L, bij_own_elem γ ab.1 ab.2.
Lemma bij_get_big_sepS_elem γ q L :
bij_own_auth γ q L -∗ [ set] ab L, bij_own_elem γ ab.1 ab.2.
iIntros "Hauth". iApply big_sepS_forall. iIntros ([a b] ?) "/=".
by iApply bij_get_elem.
......@@ -90,22 +112,22 @@ Section bij.
Lemma bij_own_alloc L :
gset_bijective L
|==> γ, bij_own_auth γ L [ set] ab L, bij_own_elem γ ab.1 ab.2.
|==> γ, bij_own_auth γ 1 L [ set] ab L, bij_own_elem γ ab.1 ab.2.
intro. iAssert ( γ, bij_own_auth γ L)%I with "[>]" as (γ) "Hauth".
intro. iAssert ( γ, bij_own_auth γ 1 L)%I with "[>]" as (γ) "Hauth".
{ rewrite bij_own_auth_eq. iApply own_alloc. by apply bij_auth_valid. }
iExists γ. iModIntro. iSplit; [done|]. by iApply bij_get_big_sepS_elem.
Lemma bij_own_alloc_empty :
|==> γ, bij_own_auth γ ∅.
|==> γ, bij_own_auth γ 1 ∅.
Proof. iMod (bij_own_alloc ) as (γ) "[Hauth _]"; by auto. Qed.
Lemma bij_own_extend γ L a b :
( b', (a, b') L) ( a', (a', b) L)
bij_own_auth γ L ==∗ bij_own_auth γ ({[(a, b)]} L) bij_own_elem γ a b.
bij_own_auth γ 1 L ==∗ bij_own_auth γ 1 ({[(a, b)]} L) bij_own_elem γ a b.
iIntros (??) "Hauth".
iAssert (bij_own_auth γ ({[a, b]} L)) with "[> Hauth]" as "Hauth".
iAssert (bij_own_auth γ 1 ({[a, b]} L)) with "[> Hauth]" as "Hauth".
{ rewrite bij_own_auth_eq. iApply (own_update with "Hauth").
by apply bij_auth_extend. }
iModIntro. iSplit; [done|]. iApply (bij_get_elem with "Hauth"). set_solver.
......@@ -114,7 +136,7 @@ Section bij.
Lemma bij_own_extend_internal γ L a b :
( b', bij_own_elem γ a b' -∗ False) -∗
( a', bij_own_elem γ a' b -∗ False) -∗
bij_own_auth γ L ==∗ bij_own_auth γ ({[(a, b)]} L) bij_own_elem γ a b.
bij_own_auth γ 1 L ==∗ bij_own_auth γ 1 ({[(a, b)]} L) bij_own_elem γ a b.
iIntros "Ha Hb HL".
iAssert ⌜∀ b', (a, b') L⌝%I as %?.
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