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Commit 92eaea66 authored by Robbert Krebbers's avatar Robbert Krebbers
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Avoid `wp_skip` lemma (which follows from `wp_pure`).

parent 82942fc0
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......@@ -475,22 +475,14 @@ Proof.
- apply exists_last in HNeq as [κ' [[p' [w' v']] ->]]. rewrite -app_assoc.
iMod ("WPe" $! σ1 _ _ n with "[$Hσ $Hκ]") as "[Hs WPe]". iModIntro. iSplit.
{ iDestruct "Hs" as "%". iPureIntro. destruct s; [ by apply resolve_reducible | done]. }
iIntros (e2 σ2 efs step). apply step_resolve in step; last done. inversion step.
match goal with H: _ ++ _ = _ ++ _ |- _ =>
apply app_inj_2 in H; last done; destruct H as [-> [=-> -> ->]] end. subst.
iMod ("WPe" $! (Val w') σ2 efs with "[%]") as "WPe". { eexists [] _ _; try done. }
iIntros (e2 σ2 efs step). apply step_resolve in step; last done.
inversion step; simplify_list_eq.
iMod ("WPe" $! (Val w') σ2 efs with "[%]") as "WPe".
{ eexists [] _ _; try done. }
iModIntro. iNext. iMod "WPe" as "[[$ Hκ] WPe]".
iMod (proph_map_resolve_proph p' (w',v') κs with "[$Hκ $Hp]") as (vs' ->) "[$ HPost]".
iModIntro. rewrite !wp_unfold /wp_pre /=. iDestruct "WPe" as "[HΦ $]".
iMod "HΦ". iModIntro. iApply "HΦ"; [ done | iFrame ].
Lemma wp_skip s E Φ : Φ (LitV LitUnit) -∗ WP Skip @ s; E {{ Φ }}.
iIntros "HΦ". iApply wp_lift_atomic_head_step_no_fork; auto.
iIntros (σ1 κ κs n) "Hσ". iModIntro. iSplit.
- iPureIntro. eexists _, _, _, _. by constructor.
- iIntros (e2 σ2 efs step) "!>". inversion step. simplify_eq. by iFrame.
iMod "HΦ". iModIntro. by iApply "HΦ".
Lemma wp_resolve_proph s E p vs v :
......@@ -499,7 +491,8 @@ Lemma wp_resolve_proph s E p vs v :
{{{ vs', RET (LitV LitUnit); vs = (LitV LitUnit, v)::vs' proph p vs' }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "Hp HΦ". iApply (wp_resolve with "Hp"); first done.
iApply wp_skip. iNext. iIntros (vs') "HEq Hp". iApply "HΦ". iFrame.
iApply wp_pure_step_later=> //=. iApply wp_value.
iIntros "!>" (vs') "HEq Hp". iApply "HΦ". iFrame.
End lifting.
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