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Commit 85cc1a8f authored by Robbert Krebbers's avatar Robbert Krebbers
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......@@ -790,3 +790,24 @@ Tactic failure: iIntuitionistic: "H" not fresh.
: string
The command has indeed failed with message:
Tactic failure: iSpatial: "H" not fresh.
: string
1 goal
PROP : bi
P : ntree → PROP
l : list ntree
"H" : ∀ l0 : list ntree, (∀ x : ntree, ⌜x ∈ l0⌝ → P x) -∗ P (Tree l0)
"IH" : [∗ list] x ∈ l, □ P x
P (Tree l)
: string
The command has indeed failed with message:
Tactic failure: iInduction: cannot import IH
(λ t : ntree,
"H" : ∀ l : list ntree, ([∗ list] x ∈ l, P x) -∗ P (Tree l)
P t) l) into proof mode context.
......@@ -1712,3 +1712,63 @@ Proof.
End tactic_tests.
Section mutual_induction.
Context {PROP : bi}.
Implicit Types P Q R : PROP.
Implicit Types φ : nat PROP.
Implicit Types Ψ : nat nat PROP.
Unset Elimination Schemes.
Inductive ntree := Tree : list ntree ntree.
(** The common induction principle for finitely branching trees. By default,
Coq generates a too weak induction principle, so we have to prove it by hand. *)
Lemma ntree_ind (φ : ntree Prop) :
( l, Forall φ l φ (Tree l))
t, φ t.
intros Hrec. fix REC 1. intros [l]. apply Hrec. clear Hrec.
induction l as [|t l IH]; constructor; auto.
(** Now let's test that we can derive the internal induction principle for
finitely branching trees in separation logic. There are many variants of the
induction principle, but we pick the variant with an induction hypothesis of
the form [∀ x, ⌜ x ∈ l ⌝ → ...]. This is most interesting, since the proof
mode generates a version with [[∗ list]]. *)
Check "test_iInduction_Forall".
Lemma test_iInduction_Forall (P : ntree PROP) :
( l, ( x, x l P x) -∗ P (Tree l)) -∗
t, P t.
iIntros "#H" (t). iInduction t as [] "IH".
Show. (* make sure that the induction hypothesis is exactly what we want *)
iApply "H". iIntros (x ?). by iApply (big_sepL_elem_of with "IH").
(** Now let's define a custom version of [Forall], called [my_Forall], and
use that in the variant [tree_ind_alt] of the induction principle. The proof
mode does not support [my_Forall], so we test if [iInduction] generates a
proper error message. *)
Inductive my_Forall {A} (φ : A Prop) : list A Prop :=
| my_Forall_nil : my_Forall φ []
| my_Forall_cons x l : φ x my_Forall φ l my_Forall φ (x :: l).
Lemma ntree_ind_alt (φ : ntree Prop) :
( l, my_Forall φ l φ (Tree l))
t, φ t.
intros Hrec. fix REC 1. intros [l]. apply Hrec. clear Hrec.
induction l as [|t l IH]; constructor; auto.
Check "test_iInduction_Forall_fail".
Lemma test_iInduction_Forall_fail (P : ntree PROP) :
( l, ([ list] x l, P x) -∗ P (Tree l)) -∗
t, P t.
iIntros "#H" (t).
Fail iInduction t as [] "IH" using ntree_ind_alt.
End mutual_induction.
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