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Commit 72485828 authored by Ralf Jung's avatar Ralf Jung
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Merge branch 'ralf/dfrac_agree' into 'master'

equip frac_agree with support for dfrac

See merge request iris/iris!766
parents c259c060 047d1fa5
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......@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ lemma.
* Change `ufrac_auth` notation to not use curly braces, since these fractions do
not behave like regular fractions (and cannot be made `dfrac`).
Old: `●U{q} a`, `◯U{q} b`; new: `●U_q a`, `◯U_q b`.
* Equip `frac_agree` with support for `dfrac` and rename it to `dfrac_agree`.
The old `to_frac_agree` and its lemmas still exist, except that the
`frac_agree_op_valid` lemmas are made bi-directional.
**Changes in `bi`:**
......@@ -47,6 +50,8 @@ s/\bleast_fixpoint_strong_ind\b/least_fixpoint_ind/g
# gmap_view renames from frac to dfrac
# frac_agree with dfrac
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ iris/algebra/max_prefix_list.v
From iris.algebra Require Export dfrac agree updates local_updates.
From iris.algebra Require Import proofmode_classes.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
Definition dfrac_agreeR (A : ofe) : cmra := prodR dfracR (agreeR A).
Definition to_dfrac_agree {A : ofe} (d : dfrac) (a : A) : dfrac_agreeR A :=
(d, to_agree a).
Global Instance: Params (@to_dfrac_agree) 2 := {}.
(** To make it easier to work with the [Qp] version of this, we also provide
[to_frac_agree] and appropriate lemmas. *)
Definition to_frac_agree {A : ofe} (q : Qp) (a : A) : dfrac_agreeR A :=
to_dfrac_agree (DfracOwn q) a.
Global Instance: Params (@to_frac_agree) 2 := {}.
Section lemmas.
Context {A : ofe}.
Implicit Types (q : Qp) (d : dfrac) (a : A).
Global Instance to_dfrac_agree_ne d : NonExpansive (@to_dfrac_agree A d).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance to_dfrac_agree_proper d : Proper (() ==> ()) (@to_dfrac_agree A d).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance to_dfrac_agree_exclusive a :
Exclusive (to_dfrac_agree (DfracOwn 1) a).
Proof. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance to_dfrac_agree_discrete d a : Discrete a Discrete (to_dfrac_agree d a).
Proof. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance to_dfrac_agree_injN n : Inj2 (dist n) (dist n) (dist n) (@to_dfrac_agree A).
Proof. by intros d1 a1 d2 a2 [??%(inj to_agree)]. Qed.
Global Instance to_dfrac_agree_inj : Inj2 () () () (@to_dfrac_agree A).
Proof. by intros d1 a1 d2 a2 [??%(inj to_agree)]. Qed.
Lemma dfrac_agree_op d1 d2 a :
to_dfrac_agree (d1 d2) a to_dfrac_agree d1 a to_dfrac_agree d2 a.
Proof. rewrite /to_dfrac_agree -pair_op agree_idemp //. Qed.
Lemma frac_agree_op q1 q2 a :
to_frac_agree (q1 + q2) a to_frac_agree q1 a to_frac_agree q2 a.
Proof. rewrite -dfrac_agree_op. done. Qed.
Lemma dfrac_agree_op_valid d1 a1 d2 a2 :
(to_dfrac_agree d1 a1 to_dfrac_agree d2 a2)
(d1 d2) a1 a2.
rewrite /to_dfrac_agree -pair_op pair_valid to_agree_op_valid. done.
Lemma dfrac_agree_op_valid_L `{!LeibnizEquiv A} d1 a1 d2 a2 :
(to_dfrac_agree d1 a1 to_dfrac_agree d2 a2)
(d1 d2) a1 = a2.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply dfrac_agree_op_valid. Qed.
Lemma dfrac_agree_op_validN d1 a1 d2 a2 n :
{n} (to_dfrac_agree d1 a1 to_dfrac_agree d2 a2)
(d1 d2) a1 {n} a2.
rewrite /to_dfrac_agree -pair_op pair_validN to_agree_op_validN. done.
Lemma frac_agree_op_valid q1 a1 q2 a2 :
(to_frac_agree q1 a1 to_frac_agree q2 a2)
(q1 + q2 1)%Qp a1 a2.
Proof. apply dfrac_agree_op_valid. Qed.
Lemma frac_agree_op_valid_L `{!LeibnizEquiv A} q1 a1 q2 a2 :
(to_frac_agree q1 a1 to_frac_agree q2 a2)
(q1 + q2 1)%Qp a1 = a2.
Proof. apply dfrac_agree_op_valid_L. Qed.
Lemma frac_agree_op_validN q1 a1 q2 a2 n :
{n} (to_frac_agree q1 a1 to_frac_agree q2 a2)
(q1 + q2 1)%Qp a1 {n} a2.
Proof. apply dfrac_agree_op_validN. Qed.
Lemma dfrac_agree_included d1 a1 d2 a2 :
to_dfrac_agree d1 a1 to_dfrac_agree d2 a2
(d1 d2) a1 a2.
Proof. by rewrite pair_included to_agree_included. Qed.
Lemma dfrac_agree_included_L `{!LeibnizEquiv A} d1 a1 d2 a2 :
to_dfrac_agree d1 a1 to_dfrac_agree d2 a2
(d1 d2) a1 = a2.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply dfrac_agree_included. Qed.
Lemma dfrac_agree_includedN d1 a1 d2 a2 n :
to_dfrac_agree d1 a1 {n} to_dfrac_agree d2 a2
(d1 d2) a1 {n} a2.
by rewrite pair_includedN -cmra_discrete_included_iff
Lemma frac_agree_included q1 a1 q2 a2 :
to_frac_agree q1 a1 to_frac_agree q2 a2
(q1 < q2)%Qp a1 a2.
Proof. by rewrite dfrac_agree_included dfrac_own_included. Qed.
Lemma frac_agree_included_L `{!LeibnizEquiv A} q1 a1 q2 a2 :
to_frac_agree q1 a1 to_frac_agree q2 a2
(q1 < q2)%Qp a1 = a2.
Proof. by rewrite dfrac_agree_included_L dfrac_own_included. Qed.
Lemma frac_agree_includedN q1 a1 q2 a2 n :
to_frac_agree q1 a1 {n} to_frac_agree q2 a2
(q1 < q2)%Qp a1 {n} a2.
Proof. by rewrite dfrac_agree_includedN dfrac_own_included. Qed.
(** While [cmra_update_exclusive] takes care of most updates, it is not sufficient
for this one since there is no abstraction-preserving way to rewrite
[to_dfrac_agree d1 v1 ⋅ to_dfrac_agree d2 v2] into something simpler. *)
Lemma to_dfrac_agree_update_2 d1 d2 a1 a2 a' :
d1 d2 = DfracOwn 1
to_dfrac_agree d1 a1 to_dfrac_agree d2 a2 ~~>
to_dfrac_agree d1 a' to_dfrac_agree d2 a'.
intros Hq. rewrite -pair_op Hq.
apply cmra_update_exclusive.
rewrite dfrac_agree_op_valid Hq //.
Lemma to_frac_agree_update_2 q1 q2 a1 a2 a' :
(q1 + q2 = 1)%Qp
to_frac_agree q1 a1 to_frac_agree q2 a2 ~~>
to_frac_agree q1 a' to_frac_agree q2 a'.
Proof. intros Hq. apply to_dfrac_agree_update_2. rewrite dfrac_op_own Hq //. Qed.
Lemma to_dfrac_agree_persist d a :
to_dfrac_agree d a ~~> to_dfrac_agree DfracDiscarded a.
rewrite /to_dfrac_agree. apply prod_update; last done.
simpl. apply dfrac_discard_update.
End lemmas.
Typeclasses Opaque to_dfrac_agree.
(* [to_frac_agree] is deliberately transparent to reuse the [to_dfrac_agree] instances *)
From iris.algebra Require Export frac agree updates local_updates.
From iris.algebra Require Import proofmode_classes.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
Definition frac_agreeR (A : ofe) : cmra := prodR fracR (agreeR A).
Definition to_frac_agree {A : ofe} (q : frac) (a : A) : frac_agreeR A :=
(q, to_agree a).
Section lemmas.
Context {A : ofe}.
Implicit Types (q : frac) (a : A).
Global Instance to_frac_agree_ne q : NonExpansive (@to_frac_agree A q).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance to_frac_agree_proper q : Proper (() ==> ()) (@to_frac_agree A q).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance to_frac_agree_exclusive a : Exclusive (to_frac_agree 1 a).
Proof. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance to_frac_discrete a : Discrete a Discrete (to_frac_agree 1 a).
Proof. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance to_frac_injN n : Inj2 (dist n) (dist n) (dist n) (@to_frac_agree A).
Proof. by intros q1 a1 q2 a2 [??%(inj to_agree)]. Qed.
Global Instance to_frac_inj : Inj2 () () () (@to_frac_agree A).
Proof. by intros q1 a1 q2 a2 [??%(inj to_agree)]. Qed.
Lemma frac_agree_op q1 q2 a :
to_frac_agree (q1 + q2) a to_frac_agree q1 a to_frac_agree q2 a.
Proof. rewrite /to_frac_agree -pair_op agree_idemp //. Qed.
Lemma frac_agree_op_valid q1 a1 q2 a2 :
(to_frac_agree q1 a1 to_frac_agree q2 a2)
(q1 + q2 1)%Qp a1 a2.
intros [Hq Ha]%pair_valid. simpl in *. split; first done.
apply to_agree_op_inv. done.
Lemma frac_agree_op_valid_L `{!LeibnizEquiv A} q1 a1 q2 a2 :
(to_frac_agree q1 a1 to_frac_agree q2 a2)
(q1 + q2 1)%Qp a1 = a2.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply frac_agree_op_valid. Qed.
Lemma frac_agree_op_validN q1 a1 q2 a2 n :
{n} (to_frac_agree q1 a1 to_frac_agree q2 a2)
(q1 + q2 1)%Qp a1 {n} a2.
intros [Hq Ha]%pair_validN. simpl in *. split; first done.
apply to_agree_op_invN. done.
Lemma frac_agree_included q1 a1 q2 a2 :
to_frac_agree q1 a1 to_frac_agree q2 a2
(q1 < q2)%Qp a1 a2.
Proof. by rewrite pair_included frac_included to_agree_included. Qed.
Lemma frac_agree_included_L `{!LeibnizEquiv A} q1 a1 q2 a2 :
to_frac_agree q1 a1 to_frac_agree q2 a2
(q1 < q2)%Qp a1 = a2.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply frac_agree_included. Qed.
Lemma frac_agree_includedN q1 a1 q2 a2 n :
to_frac_agree q1 a1 {n} to_frac_agree q2 a2
(q1 < q2)%Qp a1 {n} a2.
by rewrite pair_includedN -cmra_discrete_included_iff
frac_included to_agree_includedN.
(** No frame-preserving update lemma needed -- use [cmra_update_exclusive] with
the above [Exclusive] instance. *)
End lemmas.
Typeclasses Opaque to_frac_agree.
(** A simple "ghost variable" of arbitrary type with fractional ownership.
Can be mutated when fully owned. *)
From iris.algebra Require Import frac_agree.
From iris.algebra Require Import dfrac_agree.
From Require Import fractional.
From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
From iris.base_logic.lib Require Export own.
......@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ From iris.prelude Require Import options.
(** The CMRA we need. *)
Class ghost_varG Σ (A : Type) := GhostVarG {
ghost_var_inG :> inG Σ (frac_agreeR $ leibnizO A);
ghost_var_inG :> inG Σ (dfrac_agreeR $ leibnizO A);
Global Hint Mode ghost_varG - ! : typeclass_instances.
Definition ghost_varΣ (A : Type) : gFunctors :=
#[ GFunctor (frac_agreeR $ leibnizO A) ].
#[ GFunctor (dfrac_agreeR $ leibnizO A) ].
Global Instance subG_ghost_varΣ Σ A : subG (ghost_varΣ A) Σ ghost_varG Σ A.
Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
......@@ -78,11 +78,8 @@ Section lemmas.
(q1 + q2 = 1)%Qp
ghost_var γ q1 a1 -∗ ghost_var γ q2 a2 ==∗ ghost_var γ q1 b ghost_var γ q2 b.
iIntros (Hq) "H1 H2".
iDestruct (ghost_var_valid_2 with "H1 H2") as %[_ ->].
iDestruct (fractional_merge with "H1 H2") as "H". simpl. rewrite Hq.
iMod (ghost_var_update with "H") as "H".
rewrite -Hq. iApply ghost_var_split. done.
intros Hq. unseal. rewrite -own_op. iApply own_update_2.
apply to_frac_agree_update_2. done.
Lemma ghost_var_update_halves b γ a1 a2 :
ghost_var γ (1/2) a1 -∗
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