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Commit 25abf0a2 authored by Tej Chajed's avatar Tej Chajed Committed by Robbert Krebbers
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Implement monotone partial bijections as a view

This is an alternative to !91, which was written prior to views. Using
the view CMRA we factor the implementation into purely algebraic library
and a logic-level wrapper. The logic-level wrapper exports resources
which seal away the underlying ownership and has theorems which handle
the ownership reasoning.
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......@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ iris/algebra/lib/ufrac_auth.v
......@@ -99,6 +100,7 @@ iris/base_logic/lib/fancy_updates_from_vs.v
(** RA for monotone partial bijections.
This RA is a view where the authoritative element is a partial bijection between
types [A] and [B] and the fragments are subrels of the bijection. The data for
the bijection is represented as a set of pairs [A*B], and the view relation
enforces when an authoritative element is valid it is a bijection (that is, it
is deterministic as a function from [A → option B] and [B → option A]).
The fragments compose by set union, which means that fragments are their own
core, ownership of a fragment is persistent, and the authoritative element can
only grow (in that it can only map more pairs (a,b)). *)
From iris.algebra Require Import view gset updates.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
Section partial_bijection.
Context `{Countable A, Countable B}.
Implicit Types (a : A) (b : B).
(** [gset_bijective] states that for a graph [L] of (a, b) pairs, [L] maps
from [A] to [B] and back deterministically. The key property characterizing
[gset_bijective] is [gset_bijective_eq_iff]. *)
Definition gset_bijective (L : gset (A * B)) :=
a b, (a, b) L
( b', (a, b') L b' = b) ( a', (a', b) L a' = a).
(* Properties of [gset_bijective]. *)
Lemma gset_bijective_empty : gset_bijective ( : gset (A * B)).
Proof. by intros ?? []%not_elem_of_empty. Qed.
(* a bijective graph [L] can be extended with a new mapping [(a,b)] as long as
neither [a] nor [b] is currently mapped to anything. *)
Lemma gset_bijective_extend L a b :
gset_bijective L
( b', (a, b') L)
( a', (a', b) L)
gset_bijective ({[(a, b)]} L).
Proof. rewrite /gset_bijective. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma gset_bijective_eq_iff L (a1 a2 : A) (b1 b2 : B) :
gset_bijective L
(a1, b1) L
(a2, b2) L
a1 = a2 b1 = b2.
Proof. rewrite /gset_bijective. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma gset_bijective_pair a1 b1 a2 b2 :
gset_bijective {[(a1, b1); (a2, b2)]}
(a1 = a2 b1 = b2).
Proof. rewrite /gset_bijective. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma subseteq_gset_bijective L L' :
gset_bijective L
L' L
gset_bijective L'.
Proof. rewrite /gset_bijective. set_solver. Qed.
End partial_bijection.
Section bij.
Context `{Countable A, Countable B}.
Implicit Types (bijL : gset (A * B)) (L : gsetUR (A * B)).
Local Definition bij_view_rel_raw (n : nat) bijL L: Prop :=
L bijL gset_bijective bijL.
Local Lemma bij_view_rel_raw_mono n1 n2 bijL1 bijL2 L1 L2 :
bij_view_rel_raw n1 bijL1 L1
bijL1 {n2} bijL2
L2 {n2} L1
n2 n1
bij_view_rel_raw n2 bijL2 L2.
rewrite /bij_view_rel_raw.
intros [HL1sub ?].
intros <-%(discrete_iff _ _)%leibniz_equiv HL2sub%gset_included _.
split; [|done].
by trans L1.
Local Lemma bij_view_rel_raw_valid n bijL L :
bij_view_rel_raw n bijL L {n}L.
Proof. intros _. hnf; auto. Qed.
Local Lemma bij_view_rel_raw_unit n :
bijL, bij_view_rel_raw n bijL ε.
Proof. exists ∅. hnf; eauto using gset_bijective_empty. Qed.
Canonical Structure bij_view_rel : view_rel (gsetO (A * B)) (gsetUR (A * B)) :=
ViewRel bij_view_rel_raw bij_view_rel_raw_mono bij_view_rel_raw_valid bij_view_rel_raw_unit.
Global Instance bij_view_rel_discrete : ViewRelDiscrete bij_view_rel.
intros ???. intros [Hsub Hbij].
split; auto.
Local Lemma bij_view_rel_iff n bijL L :
bij_view_rel n bijL L (L bijL gset_bijective bijL).
Proof. done. Qed.
End bij.
Definition bij_view A B `{Countable A, Countable B} := (view (bij_view_rel_raw (A:=A) (B:=B))).
Definition bij_viewO A B `{Countable A, Countable B} : ofeT := viewO (bij_view_rel (A:=A) (B:=B)).
Definition bij_viewR A B `{Countable A, Countable B} : cmraT := viewR (bij_view_rel (A:=A) (B:=B)).
Definition bij_viewUR A B `{Countable A, Countable B} : ucmraT := viewUR (bij_view_rel (A:=A) (B:=B)).
Section bij.
Context {A B : Type} `{Countable A, Countable B}.
Implicit Types (a:A) (b:B).
Implicit Types (L : gset (A*B)).
Definition bij_auth L : bij_view A B := V L.
Definition bij_subrel L : bij_view A B := V L.
Definition bij_elem a b : bij_view A B := bij_subrel {[a, b]}.
Global Instance bij_subrel_core_id L : CoreId (bij_subrel L).
Proof. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance bij_elem_core_id a b : CoreId (bij_elem a b).
Proof. apply _. Qed.
Lemma bij_subrel_insert L a b :
bij_subrel ({[a, b]} L) = bij_elem a b bij_subrel L.
rewrite /bij_elem /bij_subrel.
rewrite -view_frag_op //.
Lemma bij_auth_valid L : bij_auth L gset_bijective L.
rewrite /bij_auth.
rewrite view_auth_valid.
setoid_rewrite bij_view_rel_iff.
split; [naive_solver eauto using O|].
intros; split; [ apply empty_subseteq | done ].
Lemma bij_auth_valid_empty : bij_auth ∅.
rewrite bij_auth_valid.
apply gset_bijective_empty.
Lemma bij_both_subrel_valid L L' :
(bij_auth L bij_subrel L') gset_bijective L L' L.
rewrite view_both_valid.
setoid_rewrite bij_view_rel_iff.
naive_solver eauto using O.
Lemma bij_both_el_valid L a b :
(bij_auth L bij_elem a b) gset_bijective L (a, b) L.
rewrite /bij_elem bij_both_subrel_valid.
rewrite elem_of_subseteq_singleton //.
Lemma bij_subrel_valid L : bij_subrel L gset_bijective L.
rewrite view_frag_valid.
setoid_rewrite bij_view_rel_iff.
split; [|by eauto].
intros Hrel; destruct (Hrel 0) as [L' [? ?]].
eauto using subseteq_gset_bijective.
Lemma bij_elem_agree a1 b1 a2 b2 :
(bij_elem a1 b1 bij_elem a2 b2) (a1 = a2 b1 = b2).
rewrite /bij_elem.
rewrite -view_frag_op gset_op_union.
rewrite bij_subrel_valid.
apply gset_bijective_pair.
Lemma bij_auth_extend {L} a b :
( b', (a, b') L) ( a', (a', b) L)
bij_auth L ~~> bij_auth (({[(a, b)]} : gset (A * B)) L) bij_elem a b.
apply view_update_alloc.
intros n bijL.
rewrite !bij_view_rel_iff gset_op_union.
intros [Hsub Hbij].
- apply union_mono_l; auto.
- eauto using gset_bijective_extend.
Lemma bij_auth_extend' {L} a b :
¬( b', (a, b') L) ¬( a', (a', b) L)
bij_auth L ~~> bij_auth (({[(a, b)]} : gset (A * B)) L) bij_elem a b.
Proof. by intros ??; apply bij_auth_extend; naive_solver. Qed.
End bij.
(** Propositions for reasoning about monotone partial bijections.
This library provides two propositions [bij_own_auth γ L] and [bij_own_elem γ a b], where [L]
is a bijection between types [A] and [B] represented by a set of associations
[gset (A*B)]. The idea is that [bij_own_auth γ L] is an authoritative bijection [L]
while [bij_own_elem γ a b] is a persistent resource saying [L] associates a and b.
The main use case is in a logical relation-based proof where [L] maintains the
association between locations [A] in one execution and [B] in another (perhaps
of different types, if the logical relation relates two different semantics).
The association [L] is always bijective, so that if [a] is mapped to [b], there
should be no other mappings for either [a] or [b]; the [bij_own_extend] update
theorem enforces that new mappings respect this property, and [bij_own_elem_agree]
allows the user to exploit bijectivity. The bijection grows monotonically, so
that the set of associations only grows; this is captured by the persistence of
This library is a logical, ownership-based wrapper around bij_view.v. *)
From iris.algebra Require Import view gset lib.bij_view.
From iris.base_logic.lib Require Import own.
From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
Section bij.
Context {A B : Type}.
Context `{Countable A, Countable B}.
(* The uCMRA we need. *)
Class bijG Σ :=
BijG { bijG_inG :> inG Σ (bij_viewR A B); }.
Definition bijΣ : gFunctors := #[ GFunctor (bij_viewR A B) ].
Global Instance subG_bijΣ Σ : subG bijΣ Σ bijG Σ.
Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
Context `{!bijG Σ}.
Implicit Types (L: gsetO (A * B)).
Implicit Types (a:A) (b:B).
Definition bij_own_auth_def γ L : iProp Σ := own γ (bij_auth L bij_subrel L).
Definition bij_own_auth_aux : seal (@bij_own_auth_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition bij_own_auth := unseal bij_own_auth_aux.
Definition bij_own_auth_eq : @bij_own_auth = @bij_own_auth_def := seal_eq bij_own_auth_aux.
Definition bij_own_elem_def γ a b: iProp Σ := own γ (bij_elem a b).
Definition bij_own_elem_aux : seal (@bij_own_elem_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition bij_own_elem := unseal bij_own_elem_aux.
Definition bij_own_elem_eq : @bij_own_elem = @bij_own_elem_def := seal_eq bij_own_elem_aux.
Local Ltac unseal :=
rewrite ?bij_own_auth_eq /bij_own_auth_def ?bij_own_elem_eq /bij_own_elem_def.
Global Instance bij_own_auth_timeless γ L : Timeless (bij_own_auth γ L).
Proof. unseal. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance bij_own_elem_timeless γ a b : Timeless (bij_own_elem γ a b).
Proof. unseal. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance bij_own_elem_persistent γ a b : Persistent (bij_own_elem γ a b).
Proof. unseal. apply _. Qed.
Local Lemma bij_own_subrel_to_big_sepS γ L :
own γ (bij_subrel L) -∗ [ set] ab L, own γ (bij_elem ab.1 ab.2).
induction L as [|[a b] L] using set_ind_L.
- rewrite big_sepS_empty. by iIntros "_".
- rewrite bij_subrel_insert own_op.
rewrite big_sepS_insert //=.
rewrite IHL //.
Lemma bij_own_alloc L :
gset_bijective L
|==> γ, bij_own_auth γ L [ set] ab L, bij_own_elem γ ab.1 ab.2.
intros Hbij.
iMod (own_alloc (bij_auth L bij_subrel L)) as (γ) "[Hauth #Hsub]".
{ apply bij_both_subrel_valid; auto. }
iModIntro. iExists γ.
rewrite own_op. iFrame "Hsub ∗".
iApply bij_own_subrel_to_big_sepS; auto.
Lemma bij_own_alloc_empty : |==> γ, bij_own_auth γ ∅.
iMod (bij_own_alloc ) as (γ) "[Hauth _]";
eauto using gset_bijective_empty.
Lemma bij_own_bijective γ L :
bij_own_auth γ L -∗ gset_bijective L⌝.
rewrite own_op.
iIntros "[Hauth _]".
iDestruct (own_valid with "Hauth") as %?%bij_auth_valid; done.
Lemma bij_own_elem_of γ L a b :
(a, b) L
bij_own_auth γ L -∗ bij_own_elem γ a b.
iIntros (Hel) "[_ Hfrag]".
iDestruct (bij_own_subrel_to_big_sepS with "Hfrag") as "Hels".
iDestruct (big_sepS_elem_of _ _ _ Hel with "Hels") as "$".
Lemma bij_own_extend γ L a b :
( y, (a, y) L) ( x, (x, b) L)
bij_own_auth γ L ==∗
bij_own_auth γ ({[(a, b)]} L) bij_own_elem γ a b.
iIntros (Ha Hb) "[HL Hfrag]".
rewrite own_op.
iMod (own_update with "HL") as "HL".
{ apply (bij_auth_extend a b); eauto. }
iDestruct "HL" as "[$ #Hsub]".
iFrame "Hsub".
rewrite bij_subrel_insert own_op; iFrame "#∗".
Lemma bij_own_extend_internal γ L a b :
( y, bij_own_elem γ a y -∗ False) -∗
( x, bij_own_elem γ x b -∗ False) -∗
bij_own_auth γ L ==∗
bij_own_auth γ ({[(a, b)]} L) bij_own_elem γ a b.
iIntros "Ha Hb HL".
iAssert (⌜∀ y, (a, y) L)%I as %Ha.
{ iIntros (y Hel).
iApply ("Ha" $! y).
iApply (bij_own_elem_of with "HL"); eauto. }
iAssert (⌜∀ x, (x, b) L)%I as %Hb.
{ iIntros (x Hel).
iApply ("Hb" $! x).
iApply (bij_own_elem_of with "HL"); eauto. }
iApply (bij_own_extend with "HL"); eauto.
Lemma bij_own_extend' γ L a b :
¬( y, (a, y) L) ¬( x, (x, b) L)
bij_own_auth γ L ==∗
bij_own_auth γ ({[(a, b)]} L) bij_own_elem γ a b.
iApply bij_own_extend; naive_solver.
Lemma bij_own_elem_agree γ L a a' b b' :
bij_own_elem γ a b -∗ bij_own_elem γ a' b' -∗
a = a' b = b'⌝.
iIntros "Hel1 Hel2".
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hel1 Hel2") as %?%bij_elem_agree.
End bij.
Arguments bijG A B {_ _ _ _} _ : assert.
Arguments bijΣ A B {_ _ _ _} : assert.
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