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Ralf Jung committed




Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed
Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed

Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed

\newcommand{\ALT}{\ |\ }

\newcommand{\spac}{\hskip 0.2em plus 0.1em} % a space

\def\All #1.{\forall #1.\spac}%
\def\Exists #1.{\exists #1.\spac}%
\def\Ret #1.{#1.\spac}%


Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed

Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed
Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed
Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed

Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed

Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed


Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed

\newcommand{\pset}[1]{\wp(#1)} % Powerset
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Ralf Jung committed
Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed

\newcommand{\Func}{F} % functor

\newcommand{\subst}[3]{{#1}[{#3} / {#2}]}

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  {\mapinsert{#1}{#2 \spac\middle|\spac #3}{#4}}


% displaced dot
\newcommand{\dispdot}[2][.2ex]{\dot{\raisebox{0pt}[\dimexpr\height+#1][\depth]{$#2$}}}% \dispdot[<displace>]{<stuff>}





%% Various pieces of syntax
\newcommand{\wsat}[3]{#1 \models_{#2} #3}

\newcommand{\wtt}[2]{#1 : #2} % well-typed term

Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed

\newcommand{\Sem}[1]{\llbracket #1 \rrbracket}

\newcommand{\sembox}[1]{\hfill \normalfont \mbox{\fbox{\(#1\)}}}
\newcommand{\typedsection}[2]{\subsubsection*{\rm\em #1 \sembox{#2}}}

%% Some commonly used identifiers
Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed
Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed
\newcommand{\mProp}{\textdom{Prop}} % meta-level prop
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Ralf Jung committed
Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed
% List

\newcommand{\OFEs}{\mathbf{OFE}} % category of OFEs
\newcommand{\COFEs}{\mathbf{COFE}} % category of COFEs


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Ralf Jung committed
Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed


\newcommand{\f}{\mathrm{f}} % for "frame"

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Ralf Jung committed
\newcommand{\mcore}[1]{{\mid}#1{\mid}} % using "|" here makes LaTeX diverge. WTF.
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Ralf Jung committed
\newcommand{\bigmcore}[1]{{\big|}#1{\big|}} % using "|" here makes LaTeX diverge. WTF.
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Ralf Jung committed
Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed

Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed
    \ensuremath{\scriptstyle #1}\cr








% pure propositions



Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed
Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed

%% various pieces of Syntax
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Ralf Jung committed
\def\MU #1.{\mu\,#1.\spac}%
\def\Lam #1.{\lambda\,#1.\spac}%

Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed

% oh my... I have to wrap the "-" in a \mathrm, otherwise all hell breaks lose...

Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed
\NewDocumentCommand\wpre{O{} m O{} m}%

Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed

Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed
Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed

%% Invariants and Ghost ownership
% PDS: Was 0pt inner, 2pt outer.
% \boxedassert [tikzoptions] contents [name]
\tikzstyle{boxedassert_border} = [sharp corners,line width=0.2pt]
\NewDocumentCommand \boxedassert {O{} m o}{%
		%	  \node[rectangle, draw,inner sep=0.8pt,anchor=base,#1] (m) {${#2}\mathstrut$};
		\node[rectangle,inner sep=0.8pt,outer sep=0.2pt,anchor=base] (m) {${\,#2\,}\mathstrut$};
		\draw[#1,boxedassert_border] ($(m.south west) + (0,0.65pt)$) rectangle ($(m.north east) + (0, 0.7pt)$);
\newcommand*{\ownGhost}[2]{\boxedassert[densely dashed]{#2}[#1]}
Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed

%% View Shifts
\NewDocumentCommand \vsGen {O{} m O{}}%
      % Just one mask, or none
      % Two masks
Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed
\NewDocumentCommand \vs {O{} O{}} {\vsGen[#1]{\Rrightarrow}[#2]}
\NewDocumentCommand \bvs {O{} O{}} {\vsGen[#1]{\dispdot[0.02ex]{\Rrightarrow}}[#2]}
\NewDocumentCommand \vsL {O{} O{}} {\vsGen[#1]{\Lleftarrow}[#2]}
\NewDocumentCommand \vsE {O{} O{}} %
\NewDocumentCommand \pvs {O{} O{}} {\mathord{\vsGen[#1]{{\mid\kern-0.5ex\Rrightarrow\kern-0.25ex}}[#2]\kern0.2ex}}
\NewDocumentCommand \vsW {O{} O{}} {\vsGen[#1]{\vsWand}[#2]}

% for now, the update modality looks like a pvs without masks.
\NewDocumentCommand \upd {} {\mathop{\dispdot[-0.2ex]{\mid\kern-0.4ex\Rrightarrow\kern-0.25ex}}}
\NewDocumentCommand\Acc{O{} O{} m m}{\langle #3 \vsE #4  \rangle_{#1}^{#2}}

%% Hoare Triples

% \curlybracket[other] x

\NewDocumentCommand \hoare {m m m O{}}{
	\curlybracket{#1}\spac #2 \spac \curlybracket{#3}_{#4}%

% \hoareV[t] pre c post [mask]
\NewDocumentCommand \hoareV {O{c} m m m O{}}{
		&\curlybracket{#2} \\
		&\quad{#3} \\
% \hoareHV[t] pre c post [mask]
\NewDocumentCommand \hoareHV {O{c} m m m O{}}{
	&\curlybracket{#2} \; {#3} \\

%% Some commonly used identifiers
Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed


Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed


Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed

\newcommand{\toval}{\mathrm{expr\any to\any val}}
\newcommand{\ofval}{\mathrm{val\any to\any expr}}
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Ralf Jung committed
\newcommand{\stronglyAtomic}{\mathrm{strongly\any atomic}}



\def\fillctx#1[#2]{#1 {[}\, #2\,{]} }

Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed

% Agreement

% Fraction
Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed

% Exclusive

% Auth


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Ralf Jung committed
% Sum
Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed

Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung committed
% One-Shot

% STSs
\newcommand{\STSS}{\mathcal{S}} % states
\newcommand{\STST}{\mathcal{T}} % tokens
\newcommand{\STSL}{\mathcal{L}} % labels
\newcommand{\ststrans}{\ra^{*}}%	the relation relevant to the STS rules

\tikzstyle{sts} = [->,every node/.style={rectangle, rounded corners, draw, minimum size=1.2cm, align=center}]
\tikzstyle{sts_arrows} = [arrows={->[scale=1.5]},every node/.style={font=\sffamily\small}]

%% Stored Propositions
\newcommand{\mapstoprop}{\mathrel{\kern-0.5ex\tikz[baseline=(m)]{\node at (0,0) (m){}; \draw[line cap=round] (0,0.16) -- (0,-0.004);}\kern-1.5ex\Ra}}
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Ralf Jung committed
%% Cancellable invariants

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Ralf Jung committed
%% Non-atomic invariants
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Ralf Jung committed
%% Boxes
\newcommand*\BoxSlice[3]{\textlog{BoxSlice}(#1, #2, #3)}
\newcommand*\ABox[3]{\textlog{Box}(#1, #2, #3)}