operator allowed compared closures with each other.
operator allowed compared closures with each other.
* Implement prophecy variables using the new support for "observations". The
* Implement prophecy variables using the new support for "observations". The
erasure theorem (showing that prophecy variables do not alter program
erasure theorem (showing that prophecy variables do not alter program
behavior) can be found in the iris/examples repository, in
behavior) can be found [in the iris/examples repository](https://gitlab.mpi-sws.org/iris/examples/blob/3f33781fe6e19cfdb25259c8194d34403f1134d5/theories/logatom/proph_erasure.v).
* heap_lang now uses right-to-left evaluation order. This makes it
* heap_lang now uses right-to-left evaluation order. This makes it
significantly easier to write specifications of curried functions.
significantly easier to write specifications of curried functions.
* heap_lang values are now injected in heap_lang expressions via a specific
* heap_lang values are now injected in heap_lang expressions via a specific