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Commit 5739b936 authored by Ralf Jung's avatar Ralf Jung
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start proving Derek's contradiction

parent 4d8c4ac8
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...@@ -58,3 +58,165 @@ Section savedprop. ...@@ -58,3 +58,165 @@ Section savedprop.
rewrite -uPred.later_intro. apply rvs_false. rewrite -uPred.later_intro. apply rvs_false.
Qed. Qed.
End savedprop. End savedprop.
(** This proves that we need the ▷ when opening invariants. *)
(** We fork in [uPred M] for any M, but the proof would work in any BI. *)
Section inv.
Context (M : ucmraT).
Notation iProp := (uPred M).
Notation "¬ P" := ( (P False))%I : uPred_scope.
Implicit Types P : iProp.
(** Assumptions *)
(* We have view shifts (two classes: empty/full mask) *)
Context (pvs0 pvs1 : iProp iProp).
Hypothesis pvs0_intro : forall P, P pvs0 P.
Hypothesis pvs0_mono : forall P Q, (P Q) pvs0 P pvs0 Q.
Hypothesis pvs0_pvs0 : forall P, pvs0 (pvs0 P) pvs0 P.
Hypothesis pvs0_frame_l : forall P Q, P pvs0 Q pvs0 (P Q).
Hypothesis pvs1_mono : forall P Q, (P Q) pvs1 P pvs1 Q.
Hypothesis pvs1_pvs1 : forall P, pvs1 (pvs1 P) pvs1 P.
Hypothesis pvs1_frame_l : forall P Q, P pvs1 Q pvs1 (P Q).
Hypothesis pvs0_pvs1 : forall P, pvs0 P pvs1 P.
(* We have invariants *)
Context (name : Type) (inv : name iProp iProp).
Hypothesis inv_persistent : forall i P, PersistentP (inv i P).
Hypothesis inv_alloc_dep :
forall (P : name iProp), ( i, P i) pvs1 ( i, inv i (P i)).
Hypothesis inv_open :
forall i P Q R, (P Q pvs0 (P R)) (inv i P Q pvs1 R).
(* We have tokens for a little "two-state STS" *)
Context (start finished : iProp).
Hypothesis start_finish : start pvs0 finished.
Hypothesis finish_no_start : finished start False.
Hypothesis finish_persistent : PersistentP finished.
(** Some general lemmas and proof mode compatibility. *)
Lemma inv_open' i P R:
inv i P (P -★ pvs0 (P pvs1 R)) pvs1 R.
iIntros "(#HiP & HP)". iApply pvs1_pvs1. iApply inv_open; last first.
{ iSplit; first done. iExact "HP". }
iIntros "(HP & HPw)". by iApply "HPw".
Lemma pvs1_intro P : P pvs1 P.
Proof. rewrite -pvs0_pvs1. apply pvs0_intro. Qed.
Instance pvs0_mono' : Proper (() ==> ()) pvs0.
Proof. intros ?**. by apply pvs0_mono. Qed.
Instance pvs0_proper : Proper ((⊣⊢) ==> (⊣⊢)) pvs0.
intros P Q Heq.
apply (anti_symm ()); apply pvs0_mono; by rewrite ?Heq -?Heq.
Instance pvs1_mono' : Proper (() ==> ()) pvs1.
Proof. intros ?**. by apply pvs1_mono. Qed.
Instance pvs1_proper : Proper ((⊣⊢) ==> (⊣⊢)) pvs1.
intros P Q Heq.
apply (anti_symm ()); apply pvs1_mono; by rewrite ?Heq -?Heq.
Lemma pvs0_frame_r : forall P Q, (pvs0 P Q) pvs0 (P Q).
intros. rewrite comm pvs0_frame_l. apply pvs0_mono. by rewrite comm.
Lemma pvs1_frame_r : forall P Q, (pvs1 P Q) pvs1 (P Q).
intros. rewrite comm pvs1_frame_l. apply pvs1_mono. by rewrite comm.
Global Instance elim_pvs0_pvs0 P Q :
ElimVs (pvs0 P) P (pvs0 Q) (pvs0 Q).
rename Q0 into Q.
rewrite /ElimVs. etrans; last eapply pvs0_pvs0.
rewrite pvs0_frame_r. apply pvs0_mono. by rewrite uPred.wand_elim_r.
Global Instance elim_pvs1_pvs1 P Q :
ElimVs (pvs1 P) P (pvs1 Q) (pvs1 Q).
rename Q0 into Q.
rewrite /ElimVs. etrans; last eapply pvs1_pvs1.
rewrite pvs1_frame_r. apply pvs1_mono. by rewrite uPred.wand_elim_r.
Global Instance elim_pvs0_pvs1 P Q :
ElimVs (pvs0 P) P (pvs1 Q) (pvs1 Q).
rename Q0 into Q.
rewrite /ElimVs. rewrite pvs0_pvs1. apply elim_pvs1_pvs1.
(** Now to the actual counterexample. *)
Definition saved (i : name) (P : iProp) : iProp :=
inv i (start P finished).
Lemma saved_alloc (P : name iProp) :
start pvs1 ( i, saved i (P i)).
iIntros "HS". iApply inv_alloc_dep. iIntros (?). by iLeft.
Lemma saved_agree i P Q :
saved i P saved i Q P pvs1 (Q).
iIntros "(#HsP & #HsQ & #HP)". iApply (inv_open' i). iSplit; first iExact "HsP".
iIntros "HiP". iAssert (pvs0 (P finished)) with "[HiP]" as "Hf".
{ iDestruct "HiP" as "[Hs | [_ Hf]]".
- iApply pvs0_frame_l. iSplit; first done. by iApply start_finish.
- iApply pvs0_intro. iSplit; done. }
iVs "Hf" as "[_ #Hf]". iApply pvs0_intro. iSplitL.
{ iRight. eauto. }
iApply (inv_open' i). iSplit; first iExact "HsQ".
iIntros "[Hs | [#HQ _]]".
{ iExFalso. iApply finish_no_start. eauto. }
iApply pvs0_intro. iSplitL.
{ iRight. eauto. }
iApply pvs1_intro. done.
Now, define:
N(P) := box(P ==> False)
A[i] := Exists P. N(P) * i |-> P
Notice that A[i] => box(A[i]).
OK, now we are going to prove that True ==> False.
First we allocate some k s.t. k |-> A[k], which we know we can do
because of the axiom for |->.
Claim 2: N(A[k]).
- Suppose A[k]. So, box(A[k]). So, A[k] * A[k].
- So there is some P s.t. A[k] * N(P) * k |-> P.
- Since k |-> A(k), by Claim 1 we can view shift to P * N(P).
- Hence, we can view shift to False.
Notice that in Iris proper all we could get on the third line of the
above proof is later(P) * N(P), which would not be enough to derive
the claim.
Claim 3: A[k].
- By Claim 2, we have N(A(k)) * k |-> A[k].
- Thus, picking P := A[k], we have Exists P. N(P) * k |-> P, i.e. we have A[k].
Claim 2 and Claim 3 together view shift to False.
End inv.
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