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Commit fc83f26a authored by Filip Sieczkowski's avatar Filip Sieczkowski
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Soundness/adequacy proved.

parent afa3f82d
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......@@ -957,6 +957,185 @@ Qed.
End HoareTriples.
Section Soundness.
Local Open Scope mask_scope.
Local Open Scope pcm_scope.
Local Open Scope bi_scope.
Local Open Scope lang_scope.
Local Open Scope list_scope.
Inductive stepn : nat -> cfg -> cfg -> Prop :=
| stepn_O ρ : stepn O ρ ρ
| stepn_S ρ1 ρ2 ρ3 n
(HS : step ρ1 ρ2)
(HSN : stepn n ρ2 ρ3) :
stepn (S n) ρ1 ρ3.
Inductive wptp (m : mask) (w : Wld) (n : nat) : tpool -> list res -> Prop :=
| wp_emp : wptp m w n nil nil
| wp_cons e r tp rs
(WPE : wp m e (umconst ) w n r)
(WPTP : wptp m w n tp rs) :
wptp m w n (e :: tp) (r :: rs).
(* Trivial lemma about application split *)
Lemma wptp_app m w n tp1 tp2 rs1 rs2
(HW1 : wptp m w n tp1 rs1)
(HW2 : wptp m w n tp2 rs2) :
wptp m w n (tp1 ++ tp2) (rs1 ++ rs2).
induction HW1; [| constructor]; now trivial.
(* Closure under future worlds and smaller steps *)
Lemma wptp_closure m (w1 w2 : Wld) n1 n2 tp rs
(HSW : w1 w2) (HLe : n2 <= n1)
(HW : wptp m w1 n1 tp rs) :
wptp m w2 n2 tp rs.
induction HW; constructor; [| assumption].
eapply uni_pred; [eassumption | reflexivity |].
rewrite <- HSW; assumption.
Lemma wptp_app_tp m w n t1 t2 rs
(HW : wptp m w n (t1 ++ t2) rs) :
exists rs1 rs2, rs1 ++ rs2 = rs /\ wptp m w n t1 rs1 /\ wptp m w n t2 rs2.
revert rs HW; induction t1; intros; inversion HW; simpl in *; subst; clear HW.
- exists (@nil res) (@nil res); now auto using wptp.
- exists (@nil res); simpl; now eauto using wptp.
- apply IHt1 in WPTP; destruct WPTP as [rs1 [rs2 [EQrs [WP1 WP2] ] ] ]; clear IHt1.
exists (r :: rs1) rs2; simpl; subst; now auto using wptp.
Lemma comp_list_app rs1 rs2 :
comp_list (rs1 ++ rs2) == comp_list rs1 · comp_list rs2.
induction rs1; simpl comp_list; [now rewrite pcm_op_unit by apply _ |].
now rewrite IHrs1, assoc.
Definition wf_nat_ind := well_founded_induction Wf_nat.lt_wf.
Lemma unfold_wp m :
wp m == (wpF m) (wp m).
unfold wp; apply fixp_eq.
Lemma sound_tp m n k e e' tp tp' σ σ' φ w r rs s
(HSN : stepn n (e :: tp, σ) (e' :: tp', σ'))
(HV : is_value e')
(HWE : wp m e φ w (n + S k) r)
(HWTP : wptp m w (n + S k) tp rs)
(HE : erasure σ m (Some r · comp_list rs) s w @ n + S k) :
exists w' r' s',
w w' /\ φ (exist _ e' HV) w' (S k) r' /\ erasure σ' m (Some r') s' w' @ S k.
revert e tp σ w r rs s HSN HWE HWTP HE; induction n using wf_nat_ind; rename H into HInd.
intros; inversion HSN; subst; clear HSN.
(* e is a value *)
{ rename e' into e; clear HInd HWTP; simpl plus in *; rewrite unfold_wp in HWE.
edestruct (HWE w k) as [HVal _]; [reflexivity | unfold lt; reflexivity | eassumption |].
specialize (HVal HV); destruct HVal as [w' [r' [s' [HSW [ HE'] ] ] ] ].
destruct (Some r' · comp_list rs) as [r'' |] eqn: EQr.
- exists w' r'' s'; split; [assumption | split; [| assumption] ].
eapply uni_pred, ; [reflexivity |].
rewrite ord_res_optRes; exists (comp_list rs); rewrite comm, EQr; reflexivity.
- exfalso; eapply erasure_not_empty, HE'.
now erewrite pcm_op_zero by apply _.
rename n0 into n; specialize (HInd n (le_n _)); inversion HS; subst; clear HS.
(* atomic step *)
{ destruct t1 as [| ee t1]; inversion H0; subst; clear H0.
(* step in e *)
- simpl in HSN0; rewrite unfold_wp in HWE; edestruct (HWE w (n + S k)) as [_ [HS _] ];
[reflexivity | apply le_n | eassumption |].
edestruct HS as [w' [r' [s' [HSW [HWE' HE'] ] ] ] ]; [reflexivity | eassumption | clear HS HWE HE].
setoid_rewrite HSW; eapply HInd; try eassumption.
eapply wptp_closure, HWTP; [assumption | now auto with arith].
(* step in a spawned thread *)
- apply wptp_app_tp in HWTP; destruct HWTP as [rs1 [rs2 [EQrs [HWTP1 HWTP2] ] ] ].
inversion HWTP2; subst; clear HWTP2; rewrite unfold_wp in WPE.
edestruct (WPE w (n + S k) s (Some r · comp_list (rs1 ++ rs0))) as [_ [HS _] ];
[reflexivity | apply le_n | eapply erasure_equiv, HE; try reflexivity; [] |].
+ rewrite !comp_list_app; simpl comp_list; unfold equiv.
rewrite assoc, (comm (Some r0)), <- assoc; apply pcm_op_equiv; [reflexivity |].
now rewrite assoc, (comm (Some r0)), <- assoc.
+ edestruct HS as [w' [r0' [s' [HSW [WPE' HE'] ] ] ] ];
[reflexivity | eassumption | clear WPE HS].
setoid_rewrite HSW; eapply HInd; try eassumption; [| |].
* rewrite <- HSW; eapply uni_pred, HWE; [now auto with arith | reflexivity].
* apply wptp_app; [eapply wptp_closure, HWTP1; [assumption | now auto with arith] |].
constructor; [eassumption | eapply wptp_closure, WPTP; [assumption | now auto with arith] ].
* eapply erasure_equiv, HE'; try reflexivity; [].
rewrite assoc, (comm (Some r0')), <- assoc; apply pcm_op_equiv; [reflexivity |].
rewrite !comp_list_app; simpl comp_list.
now rewrite assoc, (comm (comp_list rs1)), <- assoc.
(* fork *)
destruct t1 as [| ee t1]; inversion H; subst; clear H.
(* fork from e *)
- simpl in HSN0; rewrite unfold_wp in HWE; edestruct (HWE w (n + S k)) as [_ [_ HF] ];
[reflexivity | apply le_n | eassumption |].
specialize (HF _ _ eq_refl); destruct HF as [w' [rfk [rret [s' [HSW [HWE' [HWFK HE'] ] ] ] ] ] ].
clear HWE HE; setoid_rewrite HSW; eapply HInd with (rs := rs ++ [rfk]); try eassumption; [|].
+ apply wptp_app; [| now auto using wptp].
eapply wptp_closure, HWTP; [assumption | now auto with arith].
+ eapply erasure_equiv, HE'; try reflexivity; []; unfold equiv; clear.
rewrite (comm (Some rfk)), <- assoc; apply pcm_op_equiv; [reflexivity |].
rewrite comp_list_app; simpl comp_list; rewrite comm.
now erewrite (comm _ 1), pcm_op_unit by apply _.
(* fork from a spawned thread *)
- apply wptp_app_tp in HWTP; destruct HWTP as [rs1 [rs2 [EQrs [HWTP1 HWTP2] ] ] ].
inversion HWTP2; subst; clear HWTP2; rewrite unfold_wp in WPE.
edestruct (WPE w (n + S k) s (Some r · comp_list (rs1 ++ rs0))) as [_ [_ HF] ];
[reflexivity | apply le_n | eapply erasure_equiv, HE; try reflexivity; [] |].
+ rewrite assoc, (comm (Some r0)), <- assoc; apply pcm_op_equiv; [reflexivity |].
rewrite !comp_list_app; simpl comp_list; now rewrite assoc, (comm (Some r0)), <- assoc.
+ specialize (HF _ _ eq_refl); destruct HF as [w' [rfk [rret [s' [HSW [WPE' [WPS HE'] ] ] ] ] ] ]; clear WPE.
setoid_rewrite HSW; eapply HInd; try eassumption; [| |].
* rewrite <- HSW; eapply uni_pred, HWE; [now auto with arith | reflexivity].
* apply wptp_app; [eapply wptp_closure, HWTP1; [assumption | now auto with arith] |].
constructor; [eassumption | apply wptp_app; [| now eauto using wptp] ].
eapply wptp_closure, WPTP; [assumption | now auto with arith].
* eapply erasure_equiv, HE'; try reflexivity; [].
rewrite (assoc _ (Some r)), (comm _ (Some r)), <- assoc.
apply pcm_op_equiv; [reflexivity |].
rewrite (comm (Some rfk)), <- assoc, comp_list_app; simpl comp_list.
rewrite assoc, (comm _ (Some rret)), <- assoc.
apply pcm_op_equiv; [reflexivity |].
rewrite (comm (Some rfk)), !comp_list_app; simpl comp_list.
rewrite assoc; apply pcm_op_equiv; [reflexivity |].
now erewrite comm, pcm_op_unit by apply _.
Lemma unit_min r : pcm_unit _ r.
exists r; now erewrite comm, pcm_op_unit by apply _.
(** This is a (relatively) generic soundness statement; one can
simplify it for certain classes of assertions (e.g.,
independent of the worlds) and obtain easy corollaries. *)
Theorem soundness m e p φ n k e' tp σ σ' w r s
(HT : valid (ht m p e φ))
(HSN : stepn n ([e], σ) (e' :: tp, σ'))
(HV : is_value e')
(HP : p w (n + S k) r)
(HE : erasure σ m (Some r) s w @ n + S k) :
exists w' r' s',
w w' /\ φ (exist _ e' HV) w' (S k) r' /\ erasure σ' m (Some r') s' w' @ S k.
specialize (HT w (n + S k) r).
eapply sound_tp; [eassumption | | constructor | eapply erasure_equiv, HE; try reflexivity; [] ].
- apply HT in HP; try reflexivity; [eassumption | apply unit_min].
- simpl comp_list; now erewrite comm, pcm_op_unit by apply _.
End Soundness.
Section HoareTripleProperties.
Local Open Scope mask_scope.
Local Open Scope pcm_scope.
......@@ -1016,13 +1195,6 @@ Qed.
rewrite EQv; reflexivity.
Lemma unit_min r : pcm_unit _ r.
exists r; now erewrite comm, pcm_op_unit by apply _.
Definition wf_nat_ind := well_founded_induction Wf_nat.lt_wf.
Lemma htBind P φ φ' K e m :
ht m P e φ all (plugV m φ φ' K) ht m P (K [[ e ]]) φ'.
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