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Commit 50738b0e authored by David Swasey's avatar David Swasey
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Frame-preserving updates for finite parital functions.

parent adfc72fa
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Tags iris-1.1
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...@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ Section FinDom. ...@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ Section FinDom.
simpl finmap. rewrite DecEq_refl. reflexivity. simpl finmap. rewrite DecEq_refl. reflexivity.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma fdStrongUpdate_neq k k' v f (Hneq : k <> k') : fdStrongUpdate k v f k' = f k'. Lemma fdStrongUpdate_neq v f {k k'} (Hneq : k <> k') : fdStrongUpdate k v f k' = f k'.
Proof. Proof.
simpl finmap. destruct (dec_eq k k') as [EQ|NEQ]; first contradiction. reflexivity. simpl finmap. destruct (dec_eq k k') as [EQ|NEQ]; first contradiction. reflexivity.
Qed. Qed.
...@@ -396,6 +396,11 @@ Section FinDom. ...@@ -396,6 +396,11 @@ Section FinDom.
- rewrite /fdStrongUpdate /dom /= /fdStrongUpdate_dom. rewrite Hdom. reflexivity. - rewrite /fdStrongUpdate /dom /= /fdStrongUpdate_dom. rewrite Hdom. reflexivity.
Qed. Qed.
Global Instance fdStrongUpdate_equiv i : Proper(equiv ==> equiv ==> equiv) (fun v => fun f => fdStrongUpdate i v f).
move=>v v' EQv f f' EQf i' /=. case: (dec_eq i i')=>_; [done | exact: EQf].
End Update. End Update.
...@@ -463,7 +468,7 @@ Section FinDom. ...@@ -463,7 +468,7 @@ Section FinDom.
End FinDom. End FinDom.
Notation "f + '[fd' k <- v ']'" := (fdStrongUpdate k (Some v) f) (at level 0) : finmap_scope. Notation "f + '[fd' k <- v ']'" := (fdStrongUpdate k (Some v) f) (at level 0) : finmap_scope.
Notation "f \ x" := (fdStrongUpdate x None f) (at level 35) : finmap_scope. Notation "f \ x" := (fdStrongUpdate x None f) (at level 35) : finmap_scope.
Section FinDom2. Section FinDom2.
...@@ -853,7 +858,7 @@ End FinDom2. ...@@ -853,7 +858,7 @@ End FinDom2.
Section RA. Section RA.
Context {I : Type} {S : Type} `{eqI : DecEq I} `{RAS : RA S}. Context {I : Type} {S : Type} `{eqI : DecEq I} `{RAS : RA S}.
Implicit Type (i : I) (s : S) (f g : I -f> S). Implicit Types (i : I) (s : S) (f g : I -f> S).
Local Open Scope ra_scope. Local Open Scope ra_scope.
Local Open Scope finmap_scope. Local Open Scope finmap_scope.
...@@ -944,6 +949,31 @@ Section RA. ...@@ -944,6 +949,31 @@ Section RA.
* subst i. rewrite EQg. simpl. assumption. * subst i. rewrite EQg. simpl. assumption.
* assumption. * assumption.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma ra_fpu_fpfn f i {s} {P : S -> Prop} (Hupd : s ⇝∈ P) :
f + [fd i <- s] ⇝∈ (fun f' => exists s', P s' /\ f' = f + [fd i <- s']).
have compupd : forall f g i i' s, (f + [fd i <- s] · g) i' = finprod_op (f + [fd i <- s] i') (g i').
{ by move=> ? ? ? ? ?; rewrite/ra_op/ra_op_finprod fdComposeRed. }
move=>g Hv. pose (sf := if finmap g i is Some sf then sf else 1 s).
have: s · sf.
{ move: (Hv i). rewrite compupd fdStrongUpdate_eq.
case Hgi: (finmap g i) => [sf'|]; rewrite/sf !Hgi/=; first done.
by rewrite (ra_op_unit2 (t:=s)).
move/Hupd => [s' [HP Hsep]]. exists (f + [fd i <- s']). split; first by exists s'.
rewrite/ra_op/ra_op_finprod => i'; rewrite compupd.
case: (dec_eq i i') Hsep => [EQ | NEQ].
- rewrite/sf -EQ /= (DecEq_refl i). case: (g i) =>//=. exact: ra_op_valid.
- move: (Hv i'). by rewrite compupd !(fdStrongUpdate_neq _ _ NEQ).
Lemma ra_fps_fpfn f i {s s'} : s s' -> f + [fd i <- s] f + [fd i <- s'].
move=> /ra_fps_fpu/(ra_fpu_fpfn f i) => Hupd.
apply: ra_fpu_fps => g Hsep. move/(_ g Hsep): Hupd => [f' [[s'' [EQs' EQf']] Hsep']].
exists f'. split; last done. rewrite EQf' EQs'. reflexivity.
End RA. End RA.
Section VIRA. Section VIRA.
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