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Forked from Iris / examples
120 commits behind the upstream repository.
Ralf Jung's avatar
Ralf Jung authored
Fix typos in lecture note examples

See merge request iris/examples!50


Some example verification demonstrating the use of Iris.


This version is known to compile with:

  • Coq 8.15.0
  • A development version of Iris
  • A development version of Autosubst

Building from source

When building from source, we recommend to use opam (2.0.0 or newer) for installing the dependencies. This requires the following two repositories:

opam repo add coq-released
opam repo add iris-dev

Once you got opam set up, run make build-dep to install the right versions of the dependencies.

Run make -jN to build the full development, where N is the number of your CPU cores.

To update, do git pull. After an update, the development may fail to compile because of outdated dependencies. To fix that, please run opam update followed by make build-dep.

Case Studies

This repository contains the following case studies:

  • barrier: Implementation and proof of a barrier as described in "Higher-Order Ghost State".
  • cl_logic: An embedding of classical logic into Coq using the Gödel-Gentzen translation. It defines clProp as the subset of Coq propositions that are stable under double negation. The logic clProp is a BI, so the proof mode can be used to carry out proofs in classical logic, without axioms.
  • logrel: Logical relations.
    • logrel/stlc: A unary logical relation for semantic typing STLC (simply-typed lambda calculus) with De Bruijn indices (using Autosubst).
    • logrel/F_mu_ref_conc: The logical relations for F_mu_ref_conc (System F with recursive types, references and concurrency) with De Bruijn indices (using Autosubst) from the IPM paper:
      • Unary logical relations proving type safety.
      • Binary logical relations for proving contextual refinements.
      • Proof of refinement for a pair of fine-grained/coarse-grained concurrent counter implementations.
      • Proof of refinement for a pair of fine-grained/coarse-grained concurrent stack implementations.
    • If you are looking for a well-explained logical relation for Iris's HeapLang, take a look at our POPL20 tutorial.
  • logatom: Proofs of various logically atomic specifications:
    • Elimination Stack (by Ralf Jung).
    • Conditional increment (inspired by this paper) and RDCSS (as in this paper) (by Marianna Rapoport, Rodolphe Lepigre and Gaurav Parthasarathy).
    • Herlihy-Wing-Queue (by Rodolphe Lepigre).
    • Atomic Snapshot (by Marianna Rapoport).
    • Treiber Stack (by Zhen Zhang, and another version by Rodolphe Lepigre).
    • Flat Combiner (by Zhen Zhang, also see this archived documentation).
  • spanning_tree: Proof of a concurrent spanning tree algorithm (by Amin Timany).
  • concurrent_stacks: Proof of an implementation of concurrent stacks with helping by Daniel Gratzer et. al., as described in the report.
  • lecture_notes: Coq examples for the Iris lecture notes.
  • hocap: Formalizations of the concurrent bag and concurrent runners libraries from the HOCAP paper (by Dan Frumin). See the associated README.
  • array_based_queuing_lock: Proof of safety of an implementation of the array-based queuing lock. This example is also covered in the chapter "Case study: The Array-Based Queueing Lock" in the Iris lecture notes.

For Developers: How to update the Iris dependency

  • Do the change in Iris, push it.
  • Wait for CI to publish a new Iris version on the opam archive, then run opam update iris-dev.
  • In iris-examples, change the opam file to depend on the new version. (In case you do not use opam yourself, you can see recently published versions in this repository.)
  • Run make build-dep (in iris-examples) to install the new version of Iris. You may have to do make clean as Coq will likely complain about .vo file mismatches.