A \emph{language}$\Lang$ consists of a set \Expr{} of \emph{expressions} (metavariable $\expr$), a set \Val{} of \emph{values} (metavariable $\val$), and a set \State of \emph{states} (metavariable $\state$) such that
A \emph{language}$\Lang$ consists of a set \Expr{} of \emph{expressions} (metavariable $\expr$), a set \Val{} of \emph{values} (metavariable $\val$), and a nonempty set \State of \emph{states} (metavariable $\state$) such that
\item There exist functions $\ofval : \Val\to\Expr$ and $\toval : \Expr\pfn\Val$ (notice the latter is partial), such that
We only give some of the proof rules for Hoare triples here, since we usually do all our reasoning directly with weakest preconditions and use Hoare triples only to write specifications.