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Commit 254989a5 authored by Robbert Krebbers's avatar Robbert Krebbers
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Hoare triples.

parent f1ea0187
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Require Export iris.weakestpre iris.viewshifts.
Definition ht {Σ} (E : coPset) (P : iProp Σ)
(e : iexpr Σ) (Q : ival Σ iProp Σ) : iProp Σ :=
( (P wp E e (λ v, pvs E E (Q v))))%I.
Instance: Params (@ht) 2.
Notation "{{ P } } e @ E {{ Q } }" := (ht E P e Q)
(at level 74, format "{{ P } } e @ E {{ Q } }") : C_scope.
Notation "{{ P } } e @ E {{ Q } }" := (True ht E P e Q)
(at level 74, format "{{ P } } e @ E {{ Q } }") : type_scope.
Section hoare.
Context {Σ : iParam}.
Implicit Types P : iProp Σ.
Implicit Types Q : ival Σ iProp Σ.
Implicit Types v : ival Σ.
Import uPred.
Global Instance ht_ne E n :
Proper (dist n ==> eq ==> pointwise_relation _ (dist n) ==> dist n) (@ht Σ E).
Proof. by intros P P' HP e ? <- Q Q' HQ; rewrite /ht HP; setoid_rewrite HQ. Qed.
Global Instance ht_proper E :
Proper (() ==> eq ==> pointwise_relation _ () ==> ()) (@ht Σ E).
Proof. by intros P P' HP e ? <- Q Q' HQ; rewrite /ht HP; setoid_rewrite HQ. Qed.
Lemma ht_mono E P P' Q Q' e :
P P' ( v, Q' v Q v) {{ P' }} e @ E {{ Q' }} {{ P }} e @ E {{ Q }}.
Proof. by intros HP HQ; rewrite /ht -HP; setoid_rewrite HQ. Qed.
Global Instance ht_mono' E :
Proper (flip () ==> eq ==> pointwise_relation _ () ==> ()) (@ht Σ E).
Proof. by intros P P' HP e ? <- Q Q' HQ; apply ht_mono. Qed.
Lemma ht_val E v :
{{ True }} of_val v @ E {{ λ v', (v = v') }}.
rewrite -{1}always_const; apply always_intro, impl_intro_l.
by rewrite -wp_value -pvs_intro; apply const_intro.
Lemma ht_vs E P P' Q Q' e :
(P >{E}> P' {{ P' }} e @ E {{ Q' }} v, Q' v >{E}> Q v)
{{ P }} e @ E {{ Q }}.
rewrite -always_forall -!always_and; apply always_intro, impl_intro_l.
rewrite !always_and (associative _ P) (always_elim (P _)) impl_elim_r.
rewrite (associative _) pvs_impl_r pvs_always_r wp_always_r.
rewrite wp_pvs; apply wp_mono=> v.
by rewrite (forall_elim _ v) pvs_impl_r !pvs_trans'.
Lemma ht_atomic E1 E2 P P' Q Q' e :
E2 E1 atomic e
(P >{E1,E2}> P' {{ P' }} e @ E2 {{ Q' }} v, Q' v >{E2,E1}> Q v)
{{ P }} e @ E1 {{ Q }}.
intros; rewrite -always_forall -!always_and; apply always_intro, impl_intro_l.
rewrite !always_and (associative _ P) (always_elim (P _)) impl_elim_r.
rewrite (associative _) pvs_impl_r pvs_always_r wp_always_r.
rewrite -(wp_atomic E1 E2) //; apply pvs_mono, wp_mono=> v.
rewrite (forall_elim _ v) pvs_impl_r -(pvs_intro E1) pvs_trans; solve_elem_of.
Lemma ht_bind `(HK : is_ctx K) E P Q Q' e :
({{ P }} e @ E {{ Q }} v, {{ Q v }} K (of_val v) @ E {{ Q' }})
{{ P }} K e @ E {{ Q' }}.
intros; rewrite -always_forall -!always_and; apply always_intro, impl_intro_l.
rewrite !always_and (associative _ P) (always_elim (P _)) impl_elim_r.
rewrite wp_always_r -wp_bind //; apply wp_mono=> v.
rewrite (forall_elim _ v) pvs_impl_r wp_pvs; apply wp_mono=> v'.
by rewrite pvs_trans'.
Lemma ht_mask_weaken E1 E2 P Q e :
E1 E2 {{ P }} e @ E1 {{ Q }} {{ P }} e @ E2 {{ Q }}.
intros; apply always_mono, impl_intro_l; rewrite impl_elim_r.
by rewrite -(wp_mask_weaken E1) //; apply wp_mono=> v; apply pvs_mask_weaken.
Lemma ht_frame_l E P Q R e :
{{ P }} e @ E {{ Q }} {{ R P }} e @ E {{ λ v, R Q v }}.
apply always_intro, impl_intro_l.
rewrite always_and_sep_r -(associative _) (sep_and P) always_elim impl_elim_r.
by rewrite wp_frame_l; apply wp_mono=>v; rewrite pvs_frame_l.
Lemma ht_frame_r E P Q R e :
{{ P }} e @ E {{ Q }} {{ P R }} e @ E {{ λ v, Q v R }}.
Proof. setoid_rewrite (commutative _ _ R); apply ht_frame_l. Qed.
Lemma ht_frame_later_l E P R e Q :
to_val e = None
{{ P }} e @ E {{ Q }} {{ R P }} e @ E {{ λ v, R Q v }}.
intros; apply always_intro, impl_intro_l.
rewrite always_and_sep_r -(associative _) (sep_and P) always_elim impl_elim_r.
by rewrite wp_frame_later_l //; apply wp_mono=>v; rewrite pvs_frame_l.
Lemma ht_frame_later_r E P R e Q :
to_val e = None
{{ P }} e @ E {{ Q }} {{ P R }} e @ E {{ λ v, Q v R }}.
rewrite (commutative _ _ ( R)%I); setoid_rewrite (commutative _ _ R).
apply ht_frame_later_l.
End hoare.
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