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Commit 90c6d1b9 authored by Ralf Jung's avatar Ralf Jung
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add <= to our language

parent 1aa86df2
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......@@ -9,9 +9,10 @@ Inductive expr :=
| Var (x : var)
| Rec (e : {bind 2 of expr}) (* These are recursive lambdas. The *inner* binder is the recursive call! *)
| App (e1 e2 : expr)
(* Natural numbers *) (* RJ TODO: Either add minus and le, or replace Plus by a NatCase : nat -> () + nat *)
(* Natural numbers *)
| LitNat (n : nat)
| Plus (e1 e2 : expr)
| Le (e1 e2 : expr)
(* Unit *)
| LitUnit
(* Products *)
......@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ Instance SubstLemmas_expr : SubstLemmas expr. derive. Qed.
Definition Lam (e : {bind expr}) := Rec (e.[ren(+1)]).
Definition Let (e1 : expr) (e2: {bind expr}) := App (Lam e2) e1.
Definition Seq (e1 e2 : expr) := Let e1 (e2.[ren(+1)]).
Definition If (e0 e1 e2 : expr) := Case e0 (e1.[ren(+1)]) (e2.[ren(+1)]).
Inductive value :=
| RecV (e : {bind 2 of expr})
......@@ -122,6 +124,8 @@ Inductive ectx :=
| AppRCtx (v1 : value) (K2 : ectx)
| PlusLCtx (K1 : ectx) (e2 : expr)
| PlusRCtx (v1 : value) (K2 : ectx)
| LeLCtx (K1 : ectx) (e2 : expr)
| LeRCtx (v1 : value) (K2 : ectx)
| PairLCtx (K1 : ectx) (e2 : expr)
| PairRCtx (v1 : value) (K2 : ectx)
| FstCtx (K : ectx)
......@@ -145,6 +149,8 @@ Fixpoint fill (K : ectx) (e : expr) :=
| AppRCtx v1 K2 => App (v2e v1) (fill K2 e)
| PlusLCtx K1 e2 => Plus (fill K1 e) e2
| PlusRCtx v1 K2 => Plus (v2e v1) (fill K2 e)
| LeLCtx K1 e2 => Le (fill K1 e) e2
| LeRCtx v1 K2 => Le (v2e v1) (fill K2 e)
| PairLCtx K1 e2 => Pair (fill K1 e) e2
| PairRCtx v1 K2 => Pair (v2e v1) (fill K2 e)
| FstCtx K => Fst (fill K e)
......@@ -168,6 +174,8 @@ Fixpoint comp_ctx (Ko : ectx) (Ki : ectx) :=
| AppRCtx v1 K2 => AppRCtx v1 (comp_ctx K2 Ki)
| PlusLCtx K1 e2 => PlusLCtx (comp_ctx K1 Ki) e2
| PlusRCtx v1 K2 => PlusRCtx v1 (comp_ctx K2 Ki)
| LeLCtx K1 e2 => LeLCtx (comp_ctx K1 Ki) e2
| LeRCtx v1 K2 => LeRCtx v1 (comp_ctx K2 Ki)
| PairLCtx K1 e2 => PairLCtx (comp_ctx K1 Ki) e2
| PairRCtx v1 K2 => PairRCtx v1 (comp_ctx K2 Ki)
| FstCtx K => FstCtx (comp_ctx K Ki)
......@@ -240,6 +248,10 @@ Inductive prim_step : expr -> state -> expr -> state -> option expr -> Prop :=
prim_step (App (Rec e1) e2) σ (e1.[(Rec e1),e2/]) σ None
| PlusS n1 n2 σ:
prim_step (Plus (LitNat n1) (LitNat n2)) σ (LitNat (n1 + n2)) σ None
| LeTrueS n1 n2 σ (Hle : n1 n2):
prim_step (Le (LitNat n1) (LitNat n2)) σ LitTrue σ None
| LeFalseS n1 n2 σ (Hle : n1 > n2):
prim_step (Le (LitNat n1) (LitNat n2)) σ LitFalse σ None
| FstS e1 v1 e2 v2 σ (Hv1 : e2v e1 = Some v1) (Hv2 : e2v e2 = Some v2):
prim_step (Fst (Pair e1 e2)) σ e1 σ None
| SndS e1 v1 e2 v2 σ (Hv1 : e2v e1 = Some v1) (Hv2 : e2v e2 = Some v2):
......@@ -252,6 +252,36 @@ Proof.
rewrite -wp_value'; last reflexivity; done.
Lemma wp_le_true n1 n2 E Q :
n1 n2
Q LitTrueV wp (Σ:=Σ) E (Le (LitNat n1) (LitNat n2)) Q.
intros Hle. etransitivity; last eapply wp_lift_pure_step with
(φ := λ e', e' = LitTrue); last first.
- intros ? ? ? ? Hstep. inversion_clear Hstep; first done.
exfalso. eapply le_not_gt with (n := n1); eassumption.
- intros ?. do 3 eexists. econstructor; done.
- reflexivity.
- apply later_mono, forall_intro=>e2. apply impl_intro_l.
apply const_elim_l=>->.
rewrite -wp_value'; last reflexivity; done.
Lemma wp_le_false n1 n2 E Q :
n1 > n2
Q LitFalseV wp (Σ:=Σ) E (Le (LitNat n1) (LitNat n2)) Q.
intros Hle. etransitivity; last eapply wp_lift_pure_step with
(φ := λ e', e' = LitFalse); last first.
- intros ? ? ? ? Hstep. inversion_clear Hstep; last done.
exfalso. eapply le_not_gt with (n := n1); eassumption.
- intros ?. do 3 eexists. econstructor; done.
- reflexivity.
- apply later_mono, forall_intro=>e2. apply impl_intro_l.
apply const_elim_l=>->.
rewrite -wp_value'; last reflexivity; done.
Lemma wp_fst e1 v1 e2 v2 E Q :
e2v e1 = Some v1 e2v e2 = Some v2
Q v1 wp (Σ:=Σ) E (Fst (Pair e1 e2)) Q.
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