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Commit 068dd357 authored by Robbert Krebbers's avatar Robbert Krebbers
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Define Timeless in the logic.

Sadly, timelessness of many connectives is still proved in the model.
parent 542fe0c1
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......@@ -220,7 +220,8 @@ Fixpoint uPred_big_sep {M} (Ps : list (uPred M)) :=
Instance: Params (@uPred_big_sep) 1.
Notation "'Π★' Ps" := (uPred_big_sep Ps) (at level 20) : uPred_scope.
Class TimelessP {M} (P : uPred M) := timelessP x n : {1} x P 1 x P n x.
Class TimelessP {M} (P : uPred M) := timelessP : P (P False).
Arguments timelessP {_} _ {_} _ _ _ _.
Module uPred. Section uPred_logic.
Context {M : cmraT}.
......@@ -798,49 +799,60 @@ Lemma uPred_big_sep_elem_of Ps P : P ∈ Ps → (Π★ Ps) ⊑ P.
Proof. induction 1; simpl; auto. Qed.
(* Timeless *)
Lemma timelessP_spec P : TimelessP P x n, {n} x P 1 x P n x.
* intros HP x n ??; induction n as [|[|n]]; auto.
by destruct (HP x (S (S n))); auto using cmra_valid_S.
* move=> HP x [|[|n]] /=; auto; left.
apply HP, uPred_weaken with x (S n); eauto using cmra_valid_le.
Global Instance const_timeless (P : Prop) : TimelessP ( P : uPred M)%I.
Proof. by intros x [|n]. Qed.
Global Instance and_timeless P Q :
TimelessP P TimelessP Q TimelessP (P Q).
Proof. intros ?? x n ? [??]; split; auto. Qed.
Global Instance or_timeless P Q :
TimelessP P TimelessP Q TimelessP (P Q).
Proof. intros ?? x n ? [?|?]; [left|right]; auto. Qed.
Proof. by apply timelessP_spec=> x [|n]. Qed.
Global Instance and_timeless P Q: TimelessP P TimelessP Q TimelessP (P Q).
Proof. by intros ??; rewrite /TimelessP later_and or_and_r; apply and_mono. Qed.
Global Instance or_timeless P Q : TimelessP P TimelessP Q TimelessP (P Q).
intros; rewrite /TimelessP later_or.
rewrite ->(timelessP P), (timelessP Q); eauto 10.
Global Instance impl_timeless P Q : TimelessP Q TimelessP (P Q).
intros ? x [|n] ? HPQ x' [|n'] ????; auto.
apply timelessP, HPQ, uPred_weaken with x' (S n'); eauto using cmra_valid_le.
rewrite !timelessP_spec=> HP x [|n] ? HPQ x' [|n'] ????; auto.
apply HP, HPQ, uPred_weaken with x' (S n'); eauto using cmra_valid_le.
Global Instance sep_timeless P Q :
TimelessP P TimelessP Q TimelessP (P Q).
Global Instance sep_timeless P Q: TimelessP P TimelessP Q TimelessP (P Q).
intros ?? x [|n] Hvalid (x1&x2&Hx12&?&?); [done|].
destruct (cmra_extend_op 1 x x1 x2) as ([y1 y2]&Hx&Hy1&Hy2); auto; simpl in *.
exists y1, y2; split_ands; [by apply equiv_dist| |].
* cofe_subst x; apply timelessP; rewrite Hy1; eauto using cmra_valid_op_l.
* cofe_subst x; apply timelessP; rewrite Hy2; eauto using cmra_valid_op_r.
intros; rewrite /TimelessP later_sep; rewrite ->(timelessP P), (timelessP Q).
apply wand_elim_l',or_elim;apply wand_intro; auto.
apply wand_elim_r',or_elim;apply wand_intro; rewrite ?(commutative _ Q); auto.
Global Instance wand_timeless P Q : TimelessP Q TimelessP (P -★ Q).
intros ? x [|n] ? HPQ x' [|n'] ???; auto.
apply timelessP, HPQ, uPred_weaken with x' (S n');
rewrite !timelessP_spec=> HP x [|n] ? HPQ x' [|n'] ???; auto.
apply HP, HPQ, uPred_weaken with x' (S n');
eauto 3 using cmra_valid_le, cmra_valid_op_r.
Global Instance forall_timeless {A} (P : A uPred M) :
( x, TimelessP (P x)) TimelessP ( x, P x).
Proof. by intros ? x n ? HP a; apply timelessP. Qed.
Proof. by setoid_rewrite timelessP_spec=>HP x n ?? a; apply HP. Qed.
Global Instance exist_timeless {A} (P : A uPred M) :
( x, TimelessP (P x)) TimelessP ( x, P x).
Proof. by intros ? x [|n] ?; [|intros [a ?]; exists a; apply timelessP]. Qed.
by setoid_rewrite timelessP_spec=>HP x [|n] ?;
[|intros [a ?]; exists a; apply HP].
Global Instance always_timeless P : TimelessP P TimelessP ( P).
Proof. intros ? x n ??; simpl; apply timelessP; auto using cmra_unit_valid. Qed.
intros ?; rewrite /TimelessP.
by rewrite -always_const -!always_later -always_or; apply always_mono.
Global Instance eq_timeless {A : cofeT} (a b : A) :
Timeless a TimelessP (a b : uPred M)%I.
Proof. by intros ? x n ??; apply equiv_dist, timeless. Qed.
(** Timeless elements *)
Global Instance own_timeless (a: M): Timeless a TimelessP (uPred_own a).
Proof. by intro; apply timelessP_spec=> x n ??; apply equiv_dist, timeless. Qed.
Global Instance own_timeless (a : M): Timeless a TimelessP (uPred_own a).
by intros ? x n ??; apply cmra_included_includedN, cmra_timeless_included_l.
intro; apply timelessP_spec=> x [|n] ?? //; apply cmra_included_includedN,
cmra_timeless_included_l; eauto using cmra_valid_le.
End uPred_logic. End uPred.
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