PREREQUISITES ------------- This version is known to compile with: - Coq 8.4pl5 - SCons 2.0 - Ocaml 4.01.0 - GNU C preprocessor 4.7 BUILDING INSTRUCTIONS --------------------- Say "scons" to build the full library, or "scons some_module.vo" to just build some_module.vo (and its dependencies). In addition to common Make options like -j N and -k, SCons supports some useful options of its own, such as --debug=time, which displays the time spent executing individual build commands. scons -c replaces Make clean
Robbert Krebbers
The port makes the following notable changes: * The carrier types of separation algebras and integer environments are no longer in Set. Now they have a type at a fixed type level above Set. This both works better in 8.5 and makes the formalization more general. I have tried putting them at polymorphic type levels, but that increased the compilation time by an order of magnitude. * I am using a custom f_equal tactic written in Ltac to circumvent bug #4069. That bug has been fixed, so this custom tactic can be removed when the next beta of 8.5 is out.